Wavelength tunable, pulsewidth selectable, repetition rate variable, fibre based infra red source

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Physics


Using either passive or active mode locking techniques, short pulses are generated in conventional laser systems with a repetition rate that is primarily determined by the round trip time of the cavity. In the vast majority of cases the physical size of the cavity components results in the repetition rate being in the 10s of Megahertz regime. It is often difficult to vary and if it is variable it generally involves a reconfiguration of the cavity. Similarly, the duration of the pulses produced by the mode locking technique are predetermined by the cavity parameters and are not readily selectable over large ranges. Optical filters can be placed in the cavity to restrict the bandwidth and so affect the temporal format of the generated pulses. However, inserting such filters usually requires a reoptimisation of the cavity and pulse widths cannot be continuously selected. This places considerable restriction on the versatility and applicability of conventional laser systems.
The configuration we propose employs a single pass technique. The repetition rate of the generated pulses is simply determined by the drive frequency to an in line phase modulator. In conjunction with a transmitting edge filter the signals are turned into a corresponding series of pulses. Since the input signal is also a continuously operating laser it can be easily tuned over the complete gain window of the seed laser. In order to achieve continuously selectable pulse widths from this assembly, use is made of the fact that they can be made operate in the soliton supporting region of an optical fibre. Here the nonlinear intensity dependent non linear effects can be balanced by anomalous dispersion. The generated soliton has a fixed "area". The product of intensity and duration is constant, consequently if the soliton can be amplified, and this must be undertaken adiabatically, such that no energy disperses from the soliton, its duration will decrease. The slow, exponential gain provided by Raman gain in an optical fibre is ideal for this slow adiabatic amplification. Control of the gain, simply allows control of the pulse duration and by simply changing the pump power the output pulse duration is continuously selectable over a large range.
We propose to seed the system from a narrow line thulium fibre laser and amplify in a specially designed high gain Raman amplifier fibre in an all fibre configuration that will allow average powers of up to 2 watts, pulse durations selectable between 20 picoseconds and 200 femtoseconds, at repetition rates between 5 and 10 GHz . Extension up to 20 GHz should be possible in the near term. Using additional follow on in fibre non linear optical processes should permit continuous tuning from 1950 nm to 2500 nm, providing unique performance characteristics in a region of importance for medical application and molecular fingerprinting.

Planned Impact

The unique characteristics of this proposed instrument should have potential economic impact . In the proposed work plan a key objective and deliverable at the end of this twelve month study is a fully operational fibre-integrated instrument that can be taken to potential commercial partners. The work is being undertaken in collaboration with two major international photonics based companies which could provide a direct route to commercial take up, however, in association with Imperial College Innovations and ensuring full protection of Imperial College's intellectual property right portfolio, the most suitable and beneficial conduit will be sought for the financial development of this instrument. This could and should involve other photonics based companies.
In addition to fostering collaborations with Industry, the group at Imperial College have always placed emphasis on the training of personnel, the open exchange of information and the promotion of public information and education. If successful in application, this project, like previous high impact research projects undertaken by the group, will be presented at the Imperial College Science Fair, which is open to the general public and press and has a record of high attendance figures. The exchange of people and information between the group and our industrial partners will foster transfer of skills and knowledge.
The more general impact on society is likely to come via the commercialization of this instrument. Likely applications areas are the production of tunable mid infra red generation using several different nonlinear techniques. The ability to either produce broad band radiation covering the so called molecular fingerprint region or the production of high average power targeted wavelengths within this wavelength range for differential absorption measurements in compact configurations could lead to applications in defence or security through for example gas detection or more generally in remote sensing of industrial by products.


10 25 50
Description Compact , efficient tunable sources of selectable pulse width and repetition rate at medium average powers, covering visible and near infra red wavelengths
Exploitation Route Potential commercialisation of sources.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Security and Diplomacy

Description EPSRC
Amount £0 (GBP)
Funding ID N/A 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description Collaboration on development of fibre integrated , frequency doubling ( poled opytical crystal) asemblies for visible generatiion 
Organisation Gooch & Housego
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Contribution to design and device configuration and operational requirements , damage threshold testing and device characterisation and lifetime testing
Collaborator Contribution Manufacture and fibre integration of overall packaged frequency doubling unit
Impact N/A
Start Year 2016