Integrated Plasma Source Focused Ion Beam with Scanning Electron Microscope

Lead Research Organisation: University of Surrey
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering Sciences


This proposal seeks to establish a state-of-the-art plasma FIB at Surrey - only the second such instrument in the UK. The system will enable the removal of material in a controlled manner at the nanometre scale. This will enable the manufacture of nanostructures for a wide range of uses, from quantum devices to microscopic mechanical test pieces. The PFIB is equipped with scanning electron microscopy so that as material is removed in a controlled manner so a three dimensional image of the eroded area can be built up. This is tomography on the microscopic scale and enables one to image sub-surface features such as inclusions in a metal alloy, interpenetration of layers in a microelectronics device or corrosion around a second phase particle in a metal. Nanomachining is the other activity that a PFIB will perform well with samples of well defined geometry and/or thickness being produced with lengths varying from tens of nanometres (thickness of an electron transparent specimen) through to just under a millimetere. Once manufactured such specimens can be examined by transmission electron microscopy or a surface analysis technique such as secondary ion mass spectrometry. Thus this equipment bid will provide a new capability with far reaching impact across several themes and many sub-themes of the EPSRC portfolio significantly enhancing existing research both in Surrey and in collaborators across the UK as well as opening up new research possibilities. There are few single instruments currently available that can be applied to so many areas of scientific and engineering research. Materials research, one of the eight great technologies and a current government priority, is by far the most obvious benefactor but the manufacturing capability of the instrument will be applied to other nationally important areas such as experimental physics and metrology. This instrument will be very significant, its versatility and high efficiency has the potential to accelerate impact across many of these themes maintaining the United Kingdom's role as a leading science nation.

Planned Impact

The 'Integrated Plasma Source Focused Ion Beam with Scanning Electron Microscope' (hereafter PFIB) would be the second of its kind in the UK. PFIB offers FIB fabrication and specimen production at up to 100 times that of conventional FIB. The impact of such capability is:
(i) the fabrication of larger devices and specimens,
(ii) faster turnaround times,
(iii) unique correlative microscopy and analysis opportunities,
(iv) unique capability in accurate EBSD and tomographic reconstruction.

(i), (iii) and (iv) offer unique possibilities for scientific study that will impact on science related to industrial applications as diverse as: electronic devices, aerospace, defence, industrial standards and protective coatings. As well as these unique scientific opportunities the higher throughout, coupled with these novel possibilities, offers accelerated impact. Many of the scientific studies are much faster when conducted by PFIB than, for example, thin foil microscopy. The UK needs to ensure that capabilities exist which lessen the lead-time for the impact of the benefits of scientific research in industry. This is especially true in structural materials and advanced manufacturing where the UK must speed up the movement of new materials and technologies up the TRL scale to ensure global competitiveness.

In terms of immediate beneficiaries these include research partners in the fields of: (a) advanced coatings and adhesive bonding technologies (JFW), e.g. Crown packaging, Huntsman and Johnson Matthey, (b) metrology of advanced and advanced nano-fabrication (DCC), e.g. NPL and Sandvik and (c) advanced metals manufacture (MJW), e.g. Lockheed Martin UK, Rolls-Royce plc and TISICS plc. There are other industrial partners which are part of wider networks, such as the EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training in MiNMaT (Micro- and NanoMaterials and Technologies).

The case for support details a number of milestones and metrics to ensure that the PFIB has the widest possible impact. The key milestones and outputs are:

1. Engaging with Industry, initially through our existing network of some 60 partners who would potentially benefit from FIB. Targets - Year 1: 30 research programmes and 15 partners, Year 2: 60 research programmes and 30 partners, Year 3: 90 research programmes and 45 partners.
2. Production of Application Notes on key PFIB capabilities. Five are planned for the first three years.
3. Webinars, again on key capabilities, will be used to promote the instrument and some key benefits of PFIB.
4. By the end of three years it is envisaged that the instrument will have partially, or entirely, enabled the publication of 30 first-quartile publications.
5. A poster linked to the website Made2Measure, launched on 18th January 2016 will be sent to 1,000 schools to promote the societal importance of the physical sciences.

In order to optimise the impact of the equipment, the research data obtained and the scientific discovery enabled, the PI and two CIs will meet four times a year to review the milestones and outputs. They will report to an Advisory Board who will scrutinise the efficacy of the research programme, including its impact.

Two events are also planned to ensure that the instrument is utilised effectively by both Industry and other academic institutions. The first of these will be an Open Day, three months after the commissioning of the instrument. This will focus on the capabilities of the instrument and prospects for research.The second event is a one-day scientific meeting which will showcase the best of the science and impact arising from the use of the equipment in the first two years. The PI and two CIs have experience with organising and running scientific meetings through their work with different professional institutions: IOM3, IoP, RMS respectively.


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Description The Tescan plasma focused ion beam has now been installed for a little under two years. Following a period of acclimatisation it has proved to be extremely reliable with a growing user base and workload now approaching capacity. In this time it has undertaken an incredibly wide range of project work, ranging from 'classical' materials characterisation to fabrication of devices for emerging quantum technologies. This work has been funded from several sources, including research councils, BEIS (with NPL) and industrial partners. The instrument has been used with industrial partners both through the MinMAt DTC at Surrey and consultancy work in high-technology companies ranging from SMEs to multinationals in mostly in advanced manufacturing and defence sectors. The companies and their research requirements are diverse as can be seen by the portfolio of companies including Pilkington, LockheedMartin, TISICS and Edwards Vacuum to name just a few.

This industrial work is primarily characterisation of material microstructures - here the increased beam current of the new plasma beam technology enables materials to be sampled in much larger volumes than traditional gallium based instruments. Understanding reasons for failure and process control is vital to these companies and the instrument offers the ability to rapidly sample volumes of materials that are sufficient to be representative of their products and processes. The instrument has also been used recently in a new way, to introduce controlled defects to establish fault tolerance of real components for a multinational vacuum pump manufacturer.

More fundamental work on the process of ion milling and its applications to real problems has been undertaken with the National Physical Laboratory. Here experimentation has been carried out to establish the process is valid and applicable to solving real industrial problems. Further 3rd party industrial work has been carried out on the instrument in connection with NPL (who are strategic partners with Surrey).

Finally the instrument has been used to develop new devices for the newly emerging quantum technologies, both as part of several research council funded and NPL funded projects. The UK is currently one of the worlds leaders in this field that it is likely to be very influential across many sectors of human activity including drug and material development, finance, defence and computing. Although these technologies are a significant way from maturity and not all aspects will succeed the potential impact of them is massively significant.
Exploitation Route There are contributions in all areas identified above.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology


Description The Tescan plasma focused ion beam has now been installed for a little under five years. The instrument has proved to be extremely reliable with a growing user base and workload that is close to the limits of capacity most weeks. With the recent arrival of a new TEM, PFIB sample preparation is expected to push the instrument to its full capacity. To date it has undertaken an incredibly wide range of project work, ranging from 'classical' materials characterisation to fabrication of devices for emerging quantum technologies and a new and novel method of introducing strain into group iv semiconductors. In the structural materials area, the method of PFIB with digital imaging correlation (PFIB-DIC) has been developed and applied to the three-dimensional measurement of residual stresses in welds, vital for determining the lifetime of fusion reactor steels. In work relating to titanium metal matrix composites for aerospace applications, PFIB-SIM 3D imaging has identified the nature and cause of growth anomlies in the SiC reinforcement that can bring about premature failure. An understanding of the cause of these features has enabled minor revision to CVD process parameters that all but eliminates the problem. The PFIB work has been funded from several sources, including research councils, BEIS (with NPL) and industrial partners. The instrument has been used with industrial partners both through the MiNMaT DTC at Surrey and consultancy work in high-technology companies ranging from SMEs to multinationals mostly in advanced manufacturing and defence sectors. The companies and their research requirements are diverse as can be seen by the portfolio of companies including Pilkington, LockheedMartin, TISICS and Edwards Vacuum to name but a few. The PFIB system is now an integrated part of the portfolio of advanced analytical instrumentation available at the University. It is widely used by PhD and EngD students and, in addition, contributes to undergraduate and taught postgraduate student projects.
First Year Of Impact 2007
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Description Activity PFIB 2018 
Organisation NPL Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Theer have been a number of formal collaborations with NPL. They were named in the proposal as contributors and have supplied the EBSD detector cited in the proposal and staff time to install and commison the device on the PFIB. A member of NPL staff has spent many days at Surrey working on the PFIB.
Collaborator Contribution The surrey team has provided intelectual input and will benefit directly from a PFIB system equipped with an integral EBSD detector mounted on the stage.
Impact None so far. The collaboration is ongoing and software is being developed. The EBSD detector is installed.
Start Year 2016