Advanced Materials equipment refresh

Lead Research Organisation: Swansea University
Department Name: College of Engineering


This proposal to modernise existing equipment and to establish new, leading research facilities in the field of materials characterisation comprises two "bundles" of equipment.

The first comprises a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and an X-Ray Tomographic Microscope. Advanced characterisation is only possible with state-of-the art imaging; this equipment will link engineering at the macro-scale with fundamental scientific discoveries at the nano-scale. There are clear synergies with research being undertaken at the SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre, which is backed by £10M funding from EPSRC and Technology Strategy Board/Innovate UK. The proposed equipment underpins an atoms to applications approach to science and engineering and will be housed in a purpose-built scientific imaging facility with bespoke climatic control and vibration free floors. This facility is already under construction and will permit an emphasis on correlative microscopy spanning two, three and four dimensions, combining multiple scales and different forms of advanced microanalysis, to provide new insight and connect cutting-edge imaging and analysis techniques.

The facility's ex- and in-situ mechanical testing and multi-dimension/scale imaging modalities will be a 'beamline-bridge' for advancing lab-based investigations to STFC Diamond Light Source/ISIS, increasing the number and diversity of academic/industrial take-up of central strategic RCUK facilities.

The second bundle is aligned to the Institute of Structural Materials (ISM), which supports a pool of highly experienced post-doctoral research officers and support staff, and significant rolling research funding including the Rolls-Royce/EPSRC Strategic Partnership, which is designed to extend the capability of existing high temperature metallic systems and develop novel alloys for potential use within a twenty-year horizon (the "Vision 20" materials). ISM is globally recognised as a centre of excellence for mechanical characterisation of Structural Materials, and has ~£700k PA rolling EPSRC research funding secured to 2019.

This proposal seeks to refresh experimental equipment which will be housed in a bespoke £14M research and testing building also under construction as part of the University's £450M campus development programme. The equipment to be refreshed includes:

*Test frame for use in corrosion-fatigue environment
*Thermo-mechanical fatigue test facility
*Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator
*Component lifing under strain control
*High frequency servo-hydraulic test facility
*High temperature vacuum crack propagation facilities

The proposal also seeks funding for a new, desktop tensile testing facility which will provide a bridge between theoretical teaching and full scale mechanical testing.

The proposal benefits from significant additional investment from the Welsh European Funding Office, Welsh Government National Research Networks and Ser Cymru, and Swansea University; support from industrial users; partnership with STFC; an extensive network of academic collaborators, and the infrastructure of the University's new Science and Innovation Campus, scheduled to open in September 2015.

Planned Impact

This proposal will establish the first integrated scientific facility of its kind in Wales that is able to provide on-demand services to industry and academia, irrespective of their size or financial means. It will deliver an open facility with correlative capability in mechanical, micro and nano-characterisation, supporting academic and industrial research in advanced materials and beyond, supported by a new collaborative partnership with STFC.

The facility's direct impacts include
* Increased utilisation of state-of-the-art characterisation facilities
* Increased and improved industrial research and development activity
* Increase in pan-supply chain, inter-industrial and industry-academic research activity
* Improved utilisation of central STFC facilities from within Wales
* Increased knowledge base of advanced characterisation at a direct industry level (work based learning) and for those studying in the academic environment
* Increase in the number of world class research outputs, research investment and research active academic staff for UK

In the longer term, indirect impacts will be seen in job creation within UK industry, increased economic output in the UK from foundation industries; contributions to UK technological and environmental targets aligned to EPSRC Grand Challenges, and increased public understanding and awareness of science and engineering.

The equipment will benefit a broad range of stakeholders, including academic staff, early career researchers and postgraduate students in universities across Wales and beyond, as well as numerous industrial partners such as Airbus, BASF, Cogent Power, ESA, NSG Pilkington, Rolls-Royce plc and TATA Steel.

Close involvement of these partners will ensure that research outputs are targeted at industry and user needs. The facility will be operated on an open access model with a flexible approach to encouraging collaboration. Researchers who wish to use the facility will be able to disseminate findings rapidly and effectively and utilise the equipment at reduced rates, supporting the core objective to provide a regional hub for materials characterisation and research.

Transfer of knowledge and new technologies to users will be achieved through joint research projects developed by the partners in collaboration with industry stakeholders. The facility will also function as an STFC bridging facility, a gateway to explore diverse research and industrial imaging challenges up to laboratory capability, and supporting research requiring more advanced central facilities at Diamond Light Source/ISIS. An SU-funded STFC Fellow will support collaborations aiming at using STFC beam lines, and will support researchers in understanding and interpreting data, using HPC Wales resources, to encourage further engagement with local businesses and academic partners.

Economic impacts will be evident in the commercialisation of the research outputs arising from the proposed equipment. The facility therefore has significant potential to support commercialisation and innovation in multinational companies as well as in the SMEs who will also benefit from the equipment.

The University's Impact Acceleration Account will contribute financial support for secondments, proof of concept projects and industrial networking to maximise usage of the equipment and to ensure its longer term sustainability.

Researchers associated with the facility will also undertake extensive Public Engagement and outreach, building on the University's experience of proven initiatives such as Research as Art and Materials:Live. These activities will bring the research enabled by the equipment to wider public attention, particularly through engagement with schools, science festivals, and other public-facing events.

Further impacts will be facilitated through the use of the equipment to support interdisciplinary collaborations with, for example, medicine, archaeology, and earth sciences.


10 25 50
publication icon
Abbas B (2019) Thermal sintering of printable copper for enhanced conductivity of FTO coated glass substrates in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

publication icon
Ahmad F (2018) Region-Specific Microstructure in the Neonatal Ventricles of a Porcine Model. in Annals of biomedical engineering

publication icon
Ahmad F (2018) Biomechanical properties and microstructure of neonatal porcine ventricles. in Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials

publication icon
Allman A (2019) Food packaging simulant failure mechanisms in next generation steel packaging in Packaging Technology and Science

publication icon
Alshammari K (2020) Optimization of sol-immobilized bimetallic Au-Pd/TiO2 catalysts: reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol for wastewater remediation. in Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

Title 50/50 
Description 50/50, physical Science/Art piece using X-rays. A collaboration between Dr Richard Johnston and artist Naomi Bowey. Exhibited September - October 2015 at Millenium Centre, Cardiff. The work 50 Boxes 50 Objects (50/50) explores the effects objects have on our behaviour. Looking at forms of collection, archiving and the compulsive act of hoarding, Individuals personal objects are sealed within boxes and then sent through the post with only a written clue as to what may be within. Then through collaboration with a microscopist, we are given a colourless 2D glimpse as to what may lay within. An ambiguous view that still retains a somewhat, enigmatic mystery. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Collaborating artist used the exhibit in a portfolio for subsequent employment as a digital/video artist. 
Title Bridging Industry-to-Beamline through an Advanced Laboratory-Based Characterisation Facility 
Description The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is a world leading multidisciplinary science and technology organisation. Its facilities provide a range of research techniques using neutrons, muons, lasers and x-rays, and high performance computing and complex analysis of large data sets. In Wales, a regional pilot beamline-bridging centre, a partnership between an academic institution (Swansea University) and a research and technology organization (RTO, TWI Wales) has been setup to develop new relationships with industry partners in the region, leading to new engagements with STFC facilities (Fig.1). This will generate impacts for the company, people, and wider society in Wales. Impact could be new products, improved understanding of manufactured products, improved processing and materials development, or new research into medical and health interventions. This partnership approach with industry in the region will increase the uptake of STFC facilities, in particular Diamond and ISIS, and the Central Laser Facility. The regional centre will attract a multidisciplinary research base from throughout Wales and increase their exposure to the UK's world- class research facilities. The centre will be a hub for regional industry, generating impact through industrial research and development that was previously impossible or highly unlikely without this pilot bridging project. There are challenges to engaging small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with large-scale scientific facilities such as those operated by STFC. The perceived gap between applied demand-led manufacturing, and seemingly high-level unattainable science presents a communication and translation challenge. In addition, SMEs have limited resource for research-based approaches to product development/improvement, coupled with constraints on staff time and capabilities to capture and analyse potentially large data. The regional centre, embedded locally, will bridge this perceived gap via a partnering approach, teaming the local company with beamline-industry-bridging officers (BIBOs) to identify the challenges, scope solutions, design experiments, carry out lab-based feasibility studies, and if beneficial, identify STFC facilities which could benefit the company. Once data is collected, this relationship will continue, with the BIBO's expertise and regional proximity to the company enabling the subsequent advanced analyses. This process will increase the likelihood of implementation of the findings in the company's activities, functioning as an impact pathway. Finally, the regional centre will help populate impact-tracking documentation in collaboration with the company to monitor and quantify the effects of the activity enabled by the regional pilot centre on both the company and the region. So far the regional centre has identified common pathways to engaging local business, which include prior contact with industrial partners that either sponsor postgraduate projects with Swansea University, or who initiate contact through other business engagement touchpoints such as work-based learning initiatives. TWI can utilise its membership base within the region, along with identification of previous research projects requiring facilities beyond the current state-of-the-art. Also, a number of additional challenges have been identified through the operation, such as intellectual property (IP) considerations and data management. Through the life of this pilot project, the approach for engaging industry with central facilities is being evaluated through data collection and impact tracking, and will inform similar activities across different territories [2]. References: [1] Welsh Government, Innovation Wales, (August 2015) [2] The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Bridging for Innovators Programme funded by BEIS, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Grant No. ST/R006105/1, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant No. EP/M028267/1, and the European Social Fund (ESF) through the European Union's Convergence programme administered by the Welsh Government. 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2021 
Title MicroMoon - by Mark Coleman 
Description Submission to Research as Art image/story competition based on microscopy. 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Global reach via press generated from the resulting image/story via BBC and other outlets. 
Description Though purely an equipment-based grant, this award has spawned very significant research activity and funding since the facility was established and the final pieces of equipment were delivered in January/February 2016. Since that time the centre has underpinned over 60 publications and ~£15m of further EPSRC funding. It has supported collaboration with Welsh and wider UK universities, industrial training and consultancy services and STEM outreach activities. The facility is the only of its kind in Wales and continues to support the wider academic and industrial community.
Exploitation Route The main premise of the facility is to provide a facility / environment that will provide training for industrial, educational and academic partners within the region. It grants open access to world class scientific facilities, allowing the production of datasets that will underpin world class research and commercial advantage for a wide range of users within the region. The beneficiary sectors highlighted below are based on either access or training requests by our current partners.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)







including Industrial Biotechology



Museums and Collections

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology



Description We have developed a unique integrated imaging facility for correlative imaging, based around this equipment-focussed grant. This has led to enhanced relationships with external industrial partners (Carl Zeiss, Cogent, TATA Steel, and others). The centre has developed into a key central facility university wide and underpins a significant proportion of the experimental research conducted in the college of engineering and increasing proportions in other colleges across the university. The facility has supported research in fields as broad as medicine, glaciology, Egyptology, metallurgy, chemical engineering and nanotechnology to name just a few. It now supports in excess of 150 active users from diverse research backgrounds and in collaboration with equipment manufacturers and end users is developing novel techniques in correlative microscopy significant at an international level. Beyond the direct research impact the centre continues to act as a platform for 1) Industrial training - upskilling of industry staff 2) Consultancy and QA services to industry 3) Educational / STEM outreach training for school children e.g. via Royal Society Partnership grant. The development of the regional bridging for innovators (B4I) regional pilot programme further enhances this regional impact on businesses as it supports them both locally and with access to national facilities at the Daresbury and Harwell campuses. £443k of further funding secured from welsh government to sustain open access model for the next 2 years.
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Chemicals,Construction,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Energy,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Transport,Other
Impact Types Societal


Description Committee member for newly formed EM-UK (Electron microscopy UK) user group
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact The committee is developing a standardised set of training courses that will be accredited by the RMS (Royal Microscopy Society) to ensure consistent levels of training and assessment of expertise across the UK.
Description Membership of the British Standards Institute (BSI) for X-ray microtomography
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description B4I
Amount £911,669 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/R006105/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2018 
End 04/2021
Description EPSRC Impact Acceleration award - Semiconductor Characterization
Amount £5,000 (GBP)
Organisation Swansea University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2018 
End 10/2019
Description Enhancing Competitiveness Infrastructure Award - Advanced Imaging of Materials
Amount £443,000 (GBP)
Organisation Government of Wales 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 04/2022
Description Impact Acceleration Award (Carl Zeiss)
Amount £5,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 04/2017
Description Industry-academia project funding
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Organisation Carl Zeiss AG 
Department Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy
Sector Private
Country United States
Start 11/2017 
End 10/2022
Description Prosperity Partnership in Rapid Product Development
Amount £2,431,506 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S005218/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2018 
End 10/2024
Description Royal Society Partnership Grant
Amount £2,240 (GBP)
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 06/2016
Description SUSTAIN Manufacturing Hub
Amount £10,852,989 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S018107/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 03/2026
Title AB77b Cat mummy body slice data 65.23 micron voxel size 
Description AB77b Cat mummy body slice data 65.23 micron voxel size 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title AB77b Cat mummy body slice data 65.23 micron voxel size 
Description AB77b Cat mummy body slice data 65.23 micron voxel size 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title EC308 Snake mummy High res voxel size 20.5 microns 
Description X-ray microtomography scan data as slices for mummified snake sample EC308 from the Egypt Centre at Swansea University. Imaged on a Nikon 225XTH Voxel size 20.5 microns 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title EC308 Snake mummy High res voxel size 20.5 microns 
Description X-ray microtomography scan data as slices for mummified snake sample EC308 from the Egypt Centre at Swansea University. Imaged on a Nikon 225XTH Voxel size 20.5 microns 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title EC308 Snake mummy whole slice data 102 micron voxel size 
Description EC308 Snake mummy whole slice data 102 micron voxel size 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title EC308 Snake mummy whole slice data 102 micron voxel size 
Description EC308 Snake mummy whole slice data 102 micron voxel size 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_RNA_A01, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_RNA_A01 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_RNA_A01, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_RNA_A01 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd0t00_A03, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd0t00_A03 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd0t00_A03, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd0t00_A03 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd0t00_A20, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd0t00_A20 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd0t00_A20, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd0t00_A20 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd4t02_A13, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd4t02_A13 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd4t02_A13, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd4t02_A13 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd4t08_A15, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd4t08_A15 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd4t08_A15, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd4t08_A15 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd6t02_A09, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd6t02_A09 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd6t02_A09, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd6t02_A09 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd6t08_A11, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd6t08_A11 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd6t08_A11, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd6t08_A11 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd8t02_A05, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd8t02_A05 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd8t02_A05, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd8t02_A05 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd8t08_A07, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd8t08_A07 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title IBSim Virtual Test Benchmark Data - Experiment Type: Thermal (LFA), SampleID: LFA_Rd8t08_A07, Data: XCT 
Description Sample ID: LFA_Rd8t08_A07 X-ray tomography (CT) image data of a Ti6Al4V disc. The 3D image was generated with an X-ray tomography scan performed by Dr Llion Evans with Swansea University, Advanced Imaging of Materials (AIM) equipment. The dataset includes: raw radiographs; scan & reconstruction parameter settings file; reconstructed 3D volume. To visualise the 3D volume use software such as ImageJ ( The volume image data (.raw file) is in binary format and has the following characteristics: 1920 x 1920 x 1536; 16-bit; little-endian byte order. This data is part of a 'virtual testing' benchmark study, where samples are tested physically in the lab and their microscale accurate digital equivalent are tested virtually through simulation. The technique of converting 3D volumetric images directly into finite element method (FEM) meshes is part of the Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) approach. This data is part of a batch of samples for thermal testing via laser flash analysis (LFA), following the standards ASTM E1461 / ASTM E2585. As part of the study, controlled defects were introduced into the samples. This was achieved by machining a disc shaped recess (of defined diameter and depth) into one disc which is bonded onto another disc, so that the defect is located internally within the final sample. The samples in the batch are named as follows. Sample ID Diameter Thickness Recess d Recess t
LFA_RNA_### 12.6 2.5 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd0t00_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 N/A N/A
LFA_Rd8t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.2
LFA_Rd8t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 8.0 0.8
LFA_Rd6t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.2
LFA_Rd6t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 6.0 0.8
LFA_Rd4t02_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.2
LFA_Rd4t08_### 12.6 1.25 x 2 4.0 0.8 Where ### denotes the furnace bonding batch (A-C and N for no bonding cycle) and sample number (01-30). Values in mm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Mummified Cat Head (AB77a) X-ray microCT slice data 
Description Mummified Cat Head (AB77a) X-ray microCT slice data Acquired on a Nikon XTH225. Voxel size 78.1 microns. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Mummified Cat Head (AB77a) X-ray microCT slice data 
Description Mummified Cat Head (AB77a) X-ray microCT slice data Acquired on a Nikon XTH225. Voxel size 78.1 microns. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title W532 Bird mummy voxel size 59.04 microns 
Description W532 Bird mummy voxel size 59.04 microns Specimen from the Egypt Centre Museum at Swansea University X-ray microtomography slice data. Scanned using a Nikon 225XTH 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title W532 Bird mummy voxel size 59.04 microns 
Description W532 Bird mummy voxel size 59.04 microns Specimen from the Egypt Centre Museum at Swansea University X-ray microtomography slice data. Scanned using a Nikon 225XTH 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description CSConnected 
Organisation Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution AIM is supporting the CSConnected strength in places fund for compound semiconductor innovation by hosting a characterisation specialist to help support the project and the cluster to develop the latest in compound semiconductor technologies. AIM has provided a strong and supportive environment to develop skills and expertise incompound semiconductor characterisation underpinned particularly by our capabilities in XRD, FIBSEM and analytical (S)TEM.
Collaborator Contribution CSConnected have invested in dedicated resident characterisation experts and facilitated links with key academics and industrial partners for mutual benefit.
Impact Early work has been completed for industrial stakeholders which has significantly improved their understanding of their process.
Start Year 2020
Description Development of Novel Semiconductor Substrates 
Organisation Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of analytical methods (FIBSEM and TEM) for the analysis of multilayered compound semiconductor substrates.
Collaborator Contribution Provision of material, Technical meetings and Outline technical support.
Impact The project is at an early stage
Start Year 2016
Description Digital Microscopy Classroom 
Organisation Carl Zeiss AG
Department Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We designed and concieved of a fully connected microscopy classroom in partnership with Carl Zeiss in 2015. During the construction phase of the facility and in the early stages of implmentation we worked with them on optimum network and software configurations and performed several trials on new patches.
Collaborator Contribution Carl Zeiss supported the project by revising software approaches and working with our network management team to deliver an optimum solution for teaching and research.
Impact Developed in partnership with Carl Zeiss the first UK example of a digital mciroscopy classroom. This involved building a bespoke microscopy lab and network infrastructure which connected each microscope wirelessly to ipads and an image storage server. This interactive space of 30 microscopes is now used as a demonstartor for the company of best practice and for undergraduate, post graduate and industrial teaching and research purposes. For example the classroom has hosted industrial work based learning activities and technical fora for production issues. The advantage of the facility is the inherently interactive aspect that its brings to a conventionally individual activity. It allows images to be shared and discussed effortlessly via linked networked screens and for data to be shared. This permits large technical teams to discuss and direct the microscopy process each with their own ipad perhaps surveying multiple samples on different microscopes. From a teaching perspective it moves the focus from an aquisition challenge to an image analysis challenge, facilitating rapid development of research skills.
Start Year 2015
Description Invited into international consortium for funding proposal to NERC (Evaluating and improving the Record of Unidentified volcanic eruptions and their impact on climate over the Past Two thousand years (ERUPT)) 
Organisation Swansea University
Department Department of Geography
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We will provide expertise in advanced imaging, applied to volcanic ash material.
Collaborator Contribution The partners provide expertise in tephrochronology, earth science, chemical characterisation.
Impact Multidisciplinary: Imaging, materials science, earth sciences, tephrochronology. Outputs outlined in outputs section, but include journal paper, conference abstracts.
Start Year 2017
Description Invited into international consortium for funding proposal to NERC (Evaluating and improving the Record of Unidentified volcanic eruptions and their impact on climate over the Past Two thousand years (ERUPT)) 
Organisation University of St Andrews
Department School of Geography & Geosciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We will provide expertise in advanced imaging, applied to volcanic ash material.
Collaborator Contribution The partners provide expertise in tephrochronology, earth science, chemical characterisation.
Impact Multidisciplinary: Imaging, materials science, earth sciences, tephrochronology. Outputs outlined in outputs section, but include journal paper, conference abstracts.
Start Year 2017
Description Invited into international consortium for funding proposal to Royal Society of New Zealand 
Organisation GNS Science
Country New Zealand 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Proposal submitted to the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Collaborator Contribution We will contribute expertise in X-ray microtomography and imaging, applied to geological core specimens, to aid understanding of earthquake effects on sedimentary deposits.
Impact Awaiting funding decision. Preliminary research presented at conferences, detailing in outputs.
Start Year 2017
Description Invited into international consortium for funding proposal to Royal Society of New Zealand 
Organisation University of Auckland
Department School of Biological Sciences
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Proposal submitted to the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Collaborator Contribution We will contribute expertise in X-ray microtomography and imaging, applied to geological core specimens, to aid understanding of earthquake effects on sedimentary deposits.
Impact Awaiting funding decision. Preliminary research presented at conferences, detailing in outputs.
Start Year 2017
Description Invited into international consortium for funding proposal to Royal Society of New Zealand 
Organisation University of Bremen
Department Centre for Marine Envriomental Sciences
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Proposal submitted to the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Collaborator Contribution We will contribute expertise in X-ray microtomography and imaging, applied to geological core specimens, to aid understanding of earthquake effects on sedimentary deposits.
Impact Awaiting funding decision. Preliminary research presented at conferences, detailing in outputs.
Start Year 2017
Description Invited into international consortium for funding proposal to Royal Society of New Zealand 
Organisation University of Waikato
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Proposal submitted to the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Collaborator Contribution We will contribute expertise in X-ray microtomography and imaging, applied to geological core specimens, to aid understanding of earthquake effects on sedimentary deposits.
Impact Awaiting funding decision. Preliminary research presented at conferences, detailing in outputs.
Start Year 2017
Description Partnership with TATA Steel 
Organisation Tata Steel Europe
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Provided use of TEM facilities for the analysis of exerimental steel microstructures. Use of SEM EDS mapping for product quality issues on an ongoing basis. Development of novel microanalytical techniques for quality control systems.
Collaborator Contribution TATA steel R&D have sproadically seconded research staff to the facility.
Impact Development and Comercialisation of Novel Steel products. Significantly reduced customer rejections.
Start Year 2015
Description Royal Society Partnership Grant Award 
Organisation Penllergaer Primary School
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The AIM facility was used as an innovative and inspiring envirnment for a research challenge focussed on the students of Primary school age to engage in STEM subjects. THe students used the facilities to complete a short scientific investigation.
Collaborator Contribution The Primary school teachers spent time helping to Organise the activities and provided supervision and guidance during the event.
Impact 30 Primary school childern inspired by science in innovative enviornment
Start Year 2016
Description Royal Society Partnership Grant Award 
Organisation The Royal Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The AIM facility was used as an innovative and inspiring envirnment for a research challenge focussed on the students of Primary school age to engage in STEM subjects. THe students used the facilities to complete a short scientific investigation.
Collaborator Contribution The Primary school teachers spent time helping to Organise the activities and provided supervision and guidance during the event.
Impact 30 Primary school childern inspired by science in innovative enviornment
Start Year 2016
Description The men of the Mary Rose 
Organisation Mary Rose Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We are using AIM facilities to image the human remains recovered from the Mary Rose over 500 years ago.
Collaborator Contribution Partnership involving specimen loans, supervision of PhD student, and joint research on osteology.
Impact Multidisciplinary: Materials science, imaging, DNA, osteology, biomechanics, archaeology Joint proposal submitted to Wellcome Trust (Unsuccessful). Journal papers in preparation. Conference papers delivered.
Start Year 2016
Description The men of the Mary Rose 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are using AIM facilities to image the human remains recovered from the Mary Rose over 500 years ago.
Collaborator Contribution Partnership involving specimen loans, supervision of PhD student, and joint research on osteology.
Impact Multidisciplinary: Materials science, imaging, DNA, osteology, biomechanics, archaeology Joint proposal submitted to Wellcome Trust (Unsuccessful). Journal papers in preparation. Conference papers delivered.
Start Year 2016
Description Tools for Automated failure Analysis 
Organisation Carl Zeiss AG
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Equipment: The AIM scientific imaging facility has a unique combination of analytical and imaging equipment which permits this investigation to be conducted at Swansea University. Expertise: I have 10 plus years experience in the characterisation of material failure which will be invaluable as part of this collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution Carl Zeiss have significant resources available for image manipulation and data correlation. These will be made available to Swansea University in addition to resource to complete the research program.
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary and at a very early stage in it's development.
Start Year 2016
Description British Science Festival talk entitled 'Inner Space', Swansea university, Sep 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Over 100 people attended this talk in the British Science Festival. Media interviews resulted, and discussion with broad general public who attended the talk, during a session 'meet the speaker' after the event.

This talk also attracted sponsorship from our industry partner, Carl Zeiss, of £1000.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Described the process of purchasing equipment for the new AIM facility, in a 'Show us your Science' feature by Nature 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I did an interview with Nature for a feature' Show us your Science', where I described the process of purchasing equipment for AIM on this grant.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Feature in The Conversation on our research imaging the human remains of the Mary Rose 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A written feature on our research, which engaged thousands of readers internationally.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Good Evening Wales - BBC Radio Wales. Interview about research in AIM on bioinspiration/imaging. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Did a live radio interview about research within AIM on bioinspiration and imaging.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Industrial Microscopy Training Day - Cogent Power Ltd 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The microscopy day was designed / planned in collaboration with COgent Power Ltd. The Microscopy facilities were used to examine thriugh process development of the companies products. This facilitated a workshop / open discussion on opportunities for product and process control improvments for the company's manufacturing process. The session concluded with plans to run at least 3 more similar sessions. One focussed on training "shop floor operators" and another which involved detailed electron microscopy analysis to enhance more complex technical discussions on product development. These are planned for spring / summer 2016.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Interview live on BBC World News TV - viewership ~100 million daily 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I gave a live interview about our research project on imaging the Mary Rose human remains and recovered ancient artefacts, on BBC World News TV channel. The interview followed a live report on President Obama announcement. I was describing why our imaging was important, and what it meant for people around the world in terms of access to these rare remains, and the ability to interact with our data. Also to announce a call for researcher engagement with the data/3D visualisations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2016
Description Interview with LiveScience about our research on imaging the Mary Rose remains 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview with LiveScience for an article they published about our research on imaging the Mary Rose remains
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Invited talk at industrial company Carl Zeiss in California USA. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Invited talk by Dr Richard Johnston at Carl Zeiss in California, USA. The focus of the talk was the broad capability of the AIM facility, our applications, and collaborations. Post-talk discussion focussed around future collaborations with Zeiss on correlative imaging across diverse materials. Direct output within a day of Zeiss featuring our research in their case study examples, and showing our outputs on the walls of their California demo centre.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Supporting the Steel Industry 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact TV interview demonstrating the support that the new AIM facility is providing to steel industry and can cntinue to provide. Raising the profile of steel as an innovative industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Talk to Senior TATA Steel Excutives 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact THe talk covered current work within the ongoing AIM- TATA Steel collaboration and presented new opportunities to support the business.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Virtual Tudors press conference in London (at Wellcome Trust building) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This was a press conference to discuss our research on imaging the human remains of the Mary Rose, and some artefacts. The assembled press were from the Guardian, BBC, Daily Mail, Times, Financial Times, among many others.

This led to around 100 articles by the global press on the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016