Driving UK HPC enabled science and innovation through US collaborations

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Earth Science and Engineering


The network aims to increase the competitiveness of UK high performance computing (HPC) enabled science and innovation by improve the UK's community's engagement with US HPC community. Objectives include establishing links with the coordinators of key HPC focused US networks and programs, including: XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment); INCITE (Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment); and CASC (Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation). The network will identify opportunities for international collaboration in form of: collaborative research projects, particularly those with Open Source and Open Innovation components; access to leading supercomputing resources; and training programs. This can be done efficiently through SC'13 (Supercomputing Conference 2013) which is the top HPC event of the year; and will be attended by all the key institutes and industries involved in HPC. The network will also offer a significant number of travel awards to SC'13 with an emphasis on supporting early career researchers. Subsequently, the network will focus on raising awareness among the UK HPC community of the opportunities available for collaboration with the US. This will be done continuously through the use of social media. In addition, a UK workshop will be organised in the UK to bring together UK academia, industry and invited speakers from the US to disseminate lessons learned and develop opportunities.

Planned Impact

The central theme of this network proposal is generating scientific and economic impact from UK HPC enabled science and innovation through US collaborations. This is articulated both in the network's objectives and the proposed actions.

Metrics by which the success of this network can be quantified include:
1) Diversity and degree of industrial engagement at UK workshop.
2) Number of new academic (including national laboratory) collaborations.
3) Number of new industrial sponsorship's, collaborations or partnerships.
4) Increase in UK applications to US XSEDE/INCITE programs.
4) Increase in UK research proposal with US partners or vise versa.


10 25 50
Description The EPSRC UK-USA HPC network funded 10, primarily early career, researchers to attend Supercomputing Conference (SC13) in Denver Colorado. This proven to be a popular initiative - we received 21 applications although the funding call was only advertised for two weeks. As detailed in our post-SC13 report this was found to be highly successful in creating new collaborations and professional relationships between the UK and USA. The network also catalyzed cooperation between CASC and the UK HPC-SIG. This has the potential to a unified network of across supercomputing centers at universities across the UK and USA.
Exploitation Route Academics who relay upon computational science and high performance computing to enable their researcher will be interested in this network. High quality software for science and engineering can require significant investment and interdisciplinary expertise to develop. To achieve efficiency and sustainability it is critical to tap into the wider community to make full and effective use of the best software and hardware technologies available. Collaboration with the US will encourage UK researchers to take a wider view of the technologies available, for example: use or joint development of open source components; access to other HPC resources; and joint scientific discovery and innovation.
UK industry has also a lot to gain. It will open up a much wider range of expertise and technologies to drive business and innovation. The network will also help disseminate examples of best practice in translating academic research into economic and societal impact.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Democracy and Justice


including Industrial Biotechology

Security and Diplomacy

URL http://ukusahpc.blogspot.co.uk
Description It resulted in strong links between the UK HPC-SIG and the Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation in the USA.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Construction,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Electronics,Energy,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Security and Diplomacy,Transport,Other
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description CASC 
Organisation Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We facilitated the networking between the UK HPC-SIG and the corresponding organization in the USA - CASC (http://casc.org/)
Collaborator Contribution Funded travel for networking. Met with leaders from both organizations to foster a relationship with continues to today.
Impact Knowledge exchange relating to e-infrastructure and HPC.
Start Year 2014