Microwave assisted pretreatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidzsed bed (FB) energy production technologies

Lead Research Organisation: University of Hull
Department Name: Chemical Engineering


Exploitation of alternative fuels (lignocellulosic biomass waste) in energy production offers the advantages of: resource efficiency and improved waste management, increased renewables in power production and reduced dependence on imported energy. Advanced thermal processes like gasification, in combination with exploitation of lignocellulosic (woody) waste can lower the carbon footprint of the energy production sector.
When forest or agricultural residues (e.g. cereal straws) are fed raw or mixed with other fuels into fluidised bed gasifiers (FBGs), operational problems like ash fusion and bed agglomeration appear. This is a result of the undesirable interactions of some of the ash constituents (alkali and alkaline earth metals) of woody waste with silica sand, which is the most common bed material of FBGs. Under the operating temperatures of wood gasifiers (> 850oC) eutectic mixtures are created, the bed agglomerates and can even cause shut down of the energy production units.
To ensure efficient operation of FBGs fed on woody waste, this kind of feedstock needs to be pre-treated in order to remove those problematic elements and ensure long term operation without disturbance.
The problem of how to optimise the physicochemical properties of such new types of solid biofuel can be solved by integrating traditional pre-treatment techniques (leaching) with novel chemical engineering concepts (microwave extraction).
With support from Energy Works (Hull) Ltd, this multicultural and interdisciplinary team of researchers from the UK and EU, will develop a novel microwave pre-treatment technique as a solution to the bed agglomeration problem when wood waste is to be processed or co-processed in FBGs.
The proposed pre-treatment process emerges from the integration of a traditional and already proven successful pre-treatment method (leaching) with a novel one (microwave extraction). It aims not only to optimize the specifications of the solid biofuel, but also to address the challenges facing future development of a practical and affordable pre-treatment system.
By in short term co-feeding and in the long term by running efficiently with woody waste,this new process will allow the conventional energy production sector to meet its sustainability criteria. Development of the microwave enhanced leaching process of woody waste with ionic liquids like water is the primary target. This will enable stabilization of the woody waste properties and optimize operational behaviour in FBG energy production technologies. In this way also an underestimated biomass 'waste' source of the UK will be upgraded to a highly desirable solid biofuel.
The key element of the novel process is the integration of the microwave irradiation with the traditional leaching pre-treatment of such waste. Water leaching has been proven efficient in removal of the alkali and alkaline earth metals and sulphur elements from woody waste. It is however time-consuming and resource intensive (solvents). Microwave extraction techniques on the other hand have been proven to reduce extraction time, use less solvent, or even none for high moisture materials. Thus integration of both techniques can lead to improvement in waste pre-treatment for solid biofuel production.
The new pre-treatment technique is still not well understood in terms of microwave mechanisms and requires fundamental studies to allow scaling-up for commercialization. The present proposed project will develop a new generation of leading UK academic researchers focusing on a multi-disciplinary problem-solving approach and with a powerful commitment to train our future engineers accordingly.
It will also complement the recent 22 Conference of Parties (COP22) Marrakesh agreement to put forward the practice of COP21 Paris decisions for large scale energy production via less CO2 emitting technologies like woody waste gasification.

Planned Impact

During and after the project national-international partnerships between relevant partners/stakeholders will be encouraged and promoted. This will enhance the research capacity, knowledge and skills of people, organizations and businesses. Reports on biomass waste availability and sustainability aimed at the general public, open access publications and presentations of results all form part of the project's deliverables. These can be the basis of further R&D and lead to exploitation of scientific knowledge to strengthen other international cooperation within and out of the EU economic area. This will be also attempted by interactions through the international dissemination events and continuation of the ongoing research collaborations for common new research initiatives and projects. This will contribute to wealth and economic prosperity by attracting investments from global markets. The project will promote production of cost-effective renewable solid fuels to supply the national energy infrastructure: from SMEs to residential buildings and traditional energy production plants. It will support the current UK and EU policies for waste minimization, resource efficiency, RES embodiment in the energy sector and CO2 abatement. In order to raise public awareness and engage future stakeholders outside of the cluster created by this project, contact will be made with those capable of influencing planning and development of the project's methods and technologies. These include waste authorities and environmental agencies, local authorities and governmental agencies which influence energy resource management and operations in UK. All the above parties will be also invited to take part in any of the workshops and seminars organized under the frame of the project. The role of this research in leading to the development of new jobs within the broader RES sector should also not be underestimated.
Dissemination of the project results will be fulfilled by several actions including: articles, journal publications and public reports communicating the results, challenges, benefits and opportunities of the project idea, presentations in national and international cross disciplinary conferences, seminars for young scientists which could all bring forward the new learning material and thematic area of interest. Other forms of communication in the UK and EU wider audience will reach a new generation of scientists and also inform a wider audience. These include: a website, Facebook group, personal contacts with public and environmental organizations, NGOs, academia, enterprises, associations of entrepreneurs, agricultural corporations, consumer associations. In that way all the interested parties will be able to participate actively and introduce their ideas, give feedback enabling the current and future generation of engineers to acquire desirable skills of real problem solving for the benefit of the society, the economy and the environment. Introduction of the social community and businesses to the sustainable aspects of this project will enable upgrading of current UK agricultural, trade and manufacturing practices giving an ultimate benefit: the sustainable use of waste and sound environmental practices in UK energy production. The UK's welfare, cohesion and energy security will be enhanced. All the above will contribute to an increase in scientific and public awareness in the field of RES bioenergy and understanding of the related socioeconomic benefits.
Description The known from the coal leaching with water (water washing) for ash removal process , used for for ash removal from woody biomass by applying not only conventional but also innovative processing methods. This led to a very quick processing- deashing pretreatment of alternative 'green' solid biofuels from raw woody biomass waste (forest residues and straws- agricultural waste). This enhancement was made by removing the inherent minerals (ash) components found in different kinds of biomass waste by applying not only conventional water leaching but extraction techniques widely known and used in other scientific fields (such as medical and biochemical processes - microwave and ultrasound ). We adapted those processed and optimized the traditional chemical engineering process of solid feedstock water washing. For first time the PI and team of PDRAs and PhD has shown that lab scale microwave and ultrasound processes enhanced the conventional leaching technologies and applied for the de-ashing of biomass waste and used in thermochemical reactors. Aim was a quicker method for less problematic in use and much better solid biofuel ( de-ashed feedstock for further clean biomass pellets production in future) under the circular economy scenario as rich water washes in biomass minerals- nutrients can be used in future in agriculture.
It was found an unexpected result that a new less energy intensive route for biomass deashing is the ultrasound technique, instead of the initially tested conventional and a few attempts of microwave technology as the title of this research indicates- further research needed though on engineering and scalability. Ultrasound processing proved to be more efficient compared to the microwave technology and both much better than conventional water washing of biomass (scalable high TRL) , in addition preliminary thermochemical conversion experiments indicated that favor the operational stability of FB systems, gasifiers and pyrolysers . The ultrasound (for first time) and microwave deashing techniques were applied for first time on deashing biomass waste, offering new insights in the field of bioenergy-solid biofuels- industrial fuels production sector and some new challenges are to be addressed. In addition not only the novel de-ashing pretreatment of ultrasound was efficient, less energy intensive but deashed waste biomass tested in a pilot scale FB reactor and was proven to delay the defluidization in such type of bioenergy reactors, optimized the flowability of pretreated biomass which was difficult to be feed in the system prior pretreatment something which was an extra new finding too.
Exploitation Route Next generation of solid biofuels free from ash , feedstock for optimised pellets production- new more efficient ways of pretreatment of waste and further use of the by products (enriched in nutrients waste water), lignin ricj sludges and pelletization, new fuel additives (antimicrobials) for biomass feedstock to be used as fuels, increase H2 generation from leached biomass in gasification, new biomass processing techniques for clean solid biofuels, effect of clean pellets on operation of thermochemical treatments of FB technology, leachates rich in minerals as added value products to other sectors of economy (i.e. agriculture), engineering design optimizations
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink





URL https://www.hull.ac.uk/work-with-us/more/media-centre/news/2020/cutting-edge-research-into-biomass-energy-production-led-by-university-of-hull-team
Description By today the two PDRAs hired (one national one international), nurtured, trained and worked in the specific project continuing the legacy of Dr Skoulou in the field of low carbon energy generation from biomass waste and innovative pretreatments of biomass waste. Both are now appointed as early career lecturers in UK Universities. In that way ensuring the competitiveness of UK research led economy, support the innovation of local energy from waste industries, as well as, engineering profession by continuing the impactful research and training of our new generation of highly skilled engineers in the field of low carbon energy generation from biomass waste. Both the ex-PDRAs under the specific project already awarded further their own grants (more private funding from Energy Works LtD and funding via BEIS) using as their stepping stone to their careers the specific EPSRC project idea.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Education,Energy,Other
Impact Types Societal


Description Dr Skoulou serves as an MC Substitute member of COST action CA17128
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
URL https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA17128
Description BRISK2 Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge EU Horizon 2020
Amount € 2,400 (EUR)
Funding ID https://brisk2.eu/ 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 02/2019 
End 09/2019
Description Evolving a circular plastics ecomony
Amount £939,631 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S025537/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 06/2020
Description Graduate Internships
Amount £7,200 (GBP)
Organisation University of Hull 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2020 
End 01/2021
Description THYME Project THYME (Teesside, Hull and York - Mobilising Bioeconomy Knowledge Exchange)
Amount £5,000,000 (GBP)
Funding ID https://re.ukri.org/funding/our-funds-overview/the-connecting-capability-fund-ccf/thyme-project-teesside-hull-and-york-mobilising-bioeconomy-knowledge-exchange/ 
Organisation Higher Education Funding Council for England 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 06/2021
Title Application of ultrasound to leaching of ash constituents from biomass waste more efficient compared to microwave leaching 
Description By augmenting conventional leaching technologies for the removal of ash constituents from lignocellulosic waste residues, a cleaner and energy efficient solution can be provided for critical industrial problems such as biomass feeding, defluidization, and reactor corrosion. It has been found that not only are inorganic constituents (ash) effectively removed by coupling a physicochemical technology with conventional leaching but also the intermolecular interactions within the lignocellulosic matrix can be modified, as shown by a variable crystallinity index (powder X-ray diffraction) without the loss of physical bonding (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy). Ultimately, this allowed for a greater thermochemical transformation of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin for all technologies used: conventional leaching, indirect/directed ultrasound, and microwave irradiation. However, the use of directed ultrasound was found to be the standout, energy efficient technology (8.6 kJ/g) to radically improve the thermochemical transformation of wood waste, especially in the reduction of fixed carbon at high temperatures. It was also found to be efficient at removing vital eutectic mixture causing elements, including Si, which is known to be notoriously difficult to remove via leaching. In comparison, hot plate leaching and microwave irradiation use 39 and 116 times more energy, respectively. The integration of this technology into the energy production sector will prove vital in the future due to its scalability, as compared with microwave alternatives, which are currently not suitable for large scale operations. Additionally, the residence time required for directed ultrasound was found to be negligible as compared to the various other physicochemical techniques, 0.1 h opposed to 4 h. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Application of a technique borrowed from medical science in chemical engineering and biomass derived solid fuels 
URL https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/3362801/augmented-leaching-pretreatments-for-forest-woo...
Description Bi-lateral collaboration (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) not directly linked but resulted from this award 
Organisation Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Assessing the experimental results, writing-original draft preparation, writing-review and editing of the report , visualization, funding acquisition, assessing the rice husk waste results, ash quality, behaviour and pre-treatments potential to optimize their use as better solid fuels for energy production via FB gasification.
Collaborator Contribution new collaborators from AUth University supported in kind by offering their time, gasification experimental system and share of experiences in performing gasification experiments with rice straw. Rice straw is a high in ash residue known to create defluidization problems in FB technologies.
Impact The present outcome from this collaboration is a publication : https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/22/6433 This collaboration is interdisciplinary as all involved collaborators are Chemical Engineers.
Start Year 2019
Description Bi-lateral collaboration (Queen Mary University, London) directly linked with this award 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We performed all the biomass waste de-ashing experiments (by water leaching) at the University of Hull and supplied the pretreated materials to Dr R. Volpe for performing the ICP-OES analysis at Queen Mary University of London.
Collaborator Contribution A visiting researcher under the current grant (international who currently holds an academic position in UK) and we have now set the basis for further research initiatives based on the current grant. We published one scientific work together (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.energyfuels. 8b00767), and as we are now proceeding with the experiments of the pre-treatment of biomass (water leaching), we work towards a common publication under the frames of the current grant. Visiting researcher supports in kind by performing the ICP-OES analysis of the pre-treated biomass in his laboratory facilities at Queen Mary London. Such analysis was not possible to be done at the University of Hull as at that time our ICP-OES equipment was shut down for maintenance purposes.
Impact Collaboration with visiting researcher under the frames of this grant. The collaboration is multidisciplinary as visiting researcher is Dr Mechanical Engineer. The present collaboration is still active and we already published 2 journal papers together.
Start Year 2018
Description Bi-lateral collaboration (University of Cyprus) not directly linked but resulted from this award 
Organisation University of Cyprus
Country Cyprus 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Prepared and presented part of the experimental results concerning the water leaching of the woody biomass waste by using different methods: hotplate, microwave and direct indirect ultrasound.
Collaborator Contribution An experienced researcher in Energy Systems Analysis performed the energy efficiency analysis of the different methods of leaching used. In addition we are currently co-organising a thematic session at the CEES 2020 conference, Coimbra, Portugal , 15-18 October 2021 in the field of RES Energy (biomass from the PI side) in Buildings.
Impact Thematic Session 10: RENEWABLE ENERGY (RES) TECHNOLOGIES IN BUILDINGS AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Organized by Apostolos Michopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) and Vasiliki Skoulou (University of Hull, UK)
Start Year 2019
Description Bi-lateral collaboration (VTT Finland) not directly linked but resulted from this award 
Organisation VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution BRISK2 Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge program awarded a Transnational Research Facilities Access Grant (max 1,200 Euros) to PhD Candidate H. Alabdrabalameer (Supervisor Dr Skoulou), on February 2019. His First Supervisor Dr V. Skoulou built the research idea/application and awarded a small travel fund for Mr H.A.Alabdrabalameer for accessing and using the Research Facilities of VTT Technical Research Centre , Finland , in order to test the thermochemical behaviour of pre-treated lignocellulosic biomass waste (leached biomass waste) in a fluidized bed (FB) thermochemical reactor (gasifier) system.
Collaborator Contribution Shared their VTT fluidised bed system in order to test the behaviour of the pre-treated by leaching biomass waste.
Impact A multidisciplinary paper has been published bu a team made from: Chemists, Chemical Engineers and Mechanical Engineers.
Start Year 2019
Description Bilateral Collaboration not directly linked but resulted from this award with Curting University Malaysia 
Organisation Curtin University
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Started applying for research funds UK-Malaysia Grants and served as Keynote Speaker at a conference organized by Curtin University, Malaysia.
Collaborator Contribution The new RDPA brought the PI in contact with academics from Malaysia.
Impact Invitation for the PI to serve as a keynote speaker at GeCost2021 international conference
Start Year 2020
Description Bilateral collaboration with not directly linked but resulted from this award Centro Universitário FEI, Brazil 
Organisation FEI University Center
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are writing together a bid in the field of biofuels for Brazil from their native biomass waste which are underutilised, in an aspect emerged from this project and then collaborator from Brazil disseminate his work in a symposium we organised on Solid Fuels ,Catalysis and Bioenergy at University of Hull.
Collaborator Contribution Exchanged ideas and wrote a bid to be submitted for funding
Impact This collaboration is multidisciplinary and we are aiming to submit a grant at the appropriate UKRI funding body.
Start Year 2021
Description 2021 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference : Innovative Pre-treatment of woody waste to create alternative fuels for thermochemical reactors 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presented our results via a Virtual poster presentation conference organized by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Chem Eng Day 2021 : Avoidance of the operational problem of Bed Agglomeration during Gasification of Barley Straw in Fluidized bed energy generation technologies. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Avoidance of the operational problem of Bed Agglomeration during Gasification of Barley Straw in Fluidized bed energy generation technologies.
Hassan A. Alabdrab-Alameer1, Martin J. Taylor2 and Vasiliki Skoulou1,2
1 B 3 Challenge Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Hull,UK, 2 Energy and Environment Institute (EEI), University of Hull, UK
Problematic lignocellulosic waste such as straw (around 5%wt of ash and low bulk density causing problems during reactors' feeding) cause defluidisation in fluidized bed energy generation systems. Such waste contain much higher amount of alkali and alkali earth metals (especially K). Potassium (K) for example interacts with the cheap and easy to find bed material (silica sand), leading to bed agglomeration operational problems which in turn results in pressure drop increase and loss of fluidisation due to eutectic mixtures creation. Leaching (water washing) the problematic inorganic constitutes from such type of waste reduces the tendency towards bed agglomeration of FB technologies commonly used in wasteto-energy plants. Untreated barley straw was fed to the fluidized bed reactor at temperatures ranging from 750 to 950oC and bed agglomerated. The de-fluidization operational problem became more prominent as the bed temperature increased. On the other hand, pre-treated barley straw didn't lead to any bed agglomeration during continuous operation and lowered gaseous emissions compared to raw barley straw. Leaching reduced also both K and chlorine (Cl) by almost 90% after leaching in the water as well as improved feeding of feedstock into the gasification system. SEM/EDX characterization of the bed material before and after de-fluidization indicated the nature of bed agglomeration phenomena and actual composition of the ash decoration on the surface of the bed material. The raw straw coating composition presented a high K content (50%wt) with low content of Si (15%wt). However, the SEM/EDX results of the bed material after gasifiying the leached straw didn't show any agglomeration by eutectic mixtures of very low concentration of K (< 2%wt) and Si (~70%wt). The latter enabled avoidance of the FB agglomeration operational problem and decreased the chances of forming eutectic mixtures.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://www.bradford.ac.uk/ei/chemical-engineering/chemengdayuk2021/conference-information/
Description Dr Skoulou Media Engagement: A place With Energy: The Humber already has solid credentials around decarbonisation and the work we continue as part of the Energy Estuary 2.0 can help transform the way the world uses energy, whilst fuelling inclusive growth in the region. The projects created by the Energy Estuary 2.0 will help the Humber lead the fight against climate change. Below is an overview of some of the Energy Estuary 2.0 projects. One of this, if successful will be led by Dr Skoulou ( 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Wider visibility and currently being approached by 6 local companies, signed NDA agreements, for discussing the possibility of their solid waste streams upgrading to solid fuels for energy generation via low carbon footprint processes such as i.e. gasification.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
URL https://www.placewithenergy.co.uk/key-projects/
Description Wider Public Talk : Turning waste to energy 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Dr Vicky Skoulou is a chemical engineering at the University of Hull. Vicky will discuss her work turning waste biomass into a future fuel.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL http://www.facebook.com