Design and Maintenance of Nuclear Safety Systems for Life Extension (DaMSSLE)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering
For infrastructure intensive industries such as nuclear power generation it is frequently more cost effective to extend the operational life of aging assets rather than enter a new build programme. For new build, new design reactors the approach would be to plan for a long operating life throughout the design and development stages.
Safe and cost effective management of the infrastructure's aging process requires a robust initial system design together with the implementation of a focussed maintenance regime which dynamically adjusts to address the changing system needs throughout their operation. A third option to control risk is through the generation of a grace period in the event of an uncontrolled accident initiation. During this period there would be a high chance of restoring the critical system functionality.
The safety critical systems, design and maintenance options would focus on preventing an uncontrolled hazardous event. The generation of a grace period would provide an opportunity to make the reactor safe even when the accident sequence had progressed.
Through the three features described the project will investigate the most cost-effective way to produce safe and reliable life extension for the reactors. Both current aging nuclear reactors and also those in the design phase would be considered. For current reactors where the design is fixed, the system state will be controlled through the effective use of maintenance. The maintenance will vary throughout phases in the operational life-time to respond to the different aging processes encountered on the plant. In this context maintenance will include: servicing, testing/inspection, reactive repairs, preventive replacement due to use, age or condition and also renewal. For new reactor designs the full range of defence options can be considered with the expectation of increasing the operating life for longer than the current design life specification.
By embedding the modelling methodology into a decision support framework the different risk defence options will be considered to produce cost effective selections for safe and reliable plant performance.
The methodology produced will be demonstrated by application to reactor systems.
Safe and cost effective management of the infrastructure's aging process requires a robust initial system design together with the implementation of a focussed maintenance regime which dynamically adjusts to address the changing system needs throughout their operation. A third option to control risk is through the generation of a grace period in the event of an uncontrolled accident initiation. During this period there would be a high chance of restoring the critical system functionality.
The safety critical systems, design and maintenance options would focus on preventing an uncontrolled hazardous event. The generation of a grace period would provide an opportunity to make the reactor safe even when the accident sequence had progressed.
Through the three features described the project will investigate the most cost-effective way to produce safe and reliable life extension for the reactors. Both current aging nuclear reactors and also those in the design phase would be considered. For current reactors where the design is fixed, the system state will be controlled through the effective use of maintenance. The maintenance will vary throughout phases in the operational life-time to respond to the different aging processes encountered on the plant. In this context maintenance will include: servicing, testing/inspection, reactive repairs, preventive replacement due to use, age or condition and also renewal. For new reactor designs the full range of defence options can be considered with the expectation of increasing the operating life for longer than the current design life specification.
By embedding the modelling methodology into a decision support framework the different risk defence options will be considered to produce cost effective selections for safe and reliable plant performance.
The methodology produced will be demonstrated by application to reactor systems.
Planned Impact
This research has the potential to contribute to and have impact in three different areas: the advancement of academic knowledge, the safe and cost effective operation of nuclear power plant and the safe and efficient operation of other large industrial infrastructure. Specifically the impact will be:
i. To facilitate the safe, reliable and cost-effective operation of aging, currently operating nuclear power plant in the UK and India into a life extension providing significant financial advantage.
ii. To enable the safe, reliable and cost-effective operation of future reactors for longer operational lives than the current design specifications. For future new reactor designs, the developed methodology provides the opportunity to trade-off design and maintenance options to control risks using three lines of defence: prevent the occurrence of a loss of primary coolant, mitigate the consequences of loss of coolant and provide a grace period during which the critical functions can be restored.
iii. Provide a decision support methodology to establish the most cost effective selection of features to establish safe and reliable reactors for longer than originally planned operational lives.
iv. To establish a new generation of risk assessment methods with significantly increased capability to replace those based on fault tree and event tree methods in use for the last 50 years.
v. Provide the capability to make critical engineering systems and infrastructure safer and able to operate for longer life periods in many industrial sectors. This provides a more cost effective service provision or production and at the same time improves the public and workforce safety and safeguarding the environment.
vi. Provide enhanced protection of the UK/India populations from the risk of radioactive migration through using the modelling in a predictive capacity for early fault diagnosis.
vii. Increase in the UK/India knowledge base and the training of skilled young scientists for potential recruitment by the nuclear industry or academia.
viii. Provide a means to predict the useful fuel pin lifetimes from their deterioration during normal operating conditions enabling design for longer life.
ix. Yield a sound understanding of the oxidation and hydrogen production process and how it changes over time.
i. To facilitate the safe, reliable and cost-effective operation of aging, currently operating nuclear power plant in the UK and India into a life extension providing significant financial advantage.
ii. To enable the safe, reliable and cost-effective operation of future reactors for longer operational lives than the current design specifications. For future new reactor designs, the developed methodology provides the opportunity to trade-off design and maintenance options to control risks using three lines of defence: prevent the occurrence of a loss of primary coolant, mitigate the consequences of loss of coolant and provide a grace period during which the critical functions can be restored.
iii. Provide a decision support methodology to establish the most cost effective selection of features to establish safe and reliable reactors for longer than originally planned operational lives.
iv. To establish a new generation of risk assessment methods with significantly increased capability to replace those based on fault tree and event tree methods in use for the last 50 years.
v. Provide the capability to make critical engineering systems and infrastructure safer and able to operate for longer life periods in many industrial sectors. This provides a more cost effective service provision or production and at the same time improves the public and workforce safety and safeguarding the environment.
vi. Provide enhanced protection of the UK/India populations from the risk of radioactive migration through using the modelling in a predictive capacity for early fault diagnosis.
vii. Increase in the UK/India knowledge base and the training of skilled young scientists for potential recruitment by the nuclear industry or academia.
viii. Provide a means to predict the useful fuel pin lifetimes from their deterioration during normal operating conditions enabling design for longer life.
ix. Yield a sound understanding of the oxidation and hydrogen production process and how it changes over time.
Lloyd A
Growth of silver on zinc oxide via lattice and off-lattice adaptive kinetic Monte Carlo
in Journal of Materials Research
Lloyd A
Modelling the effect of hydrogen on crack growth in zirconium
in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Wootton M
Risk modelling of ageing nuclear reactor systems
in Annals of Nuclear Energy
Description | In the DaMSSLE project, a computer variety of computations modelling techniques have been deployed to investigate aspects relating to modern nuclear reactor risk and reliability engineering. Petri Nets [1] have been used in the creation of models of whole reactor systems and individual subsystems, generating statical information on the proportion of safe and unsafe outcomes arising. Reactor thermodynamics have been simulated through the use of pseudo-Bond Graphs [2,3], with thermal and thermofluidic models explored for core temperature models. These Bond Graphs were combined with Petri Net models, to create hybrid systems, in which changes of state and emerging faults generated by the latter were fed into the former, such that the resulting physical changes pertaining to core temperature would be computed, with information following back to the Petri Net. Monte Carlo optimisation [4] has been applied to design and maintenance parameters of potential reactor systems, assessing cost and reliability using a corresponding Petri Net model. Concerns over the question of the Zircaloy cladding materials around the fuel have also been addressed with atomistic modelling work and a brief review of relevant literature relating to the issue of delayed hydride cracking. DaMSSLE has been an excellent opportunity for Indo-UK research collaboration, with regular videoconferencing meetings held to discuss the progression of the project and to share relevant information. Furthermore, physical visit by Mark Wootton and Adam Lloyd from the UK, and by John Arul, Hari Prasad, Vipul Garg, and Darpan Shukla (during the transition from DaMSSLE to NuRes) from India have been conducted to the other's respective countries, facilitating in depth discussion of on going and future work, building strong working relationships, and enabling interesting cultural exchange. Work from the DaMSSLE project has been presented at range of research workshops and conferences, including UKRI meetings in Mahabalipuram, India in 2018 and Sheffield, UK in 2019, and at the international conference, ESREL 2019 in Hanover, Germany. As well as the paper accompanying the latter [5], publications have appeared in the journal, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B [6], and in the proceedings of the PSA 2019 internation conference in Charleston, USA [7]. Additional journal papers are planned, using the research performed for project deliverable reports 2, 5, and 7/8, as well as stand-alone results from Bond Graph modelling. References [1] Carl Adam Petri. Kommunikation mit Automaten (In German). PhD thesis, Technical University Darmstadt, 1962. [2] Henry M. Paynter. Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems. The M.I.T. Press, 1961. [3] Dean Karnopp. Pseudo Bond Graphs for Thermal Energy Transport. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 100:165-169, 1978. [4] Nicholas Metropolis and Stanislaw Ulam. The Monte Carlo Method. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 44(247):335-341, 1949. [5] Mark James Wootton, John Andrews, Adam L. Lloyd, Roger Smith, A. John Arul, Gopika Vinod, Shri Hari Prasad, and Vipul Garg. Petri Nets and Pseudo- Bond Graphs for a Nuclear Reactor Primary Coolant System. Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, pages 3831-3839, 2019. [6] Adam L. Lloyd, Roger Smith, Mark J. Wootton, John Andrews, John Arul, Hari Prasad Muruva, and Gopika Vinod. Modelling the effect of hydrogen on crack growth in zirconium. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 455:13-20, 2019. [7] Darpan K. Shukla, A. John Arul, Mark James Wootton, and John Andrews. Reliability analysis of a safety system using petri net and comparison with smart component methodology. In Proceedings of PSA 2019 - International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2019) Charleston, SC, April 28 - May 3, 2019, 2019. 2 |
Exploitation Route | On-going work continues with the wider community at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, and the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research. The models and methodologies used in this work are spreading beyond the initial network created by the project. Further updates to follow. Project deliverable 1: Outline of demonstration reactor design and maintenance options. (Report) Project deliverable 2: Petri nets based risk assessment of ageing nuclear reactor subsystems (Report) Project deliverable 3: Risk modelling for an advanced thermal reactor (Report) Project deliverable 4: Interaction of Hydrogen and Zirconium based alloys in water reactors (Report) Project deliverable 5: A hybridised Petri net-pseudo bond graph model for a nuclear reactor coolant system (Report) Project deliverable 7&8: Application of Monte Carlo optimisation methods to a Petri net representation of nuclear reactor primary coolant design and maintenance (Report) Project deliverable 9: DaMSSLE Case studies for nuclear reactor safety engineering |
Sectors | Energy |
Description | Based on this project work, and other nuclear safety research, Prof John Andrews has been recruited as an independent advisor in the areas of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) and reliability, to the following groups: 1. Rolls-Royce / MoD Safety Methods Working Group 2. Rolls-Royce Technical Group on integrating statistical structural integrity methods with probabilistic safety assessments |
First Year Of Impact | 2021 |
Sector | Energy |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | Invited participation in the UK-India Civil Nuclear Collaboration Phase 4: Workshop and scoping meeting - Mumbai April 2017 |
Geographic Reach | Asia |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | Participation in a series of meetings behalf of UKRI India to discuss UK-India research and innovation collaboration, at the British High Commission in New Delhi, December 2018 |
Geographic Reach | Asia |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | Research collaboration and knowledge sharing with the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai |
Organisation | Bhabbha Atomic Research Centre |
Country | India |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Knowledge sharing |
Collaborator Contribution | Knowledge sharing |
Impact | Research papers, reports and newsletters. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Research collaboration and knowledge sharing with the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India |
Organisation | Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) |
Country | India |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Knowledge sharing |
Collaborator Contribution | Knowledge sharing |
Impact | Research papers, reports and newsletters |
Start Year | 2016 |