CCPQ: Quantum Dynamics in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Chemistry
The dynamics of quantum particles is the basis to describing the material world. Collisions between nuclei provides basic chemical reactivity, while the movements of electrons around nuclei provides the fine mechanistic details. To understand these motions we need to solve the time-dependent Schroedinger equation - a non-trivial problem for more than 3 particles that requires a huge computational effort.
State-of-the art experiments using attosecond or femtosecond pulses of radiation allow us to follow the motion of these particles, but without computer simulations the results are difficult to understand. This field of research is presently undergoing a huge expansion, due to the provision of new light sources such as free electron lasers (FELs), and software needs to be developed to keep up to the new capabilities. CCPQ has two community codes (R-matrix suite, MCTDH wavepacket dynamics) to treat these processes. The results give a deep inside into the fundamental reactivity of molecules, where quantum mechanical behaviour must be considered.
The interactions of anti-matter particles are also a topic of much interest, primarily due to the use of positrons in medical imaging, but also as a field of fundamental science in experiments such as the ALPHA project. Here, anti-matter particles are collided with normal matter and the different decay channels investigated. CCPQ is developing a code in collaboration with experimentalists to help understand the behaviour of these exotic sounding, but useful, particles.
Going from few bodies to many-bodies introduces some of the most fascinating phenomena in physics, such as superfluidity, superconductivity and ferroelectricity. However, to directly simulate them also introduces an exponentially scaling overhead in computation effort with the system size. While usually the preserve of condensed matter systems such strongly-correlated physics, where particles behaviour collectively, are now accessible in controlled ways with cold-atoms trapped in optical lattices. This has opened up previously inaccessible coherent dynamics in many-body systems to experimental scrutiny, such as examining what happens if the interaction and kinetic energies of particles are quenched across a quantum phase transition. The advances of this unique perspective are now reciprocating back to condensed matter problems where interaction of THz radiation on femtosecond timescales is also revealing correlated coherent electrons motion in solid-state systems. This topic of strongly-correlated many-body dynamics is the final strand of CCPQ development - embodied by the TNT project which introduces new ways of compressing many-body states to overcome the exponential barrier. It will support not only the emerging quantum technology of cold-atom quantum simulation, but also may eventually aid in designing and controlling real materials where optical pulses can switch properties such as superconductivity or ferroelectricity with great technological potential.
CCPQ supports the development of these world leading community codes by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, by providing networking opportunities for researchers to help disseminate the codes, and by supporting training workshops for users of the codes. It also provides direct support in the form of computer experts at the Daresbury laboratory who help optimise the codes for use on large high performance computers (HPC).
State-of-the art experiments using attosecond or femtosecond pulses of radiation allow us to follow the motion of these particles, but without computer simulations the results are difficult to understand. This field of research is presently undergoing a huge expansion, due to the provision of new light sources such as free electron lasers (FELs), and software needs to be developed to keep up to the new capabilities. CCPQ has two community codes (R-matrix suite, MCTDH wavepacket dynamics) to treat these processes. The results give a deep inside into the fundamental reactivity of molecules, where quantum mechanical behaviour must be considered.
The interactions of anti-matter particles are also a topic of much interest, primarily due to the use of positrons in medical imaging, but also as a field of fundamental science in experiments such as the ALPHA project. Here, anti-matter particles are collided with normal matter and the different decay channels investigated. CCPQ is developing a code in collaboration with experimentalists to help understand the behaviour of these exotic sounding, but useful, particles.
Going from few bodies to many-bodies introduces some of the most fascinating phenomena in physics, such as superfluidity, superconductivity and ferroelectricity. However, to directly simulate them also introduces an exponentially scaling overhead in computation effort with the system size. While usually the preserve of condensed matter systems such strongly-correlated physics, where particles behaviour collectively, are now accessible in controlled ways with cold-atoms trapped in optical lattices. This has opened up previously inaccessible coherent dynamics in many-body systems to experimental scrutiny, such as examining what happens if the interaction and kinetic energies of particles are quenched across a quantum phase transition. The advances of this unique perspective are now reciprocating back to condensed matter problems where interaction of THz radiation on femtosecond timescales is also revealing correlated coherent electrons motion in solid-state systems. This topic of strongly-correlated many-body dynamics is the final strand of CCPQ development - embodied by the TNT project which introduces new ways of compressing many-body states to overcome the exponential barrier. It will support not only the emerging quantum technology of cold-atom quantum simulation, but also may eventually aid in designing and controlling real materials where optical pulses can switch properties such as superconductivity or ferroelectricity with great technological potential.
CCPQ supports the development of these world leading community codes by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, by providing networking opportunities for researchers to help disseminate the codes, and by supporting training workshops for users of the codes. It also provides direct support in the form of computer experts at the Daresbury laboratory who help optimise the codes for use on large high performance computers (HPC).
Planned Impact
The profile of CCPQ is of direct benefit to UK science as a whole, helping to keep it at the forefront of research into the fundamental properties of matter. The CCPQ codes impact directly in the fields of research addressed in the Academic Beneficiaries. Outside academia, the direct beneficiaries are industry requiring data to help develop technologies. This is exemplified by the success of Quantemol Ltd., and Quantemol will remain a close project partner of CCPQ in the proposed work. Accurate data on the interaction of light and electrons with atoms and molecules is of critical importance, for example, in the modelling of large-scale plasma dynamics. These plasma dynamics can range from small-scale industrial plasmas in plasma lasers used for EUV lithography, through the modelling of plasmas throughout an entire fusion reactor (from the hot core to the divertor region to the reactor walls), including the presence of contaminants due to wall degradation, up to supernova modelling in astrophysics.
Atomic and molecular physics plays a key role in the development and advancement of new technology through the provision of diagnostics. This is of particular relevance for large-scale infrastructure projects, such as FELs. In the initial application of new technology, simple systems need to be investigated so that the performance of the facility can be established. Computational methods developed by CCPQ have been proved to provide the accuracy needed to enable facility researchers to assess performance.
In many-body physics it is the primary aim of the CCPQ's TNT library to become the backbone of the UK's computational methods for the study of strongly-correlated systems for the next 15 years and more. In addition we expect that as the TNT approach grows and crosses new scientific frontiers, it will significantly push what is achievable with the ever-advancing capabilities of HPC and will aid the strategic driver of widely spreading HPC skills. Beyond these direct and immediate impacts for research based on well-established TNT algorithms, we further anticipate that the low level tensor software routines will have far-reaching benefits. Specifically, because of its generality it can serve as the foundation for the development of novel tensor network algorithms that are now widely believed by computer scientists to provide the much sought after extension of standard linear algebra algorithms to multidimensional data analysis. Given the huge importance of complex classical systems in natural sciences, operations research and industry as yet unforeseen applications of TNT could emerge in the near future.
Atomic and molecular physics plays a key role in the development and advancement of new technology through the provision of diagnostics. This is of particular relevance for large-scale infrastructure projects, such as FELs. In the initial application of new technology, simple systems need to be investigated so that the performance of the facility can be established. Computational methods developed by CCPQ have been proved to provide the accuracy needed to enable facility researchers to assess performance.
In many-body physics it is the primary aim of the CCPQ's TNT library to become the backbone of the UK's computational methods for the study of strongly-correlated systems for the next 15 years and more. In addition we expect that as the TNT approach grows and crosses new scientific frontiers, it will significantly push what is achievable with the ever-advancing capabilities of HPC and will aid the strategic driver of widely spreading HPC skills. Beyond these direct and immediate impacts for research based on well-established TNT algorithms, we further anticipate that the low level tensor software routines will have far-reaching benefits. Specifically, because of its generality it can serve as the foundation for the development of novel tensor network algorithms that are now widely believed by computer scientists to provide the much sought after extension of standard linear algebra algorithms to multidimensional data analysis. Given the huge importance of complex classical systems in natural sciences, operations research and industry as yet unforeseen applications of TNT could emerge in the near future.

Meltzer T
Electron collisions with molecular hydrogen from electronically excited states using the R-matrix method
in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Tennyson J
Hydrogen molecular ions: H3+, H5+ and beyond.
in Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

Worth G
Quantics: A general purpose package for Quantum molecular dynamics simulations
in Computer Physics Communications
Related Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Award Value |
EP/M022544/1 | 12/08/2015 | 29/06/2016 | £101,608 | ||
EP/M022544/2 | Transfer | EP/M022544/1 | 30/06/2016 | 18/02/2021 | £89,023 |
Description | CCPQ is a network supporting the development of software for specialist calculations requiring details of molecular dynamics at the quantum mechanical level. Three codes in particular are supported able to calculate properties of (i) the many-body quantum effects that must be understood to make use of the emerging "quantum technologies". (ii) the description of electrons interacting with molecules, important in industrial processes based on plasma etching, and the development of short laser pulses using what is termed high-harmonic generation. (iii) the study of photo-excited molecules, important in solar energy capture and other light based technologies. The collaboration uses the resources available at the EPSRC funded central laboratories (The Daresbury and Rutherford Labs) to improve the standard of code development. |
Exploitation Route | The codes are all open source and available to other researchers. |
Sectors | Other |
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Description | CCPQ has a related spin-out company, Quantemol, that provides software to industry developed as part of the collaboration. A workshop was held in Sept. 2017 to help train industry based workers in using the software. |
First Year Of Impact | 2017 |
Sector | Electronics,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | R-matrix suites for multielectron attosecond dynamics in atoms and molecules irradiated by arbitrarily polarised light |
Amount | £433,575 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P022146/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2017 |
End | 08/2020 |
Description | Software Infrastructure: R-matrix suites for multielectron attosecond dynamics in atoms and molecules irradiated by arbitrarily polarised light |
Amount | £433,575 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P022146/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2017 |
End | 08/2019 |
Description | Standard Research: Armoured: Atomic R-matrix Method For Relativistic Dynamics |
Amount | £376,329 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P013953/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 04/2017 |
End | 04/2020 |
Description | UK Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics R-matrix consortium (UK AMOR) |
Amount | £368,071 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/R029342/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2018 |
End | 07/2023 |
Title | Quantics: A general purpose package for Quantum molecular dynamics simulations |
Description | Quantics is a general purpose program package to simulate the time-evolution of a molecular system by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The main code is based on the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) algorithm in various variants, including the powerful multilayer-MCTDH algorithm that has been used to propagate a wavefunction for up to 1000 degrees of freedom. MCTDH uses a contraction of traditional discrete basis set representations of the Hamiltonian and wavefunction, and Quantics includes a range of variable representation (DVR) grid basis sets and collocation methods. Input is via ascii text files and for molecules with analytical potential functions no programming is required. A library of potential functions is included to treat more complicated cases, and more functions can be added as required by the user. The code also includes the variational multi-configurational Gaussian (vMCG) method that is based on a Gaussian wavepacket expansion of the wavefunction. vMCG can be run in a "direct" manner (DD-vMCG), calculating the potential energy surfaces on-the-fly using a number of quantum chemistry programs. In addition to wavepacket propagation, Quantics can solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for small systems and can solve the Liouville-von-Neumann equation to propagate density matrices. The Package includes auxiliary programs to help set up calculations and analyse the output. Quantics is a community code of the UK Collaborative Computational Project for Quantum Dynamics (CCPQ) and the European E-CAM project, an e-infrastructure for software development run by the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM). Through this it has become a framework for general dynamics codes, for example enabling an external surface hopping code to use the Quantics input and operator interfaces. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | There are presently 123 registered users of Quantics (6/3/24) |
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Title | Quantics: A general purpose package for Quantum molecular dynamics simulations |
Description | Quantics is a general purpose program package to simulate the time-evolution of a molecular system by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The main code is based on the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) algorithm in various variants, including the powerful multilayer-MCTDH algorithm that has been used to propagate a wavefunction for up to 1000 degrees of freedom. MCTDH uses a contraction of traditional discrete basis set representations of the Hamiltonian and wavefunction, and Quantics includes a range of variable representation (DVR) grid basis sets and collocation methods. Input is via ascii text files and for molecules with analytical potential functions no programming is required. A library of potential functions is included to treat more complicated cases, and more functions can be added as required by the user. The code also includes the variational multi-configurational Gaussian (vMCG) method that is based on a Gaussian wavepacket expansion of the wavefunction. vMCG can be run in a "direct" manner (DD-vMCG), calculating the potential energy surfaces on-the-fly using a number of quantum chemistry programs. In addition to wavepacket propagation, Quantics can solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for small systems and can solve the Liouville-von-Neumann equation to propagate density matrices. The Package includes auxiliary programs to help set up calculations and analyse the output. Quantics is a community code of the UK Collaborative Computational Project for Quantum Dynamics (CCPQ) and the European E-CAM project, an e-infrastructure for software development run by the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM). Through this it has become a framework for general dynamics codes, for example enabling an external surface hopping code to use the Quantics input and operator interfaces. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | There are presently 123 registered users of Quantics (6/3/24) |
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Title | AMOS Gateway |
Description | The AMOS Gateway hosts state-of-the-art atomic, molecular, and optical science (AMOS) software suites and provides the community with an easy-to-use platform for calculations involving the static and dynamic properties of multi electron atoms and molecules. The overarching goal is to create a comprehensive cyberinfrastructure for the AMOS community and beyond where practitioners can access a synergistic, full-scope platform for computational AMOS. The aim is to ensure the AMOS Gateway is a useful educational tool for students and researchers. Importantly, use of the AMOS Gateway does not require the user to download and build these codes on their own platform, which is often difficult, especially for non-experts. Codes are available for computing spectra, lifetimes and transition rates between bound states, cross sections for electron scattering, photoionization and solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in the presence of strong and ultrafast electromagnetic fields. Use of the gateway is free. |
Type Of Technology | Webtool/Application |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Impact | Invitation to teach at the Flagship School on 'New Computational Methods for Attosecond Molecular processes' where the Gateway is used to train students in the use of AMO software |
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Title | DVR3D |
Description | Computation of triatomic spectra using an exact kinetic operator and variational solutions. The code has been optimised to treat high J levels and extensive line lists. The code has been recently extended to compute rovibronic transition intensities. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Impact | Gold standard code in the area used by many groups and to benchmark other codes. Used for ExoMol line lists on species such as H2O, H2S, H3+. Used for atmospheric studies on H2O, CO2 and O3. These results computing using DVR3D for these molecules have been used to replace experimental results in the standard atmospheric data base HITRAN. |
Title | GBTOlib: a high-performance library for evaluation of molecular integrals |
Description | GBTOlib: a high-performance library for evaluation of molecular integrals. This library is used by the UKRmol+ codes but has a general applicability and has been written to allow interfacing with other codes. Capabilities Evaluation of molecular integrals in the basis of atom-centered Gaussian orbitals and center-of-mass centered B-splines and/or Gaussians. The center-of-mass (i.e. continuum) basis can be built from either Gaussians, B-splines or a combination of the two. An arbitrary angular momentum for the continuum basis. Transformation of the atomic integrals into basis of molecular orbitals. Orbital orthogonalization using Gramm-Schmidt and/or Symmetric orthogonalization. Flexible configuration of the library allowing it to be ran on various machines ranging from single-node workstations to massively-parallel HPC architectures. Possibility to configure the library to use quadruple precision arithmetics and achieve higher than double precision of the actual integrals calculated. Input of molecular geometry, Gaussian basis and orbitals via the standard MOLDEN file. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | NA |
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Title | Inner region programs for the reengineered UK computational implementation of the R-matrix method for the treatment of electron and positron scattering from molecules |
Description | Inner region programs for the reengineered UK computational implementation of the R-matrix method for the treatment of electron and positron scattering from molecules (BTO/GTO continuum). Generates transition moments for the study of photon-induced processes and input for RMT. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | NA |
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Title | Quantics |
Description | A package for quantum dynamics simulations of molecular systems, solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation using a variety of methods but based on the powerful MCTDH algorithm. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | Quantics is a general purpose molecular quantum dynamics package able to calculate spectra, reaction cross-sections, etc. Recent work has been to improve the Gaussian wavepacket based vMCG algorithm and its direct dynamics method that calculates the potential surfaces on-the-fly. A novel diabatisation algorithm makes the method almost black-box in character for excited-state simulations. |
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Title | R-matrix with time-dependence (RMT) suite |
Description | The RMT suite is a computational approach to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for multi-electron atoms and molecules in strong laser fields. The codes can be used to extract experimental observables (e.g. photoelectron, high harmonic or transient absorption spectra) or to provide direct access to more detailed atomic/molecular information (e.g. electron emission channel resolved populations, full multi-electron wavefunction data). The code supports the description of dynamics in laser fields in the XUV to mid-IR wavelength range. Currently the codes are restricted to linearly polarised light pulses, and single ionisation phenomena, but development branches exist building capability for arbitrary polarisation, double ionisation and relativistic (spin-orbit) effects. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Impact | The atomic codes have been used in support of cutting edge ultrafast metrology techniques, for example attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy [Opt. Lett. 41 79 (2016)] and XUV initiated high-harmonic generation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 093201 (2016)] |
Title | Tensor Network Theory library |
Description | Tensor Network Theory (TNT) provides efficient and accurate methods for simulating strongly correlated quantum systems. It does this by encoding, as a network of tensors, the many-body wave function representing the system and the operators that act on it. TNT algorithms can then be broken down into a series of tensor operations. The TNT library contains highly optimised routines for manipulating tensors in the network. These routines are used to build the most common TNT algorithms, such as Density Matrix Renormalisation Group (DMRG) and time-evolving block decimation (TEBD) for 1D quantum lattice systems. Development of codes for Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) suitable for 2D lattice systems are underway. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Impact | We have pioneered the combination of TNT with non-equilibrium dynamical mean field theory (NE-DMFT). This was outlined in the paper: Ultra-fast control of magnetic relaxation in a periodically driven Hubbard model Juan Jose Mendoza-Arenas, Fernando Javier Gomez-Ruiz, Martin Eckstein, Dieter Jaksch, Stephen R. Clark Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 2017, 529, 1700024 Linking to experiments which drive systems strongly with THz radiation we have used TNT to examine a strongly driven quantum system and analysed the emergence of pairing. This resulted in this paper: Enhancement of super-exchange pairing in the periodically-driven Hubbard model J. Coulthard, S. R. Clark, S. Al-Assam, A. Cavalleri, D. Jaksch Phys. Rev. B 96, 085104 (2017) We have continued to use TNT for boundary driven open quantum spin-chains and in particular focused on disordered systems exhibiting many-body localisation. A recent paper looked into how dephasing effects spin transport: Dephasing enhanced spin transport in the ergodic phase of a many-body localizable system Marko Žnidaric, Juan Jose Mendoza-Arenas, Stephen R. Clark, John Goold Annalen Der Physik 529, 1600298 (2017) |
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Title | Trove |
Description | Computation of rovibronic spectra of polyatomic molecules by variational solution of the Schrodinger equation. TROVE uses a numerically generated Hamiltonian. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Impact | Workhorse for polyatomics in ExoMo l project. Used for very important (and widely used) methane line lists. Also: SO3, PH3, H2CO, H2O2, C2H4, CH3Cl. These linelists are huge: between 10 billion and 160 billion lines. Code also being used (both in UK and Germany) to the effects of possible variation in proton/electron mass variation and laser control of molecule orientation. Used as the basis of an industrial collaboration with Servomex Ltd on spectra of hot NH3 and AsH3. |
Title | UKRMol+: UKRMol-out |
Description | Outer region programs for the re-engineered UK computational implementation of the R-matrix method for the treatment of electron and positron scattering from molecules (BTO/GTO continuum). Also calculates photoionization cross sections. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | NA |
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Title | UKRmol+ |
Description | Software suite to determine correlated multielectronic bound and continuum wave functions for molecular systems. Allows for the calculation of electron scattering cross sections, the characterization of transient negative ions (resonances) and transition moments for use in photoionization and related studies. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Impact | The code can deal with larger R-matrix calculations in terms of number of electrons in the target. Results have been published in e.g. a) Sieradzka A and Gorfinkiel J D J. Chem. Phys. 147 034303 (2017) Darby-Lewis D, Mašín Z and Tennyson J, J. Phys. B,50, 175201 (2017) c) Bruner et al Faraday Discuss., 194, 369 (2016) |
Title | UKRmol-scripts |
Description | Perl scripts to automatically run the UKRMol+ codes for both inner (UKRMol-in) and outer (UKRMol-out) regions which use the R-matrix method to calculate fixed-nuclei electron- and positron-scattering and photoionization for polyatomic molecules. Using a number of parameters that describe both physical models and machine-dependent settings, the scripts produce all necessary input files and run all codes for electronic structure and scattering calculations as well as gather the more frequently required outputs. The scripts provide a simple way to run such calculations for many molecular geometries concurrently and collect the resulting data for easier post-processing and visualization. Several examples of various types of calculations are provided. Usage of the scripts for various type of systems with a description of most parameters used for setting up calculations was summarized in the paperK. Houfek, J. Benda, Z. Mašín, A. Harvey, T. Meltze, V. Graves, J.D. Gorfinkiel: Comput. Phys. Comm. 298 (2024) 109113. DOI: the scripts are used to calculate the published results, please cite Zenodo archive and this paper. The scripts should be used with releases 3.2 of UKRMol+: UKRmol-in and UKRMol+: UKRmol-out. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | More than 100 downloads in less than 1 year |
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