EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship Centre
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Sheffield
Department Name: Advanced Manufacturing Res Centre Boeing
This proposal aims to establish a pioneering EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship Centre, with the purpose of serving the UK's advanced manufacturing research community in selection, creation, management and growing a network of about 16 flexible term academic Fellowships spread across the seven HVM Catapult Centres (HVMC). These Fellowships will open new gates for all UK based academics to engage with the Catapult centres, and help implant new scientific ideas into the rich manufacturing base. EPSRC HVMC Fellowships would differ from the standard EPSRC fellowship schemes by offering a unique knowledge exchange network between the academia and the industry, through High Value Manufacturing Catapult centres.
The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre is uniquely positioned to lead and coordinate the centre's activities, with two well-established academic HVM Catapult Centres, AMRC with Boeing and Nuclear AMRC offering their groundbreaking model and experience in engaging academics with a strong industrial partnership base. The centre will be supported by all seven HVM Catapult Centres, and HVMC Chief Technology Officers will form the Steering Committee of the centre, and a part of EPSRC HVMC FC Forum. The fellowships will enable academic staff to spend 6-month research visits in either one or more HVM Catapult centres spread flexibly between 1-4 years.
The establishment of EPSRC HVMC FC will be strongly aligned with the following aspects of the EPSRC strategy:
- Key cross-cutting objective of Manufacturing the Future Challenge theme for 2011-2015 is to work in the UK Innovation Landscape by having joint strategy and investments with other key agencies in research funding and policy, and
- Key strategic goal for EPSRC for 2011-2015 is to deliver impact. HVM Catapults are ideally positioned to accelerate the implementation of university-led innovations and to promptly bridge current industrial needs with novel scientific knowledge.
In addition, a closer engagement of the UK academics with industrially led research centres will shape their novel research concepts into applicable technologies throughout high-value manufacturing sector.
The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre is uniquely positioned to lead and coordinate the centre's activities, with two well-established academic HVM Catapult Centres, AMRC with Boeing and Nuclear AMRC offering their groundbreaking model and experience in engaging academics with a strong industrial partnership base. The centre will be supported by all seven HVM Catapult Centres, and HVMC Chief Technology Officers will form the Steering Committee of the centre, and a part of EPSRC HVMC FC Forum. The fellowships will enable academic staff to spend 6-month research visits in either one or more HVM Catapult centres spread flexibly between 1-4 years.
The establishment of EPSRC HVMC FC will be strongly aligned with the following aspects of the EPSRC strategy:
- Key cross-cutting objective of Manufacturing the Future Challenge theme for 2011-2015 is to work in the UK Innovation Landscape by having joint strategy and investments with other key agencies in research funding and policy, and
- Key strategic goal for EPSRC for 2011-2015 is to deliver impact. HVM Catapults are ideally positioned to accelerate the implementation of university-led innovations and to promptly bridge current industrial needs with novel scientific knowledge.
In addition, a closer engagement of the UK academics with industrially led research centres will shape their novel research concepts into applicable technologies throughout high-value manufacturing sector.
Planned Impact
A nationally important benefit in establishing EPSRC HVMC Fellowship Centre will be in providing a scientific adhesive for Catapult Centres and fostering exchange of knowledge on the level of fundamental science oriented towards growth of UK's economy. This will introduce a whole new paradigm shift in the way that many academics still think about their research, and will encourage both experienced and young academics to develop a sense of importance for genuine impact and innovative contribution to the industrial base. Further, it will serve as the catalyst for other similar initiatives, and the model for other recently established Catapults. Finally, it is expected that this centre will encourage the industrial base to engage with academics through Catapult centres by funding their research directly in the future.
The core team are members and fellows of major national bodies in the close proximity of manufacturing R&D. Hodzic's public engagements involve being Chair of Meetings Committee of British Composites Society, where she is responsible for organisation/facilitation of BCS events throughout UK. She is also a Committee Member of AMSTAC, Aerospace Division of IMechE, where she organises at least one event in the field of aerospace/automotive manufacturing each year. Also, she organised and co-chaired the past three international conferences in the series of Deformation and Fracture of Composites and Structural Integrity, and an example of such cross-Catapult interaction with the academic base was evident in the excellent feedback from AMRC and NCC jointly led session in April this year. Turner has a prominent position in the manufacturing community, and he attracts a large industrial community to the numerous events at AMRC. Through his organisational engagement, AMRC NAMTEC (National Metals Technology Centre) will be able to distribute all relevant information on the fellowship centre's research progress through relevant and diverse events in the field of manufacturing R&D. Further, this level of exposure and public engagement is also mirrored in all HVMC centres, and the impact will be fully transferred across the relevant fields of research.
The collective membership body of all HVMC centres is enormous and encompasses the whole of UK's (and international) manufacturing base. The seven catapult centres are set up as high manufacturing readiness level research gateways to cross the 'valley of death' between more fundamental R&D and the industrial implementation. However, they have multiple functions, also including the opportunities for direct engagement, integration of the national manufacturing base, acceleration of know-how and impact across the whole pyramid of organisations, and effectively informing public bodies about the industrial needs and the future strategic directions.
All members of HVMC have provided their strong support in the direction of establishing EPSRC HVMC Fellowship Centre.
The core team are members and fellows of major national bodies in the close proximity of manufacturing R&D. Hodzic's public engagements involve being Chair of Meetings Committee of British Composites Society, where she is responsible for organisation/facilitation of BCS events throughout UK. She is also a Committee Member of AMSTAC, Aerospace Division of IMechE, where she organises at least one event in the field of aerospace/automotive manufacturing each year. Also, she organised and co-chaired the past three international conferences in the series of Deformation and Fracture of Composites and Structural Integrity, and an example of such cross-Catapult interaction with the academic base was evident in the excellent feedback from AMRC and NCC jointly led session in April this year. Turner has a prominent position in the manufacturing community, and he attracts a large industrial community to the numerous events at AMRC. Through his organisational engagement, AMRC NAMTEC (National Metals Technology Centre) will be able to distribute all relevant information on the fellowship centre's research progress through relevant and diverse events in the field of manufacturing R&D. Further, this level of exposure and public engagement is also mirrored in all HVMC centres, and the impact will be fully transferred across the relevant fields of research.
The collective membership body of all HVMC centres is enormous and encompasses the whole of UK's (and international) manufacturing base. The seven catapult centres are set up as high manufacturing readiness level research gateways to cross the 'valley of death' between more fundamental R&D and the industrial implementation. However, they have multiple functions, also including the opportunities for direct engagement, integration of the national manufacturing base, acceleration of know-how and impact across the whole pyramid of organisations, and effectively informing public bodies about the industrial needs and the future strategic directions.
All members of HVMC have provided their strong support in the direction of establishing EPSRC HVMC Fellowship Centre.

Al-Hamdani K
Cold sprayed metal-ceramic coatings using satellited powders
in Materials Letters

Chalker P
(Invited) Vacuum Ultraviolet Photochemical Atomic Layer Deposition of Alumina and Titania Films
in ECS Transactions

Chalker P
Vacuum ultraviolet photochemical selective area atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 dielectrics
in AIP Advances

Dhiman S
Influence of binder configuration on 3D woven composites
in Composite Structures

Elibiary A
Fully 3D printed GPS Antenna using a Low-cost Open-source 3D Printer

Gu C
A D-Band 3D-Printed Antenna
in IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology

Hyde C.J.
On the use of X-ray computed tomography for monitoring the failure of an Inconel 718 two-bar specimen manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
in Solid Freeform Fabrication 2017: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2017

Islam M.H.
Pseudo-ductile composites with micro-wrapped hybrid tow
in 33rd Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2018

Jun S
Liquid Sensor/Detector Using an EBG Structure
in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Jun S
Investigation of Antennas Integrated Into Disposable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Description | This grant was awarded to facilitate transfer and scale up of EPSRC funded research in universities into the High Value Manufacturing Catapult and then onto UK industry. The objective was to transfer knowledge, scale up technology and instigate new grant funded and industrial funded opportunities relating to the research of the 17 fellows funded through the grant. The researchers are from a range of UK universities and have established links and relationships with the appropriate High Value Manufacturing Catapult Centres where links did not exist before. The third round of fellowships were only confirmed at the start of 2016 and the the first round of fellowships are around half way through their 4 year term at the time of writing so the programme is still in its relative early stages. The scheme has been viewed as a successful means of strengthening links between the HVMC and a wider academic base. There have been a number of publications and funding applications from the fellows, some of which are still under review. Funding has been awarded as a result of the fellowships from IUK, ATI and AMSCI which has enabled the research to be scaled up through the Technology Readiness Levels to a point where some project have received direct industry funding and exploitation. Follow on funding awarded includes: 1. ATI-Innovate UK funding 'Breakthrough Advanced Materials': £100k (2016-19) (NCC) 2. AMSCII funding with Sigma composites : £270k (2015-18) (NCC) 3. Innovate UK funding with Riversimple Ltd for automotive chassis: £125k (2016-17) (NCC) 4. Innovate UK funding with MTT on Virtual Machine Tools £500k 2015-18 (AMRC) Internal projects have been initiated within the HVMC centres with industrial partners as a result of the fellowships. These include projects on microwave cure and machine tool metrology at the AMRC. In total to date we have achieved the following outcomes: 18 EPSRC Fellows appointed and actively engaged with the HVMC centres ? >200 interactions between the Fellows and HVMC industrial partners ? > 30 HVMC /industry projects receiving direct input from the Fellows ? >25 peer reviewed journal papers created and published ? >50 conference papers delivered (including a session dedicated solely to the collaborative activities at the EPSRC 'Manufacturing the Future' event) ? 10 new PhD's /EngD's now supporting EPSRC and HVM Catapult projects ? Several successful joint grant applications (with industrial partners) to EPSRC and IUK |
Exploitation Route | The outcomes of the funded fellowship projects will be advanced through follow on funding and industrial demonstration with the HVMC and ultimately industrial exploitation. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Agriculture Food and Drink Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Transport |
Description | The primary impact of the award is the creation of a platform for academic research to mature and progress through the HVM Catapult centres. The pipeline of research has led to successful follow on IUK and EPSRC grant applications including the following: I.D No Researcher Grant Title Funding Body 1 Daniel Bracewell Future Targeted Healthcare Manufacturing Hub (CPI partnering enabled via the EPSRC Fellow) EPSRC 2 Paul Chalker Manufacturing with Light 2: photochemical ALD to manufacture functional thin films EPSRC 3 Paul Chalker An in-situ LEIS facility for atomic-scale assembly manufacturing research EPSRC 4 Andrew Longstaff Modular Machine Tool and Process Simulator for Precision Machining IUK 5 Andrew Longstaff Metrology and Digital Manufacturing for Servitisation of Manufacturing Machines IUK 6 Sundar Marimuthu Flexible and Reconfigurable Laser Processing Tool EPSRC 7 Sundar Marimuthu Material Processing using Laser Induced Droplet Vaporization EPSRC 8 Jorn Mehnen Design for Industry 4.0 IUK 9 Nick Warrior Composite Reinforced Tubular Components IUK . The success of this grant has led to the launch of the cross Research Council and cross Catapult Researchers in Residence programme. |
First Year Of Impact | 2017 |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Impact Types | Economic Policy & public services |
Description | Virtual Machine |
Amount | £500,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Innovate UK |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2015 |
End | 05/2018 |