MyLifeHub: An interoperability hub for aggregating lifelogging data from heterogeneous sensors and its applications in ophthalmic care

Lead Research Organisation: University of Lincoln
Department Name: School of Computer Science


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Description By working with MyHealthAvatar, we have already made the following key achievements:

The project provides a unique platform that empowers normal citizens in terms of supporting their life management and healthy lifestyles. Whereas in the past, the so-called 'grey area' patients with potential problems in health were not looked after by the health care system. As a citizen oriented platform, the platform provides services to the general public that help them identify and manage their risk of developing diseases. It is a perfect complement to the health care system. It offers a one-stop service for citizens in terms of data collection, and self-management services, such as monitor, record, and education. The system supports the storage of the behaviours and daily activities of citizen. It functions as a supportive environment to empower normal citizens in looking after their own health, raising their self-awareness of any potential risk of developing diseases while encouraging their healthy lifestyles in terms of doing routine daily exercise, stopping smoking and controlling their diet. In addition, we have incorporated tailored services, such as quality of life assessment ophthalmic care, which is used by the users access the impact of visual impairment to their life.

Through this research funded project, we have developed an intelligent visual data analysis suite to support lifelogging data analysis collected from heterogeneous wearable sensors or mobile apps, to build Quality of Life (QoL) profiles of individuals, and to assess the impact of visual impairment on the QoL both in general health and vision specific terms. There are three new knowledge generated, which includes:

• Develop a novel multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP) hidden Markov model (HMM) as a supervised learning technique to predict human daily active states and monitor behaviour pattern from sequential life-logging data. We demonstrate that the new method performs accurately and effectively over range of sensor limitations and provides competitive results compared to one of the-state-of-art classifiers, with better generality and potential in healthcare setting. Some of this work has been recently presented in IASTED biomedical engineering conference 2016, at Austria. A full paper submitted to Artificial Intelligent in Medicine is currently under review.

• Transform a high-dimensional feature space into a new low-dimensional discrete class space using MOGP to construct an effective emission matrix for HMM model. The compact HMM helps improving the overall sequential learning performance.

• Model people's semantic behaviour in a semi-supervised learning scenario using a novel differential evolution hidden Markov model (DEHMM). Wearable sensors are used to collect people's daily activities (i.e. time, location, categories), which are then formatted in a sequential manner in hourly basis. The differential evolution, an evolutionary parametric optimisation technique, is employed to search for a (~close) global optima compared to the conventional expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm, to improve the performance.

The technology developed in this project can make significant contribution to the following areas:

• Assess the effectiveness of ophthalmic patient treatment by semi-automatically respond to Quality of Life (QOL) related questionnaires both in general health and vision specific terms with more reliability and validity. In the current ophthalmic clinical practice, a variety of responsive measures for quantifying functional impairment related to vision are used. The measures include questionnaires referring to a broad range of physical, social and psychological aspects, such as, VF-14, SF-12. The intelligent data analysis suite can overcome the limitations caused by the written questionnaires and provide a fast and accurate assessment of QoL. Examples include automated prediction of overall daily active scores and assessing night driving capability using sequential lifelogging data, such as walking steps, travel duration, distance. This will enable ophthalmologists to carry out reliable assessment of the QoL of eye patients, resulting in useful measures for the impact of eye diseases and for the effectiveness of treatments.

• Monitor individual's behaviour patterns (e.g. the level of physical and social activities before and after treatment) using daily activities data and diet, sleep, mood, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc, enhancing self-awareness in health and encouraging positive attitudes towards lifestyles.

• We also expect new research and outcomes from QoL assessment using lifelogging data, which will promote a high level of interest in healthcare research.

During the lifetime of the project development, we have built a strong cross-disciplinary network with our academic partner, University of Bedfordshire, and Moorfields Eye Hospital, who provide key clinical input to the project from the perspective of ophthalmic care. The outcome of the project will be evaluated by the end users. MEH is currently recruiting 50 participants in either a single visit or number of visits over the course of up to 3 month. This will allow us to assess the transformational impact of the advanced technologies in real world terms.

The following is a clinical study to assess the outcomes of the MyHealthAvatar app developed within the scope of this project.

A mobile phone app for reducing prolonged sedentary behaviour in Type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled feasibility study

This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a self-regulation mobile phone app for reducing prolonged sedentary behaviour in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Twenty people with T2DM (age 55.0±7.1 years, body mass index 31.3±5.9 kg/m2, nine males) were recruited and randomised to an 8-week intervention or control condition. The app has the potential to reduce prolonged sedentary behaviour and improve cardiometabolic risk in individuals with T2DM.
Exploitation Route The project results /key findings have been taken forward (disseminated) through both academic and non-academic routes, including:

a) Some of the key techniques findings have been presented in the international Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Biomedical Engineering Conference, in February 2016.

b) Through our NHS partner, Moorfields eyes hospital, 50 participants will be recruited in either a single visit or number of visits over the course of up to 3 months. Participants who take devices (sensors) away from the hospital setting for self-use and will be invited back to return the devices so that the health data collated over the 3 month period can be extracted and analysed using the technology developed associated with this award.

c) The technique findings discovered in this project has also been integrated into our newly developed MyHealthAvatar platform, which is funded by European 7th Framework. MyHealthAvatar aims at solutions for the access, collection and sharing of long term and consistent personal health status through an integrated representation of "digital patient" (to build up the entire concept of "digital patient" and provide solutions). The entire system can keep users well informed about their daily activities, diet, sleep, mood, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc. estimating/predicting overall daily active scoring, assessing the effectiveness of ophthalmic patient treatment by semi-automatically respond to Quality of Life (QOL) related questionnaires both in general health and vision specific terms with more reliability and validity, and monitoring individual's behaviour pattern, leading to enhancing self-awareness in health and encouraging positive attitudes towards lifestyles.

Also, through our project partner, the University of Bedfordshire, a number of new research proposals or ideas have been put forward, which will make use of the platform. A brief summary of these proposals and ideas is given as follows:
• For peer-support: The success of diabetes management depends on the ability of patients with diabetes to successfully sustain effective self-management behaviours, taking prescribed medications, following diet and exercise regimens, self-monitoring, and coping emotionally with the rigors of living with diabetes. MyLifeHub has been designed with inherent features to support self-management. A research proposal has been put forward to extend and evaluate the platform with respect to its capacity to support peer education among the communities for diabetes care.

• For patients with memory problems: To help patients which start to have early sign of memory problems, doctors from memory clinics often help them with hints about their past experience with a purpose of stimulating their own memory. Since MyLieHub records the daily activities of individuals without requiring much of their efforts, it is seen potentially as an ideal tool used by the doctors and patients for the treatment of memory problems. Currently through the collaborator we are seeking a trial of the system by the patients in memory clinics.

• For sport science: Research in sports science is interested in exploring the correlations between the activities and health (i.e. measured according to bio measures such as glucose, blood pressure). MyLifeHub may play such a role to support this research.

• For Africa: To further exploit the outcome of this project, through our contacts in Nigeria, we have sent letters to the ministry of Health and Executive Governor for the expression of interest to conduct a short-term (12 months) feasibility study within a selected health organization in Nigeria, aiming at transferring the developed technologies to African countries in support of their local healthcare systems.

- Study for eye patients at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. The aim of the clinical study includes:

Study 1. Adherence with topical glaucoma medications in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension and effects of device interventions.
Study 2. Investigating the representativeness of a single clinic-based tonometry measurement of the intraocular pressure profile as measured with self-tonometry throughout the day.
Study 3: The relationship between activity, intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure in patients with pigment dispersion syndrome and pigmentary glaucoma.

- Diabetic study.
This study will assess the feasibility of using the MyHealthAvatar mobile phone application to reduce prolonged sedentary behaviour and improve glucose control in Type 2 diabetes. Capability, opportunity, and motivation (COM-B) to reduce prolonged sedentary behaviour and monitor glucose levels will be assessed in addition to impact on cardiometabolic risk markers.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description MyLifeHub attempts with a focus on the interoperability of the latest internet of things (IoT) assets, aiming at a common, interoperable and internet-based environment for long-term lifestyle information for individuals. The system keeps users well informed about their daily activities, diet, sleep, mood, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc., enhancing self-awareness in health and encouraging positive attitudes towards lifestyles. Data sharing among different users is enabled to allow for experience exchange and to build healthcare social-networks among users. It features new techniques enabling simultaneously and long-term capturing the behaviour of individual citizens and patients, allowing for a constant monitoring of their behaviours. It is utilized as a platform to assess the impact of visual impairment on the Quality of Life (QoL) of ophthalmic patients both in general health terms and in vision specific terms. The outcome of MyLifeHub is currently being evaluated by our clinical collaborator, Moorfields Eye Hospital (MEH) who is the largest eye hospital in the world, allowing for the assessment and forecast of the transformational impact of the IoT technologies in real world terms. Therefore, there is a strong partnership between the academia and healthcare professionals. Visual impairment imposes a great social and economic burden on individuals and society. MyLifeHub aims to develop a computing platform to build QoL profiles of individuals with increased reliability and validity by constantly monitoring their lifelogging data using IoT and intelligent data analysis technologies. This research aims at impact not only in ophthalmic care, but also in general healthcare by bring fundamental transform to healthcare, allowing for individualised risk prediction and treatment and raising self-awareness in health and encouraging positive attitudes towards healthy lifestyles. MyLifeHub has huge implications for patient self-monitoring healthcare in the UK, as it has the potential to change the way in which traditional healthcare is undertaken. The acceptance of this system by general research communities, hospitals and clinics will open opportunities for many hospital sectors, leading to reinforced synergy and leadership of the UK universities. The project is collaborating with our 3-year European project under 7th Framework called MyHealthAvata, which aims at solutions for the access, collection and sharing of long term and consistent personal health status through an integrated representation of "digital patient" in silico environment, allowing for the delivery of clinical analysis, prediction, prevention and treatment tailored to individual citizens. The platform is currently undergoing a clinical trial organised by MEH. Acquiring patient-based data for QoL assessment and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) have been increasingly adopted as an important measure to estimate the impact of eye disease and to assess the effectiveness of ophthalmic treatment, for either individuals or groups of patients. This allows for comparison with other available alternatives, prioritisation and allocation of resource in ophthalmic care. This clinical study will examine 50 participants in either a single visit or number of visits over the course of up to 3 months. Participants who take devices away from the hospital setting for self-use will be invited back to return the devices so that the health data collated over the 3 month period can be analyzed using the technology developed associated with this award. The aim of the clinical study includes • To assess feasibility of application of novel visual function and ophthalmic disease monitoring technologies in patients and ophthalmic care professionals • To assess the impact of visual impairment on the Quality of Life of ophthalmic patients both in general health and vision specific terms. • To track the level of physical and social activities before and after eye surgery Self-reported activity and compliance data by patient including: • Behavioural measurements. • Patient-reported outcome and experience measures. • Visual function measurements. • Clinical measures such as intraocular pressure. The study consists of 3 methods of recruitment, by which a total of 50 participants will be recruited. The following sites will be recruiting: Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Bedford) and Addenbrooke's Hospital at Cambridge. Participants are recruited from sub-specialty clinics (Oculoplastics, Glaucoma, Cataract, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Diabetic), and also from healthy volunteers (members of staff and from professional bodies) who will be invited along with patients from clinics to participate in Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) focus groups. During these PPI focus groups, participants will be invited to test, use or wear the selected technology from the sensors and devices. The technology used will then be correlated with appropriate Visual Functioning questionnaires. All completed questionnaires will be in a paper format and kept in the Investigator Site File, whereby the results will be transposed into a digital format. Participants will be given the specific devices for up to 3 months to wear and use. Depending on the nature of the participants visit to the Hospitals, they will then be asked to return for one or more extra visits. This will be timed for when a planned follow up appointment is booked; for example a Post-operative Cataract visit at 6 weeks, or Glaucoma follow up appointment. On site visits/ support to research doctor/nurse are also provided during patient recruitment for MyHealthAvatar/MyLifeHub (MHA) platform clinical study at Moorfields Eye Centre at Bedford and Addenbrooke's Hospital at Cambridge, demonstrated MHA platform, help setting up MHA in hospital, synchronizing platform with wearable sensors, registering user account. Feedback will be collated and assessed to see relevance of which form of technology is most helpful going forwards and what changes to existing software is needed to make it more clinically and patient friendly. Participants will be able to download the advanced new apps in order for their data to be submitted and tracked. The information from the tracking, such as heart rate, blood pressure amongst other forms of data that is generated will be extracted and analyzed using the technology developed associated with this award. MyLifeHub has been integrated into our newly developed MyHealthAvatar platform, which has currently been under a trial by about 200 (healthy) participants European-wide. A number of workshops have been organised for the platform and technologies to be tried by the end users. We fully recognise that the best way of convincing the public to adopt the technology is to provide them with an opportunity to try it and see what performance benefits and the adoption of the project outcomes can bring. The platform is available at The app is available from the Google Play Store for free download and unlimited trial. Working together with our project partners, the technology/platform has been presented / demonstrated in a number of external and internal events, including the Joint UoL/ULHT Research Symposium in 2019, conferences and workshops (i.e. the 12th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed), February, 2016, at Austria; Medical image understanding and analysis (MIUA) conference organized by Lincoln in July 2015; ICT 2015, Lisbon, 20-10-2015 4 multi-part paper based evaluations, converted into David's digital version; the early diagnosis innovation workshop organized by CRUK in December, 2015; visits in Lincoln Hospital). Members of the team also conducted talks and workshops during lectures, research seminars and practical sessions to engage the students /researchers from a varying range of courses and disciplines.
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Healthcare
Impact Types Societal


Description CRUK early diagnosis innovation workshop
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cancer Research UK 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2016 
End 04/2017
Description A novel multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP) hidden Markov model (HMM) to predict human daily active states from sequential life-logging data collected from different sources including wearable sensors, mobile apps. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The new method performs accurately and effectively over range of sensor limitations and provides competitive results compared to one of the-state-of-art classifiers, with better generality and potential in healthcare setting. The technique can be used to assess the effectiveness of ophthalmic patient treatment by semi-automatically respond to Quality of Life (QOL) related questionnaires both in general health and vision specific terms with more reliability and validity, and to monitor individual's behaviour patterns (e.g. the level of physical and social activities before and after treatment) using daily activities data 
Description Collaboration with iManageCancer 
Organisation iManageCancer
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution IManageCancer is a H2020 project offering services to support self-management in cancer care. MyLifeHub will be integrated into the architecture of the iManageCancer platform to support the lifestyle and physical activities of the cancer patients.
Collaborator Contribution The iManageCancer platform will utilise and hence promote the outcome of MyLifeHub.
Impact The MyLifeHub platform will be integrated into the IManageCancer platform
Start Year 2015
Description Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension Study at Hinchingbrooke Hospital 
Organisation Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The platform is currently undergoing a small clinical trial organised by the eye clinic unit at Hinchingbrooke Hospital to see the impact of technology on the treatment of eye patients. We have contributed to the technology development of the MyLifeHub platform (including app).
Collaborator Contribution This clinical study will examine a small number of participants in either a single visit or number of visits. The aim of the clinical study is to see the impact of technology on the treatment of eye patients, which includes Study 1. Adherence with topical glaucoma medications in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension and effects of MyLifeHub app interventions. Study 2: The relationship between physical activity, intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure in patients with pigment dispersion syndrome and pigmentary glaucoma.
Impact We expect some publications and further clinical studies.
Start Year 2017
Description Low Vision Study at Kingston Hospitals 
Organisation Kingston General Hospital
Country Canada 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The MyLifeHub platform is used to detect the quality of life change of patients with low vision. We have contributed to the technique development of the platform (including app).
Collaborator Contribution The clinical partner is organising small trials participated by a number of patients with low vision.
Impact We expect some publications and further clinical studies.
Start Year 2017
Description MyLifeHub for Healthcare Research in Diabetes 
Organisation London Road Health Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The clinical partners are using the MyLifeHub app (platform) to evaluate the impact of the technologies in diabetes self-management. We have contributed to the technology development of the MyLifeHub platform (including app).
Collaborator Contribution The clinical partners are using the MyLifeHub app (platform) to evaluate the impact of the technologies in diabetes self-management.
Impact We expect joint publications and further large scale clinical trials.
Start Year 2017
Description MyLifeHub for Healthcare Research in Diabetes 
Organisation Putnoe Medical Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The clinical partners are using the MyLifeHub app (platform) to evaluate the impact of the technologies in diabetes self-management. We have contributed to the technology development of the MyLifeHub platform (including app).
Collaborator Contribution The clinical partners are using the MyLifeHub app (platform) to evaluate the impact of the technologies in diabetes self-management.
Impact We expect joint publications and further large scale clinical trials.
Start Year 2017
Description MyLifeHub for Healthcare Research in Diabetes 
Organisation Queens Park Group Surgery
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The clinical partners are using the MyLifeHub app (platform) to evaluate the impact of the technologies in diabetes self-management. We have contributed to the technology development of the MyLifeHub platform (including app).
Collaborator Contribution The clinical partners are using the MyLifeHub app (platform) to evaluate the impact of the technologies in diabetes self-management.
Impact We expect joint publications and further large scale clinical trials.
Start Year 2017
Description MyLifeHub for eyelid related surgery at Bedford Hospital (Moorfields Eye Centre) 
Organisation Bedford Hospital
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The clinical partners will use the MHA/MyLifeHub platform to evaluate the impact of the technologies for patients with surgery on eye-related conditions (e.g. Age-related macular degeneration, Diabetic retinopathy, Glaucoma, Cataract, Eyelid related conditions) on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and quality of life . The technical partners within this project created the platform/app, and will then analyse the date being collected. Over the past years, we have provided a number of onsite support to research doctor/nurse during patient recruitment at Moorfields Eye Centre at Bedford and Addenbrooke's Hospital at Cambridge, demonstrated MyLifeHub platform, help setting up platform in hospital, synchronizing platform with wearable sensors, registering user account,improvement of MHA app with new functionalities (e.g. Color Blind test, eye drop alarm, user-friendly questionnaire), analysing data. The recruitment includes ophthalmic patients attending outpatient clinic or surgical theatre for treatment. So far we have successfully collected a number of patient data from the platform, the preliminary results using our data analysis technique look promising. We are drafting a clinical paper for this study with Moorfields Eye Hospital.
Collaborator Contribution The clinical partners is currently using the MyLifeHub app to collect patient data on site and has organised a few clinical assessments to the technologies.
Impact clinical publications and larger scale of future trials are expected.
Start Year 2017
Description MyLifeHub for healthcare research in frailty 
Organisation University of Bedfordshire
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The idea is to use the MyLifeHub app as a way to collect patient information in order to detect early signs of frailty.
Collaborator Contribution We expect two MSc students (MSc by Research) from the partner to work on this topic.
Impact no direct outcome yet
Start Year 2016
Title MyHealthAvatar - mobile app for Diabetes Care 
Description A mobile app for diabetic care, which links to MyHealthAvatar platform 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact The app is evalulated by three GP clinics in Bedford 
Title MyHealthAvatar - mobile app for Eye Care 
Description A mobile app for eye patients, which links to MyHealthAvatar platform 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact The app is evaluated by eye patients at Moorfields Eye Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital. 
Title MyHealthAvatar/MyLifeHub 
Description The platform is to build up the entire concept of "digital patient". The entire system can keep users well informed about their daily activities, diet, sleep, mood, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc. estimating/predicting overall daily active scoring, assessing the effectiveness of ophthalmic patient treatment by semi-automatically respond to Quality of Life (QOL) related questionnaires both in general health and vision specific terms, leading to enhancing self-awareness in health and encouraging positive attitudes towards lifestyles. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact the platform has currently been under a trial by about 200 participants European-wide. Moorfields Eye Hospital is currently recruiting 50 participants in either a single visit or number of visits over the course of up to 3 month. This will allow us to assess the transformational impact of the advanced technologies in real world terms. 
Description Demonstration at Lincoln County Hospital 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact exploit the outcome of the project to other areas of healthcare, such as personalized pregnancy care in term of nutrition, exercises, lifestyles, where the platform will be tailored for self-management of maternal health.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Demonstration at early diagnosis innovation workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This is early diagnosis innovation workshop organised by CRUK. During this workshop, the platform was demonstrated intending to promote and encourage people from different background (such as patient, GP, research scientist, clinician) to use the platform. It received good interests and sparked questions and discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Demonstration at the Moorfields Eye Hospital 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact During the visit, we have demonstrated the platform to the eye doctors and also discussed on the recruitment of patient groups to evaluate the platform.

Acquiring patient-based data for QoL assessment and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) has been increasingly adopted as an important measure to estimate the impact of eye disease and to assess the effectiveness of ophthalmic treatment, for either individuals or groups of patients. 50 participants including those in clinic and theatre, to healthy volunteers (consisting of staff and members from professional bodies) will be recruited in either a single visit or number of visits over the course of up to 3 months. Data collated over the 3 month period will be extracted and analyzed through the platform.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Present at the 12th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Our work on Life-logging Data Analysis using Hybrid HMM was presented in the conference, which received great interests from the audience, and sparked questions and discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Presentation at Joint UoL/ULHT Research Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation and demonstration of MyLifeHub technique and platform
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation at MIUA 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation and demonstration of MyLifeHub technique and platform, which received great interests from the audience, and sparked questions and discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Presentation at MIUA 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation and demonstration of MyLifeHub technique and platform, which received great interests from the audience
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation at research seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation and demonstration of MyLifeHub technique and platform, which received great interests from the audience, with a further discussion on how to adapt the framework for musculoskeletal disorder diagnosis and rehabilitation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description demonstration to vitalograph 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact speak to the owner of Vitalograph (a UK based family run SME) to explore opportunity for further collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description visits to Addenbrooke's Hospital at Cambridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Present and demonstrate MyLifeHub technique and platform, setting up the platform in hospital, improvement of the app with new functionalities (e.g. Color Blind test, eye drop alarm, user-friendly questionnaire).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description visits to bedford hospital 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Present and demonstrate MyLifeHub technique and platform, help patient recruitment, setting up the platform in hospital, synchronizing platform with wearable sensors, registering user account. The recruitment includes ophthalmic patients attending outpatient clinic or surgical theatre for treatment.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018