Flood Prediction using real time sensing Emergency Water Information Networks over mobile phone networks and WiFi (EWIN)

Lead Research Organisation: Loughborough University
Department Name: Electronic, Electrical & Systems Enginee


We are working on ways to monitor flooding in real time using remote water sensing over cellular phone systems. With the predicted impacts of climate change flooding will be a global problem. Minutes of advance warning are important and modern flood warning systems are critical for a country to protect its people and develop and grow its towns and cities. Flooding is the most serious of natural disasters mankind has to cope with in terms of loss of life and the long term effects of flooding have severely adverse social consequences. Unlike the UK that has a mature flood defence system, many countries have not been able to afford the technology and have poor response to flooding. However, many developing countries do now have access to modern cellular phone networks in their towns and cities. So in this project we will discover how to use mobile phone networks combined with WiFi to help countries tackle climate change.

Two teams of researchers from the UK and Mexico, supported by small companies with experts in the fields of water engineering and embedded electronics have come to together to investigate how real time flood monitoring can be done over modern phone systems to provide modern water engineering infrastructure in a cost effective way to quickly make countries vulnerable to flooding more resilient to this most serious of natural disasters.

To improve flood prediction several areas of research need to be addressed. Concisely, the data for real time flood prediction needs be sensed in the right place and at the right time, transmitted in harsh conditions, fused in the cloud and used to make reliable flood prediction models. our research addresses each of these areas using UK expertise in Water Engineering and Radio Communications to complement Mexican knowledge of Water Engineering, Data Networks and Enterprise.

At the end of the project we will have measured parts of and modelled a complete flood prediction network for Mexico and in the process understood how water behaves before, during and after flooding. Mexico is a country of extremes with a dry season where hardly any rain falls and rainy season with volumes of water in rivers unseen in the UK. For the UK climate change is predicted to mean more dynamic and intensive large scale weather effects so there are significant benefits the United Kingdom as well as Mexico and many other countries.

Combined with background research, prototyping of sensors packages and waterway modelling, our teams will be conducting a series of highly targeted field trials - small scale in the UK where rivers and lakes and relatively predictable and medium scale in Mexico where we will seek flood events to be studied in real time.

Two new exciting water sensing technologies, one that uses Doppler radar and another that using similar techniques to face recognition will be used for the first time in this work to detect the water conditions prior and during a flood event. The two techniques are special because they do not need to be in the water and are therefore much harder to wash away than traditional sensors.

We intend to use a portable system that can be deployed quickly in areas that may flood to give much needed advanced warning and monitor water levels during the time before the water recedes.

Planned Impact

The project addresses the escalating ,worldwide and urgent need to evolve water management. We are not coping well with floods. For example the recent World Economic Forum ranked water risks third (flooding, drought and persistent pollutants) in the list of dangers to world economic activity. The Carbon Disclosure Project (ICCC) estimated that water impacts cost business over $2.5bn in 2015

During this project we will generate a large data set on water movement in two well defined geographical catchments. This will enable the water engineering community to develop, design, operate and maintain, optimum, multiple smaller scale upstream water retention schemes to reduce flooding. It is anticipated that the project will have far reaching ethical, environmental, educational and social benefits as well as improved economic resilience. The funds requested are for the EWIN project with Mexico but the data gathering is expected to be permanent providing a continuous resource for academic research. Ultimately wider adoption of the technology and their associated numerical models developed during the project are certain to be applicable to communities at flood risk globally.

These impacts will be achieved through the research into novel real time water sensing technology at the core of this proposal. The collection of hydrometric data (subtle changes in flow rate and water quality) has been impeded by the requirement of extensive resources for equipment and their maintenance. The availability of small, cheap and reliable sensors will allow a large number of monitors to be deployed and remotely. This will allow measurements of how river and water flows change with time, season and rainfall event. It will enable a better understanding of changes in channel morphology and sediment movement giving rise to the ability to make continual updates to the validation and sensitivity of existing hydraulic river models. Better real time predictions of the probability and location of flooding would be possible. Improvements in these models would also and more importantly enable optimum interventions with a range of storage and other small water hold up devices.

The consortium will share the expected IP resulting from the development of further novel non-invasive water quality sensors as variants to the existing patents.
The project team includes a partnership between Electrical and Civil Engineers and Environmental Scientists from academic, commercial and regulatory backgrounds which will generate environmental, commercial and societal experience, an ideal skill mix for the Global water challenges and growing employment sector ahead. Loughborough offers several Masters level programmes where these skills would make a direct contribution to the practical relevance of the courses. We would also seek to fund additional PhD students on the project funded by CASE or similar sponsored by our industrial partners. An outreach of the research will also be to promote education and general public understanding of the complex contributory factors to flooding events. There would be encouragement of the use and participation in the management of the water storage wetlands as nature reserves and sources of biodiversity. As part of this public involvement we would use our connections with local authorities, water utilities and the regulators to help prepare and maintain information for community based exhibitions and fairs as well as a web site to explain the basis of the work in an accessible way.


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Title Interview with Amado Gomez 
Description Video interview with Amado Gomez, researcher on the EWIN project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The interview was shown during a conference presenting the EWIN project to local stakeholders in January 2020, with a view to their longer-term involvement. It is also available on YouTube. 
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6VoHazw2wk
Title Promotional Video of the EWIN project 
Description The Mexican Radio Team in collaboration with the Embedded and Water Teams, organized the 3rd International Workshop entitled "Technology Transfer" in Colima City and Manzanillo, January 20-24, 2020, having a great success. Approximately 100 distinguished people attended this workshop, the main attendees were stakeholders such as: Colima State Representatives, Municipal Presidents, Politicians, Civil Protection Agencies, and Military Agency (SEDENA), among others. Several news about Flood Forecasting achieved by the EWIN project were presented on national television by TV- Azteca and local newspapers. In addition, for this workshop a promotional video was produced, which presents the main results achieved by the EWIN project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The Civil Protection Agency, the National Water Commission and the Colima State Representatives (In Mexico) are now interested in further collaboration with the EWIN project. We are looking at several grants we can apply from our National Consul for Science and Technology, (CONACYT) and grants for national disasters from the Mexican Government. 
URL http://ewin.corporativostr.com.
Description EWIN for Hong Kong(HK). An unintended consequence of the planning activities related to the EWIN project has been the generation of interest from parties outside of the consortium who have a common interest in flood prediction. An example is a proposal put to the Hong Kong Water Authority by the Chairman of the Hong Kong Plumbing Federation for the adoption of an EWIN type early warning systems in that part of China. Water for HK has always been difficult since there are few natural sources of fresh supply. The population density is high, and the need is met in two less than optimal ways. Firstly, water from the sea is used for things like toilets, and secondly, water is imported from rivers in the Guangdong province. Therefore, wastage in the system due to contamination by flooding and leaks in general in the water transport system both urgently need solutions in HK. The EWIN project uses an Internet of Things (IoT), type network to sense rivers in real time so that flood warnings can be given more quickly and uses two new types of UK based technology to detect the speed of water using microwaves. HK also has a water system based upon that in the UK. A proposal is currently under discussion in Hong Kong to adopt the methods and technology used in the EWIN project. This proposal may itself lead to a further project supported by the HK government.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Electronics,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description Effects of Water on Radio Propagation in the Soar Valley. Lectures were introduced to a Post graduate Module on Mobile Network Technologies Indicating the influence of water on cellular network planning.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Impacts of LTE-IoT for the Cloud Based Adhoc Network for flooding prevention. Some Lectures were taught to 6 Master and 14 Undergraduate students taking the Lecture "4G and 5G Cellular Networks", at the Engineering School, National University of Mexico.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description The project Flood Prediction using real time sensing Emergency Water Information Networks over mobile phone networks and WiFi (EWIN) is included in the Resilience Strategy of Colima Municipality.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
URL https://100resilientcities.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eed6bcd6a20a1f4400bdb05d8&id=9f66dd813...
Description Training on Machine learning and sensor data for short flood prediction
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Workshop to Identify critical infrastructure and Cascading impacts are defined as a chain sequence of interconnected failures on downstream areas with decision makers and stakeholders
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Decision makers and stakeholders reviewed the identification of critical infrastructure and impacts on downstream areas Colima-Villa de Alvarez area. They analyzed locations of critical infrastructure identified along with the inundation extent of different magnitude floods. Critical infrastructure, such as energy supply, schools, utilities, hospitals, and the transportation and telecommunication networks are also susceptible to flooding. A GIS framework were for assessing these impacts, and a diagram of the cascade events was developed. Now we are working on the document to report the findings.
Description Support Program for Research and Technological Innovation Projects (PAPIIT): Design, analysis and implementation of a 5G-LoRa cellular network at UNAM with a DWDM fronthaul for IoT applications and services in a smart city
Amount $667,000 (MXN)
Funding ID UNAM PAPIIT IG100724 
Organisation National Autonomous University of Mexico 
Sector Academic/University
Country Mexico
Start 01/2024 
End 12/2024
Title EWIN database 
Description EWIN Project The RiverCore data acquisition environment is integrated via a hardware device, an MQTT broker and a NoSQL document-based data structure. The RiverCore datalogger retrieves information from environmental variables and sends it through a 2G/3G cellular network using MQTT protocol, to a Linux server, which has an MQTT Mosquitto Broker, that receives published messages at the topic "nodes", while a background Node.js script saves the data using a MongoDB document structure. RiverCore's server-side environment implements MongoDB to save devices readings, because MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. Its main features are that each database is composed of collections, and each one of those collections contains documents (registers) that can be can be different size and structure from each other if needed, also this type of databases is scalable and are capable of holding millions of documents within a unique database, they are dynamic (no rigid schema), high performance and open source. The EWIN MongoDB database management is based on Mongoose node, it's composed of five collections with the following schemes: • Users: { _id: Object, name: String, lastname: String, birthday: Date, email: String, profile: Object, password: String, _created: Date } • Profiles: {_id: Object, name: String, _created: Date } • Devices: {_id: Object, devicename: String, temperature: Boolean, relativehumidity: Boolean, waterlevel: Boolean, soilmoisture: Boolean, GPS: Boolean, _created: Date } • Nodes: { _id: Object, deviceid: Object, temperature: Number, relativehumidity: Number, waterlevel: Number, soilmoisture: Number, latitude: String, longitude: String, _created: Date } • Sessions: {_id: String, expires: Date, session: String } 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This database is useful for other participants in this project. Also, for stakeholders interested in applying the database in hydrological models or simulation of flow behavior and river level. 
URL http://tairda.siteldi.mx:3005/
Title Enhanced two Ray Propagation modelling of Complex Propagation Channels 
Description This method applies both polynomial and multi-parameter inversion methods to RSS versus distance measurements, conducted on mildly undulating, mixed vegetation terrain in the Colima district of Mexico. The purpose of which is to derive a realistic, workable representation for the propagation channel in which the tests were conducted. The measurement program yielded RSS data points over a 5 to 1000 m range for UHF measurements (conducted in the ISM 915 MHz band) along with a separate measurement series conducted at 3.5 GHz over a range of 5 to 341 m. In order to derive the optimum fit to the data sets, both second order polynomial and enhanced two-ray path model were applied to the data. The 2-ray path inversion comprised the minimisation of an objective function including four key parameters namely, the transmission ERP, ground complex permittivity and the Tx /Rx antenna effective heights above the ground plane. Note, the inversion technique used for this optimisation is particularly adept at multi-parameter minimisation problems of the form described here. . 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact It is hoped that the complex channel model derived for the 915 MHz ISM band, may be used to predict the degree of dispersion likely to be encountered for typical transmit data bandwidths and Baud rates employed in Network links within this frequency range. These may be compared with future bespoke measurements conducted aforementioned test vicinity. 
Title Hydraulic Model of the city of Colima 
Description It is and two-dimension hydraulic model of the city of Colima and the city of Villa de álvarez, which are next to each other and share its avenues and rivers, the model consist in letting flow an estimated discharge of water at the upstream sites and the model's output are flooded zones and the velocity of the water. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact It is a tool for the decision makers to compare historical information to a model based on topographic information and weather data analysys. 
Title Mapping of the Urban UHF/L Band RF Environment in both spatial and frequency domains 
Description The requirement to preserve the integrity of climatological data network systems and maintain robust inter nodal links within the Flood regions of Mexico, has led to the development of RF mapping techniques to determine the level of interference within the ambient UHF spectrum. This comprises a novel approach to the frequency / spatial imaging via sparse sampling of the RF power followed by implementation of novel 2D interpolation algorithm. This enables high resolution images (or frequency vs azimuth maps) of the Mexican Radio Frequency interference (RFI) environment to be formulated. Subsequent Angle of Arrival processing may then be used to identify the location of principal sources of interference in the vicinity. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The research, i.e. Generation of spatial vs frequency RFI maps, may be further utilised to i) design appropriate RF filters to protect sensor network data links from incumbent RFI ii) undertake global assessments of attenuation due to changing RF channel propagation conditions via comparison of mapping characteristics in heavy rainfall.. 
Title Sliding Correlator Channel Sounding for Modeling of Wireless Communications Channels in Harsh Environments. 
Description This method provides a channel sounder using a chirp signal. The DDFS (Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer) generates a frequency modulated continuous-wave (FMCW or chirp) with different frequency steps, ?f, and different rates, ?t. Therefore, the DDFS can produce chirp signals with variable parameters like as sweep rate, bandwidth and duration. The signal is subsequently filtered and amplified in order to transmit the signal by an antenna. The receiver uses a heterodyne detector where the received chirp signal is mixed with a locally generated replica. Consequently, the mixer produces beat notes for the different multipath components, whose frequency is proportional to (B/T) t_d. Where t_d, is the time delay of the echo, B is the bandwidth, and T is the period. The resolution of the different multipath components is achieved with spectral analysis. After, the IF signal is mixed down to baseband with a beat frequency oscillator (BFO) in addition to being filtered with a low pass filter. Finally, the signal is digitized and logged to a computer. The data acquisition board samples the baseband signal, transfers the data to a RAM, and then transfer the data to the computer. Nowadays, we are working in two types of channel sounder: the sliding correlator and frequency sweep. In order to implement the signal processing modules of each type, it is necessary to simulate the theoretical aspect of the channel sounder in Mathlab. This process will allow us to model all signal processing blocks. Moreover, the migration to SDR software will be easier. The process of the design and implementation of a channel sounder is as follows: *Theoretical simulation in Mathlab. *Integration of the signal processing modules in SDR software. *Test of the modules implemented through SDR devices (such as: USRP, HackRF). 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The multiple propagation paths (multipath) are the main characteristic of a wireless environment, particularly if it has several or many objects in the communication path, such as trees, dense vegetation, hills, and rivers, as found in the River Bank of Colima. For this reason, it is important to calculate the delay spread of the signal paths. The delay spread is the time delay between the arrival of the first received signal component (LOS) and the last received signal component. Therefore, if the delay spread is larger than the inverse of the bandwidth, the received signal will have a substantial signal distortion. The movement of a transmitter or receiver is another characteristic of a multipath channel. In this context, if a transmitter sends pulses, the received signal will be comprised of changes in amplitude, delays, and the number components corresponding to each pulse. Nowadays, the designer of wireless networks needs to know the channel behavioral under the multipath effects. For instance, if there are a couple of moving sensors or drifters on a river, the receiver sensor will receive several components of the transmitted pulse. In this scenario, it is important to know the signal delay spread, signal attenuation, and the specific points with mayor distortion. In order to have a good characterization of multipath effects, the channel impulse response is measured thought out a channel sounder. In the practice, a channel sounder is used to obtain the power delay profile (PDP) of the received signal. In addition, the PDP provides information, such as delay spread and attenuation. 
Title Spatial prediction of flash flooding events in Mexico by neural networks. 
Description This study describes the potential application of neural networks for spatial prediction and mapping clusters of flash floods in Colima, Mexico. Flood probability maps are essential for various applications, including land use planning and developing mitigation strategies and early warning systems. A geospatial database containing records retrieved from the EWIN project from the Narda storm in 2019 was constructed to build and validate the predictive model. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The spatial identification of a cluster when a storm occurs is relevant for every city's civil protection authorities. The model and Narda´s projected floods were measured by the neural networks method and revealed where the higher-risk clusters of the study area are located. 
Description Civil Protection Agency in Colima State 
Organisation Government of the State of Colima
Country Mexico 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have had several meetings with them, we were agree to contribute about flooding risk monitoring for vulnerable population in Colima State.
Collaborator Contribution The Cicil Protection Agency of Colima State Government (CPA), provide us information about historical flooding events and its location. As well as the landing of the results of the project to the Mexican population in Colima State for structuring successful public policies in this field in future.
Impact The CPA provide us information and assistance from the past and present flooding events. They are an official link with the municipalities. We are in permanent contact with CPA, they are also a very importante partner in this project.
Start Year 2017
Description East Midlands Hydrometry & Telemetry, Environment agency 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Deploy river stage and rain gauge sensors to collect data in tributaries where no measurements are available from the EA.
Collaborator Contribution Help us defining sites where to deploy the sensors and providing us with the historical datasets for existing gauging stations
Impact In progress
Start Year 2017
Description National Water Commission (Colima, Mexico Delegation) 
Organisation Government of Mexico
Country Mexico 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have had meetings and phone calls with them, we were agree to contribute about water risk monitoring and the prediction information together in the EWIN project.
Collaborator Contribution Provide us information about historical rainfall data, existing gauging stations and flow sites location. As well as the landing of the results of the project to the Mexican population in Colima State for structuring successful public policies in this field in future.
Impact We had daily rainfall data since 1920-2015 from the catchment area. Also Hourly flow data from the existing infrastructure. We also had data from the gauging stations. We got information for legal requisites for installing sensors in Federal area (river basins). We are in permanent contact with the Water Commission, they are a very importante partner in this project.
Start Year 2017
Description Spectrum Regulation: Federal Institute of Telecommunications, IFT -Mexico 
Organisation Government of Mexico
Department Federal Telecommunications Institute
Country Mexico 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have had meetings, phone calls, and a Keynote lecture with the IFT-Mexico. They provide us with a specific study on dynamic access technologies and spectrum sharing that could be useful for the EWIN project.
Collaborator Contribution Help us defining the correct radio spectrum for the support of the EWIN Wifi Ad-hoc and cloud based cellular network outside the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio bands that could be used in MEXICO, in order to extend the coverage zone where we plan to setup the river sensors in Colima Mexico. The ISM bands are composed of three well known radio bands, such as the 900 MHz, 2.4 and 5 GHz, however, these radio bands are only used for short range communications systems, or require LOS conditions in outdoors scenarios for large coverage cellular networks. In USA and UK the new concept to share the radio spectrum is very well studied and one of the most promising techniques worldwide is TV White Spaces, which refers to the unused TV channels between the active ones in the VHF and UHF spectrum. The IFT-MEXICO, in case it is becomes necessary for the EWIN project, will help us with the regulatory issues of how we could be given the radio spectrum permission to use a TV White Spaces in the 500 or 600 MHz radio bands, that best suits to the EWIN Wifi Ad-hoc and cloud based cellular network for a larger radio coverage zone.
Impact In progress, we need to conclude the river-field test experiments is the ISM band in order to find out if a radio spectrum permission is really necessary.
Start Year 2018
Title Drifting system technologies for river flow assessment 
Description Both hardware systems and software architecture have been developed for new drifting instrumentation to be deployed in a flood situation. These systems autonomously acquire and store GPS positional data as well as movement data and then use intelligent wireless communication protocols to upload data to a central server. This date is then used to calculate and monitor surface water flow rates in real time. A prototype of a Raspberry Pi based drifting node has been developed with a sample set of sensors including a digital compass, accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS for positional and speed information. It has an onboard LTE modem so that it can send to and receive from a cloud database for real-time logging of river conditions. The devices make use of WiFi to form their own Ad-Hoc network which may be used in the future to transfer data to neighbouring nodes or to change their configuration. The software developed in C++ has been designed so that a library of sensors can be defined, and a configuration file is used to select which ones should are active. This allows a single piece of software to be written for different types of nodes, which may require different sensors based on the node's environment or purpose. The modular design will allow the product to be used for other research aims where remote data acquisition is required. 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact These technical development provide capability for a real-time data collection capability at a level previously unachievable enabling working towards an aim with other developments for near-real time flood prediction and management. This technology has already been used in other funded experimental work. The core hardware / firmware architecture was deployed in an underwater housing and used to measure particle velocity from acoustic pressure waves generated by high-energy explosion. The system was trialed in October 2019 in the assessment of underwater signals related to the clearance of unexploded ordinance. This work was funded by BEIS. It is planned to further develop the system to suite this novel application which has potential in a wide range of underwater noise measurement applications. 
URL https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/P029221/1
Title Novel use of optical tracking to automatically assess water surface flow speed 
Description A novel proof of concept system demonstrating the potential of water flow speed detection was demonstrated. This used image processing on an embedded uP capable of acquiring video of objects passing down a river system. The system could be be placed on for example bridges, a video feed from a small camera in the system was acquired, the system was designed to automatically detect unique shapes and objects moving with the river. Frame-by-frame analysis was used to detect the objects and assess displacement across the field of view as they pass under which was translated into velocity and therefore an assessment of the flow speed of the waters surface. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact As an early stage technology it has potential to be developed further as an additional tool for long term river flow rate assessment in parallel with the projects key outcomes. 
Title Python pipeline for automated sensor data preparation and analysis 
Description A Python based pipeline to automate, prepare and visualise sensor network data 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact This allows a seamless analysis and visualisation of the weather parameters sensed with the wireless sensor notwork. 
URL https://github.com/khouakhi/ewin_mex
Title Rivercore: Static river height sensing nodes 
Description A series of integrated hardware / network system architecture has been developed and is being produced by project partners under the name RIVERCORE. This system consists of a network enabled hardware platform deployed as riverside static nodes. The architecture allows various COTS sensor interfaces and self contained power and communication. Several of the systems have been deployed within this project in the Colima area. THis integrated systems are capable of measuring variation river height variation from ultrasonic SONAR sensors. This is then integrated with a GSM communication network into a centralised data base. Software has been developed to allow data collation, visualisation and dissemination through a public facing web portal. Internal software architectures have been developed using the JSON format to allow full integration across the entire EWIN sensor network of the RIVERCORE static nodes, the also project developed drifter technology and COT weather sensors and loggers. The design of the systems allow direct application to other locations. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Several systems are currently operating and streaming data into the Colima sensor network allowing development of better understanding of the Colima river systems. 
Description 5G Disaster Prediction - Emergency Water Information Network - the event took place in March 2018 at Xidian University with a wide audience from across the campus. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The key facts relating to how EWIN might change the attitude to where 5G cellular towers are sited was presented. This is an important topic in China as in common with Mexico they have large areas of their country that are prone to floods. As 5G is rolled out a chance appears to use the cellular phone system as an additional early warning system for floods.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Case study article for UKRI Case studies - "Flood Water monitoring via mobile phones saving lives" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Publication of selected case studies by EPSRI used to demonstrate the importance of successes of funding for international collaboration with the GCRF.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019,2020,2021
URL https://epsrc.ukri.org/newsevents/casestudies/flood-water-monitoring-via-mobile-phones-saving-lives/...
Description Conference at the 5th Colloquium to strengthen university research - the event took place in June 2018 at Colima University 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact EWIN Water Mexican team explained them EWIN project and how it will contribute to reduce the flood risk in Colima-Villa de Alvarez and improve the quality of life of the people. We talk about the principal activities of researchers of the University of Colima in the project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description EWIN Workshop with stakeholders at Mexico City, held at the Engineering Faculty, National Autonomous University of Mexico 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact In this workshop a series of talks were carried out to Mexico City stakeholders in order to understand how the EWIN platform was implemented and how it can be used, configured and operated for an early flood warning system. The main attendees were stakeholders such as CONAGUA and SECTEI, the first is the National Water Comission and the second is the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Mexico City. In the final executive meeting boft stakeholders showed great interest in a close collaboration in order to implement at lest one EWIN RiverCore in a real river close o Mexico Cite that caused a serious damage in September 2021, the balance left by the disaster was a flood of two meters high, 2,500 homes with damage and 17 deaths. In the final meeting, also CONAGUA said that the main cause of these dedth were because in the región where ocurred the flooding, there isn´t any river monitoring system installed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
URL https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6ld1u2992v61jx0wk6dg8/Plataforma-Tec-Alerta-Temprana-para-monitoreo-y...
Description External Stakeholder Workshop - Critical Infrastructure CiRCLE tool 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact An interactive workshop which allowed the aims of the project to be discussed and information gathered on the impacts of floods on critical infrastructure. Developed by collaboration between UK and Mexico researchers. Made participants think about indirect impacts of flooding as well as direct areas affected.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description External Stakeholder Workshop - Flood Forecasting Role Play 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A role play exercise based on dynamic flood forecasting events were developed in advance, with maps and information, which was disseminated to group. They then made decisions about what actions would be taken, before information and maps were updated at next time step. Made participants discuss what actions would be taken when and why those decisions were made.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description External Workshop in Colima 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Outline of research project to relevant stakeholders within the city of Colima. Identifying research needs and assisting in the practical side of implementing the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Flooding and tech. Deep learning on new panorama on decision taking. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Using Deep Learning methods has witnessed a growing flood mapping and management trend. These techniques have proven more efficient than slow numerical models and have improved over traditional methods in predicting and monitoring hydro-meteorological flash flooding events. In our study, we conducted tests using a methodology that combines demographic and infrastructure data with flood simulations. This approach enables the identification of high-risk areas within urban environments during extreme rainfall events, effectively predicting the changing risk levels in each AGEB. Our artificial neural network model, consisting of three sequential layers with 64 neurons each and ReLU activation functions, demonstrated promising results in predicting the risk of flash floods. The performance of the model was evaluated using appropriate metrics such as the coefficient of determination (R2), the mean square error (MSE), and the mean absolute error (MAE). These metrics were applied to the test dataset to assess the model's accuracy in predicting the risk of flooding. As a result, this paper introduces a promising prediction method for the EWIN project using a novel system installed in Mexico. Furthermore, the significant trends in improving the quality of flood prediction models are investigated.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Interview with Civil Protection Agency from Colima Municipality 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact EWIN Water Mexican team attended to a meeting with the Civil Protection Agency and Resilience office. We explained them EWIN project and how it will help to the general people the results we will have in the next months. We asked them to sum efforts with EWIN team and their support.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Master Conference: EWIN International Project 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact The conference was hosted at the Engineering Faculty on November 22, 2018 (www.comunicacionfi.unam.mx/mostrar_nota.php?id_noticia=1681). It was directed towards Bachelor and Postgraduate students. The Mexican Radio Team gave a talk about the EWIN Project and the collaboration with the University of Colima and the University of Loughborough. The conference also was focused on the research activities related to the proposed Cloud Based Adhoc Network. The audience sparked questions and discussion afterwards.

Bachelor Students and Postgraduate students became interested in the EWIN Project. Derived from this conference, 5 bachelor students and 1 master student are now participating in the Mexican Radio Team. 3 academics are also interested in a close collaboration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
URL http://www.comunicacionfi.unam.mx/mostrar_nota.php?id_noticia=1681
Description Opening Speech of the 3r International EWIN WorkShop: Technology Transfer, held at the Allegra Convention Center, Colima City, MEXICO. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact An opening speech was provided to inaugurate the 3r International EWIN WorkShop: Technology Transfer, held at the Allegra Convention Center, Colima City, MEXICO, 20-24 January 2020, where a series of technical sessions and tutorials were provided in order to understand how this EWIN platform was implemented and how it can be used, configured and operated for an early flood warning system. The main attendees were stakeholders such as: Colima State Representatives, Municipal Presidents, Politicians, Civil Protection Agencies, and Military Agency (SEDENA), among others. Several news about Flood Forecasting achieved by the EWIN project were presented on national television by TV- Azteca and local newspapers.

The Civil Protection Agency, the National Water Commission and the Colima State Representatives (In Mexico) are now interested in further collaboration with the EWIN project. We are looking at several grants we can apply from our National Council for Science and Technology, (CONACYT) and grants for national disasters from the Mexican Government.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL http://www.telecomfi.unam.mx/ewin_workshop/
Description Radios in the Jungle - Internet of Things in Tropical Rain Forests. - Invited talk - Swansea University. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Abstract: Many of todays floods begin to form in dense tropical jungles that are often close to towns and cities. Sensors can be placed on rivers and streams but getting the data to where it is needed can be challenging.
This talk will look at some of the pioneering work Dr. Edwards and his team have done to study radio propagation during the rainy season in Mexico. Long Range Radio (LORA) is one of several candidate internet of things (IoT) radio technologies that might be both robust and cost effective for flood sensing systems. The conflicting requirements of low power consumption, low multipath, high degrees of blocking and a demand for cheap solutions are all areas of research in this work. Unlike the UK that has a good flood defence system, many countries have not been able to afford the technology and have a poor response to flooding. However, many developing countries do now have access to modern cellular phone networks in their towns and cities. So in this project, will discover how to use mobile phone networks combined with IoT to help countries tackle climate change.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description The event took place in November 2018 at Villa de Alvarez Municipality with the presence of the Major, Municipal Civil Protection Agency and other decision makers of the municipality. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The event was very productive. EWIN embedded and water MX team joined with the Major and other decision makers. We had information from the floods and obtained their support for the project and installation of the fixed nodes. This meeting took place in November 2018 at Villa de Alvarez Municipality.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Workshop 1 - Presentation to External Organisations 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A set of presentations and short conference with poster presentation was hosted at Loughborough University. It was directed towards members of industrial and public sector companies aimed at increasing the awareness of the flooding problem and to share the proposed solutions and plans for the work packages. The presentations and progress reports made by each group in the research team generated discussions between the attendees and the research team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018