Room Temperature, Earth's Field MASER

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Materials


The work we propose in this research is to construct a MASER that can work at room temperature and in the Earth's magnetic field.

The MASER (Microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation) is in fact the forerunner of the LASER and was discovered around 50 years ago by Townes, Basov, and Prokhorov who shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics for this work. A LASER can be thought of simply as MASER that works with higher frequency photons in the ultraviolet or visible light spectrum whereas a maser works at microwave frequencies. Both systems rely on a chemical species with an excited energy-level population being stimulated into lower energy levels, either by photons or collisions with other species. Photons are then emitted by the atom or molecule, in addition to the original photons that entered the system. The photons entering the system stimulate the emission of further photons of the same frequency, meaning that a strong beam of monochromatic radiation is produced.

Originally the laser was seen as a good idea looking for an application. They were made in small numbers and at one point the US government decreed that every laser should be stamped with a number for military and security purposes - an idea that soon lost its appeal when the market potential for the quantities of the devices became apparent. Today lasers are made in their billions and have found their way into applications in all sectors of industry from DVD players to laser eye surgery.

Masers on the other hand are used only in very specialised applications such as atomic clocks and as amplifiers in radiofrequency telescopes. Masers were responsible for the stunning images of the solar system sent by the Voyager spacecraft.

So why have masers not been widely applied? There are two key reasons. First masers need cryogenic temperatures and this means the use of either cryogenic liquids or special fridges. Second, they need high magnetic fields and this means the use of bulky magnets that need high power and usually cooling with water, if an electromagnet, or with helium, if a superconducting magnet.

This research is aimed at producing a maser that will operate at room temperature and in the earth's magnetic field. This is of course an extremely ambitious project but it is borne out of research in some of the materials that will be used in the project and these are the very high Q resonators. Work on high Q resonators has been carried out by the group for several years and now it appears that a solid state maser can be made using a high Q resonator and quite a low power. Our initial scouting experiments have shown that it is indeed possible to achieve masing at room temperature and earth's field in pulsed mode. The research that will be carried out will explore new materials that will miniaturise the maser and require very low power to achieve the threshold required for masing.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research?

As noted in the case for support, the laser is now a pervasive technology used in literally billions of electronic devices across all industrial sectors. But this was certainly not the case in the early development of the laser. The laser was originally regarded as a good idea looking for an application but its implementation was originally fraught with difficulties. What we hope to demonstrate in this proposal is to overcome the key barriers to implementation of a simple, low cost maser. Under these circumstances this proposal will lead to new avenues of research in the UK and elsewhere, it will generate interest from industry across several sectors and could reasonably be identified as a "world first".
It is most likely at industry will benefit in numerous ways. The realization of compact, low-power and thus affordable, particle accelerators for medical analysis, diagnosis and treatment based on the "PASER" (particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation) mechanism is likely. This would impact upon instrumentation development and industries involved in healthcare. It would of course, impact upon NHS costs. This would certainly offer the UK a good chance of early development and it may also offer an excellent chance of foreign direct investment in a nascent industry.
Low cost masers will benefit huge sections of the population as we expect the uses to spread across many sectors of industry and across the globe. The immediate beneficiaries will be the scientific and engineering communities engaged in academic research but we expect the industrial potential to follow relatively quickly so that in a 5 year timeframe we should see a Global understanding of the potential and in the 10 year timeframe an industrialisation of the concepts. Given the speed with which IT developments can be made, this timeframe may not be unrealistic.

How will they benefit from this research?

The simple answer is that the COST of masers will reduce dramatically - by many orders of magnitude as the complexity is reduced (no magnets and no cooling). The nest step will require industrial involvement in order to take the proof of principle to a higher technology readiness level. In the proposal we hope to be in a position to prepare the groundwork for this and by doing so we aim to attract industrial partners to takethe technology forward.
Description The maser was in fact the forerunner of the laser and works by stimulated emission of radiation but at microwave frequencies rather than optical frequencies. Because of their complexity in implementation, masers are used in only a few specialised applications, notably atomic clocks and amplifiers.

Low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are key components in a host of electronic devices and there is continual research aimed at improving their performance . Solid-state masers possess low residual noise temperatures, low intermodulation distortion and exhibit low 1/f noise8. The active material within a conventional solid-state maser is a dielectric crystal containing paramagnetic ions, e.g. ruby, that is maintained typically below 10 K and most often held in a strong magnetic field. The lowest-noise semiconductor-based amplifiers (HEMTs) operating at microwave frequencies exhibit a serious disadvantage in that when cooled, the residual noise temperature remains at a few kelvin . This has led to the introduction of SQUID-based devices which possess considerably lower noise temperature. With both HEMTs or SQUIDs, reaching milliKelvin noise temperatures requires sub-Kelvin refrigeration which is costly, inconvenient and bulky. The reason why conventional solid-state masers cannot be made to work at room temperature is well understood . The main problem is that the rate of spin-lattice relaxation increases extremely rapidly with the absolute (lattice) temperature T of the maser crystal. This leads to an increase in the microwave power required to saturate the maser's pump transition and the cooling power of the maser's refrigerator.
Exploitation Route Patents are currently being filed (4 have already been filed) and we aim to enter into discussions with industrial partners in the area of sensors and low noise amplifiers. MOD also expressing interest
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Security and Diplomacy

Description Nanoscale Advanced Materials Engineering
Amount £7,671,801 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V001914/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2021 
End 06/2026
Description Room Temperature Continuous-Wave Inorganic Maser
Amount £674,637 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S000798/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2018 
End 07/2022
Title A Light Source 
Description There is provided a light source arranged to output light at a first wavelength. The light source comprises a luminescent concentrator having a slab-shaped geometry. The luminescent concentrator comprises: an input port arranged to receive light and define a first area; an output port arranged to transmit light and define a second area which is smaller than the first area; and surfaces arranged to direct light inside the luminescent concentrator to the output port. The luminescent concentrator further comprises lumophores arranged to receive light at a second wavelength and emit light at the first wavelength; and a pump light supply coupled to the input port and arranged to illuminate the input port with light at the second wavelength. 
IP Reference US2017329065 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2017
Licensed No
Impact In progress
Description Apparatus (10) for establishing quantum oscillations at room temperature, the apparatus comprising: a cavity having a resonator structure therein, the resonator structure comprising a resonant element (18) and a gain medium (16), a species of the gain medium having an electronic spin multiplicity capable of supporting a two-level spin system; and optical pumping means (24) arranged to pump the resonator structure and thereby generate microwave output power through stimulated emission of thermal photons; wherein said species of the gain medium is of a sufficiently high concentration such as to have an ensemble spin-photon coupling rate which exceeds both the cavity mode decay rate and the spin-spin decoherence rate; and wherein the optical pumping means is configured to pump the resonator structure using a short pulse of nanosecond duration, or a burst of approximately a millisecond in duration at relatively low instantaneous optical power, to excite said species of the gain medium into a spin-polarized two-level system that exhibits quantum oscillations in the microwave output power. The outer casing (12) may be made from copper and has an inlet (20) for the pump beam (22) and an outlet (28) allowing coupling of the radiation into a transmission line (26).The resonance frequency of the resonator may be controlled with an adjustable top wall (13). A corresponding method for establishing quantum oscillations at room temperature is also provided. 
IP Reference WO2018051099 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2018
Licensed No
Impact In progress
Description A device for generating stimulated emission of microwave or radio frequency electromagnetic radiation, the device comprising: a resonator structure;an input source of microwave or radio frequency electromagnetic radiation to be amplified; and an input of energy arranged to pump the resonator structure and thereby cause amplification of the electromagnetic radiation; wherein the configuration of the resonator structure and/or the materials used in its construction give rise to an increase in the magnetic Purcell factor of the resonator structure. Corresponding methods for generating stimulated emission of microwave or radio frequency electromagnetic radiation are also provided. 
IP Reference WO2013175235 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2013
Licensed No
Impact . These breakthroughs have received significant global attention; the room temperature maser was recognised as one of the top 10 breakthroughs in 2012 by Physics World, celebrated for the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 20th Anniversary in 2014, presented to an international audience at the World Economic Forum by Professor Neil Alford in 2016 and exhibited at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition in 2017. (
Description Apparatus for achieving masing at room temperature, the apparatus comprising: a microwave cavity which exhibits a resonance of sufficiently high Q-factor for maser oscillation; a resonator structure comprising a masing medium located within a resonant element, wherein the masing medium comprises spin-defect centres, the resonator structure being disposed within the microwave cavity; means for applying a magnetic field across the masing medium; an input of microwave radiation to be amplified, the input of microwave radiation being coupled to the resonator structure; and means for optically pumping the masing medium and thereby causing stimulated emission of microwave photons; wherein the microwave cavity has an effective magnetic mode volume matching the volume of the masing medium. A corresponding method for producing masing at room temperature is also provided. 
IP Reference WO2019021002 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2019
Licensed No
Impact in progress
Description 51st International Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry ESR Group - Dr Jon Breeze invited talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The ESR Group was founded in 1968 as a forum within the Chemical Society for scientists to share, disseminate and promote knowledge about electron spin resonance. The main aim of the RSC ESR Group is to promote innovation, share and advance knowledge, and to encourage applications of electron spin resonance in chemistry, as well as in physical and biological sciences and their applications.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Google SciFoo Dr Jon Breeze invitation to participate 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact From its inception in 2006, Sci Foo has always been hosted at Google's famed headquarters: the Googleplex. However, for this year's event, a larger Google venue - the secretive "X" (formerly "Google X") - played host to more than 300 attendees, who made up the largest invite list in Sci Foo's history. The halls of X, home of many ambitious "moonshots" like self-driving cars and Internet balloons, served as an inspiring backdrop for Sci Foo attendees.

Sci Foo is not your traditional scientific conference. The schedule, which is sprinkled with keynotes, lightning talks, and meal times, is otherwise open to be filled up with "unconference" sessions that the attendees themselves organize and run. Attendees are free to rove from session-to-session, and choose whichever ones grab their curiosity. Unconference sessions are by their nature unconstrained and may take the form of discussions, debates, or lectures. But the most successful and exciting sessions are always the ones that demand interactivity, and active participation from attendees of diverse backgrounds.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies - Dr Jon Breeze invited talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The first 9 conferences in this biennial ICMAT series attracted more than 23,000 participants including 25 Nobel Laureates and hundreds of distinguished plenary & keynote speakers, in addition to thousands of invited speakers

The 10th conference had 45 technical symposia, 10 plenary lectures and several theme, keynote, invited, oral and poster presentations with the participation of 3,500 delegates internationally.

One of the largely participated conferences of its kind, each and every edition of this conference series remained as a premier scientific platform for both local and international materials scientists, engineers and technologists to share their expertise and knowledge.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Materials Research Exchange 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact MRE 2020 took place on 18th - 20th February 2020 at the Business Design Centre in London. The event provides a platform to develop the commercial success of UK-generated materials innovation by showcasing ground-breaking new materials and their manufacturing processes to industry with the goal of accelerating bringing these to a commercialisation stage.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Materials Research Society Boston Dr Jon Breeze invited talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact General dissemination of research
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Photonic and OptoElectronic Materials Conference (POEM 2019) - invited 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Photonic and OptoElectronic Materials Conference (POEM 2019) - invited + contributed paper from Ryan Bower (he also won the Best Student presentation award)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Royal Society Summer Exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact RSSE data

Students* Teachers Public Subtotal (public, schools and media)
2002 262 10,123 12,438 1,224 13,611

What is a MASER? We've all heard of LASERs - the acronym stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - that provide intense beams of light and represent a several billion-dollar industry. We use them everywhere from supermarket checkouts to CD players and eye surgery. But before the LASER, there was the MASER, where instead of visible light, microwaves were amplified. SoL for light and M for microwave The main difference is the frequency - our maser works at roughly the same frequency as your mobile phone 1.5 GHz.
What are they used for? Microwaves are used in communications, e.g. mobile phones and satellite networks and are good at getting information from A to B, even in challenging circumstances. And it doesn't get much more challenging than space. Yet with microwave technology, we can send images 225 million kilometers from Mars to Earth. We do this using MASERs, which take extremely weak signals and amplify them without adding noise.
What is the key advantage? It's all to do with signal to noise. Noise is the bane of electronic engineers. We see it on our TVs and hear it on our mobile phones and our radios. A maser can amplify the signal we want without adding noise. The images that were sent from the Rover on mars are transmitted using microwaves. These are picked up on Earth using a conventional maser that amplifies the miniscule signal (it's Attowatts 10-18 of a Watt) so that we can see the amazing images of Mars.
What's the big deal with your MASER?. The traditional masers need a magnetic field and need to be kept at cryogenic temperatures so they are bulky, costly and just too difficult - no prospect at all of mass production. Our maser doesn't need cooling and doesn't need a magnetic field and that means it can be miniaturised and mass produced.
What will it be used for? If we can amplify tiny signals and increase signal to noise then we can use them as very low noise amplifiers - these are found in all manner of electronic equipment but our noise floor is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than the best semiconductor (high electron mobility transistors) available today. So for example we would get better images in a MRI machine or clearer communications. Already we can foresee additional applications for the re-engineered maser that include more sensitive medical scanners; chemical sensors for remotely detecting explosives; advanced quantum computer components; and better radio astronomy devices for potentially detecting life on other planets.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description YouTube Video "The maser goes mainstream", produced by Nature with 160,000+ views 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Considerable press interest/radio interviews
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018