Microporous metal oxides for the oxidation of alkanes to primary alcohols

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Chemistry


The development of novel catalysts for selective oxidation reactions is an area of decisive importance for both industry and academia. In fact, there is a major need for: (i) catalysts capable of delivering energy-efficient processes with enhanced selectivity to a desired product and (ii) oxidation routes that make use of air (molecular oxygen) for greener manufacturing processes. To achieve these results, this proposal will develop novel structured microporous metal oxides to use as catalysts.

These novel materials will be targeted to the synthesis of primary alcohols from alkanes using molecular oxygen as oxidant. Primary alcohols play a crucial role in chemistry, as they are essential building blocks for the pharmaceutical, food additives and cosmetics industries. However, a full range of primary alcohols is difficult to obtain synthetically, or to extract from natural sources.

All of the current catalysts for alkane oxidation lack control of selectivity to a desired alcohol product, with the exception of a few bacteria capable of catalytic monohydroxylation. These can selectively functionalise C-H bonds at the end of a hydrocarbon chain without attacking more reactive C-H bonds within the carbon chain. Therefore, a new paradigm for selective oxidation of alkanes to primary alcohols is necessary and would be of immense importance. In fact, this would also convert alkanes from a non-renewable fossil fuel source into a useful chemical synthesis feedstock. Thus these new microporous metal oxides will deliver shape-selective control of reactivity combined with redox chemistry, as in enzymatic systems.

This project will also investigate the fundamental catalytic mechanisms using an array of spectroscopic tools including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance, as well as X-ray diffraction methods. These insights will deliver a new alcohol manufacturing technology that will be of benefit for the UK industry, as well as the design of materials that will impact areas beyond catalysis, e.g. materials science, spectroscopy, biomimetic synthesis and chemical engineering.

Planned Impact

The impact of this proposal will affect: industry and economy, society and general public, the academic community within and beyond catalysis, and the possible training of PhD students.

Industry and economy.
There is a current gap in the UK for processes to manufacture primary alcohols. At present all of the patent holders for such processes are based in the US, for a market with productivity in excess of 2M tonne per year. Therefore a clear benefit to the UK industry can arise, e.g. for catalyst manufacturers and users of primary alcohols in the cosmetics, drugs and food sectors. This project will exploit the strong tradition in catalyst preparation from UK industries which can provide a platform for the commercialisation of these products with a benefit for the UK economy.

Increasing benefit to Industrial sectors from translational working with the Academic community.
The academic community will benefit from this project and in areas within and beyond catalysis. In fact, beside applications in heterogeneous catalysis, benefits will also be present for: (i) materials science, (ii) biomimetic synthesis, (iii) spectroscopy (XPS and EPR) and (iv) chemical engineering (see academic beneficiaries document and academic impact sections).

Society and general public.
By carrying out direct monohydroxylation of hydrocarbons to alcohols, this project will convert hydrocarbons into useful chemical synthesis feedstocks rather than using them as non-renewable fossil fuel. Moreover, as the catalysts at the centre of this proposal are aimed to obtain specific products by using oxygen or air as oxidizing agent, this will provide greener manufacturing processes capable of a more efficient energy cost, as well as a reduced carbon foot print, which are both strategic targets in the UK political agenda. Additionally, the primary alcohols that are the products of this research project find use as: drug precursors, food additives, moisturizing agents and preservatives. Hence these final products will be accessible at a lower cost.

Student training.
This scheme is not designed to the recruitment of PhD students, yet if this application is successful the host institution (University of Sheffield) is committed to provide a PhD student for this project, and the collaborator (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany) is committed to apply for a PhD studentship funded by this same institution. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this project this would allow the training of students in possession of a wide range of experimental skills that will be useful to both industry and academia, ranging from catalyst preparation to spectroscopy.


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Description This research grant allowed us to discover novel properties of metal nanoparticles. In particular is paving the way for the use of metal nanoparticles based on silver for oxidation reactions. An unexpected result for us. Silver is a metal rarely used in catalysis and this project is providing new findings for the selective oxidation of hydrocarbons. This is important, as hydrocarbons are still mainly used as fuel, whereas to be able to identify routes for their conversion to useful chemicals (in our case precursors for the drug, food, and cosmetic sectors) will be of extreme importance to convert them to useful feedstocks.

Our research is also opening a set of new and important research questions. Especially for the role of the supports we are using for our studies (in this context a support is a species, most often a metal oxide that keeps metal species like silver apart by avoid their sintering). In particular by using TiO2 and Nb2O5 as support. Whereas TiO2 is reasonably used in catalysis for its stability, a metal oxide like Nb2O5 - despite its interesting structural features - at present it is not. More in details, we identified that Nb2O5 can be a quencher of radical pathways if used under mild pressures and temperatures, and even more surprisingly can be an activator for the hydrocarbon oxidation if used at high temperature and pressures and in presence of a pure oxygen atmosphere. This switch of properties from inhibitor to inert, and then to active species, is very rare, and this tunability may truly open up a new area for metal oxide catalysis. Furthermore if these data will be confirmed this findings would have a much broader implications than simply the current project (e.g. p-xylene oxidation to terephthalic acid for polyethylene manufacture). If this could be confirmed, it would truly introduce a new paradigm for catalyst development, and an unprecedented example of catalysts operating in a concerted manner with a metal nanoparticle promoting a desired reaction pathway and a tunable support suppressing undesired species or enhancing desirable reaction pathways.

This project also provided seed corn for the acquisition of further research grants, providing support for a PDRA scholarship and one PhD studentship, thus effectively contributing to the training of a new group of chemists.
Exploitation Route The findings are currently being taken forward, and setting the ground for collaborations in the area of the selective oxidation of hydrocarbons, properties of materials, and kinetic studies on the identification of reaction intermediates.
Furthermore, our current findings can be of benefits for the following research communities:
a) Catalysis, with the discovery of novel metals to carry out selective oxidation reactions.
b) Materials, which can find application not only in catalysis but also in materials science, surface science, or supramolecular chemistry.
c) Semiconductors. As the metal doping of our metal oxides is altering their conductivities.
Sectors Chemicals



Description Developing the synthesis of novel TiO2 and Nb2O5 supports and their applications to the selective oxidation of alkanes
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sheffield 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2016 
End 06/2020
Description Development of analytical tools for the characterization of hydrocarbon mixtures
Amount £15,000 (GBP)
Organisation Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2019 
End 01/2025
Description EPSRC - Doctoral Prize Fellowships
Amount £40,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Leeds 
Department Faculty of Engineering
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 12/2018
Title NMR protocols for the identification and quantification of alkyl hydroperoxides 
Description We are developing and, in part, validated so far, the characterization of reaction mixtures by using NMR methods in place of canonical GC-MS methods for the identification and quantification of alkyl hydroperoxide species. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Although the accepted and canonical method using chromatographic and mass spectrometry techniques can lead to a very low detection limit for analytes, we have also observed that this widely used technique can also lead to the destruction of important intermediates during the analysis, which impacts any quantification made using this (though widely used) method. In contrast, our method development using NMR is not affected by this drawback, and it would find wide application in the analysis of these complex mixtures. 
Title Synthesis of microporous metal oxides via peptization 
Description A synthesis of microporous metal oxides that avoids the use of organic templates, and instead uses strong basic or hydrothermal conditions, a protocol known as peptization. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact During the course of the project, we have observed that while many microporous metal oxides are supposedly able to be synthesized by using organic templates, in reality they can't be due to a collapse of the structure at the stage of template removal. In view of this, we have eliminated the use of a template completely, and developed a route where, under very strong basic and hydrothermal conditions (namely the use of peptizing agents like NaOH), materials like anatase were capable of forming microporous channels.  This also allowed for different morphologies to be achieved as well as a metal doping of the framework. 
Description EPR studies of microporous metal oxides containing active metal centres 
Organisation Leibniz Association
Department Leibniz Institute for Catalysis
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am providing materials to be investigated via EPR method in order to gather structural information on the short range order of these materials (to be contrasted to diffraction methods of analysis)
Collaborator Contribution The partner LIKAT, via the group of Prof. Angelika Brueckner, is analyzing these materials via EPR. At present this is done ex-situ at room or liquid nitrogen temperature for the identification of transition metal active sites, as well as for the identification of oxygen vacancies, within the metal oxide framework that is embedding the active metal. At preset we are currently investigating the possibility of in-situ studies close to catalyst reaction conditions.
Impact At present stage we are still gathering structural information to loop into an improved catalyst design. The analysis of these materials is not trivial.
Start Year 2016
Description Surface properties of microporus metal oxides (XPS and Raman) 
Organisation Nara Women's University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are providing spectroscopy data to be characterized at surface level to loop into enhanced catalyst design
Collaborator Contribution XPS data analysis
Impact The current data will be used for a publication, and possible more than one.
Start Year 2017
Description TEM of microporous and bulk metal oxides incorporating metal nanoparticles 
Organisation Synfuels China Technology
Country China 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We are providing samples that needs to be characterized, this will loop to us with data on how to improve catalyst design
Collaborator Contribution The partner provided outstanding TEM as well as High Resolution TEM data on some of our microporous materials together with supported metal nanoparticles on supported metal oxides. These characterizations are helping us to identify structural features of our materials that we believe important for an improved catalyst design (for example actual nature, also in terms of chemical species/composition) of our nano-particles.
Impact At present part of the results fo this collaborations have been presented in a recent conference (Europacat 2017), and we are currently preparing data for a publication. Further updates on this will be done in due course.
Start Year 2017