Lead Research Organisation:
University of Warwick
Department Name: Physics
This Established Career Fellowship proposal concerns the spatial and time resolved crystallography, structural refinement and functional evolution of one to four atom thick 1D 'Extreme Nanowires' formed inside single walled carbon nanotubes - atomically smooth templates that are thermally robust up to 1130 degrees Centigrade. This is at the practical limit of scalable fabrication, a 'Final Frontier' of materials science and the next and ultimate lowest dimension relative to two-dimensional structures such as graphene or inorganic analogues derived from metal sulphides and similar. It will address the four major aspects of atomically regulated crystal growth deemed to be the most critical in terms of their development: three-dimensional crystallography with atom-by-atom sensitivity; four-dimensional crystallography, addressing the special case of nano-Confined Phase Change Materials, which have potential utility in Non-Volatile Memory; structural refinement based on enhanced information obtained from the forgoing structural studies; and the development of thin film devices, which may be either aligned or misaligned, both for fundamental properties evaluation - including several aspects of Novel Physics - but also for 'Proof of Principle' device creation for potential exploitation in thin film devices including solar cells, chemical sensors, fuel cells, batteries and catalysts, all of which may bring economic benefits.
This project is expected to play a significant role in techniques development both in Warwick and through the Project Partner network based in Oxford, Vienna, Warsaw, Pau and Beijing. The 'Ultimate Scale' physical nature of the materials under examination will both test and help improve the most sensitive characterisation methodologies currently available, especially high performance electron microscopy, associated spectroscopic methods, in situ low-temperature imaging, in situ resistance/conductivity measurements, high performance scanning probe microscopies and thin film device fabrication. This project is expected to have in particular a very significant impact on the current rapidly developing field in high-performance electron microscopy in time-resolved 4D studies in which I will exploit ultrafast imaging and diffraction capabilities available in both Oxford/Diamond and Beijing, taking advantage also of the latest developments in Direct Electron Detection in rapid and more quantitative imaging studies. In this regard, the special category of nC-PCMs will provide an ultimate test being literally the smallest scale (i.e. 1 nm) Phase Change Materials ever observed and these experiments will therefore examine reversible and irreversible phase formation at the smallest scale ever likely to be attempted. The new electron diffraction protocol that I have developed will also allow us to 'scale up' phase transformation in bundles and thin films of the template SWNTs enabling resistance and conductivity changes to be measured in situ at the same time as crystalline/glass transformations and to assess their reversibility. Any exploitable physical properties will then be assessed in simple bolometric-type devices that will be used both in further physical testing but also as exploitable 'Proof of Principle' devices.
These studies will make use of the many state-of-the-art facilities available at the University of Warwick as the project requires but also more dedicated expertise and information available through a Project Partner network based in the Oxford, Vienna, Warsaw, Pau and Beijing all of whom contribute to and benefit from techniques development, reciprocal characterisation and from developing/expanding their own activities in what will be a unique World-leading enterprise lead from Warwick. The PI will lead these activities from the UK which can then potentially add 1D nanostructures to its dominance in 2D Nanomaterials by pursuing this complementary but 'Beyond Graphene' research.
This project is expected to play a significant role in techniques development both in Warwick and through the Project Partner network based in Oxford, Vienna, Warsaw, Pau and Beijing. The 'Ultimate Scale' physical nature of the materials under examination will both test and help improve the most sensitive characterisation methodologies currently available, especially high performance electron microscopy, associated spectroscopic methods, in situ low-temperature imaging, in situ resistance/conductivity measurements, high performance scanning probe microscopies and thin film device fabrication. This project is expected to have in particular a very significant impact on the current rapidly developing field in high-performance electron microscopy in time-resolved 4D studies in which I will exploit ultrafast imaging and diffraction capabilities available in both Oxford/Diamond and Beijing, taking advantage also of the latest developments in Direct Electron Detection in rapid and more quantitative imaging studies. In this regard, the special category of nC-PCMs will provide an ultimate test being literally the smallest scale (i.e. 1 nm) Phase Change Materials ever observed and these experiments will therefore examine reversible and irreversible phase formation at the smallest scale ever likely to be attempted. The new electron diffraction protocol that I have developed will also allow us to 'scale up' phase transformation in bundles and thin films of the template SWNTs enabling resistance and conductivity changes to be measured in situ at the same time as crystalline/glass transformations and to assess their reversibility. Any exploitable physical properties will then be assessed in simple bolometric-type devices that will be used both in further physical testing but also as exploitable 'Proof of Principle' devices.
These studies will make use of the many state-of-the-art facilities available at the University of Warwick as the project requires but also more dedicated expertise and information available through a Project Partner network based in the Oxford, Vienna, Warsaw, Pau and Beijing all of whom contribute to and benefit from techniques development, reciprocal characterisation and from developing/expanding their own activities in what will be a unique World-leading enterprise lead from Warwick. The PI will lead these activities from the UK which can then potentially add 1D nanostructures to its dominance in 2D Nanomaterials by pursuing this complementary but 'Beyond Graphene' research.
Planned Impact
Nanotechnology and Information: A major driving force of nanotechnology is Moore's Law scalability as the minimum feature size of electronic devices gradually approaches the atomic scale. A societal impact of device miniaturisation has been the immense proliferation of hand-held electronic devices, projected to reach 2.9 billion users out of a world population of ~7.5 billion by 2020. This has produced a rapidly developing 'Information Age' that impinges on all aspects of society from health care, economics and politics. The performance of such devices is contingent on processing power, image pixel density, battery capacity, and 'volatile' memory storage, all driven by nanoscale materials and devices. My Fellowship project potentially impacts on several of these aspects - see also below - but on memory storage in particular. Currently, the minimum feature size memory devices is around 20 nanometres but I wish to explore rewritability in Phase Change nanomaterials with feature sizes twenty times smaller than this which could have an immense impact not only on information storage technology itself but also the societal impact that such devices bring.
New Characterisation Methods: The last twenty years have seen incredible advances in Electron Microscopy imaging techniques in terms of spatial resolution, element sensitivity and three dimensional imaging, all of which are also important to my project as my composites are 'Ultimate Specimens' that test these techniques to their limit and assist in furthering their improvement. The 'next big thing' currently being explored by the microscopy community is however time-resolved (i.e. 4D) imaging and here we can expect many further improvements in imaging methodologies regarding the speed and sensitivity with which time-resolved images can be acquired. One of the most exciting aspects of my project will be following atomic scale microstructural changes side-by-side with properties changes made possible by the latest generation of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) holders. In this respect my specimens are also 'Ultimate Specimens' as I will investigate crystalline to glass transformations at the smallest scale ever attempted and also explore how these translate to larger scale samples, especially thin films and nascent devices using novel diffraction approaches which can then be shared with the microscopy community at large.
Nanomaterials, New Materials and New Devices: Besides improving rewritable memory, I will also investigate sensor properties in simple bolometric devices which will make use of physical and chemical changes as conductivity, resistivity, changes in magnetic properties and polarity. These various aspects may find application in devices and composites including but not limited to solar cells, chemical sensors, smart composites for used for example in fabrics, fuel cells, batteries and catalysis, all of which may bring economic benefits.
People and Knowledge: It is anticipated that all of the people involved in this project based in Warwick, Oxford, Europe and China will benefit hugely from various aspects of this project which I have designed with a strong international component in terms of techniques development, new research initiatives and capacity. While initially the project will operate within the comparatively small Network of researchers based in the immediate circle of researchers named in the proposal, the undoubtedly and already demonstrated high profile nature of this project guarantees its future expansion. I am particularly keen to encourage European expansion, in the current political climate, but will seek expansion beyond the boundaries of the EU also. Members of my research team, especially RK and new PhD (TBA), will benefit from extensive international collaboration, will learn new time-resolved microscopy techniques and in presenting results at high profile International conferences in Europe and the US.
New Characterisation Methods: The last twenty years have seen incredible advances in Electron Microscopy imaging techniques in terms of spatial resolution, element sensitivity and three dimensional imaging, all of which are also important to my project as my composites are 'Ultimate Specimens' that test these techniques to their limit and assist in furthering their improvement. The 'next big thing' currently being explored by the microscopy community is however time-resolved (i.e. 4D) imaging and here we can expect many further improvements in imaging methodologies regarding the speed and sensitivity with which time-resolved images can be acquired. One of the most exciting aspects of my project will be following atomic scale microstructural changes side-by-side with properties changes made possible by the latest generation of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) holders. In this respect my specimens are also 'Ultimate Specimens' as I will investigate crystalline to glass transformations at the smallest scale ever attempted and also explore how these translate to larger scale samples, especially thin films and nascent devices using novel diffraction approaches which can then be shared with the microscopy community at large.
Nanomaterials, New Materials and New Devices: Besides improving rewritable memory, I will also investigate sensor properties in simple bolometric devices which will make use of physical and chemical changes as conductivity, resistivity, changes in magnetic properties and polarity. These various aspects may find application in devices and composites including but not limited to solar cells, chemical sensors, smart composites for used for example in fabrics, fuel cells, batteries and catalysis, all of which may bring economic benefits.
People and Knowledge: It is anticipated that all of the people involved in this project based in Warwick, Oxford, Europe and China will benefit hugely from various aspects of this project which I have designed with a strong international component in terms of techniques development, new research initiatives and capacity. While initially the project will operate within the comparatively small Network of researchers based in the immediate circle of researchers named in the proposal, the undoubtedly and already demonstrated high profile nature of this project guarantees its future expansion. I am particularly keen to encourage European expansion, in the current political climate, but will seek expansion beyond the boundaries of the EU also. Members of my research team, especially RK and new PhD (TBA), will benefit from extensive international collaboration, will learn new time-resolved microscopy techniques and in presenting results at high profile International conferences in Europe and the US.
People |
Jeremy Sloan (Principal Investigator / Fellow) |
Burdanova M
Giant Negative Terahertz Photoconductivity in Controllably Doped Carbon Nanotube Networks
in ACS Photonics
Burdanova M
Ultrafast, high modulation depth terahertz modulators based on carbon nanotube thin films
in Carbon
Cherkasov N
Active site isolation in bismuth-poisoned Pd/SiO2 catalysts for selective hydrogenation of furfural
in Applied Catalysis A: General
Clark N
Scalable Patterning of Encapsulated Black Phosphorus
in Nano Letters
Faulques E
Vibrational and electronic structures of tin selenide nanowires confined inside carbon nanotubes
in Synthetic Metals
Guerra V
Characterisation of graphite nanoplatelets (GNP) prepared at scale by high-pressure homogenisation
in Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Guerra V
2D boron nitride nanosheets (BNNS) prepared by high-pressure homogenisation: structure and morphology.
in Nanoscale
Hu Z
Spectroscopic Insights into the Influence of Filling Carbon Nanotubes with Atomic Nanowires for Photophysical and Photochemical Applications.
in ACS applied nano materials
Description | Preliminary outcomes WP1. 3D Crystallography, Symmetry and Composition (Objectives) "The major objectives here are to produce the most accurate quantitative 3D crystal structures of 1-4 atom thick crystals taking into account the 3D disposition of atoms.following preliminary synthesis." Several new syntheses have been achieved including a new phase change material (i.e. Sb2Se3), superconducting phases based on Ag1-xSnxSe2 and novel ternary phases based on two halide perovskite phases. Some imaging has been done at STFC Daresbury (SuperSTEM) and EXAFS work on one of the encapsulated phases was performed at DIAMOND. The following papers have either been published or have been submitted during this project so far relevant to WP1: (published) Unprecedented new crystalline forms of SnSe in narrow to medium diameter carbon nanotubes C. Slade, et al. J. Sloan, Nano Lett. 19, 2979-2984 (2019). (published) Vibrational dynamics of extreme 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 potassium iodide nanowires encapsulated in SWCNTs. et al. J. Sloan, and E. Faulques, Phys. Rev. B 98, 125429/1-9 (2018). WP2. 4D (Time-Resolved) Crystallography and Spectroscopy (Objectives) "Here the principal objective is to extend WP1 to the fourth dimension (4D, i.e. time) and produce time resolved structural transformations of 1-4 atom thick nano-confined Phase Change Materials (nC-PCMs)" Our first major research visit (PI plus PDRA) was to Prof. Huaixin Yang's group at the Beijing IoP. We carried out time and temperature programmed electron diffraction experiments on phase change materials embedded in carbon nanotubes. In addition the first rapid laser pulse phase transformation experiments were performed showing a second route to reversibly phase transforming crystalline to non-crystalline phases - a 'proof or principle' for phase change memory. Complementary diffraction work was carried out at DIAMOND WP2 benefitted from the recruitment of two new PhDs students, one of whom was allocated by Warwick as a result of the EPSRC award, a second from a Chinese CSC award Fellowship. One PhD student (Warwick) is being trained to carry out parts of WP2. (internal report) 'Summary of Laser-Induced Reversible Phase Transition in SWCNT' WP3. Purification Issues: SWNTs and Nanowire Refinement (Objectives) "Because of their mode of formation, two thirds of all possible SWNTs are semiconducting while the remainder are metallic and I aim to produce single conformation.SWNTs on a mg scale" The second CSC PhD student is working on SWCNT and nanowire refinements. Nanotube conformation separation has been achieved using a combination of two-phase separation and ultracentrifuge approaches. Some of this work is being already applied to WP4. No publishable outputs as yet. WP4. Thin Films and Trial Devices (Objectives) "ENs and nC-PCMs in SWNTs are most likely to see their novel properties exploited in thin films, arrays and composites.." We have made some progress on this initial part essential for the rest of WP4. The CSC PhD student is already working on producing pure chirality SWCNT films for various testing experiments and we have demonstrated that such films can easily be filled from the vapour phase with target 'thermoelectric' materials. No publishable outputs as yet. |
Exploitation Route | The biggest potential Impact of this research so far is the demonstration of reversible phase transformations of phase change memory materials using a combination of electron beam irradiation (previously demonstrated), annealing (newly demonstrated), in situ heating (newly demonstrated), laser pulses (newly demonstrated) and also both the reversibility or non reversibility of this process as a function either of the applied heat or the applied laser energy. These protocols can be developed further to demonstrate phase changes at a size scale of 1 nm^3 which is about 6x smaller than current devices. In addition to the above, we have demonstrated the formation of at least four new crystalline forms of tin selenide (published in Nano Letters) which presents challenges for theory sciences in terms of establishing their stability and physical properties. We also have (unpublished) several new crystallin forms based on the phase change material antimony selenide, the halide perovskites based on caesium tin iodide and caesium lead bromide and the superconductor Silver-Tin-selenide which will present similar challenges to the above new crystalline forms of tin selenide. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Chemicals Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Education Electronics Other |
Description | In particular our publication describing the formation of the smallest possible size scale halide perovskites garnered some significant social media coverage. This was also in no small part due to the fact that our publication in Advanced Materials 35, 2208575 (2023) was shortly thereafter followed by a publication on a similar material by the Berkeley group of Peidong Yang (i.e. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 4800-4807 (2023)). Both outcomes were reviewed in a Press Release which appeared in several sources but which can be seen at Our benchmark result can therefore be seen as a significant coup for UKRI funded research. The Advanced Materials article has garnered 14 citations (Google Scholar) in its first year of publication and may therefor generate significant future impact. |
First Year Of Impact | 2023 |
Sector | Education,Energy |
Impact Types | Societal Policy & public services |
Title | Data for Linear and helical cesium iodide atomic chains in ultranarrow single-walled carbon nanotubes : impact on optical properties. |
Description | Data used in the below referenced paper. The files in folder 1 are HRTEM images, Image Simulations and Structure models used to produce Figures 1a-h. CsI structures (in protein database *.pdb format) can be visualised using freeware or open source utilities such as Molmil ( or Rasmol ( The files in folder 2 are HRTEM images, Image Simulations, Struture models and HAADF images used to produce Figures 2a-g. Structures used in Figure 2 are in protein database format. Structures used in Figure 2 are in protein database format. The files in folder 4 were used in the production of Figs. 4a-c and include The calculated Energy/Ion Pair with Helical Pitch (Fig. 4a folder); Model structures for 1D, 2X1 and 2X2 CsI@CNTs of various diameters and the calculated formation enthalpies for these structures (Fig. 4b folder); Calculated charges for these and 1D_I@CNT structures (Fig. 4c folder). The files in folder 5 are HRTEM images, Structure models and HAADF images used to produce Figures 5a-g. The images are are best visualised using the free offline version of Gatan Microscopy Suite 3 (i.e. GMS3) incorporating the EELS/EFTEM Suite (i.e. useful for Figure 3). The structures in Figure 5 are in protein database format. The files in folder 6 contain the raw spectroscopy data used to produce Figures 6a-d and include the Raman Data (Fig6a folder), the optical absorption spectra (Fig6b folder) and also the Photoluminescence (i.e. PL) data (Fig6c-d folder). Note that Fig6c was produced by taking sections through the PL data at 650 nm (top) and 575 nm (bottom) respectively (i.e. see dotted lines on Figure 6d, main manuscript) |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Since publication and, at the present time, the datasets (or parts thereof) have been downloaded 62 times. |
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Description | In-situ TEM determination of the structure and nanomagnetism of bundles of carbon nanotubes filled with aligned magnetic phases |
Organisation | Polish Academy of Sciences |
Country | Poland |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The Project, carried out in scientific cooperation with the Institute of Physics, Warsaw, is devoted to the advanced molecular scale structures, consisting of bundles, 2D and 3D networks of aligned carbon nanotubes filled with highly crystallographically aligned magnetic halide phases. This proposal is centered around our discovery in that highly anisotropic phases such as the Topological Insulator and Phase Change Material (PCM) antimony telluride (i.e. Sb2Te3) can grow inside aligned bundles of single walled carbon nanotubes (i.e. SWCNTs) with a strong preferred orientation as a result of its strong crystalline anisotrophy coupled withthe confinement effect in carbon nanotubes. This aligned crystal growth can be interrogated by Electron Diffraction (ED) and in situ methods such as electron beam irradiation or in situ heating such that dynamical phase change behavior can be observed by coupled electron diffraction (which can be documented in real time). These alignment properties are particularly attractive for other functional materials, especially magnetic phases that exhibit a high degree of crystalline anisotropy in their bulk crystal structures for example polyhedral chain formation for many ferroelectric, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic phases in which the properties depend on a high level of anisotropy at the nanoscale and mesoscopic scale.. This Project was co-written by Dr Jeremy Sloan (expertise in aligned crystal growth methodology, electron microscopy and electron diffraction) and Professor Slawek Kret (electron microscopy, electron holography, magnetic nanomaterials). |
Collaborator Contribution | Summary as above. |
Impact | This is a brand new initiative which was just funded by the "Narodowe Centrum Nauki" (OPUS-21) in Poland which essentially concerns a direct collaboration with Dr. Jeremy Sloan and Principle Investigator Professor Slavomir Kret at the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Two PhD students will be appointed and these are still being sought. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Presentation IMC20 (conference postponed due to COVID, actual date 2023) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | This presentation was made at the IMC20 congress which took place between 10-15th September 2023 (i.e. instead of the original congress which was supposed to take place in 2020 but was postponed several times due to the COVID pandemic). The title of my presentation was 'New adventures in filling carbon nanotubes with the ultimate in low dimensional materials including 'Picoperovskites'' which highlighted in particular our key discovery of the smallest scale 'Picoperovkites' formed inside single walled carbon nanotubes (Advanced Materials 35, 22008575 (2023)) and also the near simultaneous discovery of very similar structures by the group of Peidong Yang in JACS 145, 4800 (2023). This was the first time I presented the new encapsulated perovskite work at a major microscopy symposium. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
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Description | Presentation at P. E. Batson Symposium, ICMAT 2023 Singapore |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | This was a special presentation which was dedicated to the American Microscopists Philip E. Batson, Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University commemorating his long standing contributions to the field of electron microscopy at ICMAT 2023 taking place in Singapore between 26th to 30th June 2023. My presentation was entitled: 'Imaging Picoperovskites: STEM, EELS, Elemental Mapping and STEM Simulation' which was the first full public presentation of our key discovery of the smallest scale 'Picoperovkites' formed inside single walled carbon nanotubes (Advanced Materials 35, 22008575 (2023)). I also highlighted the near simultaneous discovery of very similar structures by the group of Peidong Yang in JACS 145, 4800 (2023). I briefly discussed other results including the observation of linear and helical chains of caesium iodide reported in ACS Nano 15, 13389 (2021). Both the Advanced Materials and ACS Nano publications are attributed to this award. After this presentation, I gave a second talk (entitled Picoperovskites: The Smallest Conceivable Isolated Halide Perovskite Structures Formed within Carbon Nanotubes) at ICMAT 2023 to a workshop dedicated to halide perovskite materials. This presentation focussed more on the materials science aspects of this work. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
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Description | Presentation at eMRS 2022 Fall Meeting |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | This was my first public presentation following the COVID pandemic. I used this opportunity to highlight both the outcomes of the EPSRC Theory Grant (i.e. EPSRC EP/M010643/1) and some outcomes of the EPSRC Fellowship project (i.e. EPSRC EP/R019428/1). The title of this presentation was 'New adventures in filling carbon nanotubes with the ultimate in low dimensional crystals.' In this presentation, results from the ACS Nano 15, 13389 (2021) and a still forthcoming publication on phase change behaviour in antimony telluride (in preparation, should be submitted this year) were highlighted. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | Presentation at the Herdman Symposium |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | This was my attendance and contribution (i.e. as a Key Speaker) at the Herdman Symposium hosted by the University of Liverpool which had the general theme of 'Energy and Sustainability.' My presentation was entitled "Perovskites in Geology and Materials Science: from Igneous Rocks to the Picoscale.' I was invited to give this presentation by members of the sub faculty of Geology in the School of Environmental Sciences at Liverpool due to our key discoveries outlines in Advanced Materials 35, 2208575 (2024) (attributed to this award) in which we described the smallest conceivable isolated perovskite structures formed within carbon nanotubes. Historically, this was the first presentation of these unique results to a geology faculty. My Abstract was as follows: "Perovskites in Geology and Materials Science: from Igneous Rocks to the Picoscale.' Dr. J. Sloan, Herdman Symposium, 2024 'The perovskite structure, with its almost in?nitely adaptable array of derivatives, must count as one of the most important in materials science with the essential ABX (A = a large cation; B = a smaller cation; X = an anion) 3 structural archetype contributing to ferroelectric, piezoelectric, superconducting, photochemical, and many other technologically important properties. The Perovskite structure of course has geological origins and was discovered in 1839 by the Prussian mineralogist Gustav Rose in mineral deposits in the Ural Mountains who named the structure for the Russian mineralogist Count Lev Aleksevich von Petroski. This name has been extended to a family of compounds collectively referred to as the perovskites in order to accommodate the vast proliferation of derivatives many of which deviate from the ABX archetype (e.g. Ruddlesden Popper 3 A B O and Roth A B O phases). The immense diversity of perovskite functional properties did not just x+1 x 3x+1 x x 3x+2 develop from the interests of materials scientists as many of the de?ning characteristics are also present in the original minerals. For example, naturally occuring CaTiO and BaTiO both exhibit non-centrosymmetric 3 3 distortions causing them to have orthorhombic rather than the expected cubic crystal structures. These deviations from 'ideal' symmetry, paired with the immense compositional variety possible at the A and B sites have given rise to so many of the important physical characteristics mentioned above and below. Global Interest in perovskites is rapidly accelerated by developments in the fabrication of hybrid or allinorganic halide perovskite ABX structures where A is an organic or alkali metal counterion, B typically lead 3 or tin, and X any one of the halogens, allowing materials with optical and photovoltaic characteristics, exploitable in solar cells, supercapacitors, and other energy storage devices to be developed. These structures also have geological counterparts among ?uoroperovskites, for example elpasolite (i.e. K NiAlF ), 2 6 thomsenolite (NaCaAlF .H O), weberite (Na MgAlF ) and cryolithionite (Na Li Al F ) among many others. 6 2 2 7 3 3 2 12 In common with synthetic oxide perovskites, halide perovskites are typically manufactured in gram to milligram 3 3 quantities whereas naturally occurring perovskites on Earth's surface typically form µm to cm -scale crystals that can be observed in an optical microscope or a magnifying glass. This belies the fact that silicate perovskites predominate in the Earth's mantle with Bridgmanite (or silicate-perovskite) forming an astonishing 38% of the Earth's volume. At the other end of the scale, how small can we go ? Modern applications of perovskites often require them to be made on a quantum scale with colloidal, 2D, quantum dot, and, in thin ?lms, molecular-scale preparations being developed, ?ne tuning optical band gaps and other properties. In Warwick and, in complementary research in Berkeley in the US, we have made unit-cell and sub-unit cell halide perovskites by growing them inside carbon nanotubes. This has enabled the growth of single-unit (and sub-unit cell) cell wide CsPbX (X = Br, I) and CsSnI . Even on this small scale, these materials reproduce many 3 3 of the same structural characteristics that we commonly associate with the bulk materials but also with some eye-catching differences. In my presentation, I will attempt to put all of these aspects into context, never losing sight of the fact that, without the contribution of the geological sciences, none of this would have been possible.' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2024 |
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Description | XXXIVth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (2020, Kirchberg, Austria) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Policymakers/politicians |
Results and Impact | This was the last significant academic event that I attended prior to the start of the UK/Austria/Europe COVID lockdown. In fact, Austria was 'locked down' on Friday 13th March 2020 and we had to rapidly leave the country that day. I still managed to give my talk in the morning, however. The main title of my talk was 'Atomically Thin Confined Nanowires - The Final Orderable Structural Domain ?' and I mostly covered outcomes from my previous EPSRC award (i.e. EP/M010643/1) while introducing some preliminary out comes of the (then) new project (i.e. EPSRC EP/R019428/1). I did not give any further presentations until the eMRS event (listed here) in 2022. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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