Internet of Cars: A Distributed Exhibition & Public Talks

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering & the Environment


Internet of Cars: A Distributed Exhibition & Public Talks

The academic team are working with SCAN, an arts/technology agency, to develop an exhibition for May 2014. The aspiration of the exhibition is to offer audiences and communities the potential to rethink how or what a future transport network might be.

Partnering with John Hansard Gallery, Southampton; Bridport Arts Centre; Dorchester Arts Centre; Harbour Lights Cinema, Southampton; and Intech, Winchester, we will present a series of artworks developed specifically by artists who have worked with 6ST data both collected from the project in real time and in the past.

Six project proposals have been received from international renowned artists:

Polak and van Bekkum will use live feeds from ANPR traffic data and Southampton shipping data to generate a sound landscape that plays the different paces of transport coming in and out, and around the Southampton area.

Lanfranco Aceti's artwork, 'Self-Driven' assumes that people can be cars. Literally. Aceti will run a series of workshops in which people will adopt characteristics of cars and explore how 'being a car' changes how you relate to people.

Halford and Beard's piece entitled 'Router' is a short poetic film which explores the concept of a road traffic accident blackspot in the context of the routes tracked by the 20 ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Reader) cameras around Southampton City Centre.

Hollington & Kyprianou's work, 'The Car That Turned' is a road movie that's structure is derived from the patterns that emerge from data collected by the UK's ANPR system.

Shingleton's installation, 'Manifesting the flow of CO2' visualises emissions of CO2 based upon live ANPR data. As vehicles are scanned graphic clouds are visualised to represent the real-time flow of carbon between Dorchester and Weymouth.

Stanza's work, 'A New Order Beyond The Fourth Dimension' uses robots that will read transport data gathered through 6ST to draw the state of the transport systems around the South Coast.

In addition to the artworks that are distributed across the venues during the two week show, a series of public talks will connect the 6ST research, including experts from the fields of computer science, transport, tourism, psychology and design, with artworks allowing the public and press to connect the abstract with the real, and the science with the experiences of modern and future transport.

Using iOS and Android apps the public will be able to spot themselves within artworks, installations and visualisations extending the impact of the work by making it personal.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research?
The exhibitions and public talks are targetted at members of the public. Academics and industrialists will also be able to engage in specific talks given at learned society events during 2014 (e.g. The Intelligent Transport Society of the United Kingdom)

How will they benefit from this research?
As well as the outputs from the 6th Sense Transport project which will be part of the exhibition, the work of the commissioned artists will help the general public visualise traffic, flow and behaviour in different ways, allowing them to connect the abstract with the real, and the science with their experiences of transport and travel behaviour.


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Title Car Park by Lanfranco Aceti 
Description Car Park was an artwork by Lanfranco Aceti curated by Helen Sloan as part of the exhibition Internet of Cars in association with the John Hansard Gallery. The artwork was inspired by notions of hard labour and economic exploitation, which provided the conceptual underpinning for an exhibition and a public performance in Southampton from June 7 to June 12, 2014. Statement: Can people be reduced in an extreme process of commodification to objects? What is the process that numbering and data mining generates within a societal context? Is the extreme consequence of unchecked ideological forms of contemporary capitalism driving illogical syllogisms to their ultimate destination? The processes of extreme contemporary commodification together with systems of data collections that are neatly boxing within pre-conceived frameworks a wide range of human activities are embedded within capitalistic ideological frameworks of exploitation of society and the masses within it. This conjunction is re-introducing within contemporary post-society Medieval concepts of abuse that marketed as 'necessary' or 'empowering' create new categories: neo-serfs, micro-thievery on global scale or legal unethical exploitations. By reducing people to 'Cars,' literally and setting up a Car Dealership - part of a new business venture called Lanfranco Aceti Inc. - the artwork re-introduced to Britain neo-serfs labour conditions in order to sustain economic growth and create new jobs. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The performance took place between 7 - 11 June 2014 in Guildhall Square, Southampton Number of Visitors: 2000 
Title Flows by Duncan Shingleton 
Description Flows' explores Manuel Castells theory of the Space of Flows, proposed in The Rise of the Network Society (1996), which relates to network society and technologies role in a new type of space; made up of movement that brings distant elements - things and people - into an interrelationship through synchronous, real-time interaction. He proposes that flows are understood by the purposeful, repetitive, programmable sequences of exchange and interaction between physically disjointed positions held by social actors in the economic, political and symbolic structures of society. Therefore we can define flows as consisting of three elements - the medium through which things flow, the things that flow, and the nodes among which the flows circulate. 'Flows' interprets these three elements through the A354's ANPR cameras, CO2 emission ratings data and vehicles. 'Flows' scans registration plates in real-time across the six camera sites on the A354 between Dorchester and Weymouth. As vehicles pass the cameras a vehicle lookup enquiry is made to ascertain data on their CO2 emission rating, which is then used to drive Arduino controlled air turbines, generating movement in six particle filled acrylic tubes. As the total amount of CO2 emitted ebbs and flows, the air rate is increased and decreased in correlation, changing the velocity of the particles. At the same time the tubes are flooded with light corresponding to the now ubiquitous environmental ratings charts. In this way, the viewer gains insight into the immaterial flow of CO2 between Dorchester and Weymouth at any given moment in time. Video: 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The installation was shown at the Turner Sim's Concert Hall between 3 June - 6 July 2014 Turner Sims, University of Southampton 10am - 5pm attracting 1800 visitors. It was also discussed by the artist at a special event held at the Winchester Science Centre: 1 July 2014 Winchester Science 6-8pm 
Title Fronting Motion (2014) by Polak and Van Bekkum 
Description We face our opponents, human beings, just like us. We can see them but they are unaware of our watching. And although transformed to an abstract landscape, behind it we would be able to recognize them. One by one. What you are seeing is a landscape, taking place right now. Two realities merge into a panorama of a contemporary landscape. In the west, cars are coming right at you. In the east, you overlook the arriving and departing ships in the harbour taking their time. Everywhere you hear this constant noise, is it the sea you hear or is it the sound of a highway? There is no way to distinguish other than by seeing or imagining, because both are, as the Dutch poet Henk Ester claims, in E flat. "Fronting Motion" is an Internet based artwork by PolakVanBekkum Practical description. "Fronting Motion" consists of two screens and two surround soundscapes (automatically converted to stereo if applicable) facing each other. The work is based on two streams of live data: one coming from number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras along the A354, Dorchester-Weymouth, while the other stream originates from the vessel tracking system around the Nearby Southampton harbour, both in the UK. Both data streams are translated into a surround sound stream and a corresponding visual stream. Each stream is broadcast through its own url, which makes the piece technically very simple to present and flexible to any given space: it could be exhibited as a black box installation for art spaces, but also on two combined screens, of various sizes (computers, smartphones, pads, outdoor projection). Thus combined, the two streams create a multiphonic soundscape with two video screens: 1 screen plus surround/stereo represents the traffic flow on land, the other screen plus surround/stereo sound represents the traffic flow at sea. Tech specs: Use Chrome browser to experience this project if possible on two computer screens. Then go to: • [Southampton harbour data stream] • [ANPR camera data stream] Video: 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The installation was shown at the following venues: 13 May - 23 May 2014, Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset 10am - 4pm 13 - 15 June, Guildhall Square, Southampton, 8am - 11.45pm Number of Visitors: Guildhall Square - 2000 Bridport Arts Centre- 580 
Title Router (2014) by Halford and Beard 
Description Router is the soundtrack to an imaginary movie which tells the story of a secret 'mobile prison' experiment by a sinister American G4S-style company. The company confines four guys in a van and condemns them to travel the roads of a coastal city in an endless voyage of the damned. Naturally, things go horribly wrong The voice-over is by a PR representative of the company who is trying to 'spin' the story of the experiment to dispel all the rumours and conspiracy theories that have developed. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The sound piece was shown at the following venues: Venue and dates: 13 May - 23 May 2014 Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset 10am - 4pm 31 May - 8 July 2014 Winchester Science Centre 10am - 4pm 3 June - 6 July 2014 Turner Sims 10am - 5pm Special Events: 17 May 2014 Bridport Arts Centre, Special Screening and Artist Talk 7 - 9.30pm Number of Visitors: Bridport Arts Centre- 580 Turner Sims - 1800 Winchester Science Centre - 22000 
Title The Accident of Negligence and The Agency at the End of Civilisation (2014) by Stanza 
Description The artwork is a real time interpretation of the data of the Internet of Cars project using the number plate recognition system aligned with real time images from one hundred CCTV cameras in the region of South of England. The installation presents all this as a spatialised audio experience of spoken texts and generative visuals. The audience engages with the work as observer (of the surveillance and recorded space) looking at 24 screens, a dozen speakers, and a labyrinth of CCTV cameras built as an art installation presented on a plinth. The artworks makes use of future predictive software while at the same time exploring time from multiple perspectives in what Stanza calls a "Parallel Reality". Video: 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The exhibit was displayed between 31 May - 8 July 2014 at Winchester Science Centre 10am - 4pm Number of Visitors: 22000 
Title The Car that Turned (2014) by Hollington and Kyprianou 
Description The 'classic' American road movie was both an emblem of achieving and escaping from the American Dream.The car, the road and the hero are the holy trinity of American cinema. But what would a convincing UK road movie look like? What architecture would it traverse today? How would the plot develop if it were constructed from the shapes and patterns of the ubiquitous data collected from ANPR technology? What would its journey tell us if the data were combined with how researchers approach and analyse the data? 'The Car That Turned' is in a sense a very British road movie - one whose structure is derived from the patterns that emerge from data collected by the UK's ANPR system, and whose on-screen narrative merges co-ordinates with the inferences drawn by human analysis - a 21st century version of Mass Observation, collecting information to understand to control and improve, and if that fails, to make do and mend'. Video Link: 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact The artwork was displayed at the following locations: Exhibition Dates: 13 May - 23 May 2014 Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset 10am - 4pm 31 May - 8 July 2014 Winchester Science Centre 10am - 4pm 3 June - 6 July 2014 Turner Sims 10am - 5pm Special Events: 17 May 2014 Bridport Arts Centre, Special Screening 7 - 9.30pm 1 June Winchester Science Centre, Special Screening and Artist talk 6-9pm Number of Visitors: Bridport Arts Centre- 580 Turner Sims - 1800 Winchester Science Centre - 22000 
Description The Telling Tales of Engagement funds were used to host a multi-site series of exhibitions, talks, and events curated by SCAN responding creatively to data and research derived from traffic flow analysis using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) data. Six artist projects were delivered alongside the results of the Sixth Sense Transport project, involving 5 university partners, developing and experimenting with apps to promote a social and shared space for people and vehicles. The exhibits helped to explore and debate the use of cars in everyday life through the lens of visual arts and were viewed by over 26,000 people between 13th May and 8th July 2014 across four venues.

The exhibits offered audiences the potential to rethink how or what a future transport network might be:

Polak and Van Bekkum in their piece 'Fronting Motion' used live feeds from ANPR traffic data and Southampton shipping data to generate a sound landscape that played the different paces of transport coming in and out, and around the Southampton area.

Lanfranco Aceti's artwork 'Car Park' assumed that people can literally be cars, running a series of workshops in which people adopted characteristics of cars and explored how 'being a car' changes how you relate to others.

Halford and Beard's piece entitled 'Router' was the soundtrack to an imaginary movie which tells the story of a secret 'mobile prison' experiment by a sinister American G4S-style company. The company confines four individuals in a van and condemns them to travel the roads of a coastal city in an endless voyage of the damned.

Hollington & Kyprianou's work 'The Car That Turned' is in a sense a very British road movie - one whose structure is derived from the patterns that emerge from data collected by the UK's ANPR system, and whose on-screen narrative merges co-ordinates with the inferences drawn by human analysis - a 21st century version of Mass Observation, collecting information to understand to control and improve, and if that fails, to make do and mend'.

Shingleton's installation 'Flows' visualises emissions of CO2 based upon live ANPR data. As vehicles are scanned on the A354, Arduino controlled turbines increase and decrease the flow of air through six particle filled tubes representing the real-time generation of carbon dioxide by vehicles travelling between Dorchester and Weymouth.

Stanza's work 'The Accident of Negligence and The Agency at the End of Civilisation' was a real time interpretation of the data from the Internet of Cars project using the number plate recognition system aligned with real time images from one hundred CCTV cameras across the South of England. The installation presented all this as a spatialised audio experience of spoken texts and generative visuals. The audience engaged with the work as observer (of the surveillance and recorded space) looking at 24 screens, a dozen speakers, and a labyrinth of CCTV cameras built as an art installation presented on a plinth. The artwork made use of future predictive software while at the same time exploring time from multiple perspectives in what Stanza called a Parallel Reality.
Exploitation Route The project has shown that employing digital artists to work with large datasets emanating from funded research programmes can greatly enhance the outreach potential of the work, when specific themes are chosen for further investigation and dissemination. The approach highlights the value other projects could gain from holding hackathon type events where big data sets generated by the research are made available to digital artists in order to provide new and alternative interpretations, engaging to the general public.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism



Museums and Collections


Description The Telling Tales of Engagement funds were used to host a multi-site series of exhibitions, talks, and events curated by SCAN responding creatively to data and research derived from traffic flow analysis using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) data. Six artist projects were delivered alongside the results of the Sixth Sense Transport project, involving 5 university partners, developing and experimenting with apps to promote a social and shared space for people and vehicles. The exhibits helped to explore and debate the use of cars in everyday life through the lens of visual arts and were viewed by over 26,000 people between 13th May and 8th July 2014 across four venues. The exhibits offered audiences the potential to rethink how or what a future transport network might be: Polak and Van Bekkum in their pieve 'Fronting Motion' used live feeds from ANPR traffic data and Southampton shipping data to generate a sound landscape that played the different paces of transport coming in and out, and around the Southampton area. Lanfranco Aceti's artwork 'Car Park' assumed that people can literally be cars, running a series of workshops in which people adopted characteristics of cars and explored how 'being a car' changes how you relate to others. Halford and Beard's piece entitled 'Router' was the soundtrack to an imaginary movie which tells the story of a secret 'mobile prison' experiment by a sinister American G4S-style company. The company confines four individuals in a van and condemns them to travel the roads of a coastal city in an endless voyage of the damned. Hollington & Kyprianou's work 'The Car That Turned' is in a sense a very British road movie - one whose structure is derived from the patterns that emerge from data collected by the UK's ANPR system, and whose on-screen narrative merges co-ordinates with the inferences drawn by human analysis - a 21st century version of Mass Observation, collecting information to understand to control and improve, and if that fails, to make do and mend'. Shingleton's installation 'Flows' visualises emissions of CO2 based upon live ANPR data. As vehicles are scanned on the A354, Arduino controlled turbines increase and decrease the flow of air through six particle filled tubes representing the real-time generation of carbon dioxide by vehicles travelling between Dorchester and Weymouth. Stanza's work 'The Accident of Negligence and The Agency at the End of Civilisation' was a real time interpretation of the data from the Internet of Cars project using the number plate recognition system aligned with real time images from one hundred CCTV cameras across the South of England. The installation presented all this as a spatialised audio experience of spoken texts and generative visuals. The audience engaged with the work as observer (of the surveillance and recorded space) looking at 24 screens, a dozen speakers, and a labyrinth of CCTV cameras built as an art installation presented on a plinth. The artwork made use of future predictive software while at the same time exploring time from multiple perspectives in what Stanza called a "Parallel Reality".
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Environment,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Transport
Impact Types Cultural


Description Internet of Cars - artist exhibitions 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Engaged members of the public in the subject of traffic flow, traffic management and control.

Demonstrating how the temporal patterns of traffic flow and our travel impacts can be better visualised by the public through commissioning digital artists who worked with the 6st Transport project's outcomes to produce six distinct pieces, viewed by over 26,000 people between 13th May and 8th July 2014. The Internet of Cars distributed exhibition occurred over venues in Bridport, Winchester and Southampton.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Internet of Cars Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation paper presentation
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We organised a symposium to present the results of the 6th Sense Transport project along with outputs from related work and the artists pieces emanating from the Telling Tales of Engagement project.

Much debate was had in the symposium between the delegates and the speakers.

An opportunity arose for trialing the 6st Travel app with a British motorsport society at le Mans.
The 6st Oxfam app was identified for further development by a delegate who subsequently met up with Oxfam and is taking part of our software forward as part of a new platform design.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Invited talk at Scottish Resources Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I was invited to present new research that could inform circular economies through technology.
The Scottish Resources Conference is Scotland's biggest and most important event for sustainability, resource and waste management professionals and is run in partnership by CIWM and Zero Waste Scotland. This two-day event brings together business professionals and practitioners from all industries. The full agenda will provide inspiration for anyone across private, public and third sector organisations who is passionate about a waste free Scotland. Zero Waste Scotland have become involved as part of the Advisory Board for the Oxchain project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Speed, C., Maxwell, D., Tynan-O'Mahony, F., Mehrpouya, H., and Monsen, K. (2015) PuBliC. Workshop at Future Everything conference, 26th-27th February, Manchester. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact PuBliC is a collaborative project from the Centre for Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh and the Manchester Cycling Lab, which sent people out into the city as sensors to gather data, ideas, and insights that were integrated into a research paper published at the end of the day.

Very popular 2 day event that led to the paper:
31 authors including Maxwell, D., & Speed, C. (2015) Re-writing the City: Negotiating and Reflecting on Data Streams. British HCI 2015, 13-17 July 2015, Lincoln. [Accepted] 

Lots of positive feedback and the co-authoring of the paper subverted many traditional academic practices toward policy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Speed: Designing Through the City as Database. Designing Smart Cities : Opportunities and Regulatory Challenges, CREATe: RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. 31st-1st April. 2015. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Designing Through the City as Database. Designing Smart Cities : Opportunities and Regulatory Challenges, CREATe: RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. 31st-1st April. 2015.

Speed introduced research across transport and IoT to explore the implications of designing within smart cities.

Warmly received and led to further presentations and conversations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Time of the City, workshop for CityLink Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Time of the City, workshop for CityLink Festival
The City Link Symposium 2015 was a celebration of cities and the people and activity that shape them. They brought together speakers who in different ways have studied, considered, altered or impacted the urban environment.

Speed ran a workshop that reflected on the temporal issues running through the departments research.
Very positive engagement that identified time as a core issue within the digital economy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015