Lead Research Organisation: University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Electronic and Electrical Engineering


The SWEPT2 project aims to develop a sophisticated tool for modelling of wind turbine wakes and wake interactions. It is
well known that present wake models are inadequate, especially for application to large offshore wind farms, and have led
to wind farm designs with larger than expected wake losses. Improved wake models are essential for improved wind farm
designs with improved energy yield. Validation of wake models is critical but difficult to undertake at full scale. By making
use of LIDAR and full size turbines, the project aims to collect data on wakes that will provide confidence in the validation
process. However LIDAR data is not without its own technical challenges, mainly related to data dropout due at times to
inadequate back-scatter from aerosol particles. Strathclyde has experience of LIDAR measurement of wind turbine wakes
both onshore and offshore and will apply the methods previously developed to provide high quality data sets to be used for
model validation within the consortium. There are different ways in which flow field measurements and CDF calculations
can be compared to assess the quality of wake models; the Strathclyde team will apply methods previously developed and
shown to be effective to the SWEPT2 validation.

Planned Impact

The UK offshore wind sector is projected to grow to £8bn annually by 2020 so the economic benefits estimated to result
from the new wake modelling tool, at over 1% of project costs, could be considerable across the UK investment.
Research results will be communicated through the ORE Catapult (a project partners ideally suited to this) and publication
in the relevant journals.


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publication icon
Infield D (2017) Stability Impact on Wake Development in Moderately Complex Terrain in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Description We have demonstrated the complexity of wind turbine wake development for a complex onshore wind farm. The interaction between terrain impact on wind flow, and turbine wakes, has been quantified.
Exploitation Route Our work is being used by project partners.
Sectors Energy

Description Our initial research findings have been used by the commercial partners (funded by InnovateUK) to help define test runs for their CDF code under development.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Energy
Impact Types Economic