Deterministic Turbulence

Lead Research Organisation: City, University of London
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci


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Description The windtunnel measurements of deterministic turbulence have revealed a clear picture of the structures that arise and cause the high frequency turbulence to form. Identifying them has been of great interest to those studying the formation of turbulent spots that lead to transition of the flow to turbulence.
Exploitation Route The final phase of the work involves control. Experiments on the control aspects will be carried out in a March using the knowledge gained of the coherent structures that are formed under controlled conditions.

In order to control the turbulent structures it will be necessary to find a new way of interacting with the flow in the field. I am shore that Professor Choi wil be working on this topic.

My main focus on the project was on the initiation of small turbulent spots that grow and cause turbulence. It turned out that in our experiments the spots were actually created at the source and not, as we had originally expected through the evolution of instabilities. This was convenient and in the present context, but I had hoped to be able to explore the evolution stage. This aspect of the project was not essential for the control study, but is of intrinsic interst in the study of transition.
Sectors Aerospace

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