Laser-induced nucleation for crystallisation of high-value materials in continuous manufacturing processes

Lead Research Organisation: University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Chemical and Process Engineering


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Description Short pulses of high power laser light can be used as an external field to induce rapid birth of crystals of various compounds from solutions. We discovered that nanofiltration of such solutions can effectively suppress this effect. This shows that laser-induced nucleation is not just about an interaction of molecules to be crystallised with the laser light but requires additional ingredients that can be removed by nanofiltration.
Exploitation Route Our findings will pave way to further discoveries of what ingredients are necessary for laser-induced nucleation. As we can selectively remove them, it should be possible to identify them and also possibly add them at will to further speed up nucleation and make it better controlled, e.g., for improved manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals. There is a paper reporting our results submitted for publication.
Sectors Chemicals




including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology