The UK Catalysis Hub -'Core'
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Chemistry
Catalysis is a core area of science that lies at the heart of the chemicals industry - an immensely successful and important part of the overall UK economy, where in recent years the UK output has totalled over £50B annually and is ranked 7th in the world. This position is being maintained in the face of immense competition worldwide. For the UK to sustain its leading position it is essential that innovation in research is maintained, to achieve which the UK Catalysis Hub was established in 2013; and has succeeded over the last four years in bringing together over 40 university groups for innovative and collaborative research programmes in this key area of contemporary science. The success of the Hub can be attributed to its inclusive and open ethos which has resulted in many groups joining its network since its foundation in 2013; to its strong emphasis on collaboration; and to its physical hub on the Harwell campus in close proximity to the Diamond synchrotron, ISIS neutron source and Central Laser Facility, whose successful exploitation for catalytic science has been a major feature of the recent science of the Hub.
The next phase of the Catalysis Hub will build on this success and while retaining the key features and structure of the current hub will extend its programmes both nationally and internationally. The core activities to which the present proposal relates include our coordinating activities, comprising our influential and well attended conference, workshop and training programmes, our growing outreach and dissemination work as well as the core management functions. The core catalysis laboratory facilities within the research complex will also be maintained and developed and two key generic scientific and technical developments will be undertaken concerning first sample environment and high throughput capabilities especially relating to facilities experimentation; and secondly to data management and analysis.
The core programme will coordinate the scientific themes of the Hub, which in the initial stages of the next phase will comprise:
- Optimising, predicting and designing new catalysts
- Water - energy nexus
- Catalysis for the Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing
- Biocatalysis and biotransformations
The Hub structure is intrinsically multidisciplinary including extensive input from engineering as well as science disciplines and with strong interaction and cross-fertilisation between the different themes. The thematic structure will allow the Hub to cover the major areas of current catalytic science
The next phase of the Catalysis Hub will build on this success and while retaining the key features and structure of the current hub will extend its programmes both nationally and internationally. The core activities to which the present proposal relates include our coordinating activities, comprising our influential and well attended conference, workshop and training programmes, our growing outreach and dissemination work as well as the core management functions. The core catalysis laboratory facilities within the research complex will also be maintained and developed and two key generic scientific and technical developments will be undertaken concerning first sample environment and high throughput capabilities especially relating to facilities experimentation; and secondly to data management and analysis.
The core programme will coordinate the scientific themes of the Hub, which in the initial stages of the next phase will comprise:
- Optimising, predicting and designing new catalysts
- Water - energy nexus
- Catalysis for the Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing
- Biocatalysis and biotransformations
The Hub structure is intrinsically multidisciplinary including extensive input from engineering as well as science disciplines and with strong interaction and cross-fertilisation between the different themes. The thematic structure will allow the Hub to cover the major areas of current catalytic science
Planned Impact
Phase 2 of the UK Catalysis Hub will have wide ranging benefits and impact on the academic community and on industrial and manufacturing sectors in the UK; it will also have broader economic, environmental and social impact. The chemical sector is a major component of UK industry, and includes global players such as GSK, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Johnson Matthey, BP and Unilever. Catalysis is at the heart of these industries and the underpinning fundamental science developed by the UK Cataysis Hub will be of key importance in the development of future technologies.
The impact on the academic community will be broad. The programme will promote further collaborations between leading groups in catalytic science, but will also have impact on other disciplines including biosciences, materials, medicine and computational science. By contributing to facilities development, the project will also benefit the broader user community.
Societal impact will follow from advances enabled by the research in sustainable manufacturing, leading to greener and cleaner processes and products with reduced environmental impact. Contributions will also be made to the provision of sustainable energy and reductions in energy demands of manufacturing sectors. Additional societal impact will follow from the role of the fundamental research undertaken by UK Catalysis Hub in developing the circular economy and enabling recycle and reuse of waste streams.
The UK economy will benefit from the role of the Hub in assisting innovation in catalysis manufacture. The large and successful chemical sector, including over 3200 companies and a dynamic SME component, faces intense international competition. The collaborations and interactions both within the Hub and between the Hub and Industry will promote economic impact, which will extend beyond the chemical sector to industries that rely on advances in materials and processes, including automotive, aerospace and electronics sectors. All letters of support across the Core and Science Themes 1, 2 and 3 have been attached to the Core proposal
Knowledge exchange will be vigorously promoted by the programme through greater integration between the participating research groups and their extensive networks of collaborations and with scientists and facilities on the Harwell campus. This exchange will lead to scientific advances not only in the development of state-of-the-art equipment but also in sustainable chemical processes.
The impact on recruitment will be substantial by the provision of trained research workers whose skills will be necessary for R&D programmes required for market innovation to occur.
The management and dissemination plans are designed to maximise impact. The Management Group of the Hub will monitor and together with the IAP and EAB will advise on impact, while the conferences and workshops will be aimed at the key beneficiaries.
The collaborating team has wide ranging experience in the dissemination of their science and the promotion of its impact to a wide range of stakeholders including the general public, schools, business and government. We will undertake industrial stakeholder engagement at the Hub as well as visiting the industrial sites. A strong outreach programme is planned which will develop the Hub researchers as well provide In order to inform the community in its broadest sense the importance and impact of catalysis.
The impact on the academic community will be broad. The programme will promote further collaborations between leading groups in catalytic science, but will also have impact on other disciplines including biosciences, materials, medicine and computational science. By contributing to facilities development, the project will also benefit the broader user community.
Societal impact will follow from advances enabled by the research in sustainable manufacturing, leading to greener and cleaner processes and products with reduced environmental impact. Contributions will also be made to the provision of sustainable energy and reductions in energy demands of manufacturing sectors. Additional societal impact will follow from the role of the fundamental research undertaken by UK Catalysis Hub in developing the circular economy and enabling recycle and reuse of waste streams.
The UK economy will benefit from the role of the Hub in assisting innovation in catalysis manufacture. The large and successful chemical sector, including over 3200 companies and a dynamic SME component, faces intense international competition. The collaborations and interactions both within the Hub and between the Hub and Industry will promote economic impact, which will extend beyond the chemical sector to industries that rely on advances in materials and processes, including automotive, aerospace and electronics sectors. All letters of support across the Core and Science Themes 1, 2 and 3 have been attached to the Core proposal
Knowledge exchange will be vigorously promoted by the programme through greater integration between the participating research groups and their extensive networks of collaborations and with scientists and facilities on the Harwell campus. This exchange will lead to scientific advances not only in the development of state-of-the-art equipment but also in sustainable chemical processes.
The impact on recruitment will be substantial by the provision of trained research workers whose skills will be necessary for R&D programmes required for market innovation to occur.
The management and dissemination plans are designed to maximise impact. The Management Group of the Hub will monitor and together with the IAP and EAB will advise on impact, while the conferences and workshops will be aimed at the key beneficiaries.
The collaborating team has wide ranging experience in the dissemination of their science and the promotion of its impact to a wide range of stakeholders including the general public, schools, business and government. We will undertake industrial stakeholder engagement at the Hub as well as visiting the industrial sites. A strong outreach programme is planned which will develop the Hub researchers as well provide In order to inform the community in its broadest sense the importance and impact of catalysis.
- CARDIFF UNIVERSITY (Lead Research Organisation)
- BP (British Petroleum) (Collaboration)
- Econic (Collaboration)
- DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE (Collaboration)
- Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (United Kingdom) (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Collaboration)
- Johnson Matthey (United Kingdom) (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- Northumbrian Water (Collaboration)
- Arvia Technologies (Collaboration)
- Almac Group (Collaboration)
- Invista (UK) (Collaboration)
- The Co-operative Group Ltd (Collaboration)
- Solvay (Collaboration)
- Axion Recycling Ltd (Collaboration)
- Lucite International (Collaboration)
- Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) (Collaboration)
- Unilever (Collaboration)
- Scottish Water (United Kingdom) (Collaboration)
- University of Glasgow (Collaboration)
- AstraZeneca (Collaboration)
- UNSW Sydney (Collaboration)
- INNOVATE UK (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) (Collaboration)
- University of Cape Town (Collaboration)
- CatScI (Collaboration)
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Collaboration)
- Seymoor Limited (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- Seldon Research Ltd (Collaboration)
- Ricardo UK Ltd (Collaboration)
- PlasticsEurope (Collaboration)
- Sabic Europe (Project Partner)
- Arvia Technology (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Sabic UK (Project Partner)
- Lucite International (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- CatScI (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Science and Technology Facilities Council (Project Partner)
- Koch Industries (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Selden Research Ltd (Project Partner)
- Unilever (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Ricardo (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Plastics Europe (Project Partner)
- Axion Group (UK) (Project Partner)
- Central Laser Facility (Project Partner)
- Inov8 Ltd (Project Partner)
- Sasol Technology Research Laboratory (Project Partner)
- Solvay (Belgium) (Project Partner)
- Almac Group Ltd (Project Partner)
- GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Econic Technologies Ltd (Project Partner)
- Co-operative Group Limited (Project Partner)
- Eastman Chemical Company (United States) (Project Partner)
- AstraZeneca (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- British Petroleum International Limited (Project Partner)

Abdul Nasir J
Influence of Solvent on Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides with Ammonia over Cu-CHA Zeolite.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society

Abdul Nasir J
Understanding deNOx mechanisms in transition metal exchanged zeolites.
in Chemical Society reviews

Abouelamaiem D
Integration of supercapacitors into printed circuit boards
in Journal of Energy Storage

Aljohani M
Enhancing Hydrogen Production from the Photoreforming of Lignin.
in ChemPlusChem

Almeida C
Highly active Pt3Rh/C nanoparticles towards ethanol electrooxidation. Influence of the catalyst structure
in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

Arcus VL
Enzyme evolution and the temperature dependence of enzyme catalysis.
in Current opinion in structural biology

Athavan G
A re-examination of claims of aminoferrocene-graphene-based molecular magnets
in Applied Physics Letters

Bahnemann D
2023 roadmap on photocatalytic water splitting
in Journal of Physics: Energy

Bahnemann D
2023 roadmap on photocatalytic water splitting
Description | This is one of four awards that have enabled the UK Catalysis Hub to be established: Within the core programme, we will undertake developments in generic scientific capabilities which will provide underpinning support for the entire Hub programme, for which we will employ two PDRAs who will be co-funded by Diamond Light Source and the ISIS neutron facility. Their work programmes described in greater detail below will relate first to the development of generic sample environment for experimental catalytic science on both facilities and second to the data processing, analysis and curation. The Catalysis Hub has developed strong relationships with the world leading facilities on the Harwell campus including Diamond, ISIS and the Central Laser Facility (CLF).The Catalysis Hub in association with Diamond has run a highly successful Block allocation Group (BAG). The hub has also developed a number of insitu analysis techniques including operando XAFS/DRIFTS techniques and ongoing projects include the development of combines SpaciFB-XAS techniques. A strong relationship with ISIS has focused on community engagement and advancements in INS and QUENS techniques the HUB and ISIS scientists are developing (quasi) insitu techniques using newutrons in catalysis . Researchers supported by the Hub (Beale, UCL) have developed techniques including Kerr gated Raman and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) for catalysis applications |
Exploitation Route | Outcomes of this award will become a valuable resource for the whole catalysis community - industrial and academic and the HUb is actively working with industry to take these outputs further |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Chemicals Energy Environment Healthcare Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology Transport |
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Description | Catalysis is crucially important to the UK economy as it provides lower energy processes, reduced waste and pollution thereby selectively making added value products for all sectors. Around 90% of chemical processes are catalysed and the economic impact is estimated at a minimum of 30-40% global GDP. It is estimated that 85% of products have utilised catalysis in their production. Catalysis has major impacts in all areas of life including transport, healthcare, quality of life, security, construction and energy. Catalysis aligns with all four aspects of the EPSRC strategy ie the Productive Nation through new catalysts and improved productivity, the Connected Nation through the design of new materials, the Resilient Nation through designing new sustainable routes engendering the circular economy and the Healthy Nation through providing improved route to pharmaceuticals. The UK Catalysis Hub (The Hub) has brought together diverse aspects of catalytic science and technology, spanning chemo catalysis, biocatalysts and engineering as well as broad communities including plasmonics, solar fuels and the national facilities to tackle foundational and anthropogenic challenges as we face a changing world. This has enabled a far-reaching and closely interconnected internationally leading research base, a thriving early career research community and enduring partnerships with the chemical industry. In the future, the UK chemicals industry faces huge challenges (or else significant opportunities) associated with defossilisation and sustainability. The strength of the UK catalysis community and the proven track record of the UK Catalysis Hub in bringing communities and expertise together, will produce the fundamental knowledge and understanding needed to provide the toolkit of solutions that will tackle these challenges, creating scientific and economic opportunity and leadership for the UK. Since its foundation in 2013, the Hub has developed a strong, dynamic, and inclusive network of catalyst scientists in the UK and has restored the UK's world leading position in this key discipline. It has run over 163 collaborative, multi-institution, multi-disciplinary projects, leading to over 550 publications, supporting a broad range of projects in biocatalysts, chemo-catalysis and engineering, from first grants and fellowships to programme grants and strategic equipment. It has developed a collaborative ethos with strong engagement from Early Career Researchers (ECRs), industry and established academics as well as robust international interactions. The UK Catalysis Hub has coordinated and strengthened the UK catalysis research community, if it were not to be funded, leading international strength of UK catalysis research would decline, reducing UK competitiveness and ability to achieve net zero. Technological developments will be led by other countries, and dependence on imports, overseas supply chains and products, will continue or increase. Collaborative research The Hub has run over 135 collaborative, multi-institution, multi-disciplinary projects since 2013. Over 91 PDRAS have been employed by the hub and have moved on to other positions and 33 are currently still employed. Of the PDRAs hired the Hub has maintained good equality and diversity across its projects with a 3:2 male to female ratio and PDRAS being hired from backgrounds across the globe. In addition to project within the Hub, The UK Catalysis Hub has supported over £40 million of other research working in collaboration with the Hub. The Hub has supported a broad range of projects in biocatalysts, chemo-catalysis and engineering from first grants and fellowships to programme grants and strategic equipment. Publications The Hub has published over 500 publications over since 2013, with an average of 3 institutions involved in each publication demonstrating the collaborative nature and breadth of the hub projects. Papers have been published with institutions across the globe (figure below - more details in appendix X) Outreach We have invited 15 EU and 3 international speakers at the UK Catalysis Hub conferences, the Hub has run 4 international bilateral workshops, including South Korea, USA, Russia and South Africa and contributes to the annual UK catalysis conference which invites international keynote speakers and attracts international attendees. The Hub runs two conferences annually, contributes to the organisation and speakers for the UK Catalysis Conference. In addition the Hub runs a number specialist and technical workshops Topics have included neutron and laser techniques, emissions, EPR, solar fuels and plasmonics and emissions control The Hub has organised and run a range of events and since Covid has hit has been active in running a host of virtual events including training, webinars and conferences. (see section XXX) As covid restrictions ease the Hub is committed to continuing to support the community in safe networking and dissemination and is running its first Hybrid conference in December following on from a successful celebration of 10 Years of Catalysis at Harwell. The event which was held in person and on Zoom included talks from academics, Past PDRAS and founding members of the UK catalysis Hub The UK Catalysis Hub also has £17 mil of funding arising from projects through the Hub ( leveraged or follow on funding) workshops leading to grants ( e.g the EPR event which facilitated a grant for High Resolution ESR Spectroscopy for Catalysis Research, Other grants arising from Hub activities include impact activities and strategic equipment grants. The Hub has fostered new collaborations from community interaction - e.g projects involving Kamer and Aldridge; and the developing collaboration between O'Malley (Hub ECR, Bath) and Speybroeck (Ghent and presenter at Catalysis Hub conference, 2016), Thomspon (QUB) and Beale (RCaH, UCL) on partial oxidation of methane. Industrial Support UK catalysis Hub Projects have been supported by industry via a number of ways over 58 projects have had Industiral support including 33 with industrial Co-Investigators who have had direct involvement with development and running of projects. In addition to input of expertise into projects many projects have had in kind support e.g. access to equipment's, techniques and samples. Many projects have also had direct support from industry, and this is over £2million in phase 2 of the hub. Notable achievements include: Development of an Ambient Pressure Microreactor for In Situ Soft XAS In situ soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAFS) is capable of providing behaviour/structure of the surface or species at the surface under operating conditions. Further to the surface sensitivity, spectra recorded at the L-edge offer 3-5 times greater energy resolution compared to those recorded at the K-edge, resulting in sharper spectral features. Transitions at the L-edge (2p-3d) are dipole-allowed, providing spectra that are more intense and structured than those from the dipole forbidden K-edge (1s-3d transitions). As a consequence, L-edge XAS spectra are more sensitive to oxidation and spin-states. A new microreactor for the Ambient Pressure (AP) soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) at the B07 VERSOX beamline at Diamond has been designed and commissioned. It has the volume of ~0.4 cm3 and be operational at pressure 1-3 bars in the temperature range 273 - 650 K. The microreactor was tested using hydrogen, CO, helium gases and their mixture. The new cell has extended the in situ capability available for NEXAFS analysis at Diamond from 20 mbar to 1-3 bar pressure. The proof of principle experiments have been successfully performed using industrial catalysts for waste to energy conversion. Setup is suitable not only for model 2D catalysts (previously reported in the literature for the same system) but also for industrially relevant powdered catalysts. New microreactor will become a part of the standard beamline equipment and will be available to the broader scientific community providing access to measurements of major importance that are currently unavailable in the UK. His project was co funded by the UK catalysis Hub, Diamond Lightsource, UCL and Johnson Matthey Application of modulation excitation method for neutron scattering techniques Many commercially important chemical and pharmaceutical processes often involve liquid phase reactions which require large amounts of solvent as compared to the reactants and solid catalyst. Such a catalytic system presents a great challenge to monitor the reaction kinetics and mechanisms by conventional characterisation techniques due to a huge contribution of the solvent to the spectra that may envelop the crucial information. To circumvent this problem, transient methods, such as Modulation Excitation (ME), have been applied to improve the detection limits of the characterisation techniques. Application of ME method to neutron scattering techniques enables us to improve detection limit of the techniques and, signal to noise ratio of the spectra by filtering off contribution arising from the large amounts of solvent that may be "static" during the reaction. A completely integrated and synchronised reaction setup has been established for conducting ME experiments in the event mode on NIMROD instrument, which is available for a wider scientific community X-Ray spectroscopy in catalytic science; where the Catalysis Hub in association with Diamond has led a highly successful Block allocation Group (BAG) on the Core XAFS beamline and has supported more than 20 research groups across ten institutions including new users, resulting in more than 32 publications. The Hub has also developed a number of in situ analysis techniques including operando XAFS/DRIFTS technique, which has been widely used by the catalysis community. Development of tomographic imaging: A novel and significant development using both DIAMOND and ESRF facilities which has allowed the imaging of real catalytic system in operando. Growth in the application of neutron scattering techniques; especially neutron spectroscopy. Here our strong relationship with ISIS has focused on community engagement as well as scientific research through conference and workshops (e.g. neutrons for catalysis in November 2015) and has led to a large increase in the use of neutron techniques for catalysis. Particularly notable has been the rapid growth in the use inelastic neutron scattering (INS) for in situ spectroscopy and Quasi Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) and small angle scattering probing molecular transport, surface speciation and confined liquid structures for a range of catalytic systems. Exemplar studies have been highlighted in a recent special issue of PCCP on "Neutron scattering in catalysis and energy materials," (Phys Chem Chem Phys 18 2016) which was edited by Hub scientists (Silverwood, Parker and Catlow). The Hub is also incentivising instrument upgrades and is the major driver for the proposed catalysis laboratory within ISIS. Development of laser techniques in catalytic science, where McGregor (Sheffield) has led a Hub project on Optical tweezers for interrogation of catalysts and Beale, (RCaH, UCL) has developed techniques including Kerr gated Raman and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) for catalysis applications. The applications of Laser techniques for catalysis was disseminated to the community in a workshop organised in collaboration with the CLF (Lasers for catalysis in May 2016). Development of Kerr Gate Raman as a technique for catalyis The Beale group including Ines Lezcano-Gonzalez and Emma Campbell have worked on the application of Kerr-gated Raman spectroscopy to catalytic systems, working with Igor Sazanovich and Mike Towrie at the Central Laser Facility. Raman spectroscopy is a powerful probe for catalytic mechanisms but strong sample fluorescence often inhibits the collection of signals. The Kerr-gated spectrometer (KGS) at ULTRA, Central Laser Facility, allows for picosecond time-gating so that the Raman signal can be separated from fluorescence according to their different lifetimes. The KGS combines a visible wavelength pulsing laser (typically 400 nm) with a system comprising a Kerr-medium, two cross-polarisers open at 90 ° with respect to one-another, and a second laser operating to activate the Kerr-medium (known as the gating pulse). Using this technique, the group has been able to identify important intermediate species in the reaction of methanol, furan, and other oxygenated hydrocarbons over zeolite catalysts to link their presence with catalytic activity. |
First Year Of Impact | 2019 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Energy,Environment,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Impact Types | Cultural Economic |
Description | Ammonia: zero-carbon fertiliser, fuel and energy store (2020 RS policy breifing) |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health |
Impact | What's the future for green ammonia? The production of green ammonia could offer further options in the transition to net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. These include: Energy storage - ammonia is easily stored in bulk as a liquid at modest pressures (10-15 bar) or refrigerated to -33°C. This makes it an ideal chemical store for renewable energy. There is an existing distribution network, in which ammonia is stored in large refrigerated tanks and transported around the world by pipes, road tankers and ships. Zero-carbon fuel - ammonia can be burnt in an engine or used in a fuel cell to produce electricity. When used, ammonia's only by-products are water and nitrogen. The maritime industry is likely to be an early adopter, replacing the use of fuel oil in marine engines. Hydrogen carrier - there are applications where hydrogen gas is used (e.g. in PEM fuel cells), however hydrogen is difficult and expensive to store in bulk (needing cryogenic tanks or high-pressure cylinders). Ammonia is easier and cheaper to store, and transport and it can be readily "cracked" and purified to give hydrogen gas when required. |
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Description | Sustainable synthetic carbon based fuels for transport (2019) Royal society policy breifing |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Impact | What are sustainable synthetic fuels? They are carbon based fuels made from non-fossil resources, with energy densities similar to fossil fuels. This means that they can be transported using existing infrastructure and used in existing engines with little or no modification. The report considers two types of sustainable synthetic fuels: electro fuels (efuels) and synthetic biofuels. Efuels are made by combining hydrogen (from for example the electrolysis of water) with carbon dioxide (from direct air capture or a point source). Synthetic biofuels can be made from biological material (for example waste from forestry) or from further processing biofuels (for example ethanol). Whilst synthetic fuels can be "dropped in" to existing engines, they are currently more expensive than fossil fuels and, in the case of efuels, could be thought of as an inefficient use of renewable electricity. However, where renewable electricity is cheap and plentiful, the manufacture and export of bulk efuels might make economic sense. Key research challenges identified include improving the fundamental understanding of catalysis; the need to produce cheap low-carbon hydrogen at scale; and developing sources of competitively priced low carbon energy are key to the development of synthetic efuels and biofuels. The UK has the research skills and capacity to improve many of these process steps such as in catalysis and biotechnology, and to provide a further area of UK leadership in low-carbon energy. |
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Description | Metal Atoms on Surfaces & Interfaces (MASI) for Sustainable Future |
Amount | £6,659,514 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/V000055/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 07/2021 |
End | 07/2026 |
Description | New trimetallic nanoparticles as catalysts for the conversion of carbon dioxide to renewable fuels |
Amount | £1,530,291 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/S030468/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2019 |
End | 09/2024 |
Title | Catalysis Data Infrastructure (CDI) |
Description | For more information on the impact of UK Catalysis Hub publications visit the Catalysis Data Infrastructure (CDI) at The CDI indexes publications and data objects produced by researchers supported-by or affiliated-to the UK Catalysis Hub. links publications to datasets and provides information for workflows |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | links ot Physical science data infrastructue, as well as enabling interrogation of data , FAIRNESS and development of workflows for looking at catalysis data |
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Title | Supplementary information files for Evaluating the Activity and Stability of Perovskite LaMO3-Based Pt Catalysts in the Aqueous Phase Reforming of Glycerol |
Description | Supplemental files for article Evaluating the Activity and Stability of Perovskite LaMO3-Based Pt Catalysts in the Aqueous Phase Reforming of Glycerol Abstract The aqueous phase reforming of glycerol, to hydrogen, alkanes and liquid phase dehydration/dehydrogenation products, was studied over a series of 1 wt% Pt/LaMO3 (where M = Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) catalysts and compared to a standard 1 wt% Pt/?-Al2O3 catalyst. The sol-gel combustion synthesis of lanthanum-based perovskites LaMO3 produced pure phase perovskites with surface areas of 8-18 m2g-1. Glycerol conversions were higher than the Pt/?-Al2O3 (10%) for several perovskite supported catalysts, with the highest being for Pt/LaNiO3 (19%). Perovskite-based catalysts showed reduced alkane formation and significantly increased lactic acid formation compared to the standard catalyst. However, most of the perovskite materials undergo phase separation to LaCO3OH and respective M site oxides with Pt particle migration. The exception being the LaCrO3 support which was found to remain structurally stable. Catalytic performance remained stable over several cycles, for catalysts M = Al, Cr and Ni, despite phase separation of some of these materials. Materials where M site leaching into solution was observed (M = Mn and Co), were found to be catalytically unstable, which was hypothesised to be due to significant loss in support surface area and uncontrolled migration of Pt to the remaining support surface. In the case of Pt/LaNiO3 alloying between the exsoluted Ni and Pt was observed post reaction. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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Title | Supplementary informnation files for Identification of structural changes in CaCu3Ti4O12 on high energy ball milling and their effect on photocatalytic performance |
Description | Supplementary files for article Identification of structural changes in CaCu3Ti4O12 on high energy ball milling and their effect on photocatalytic performanceThe perovskite CaCu3Ti4O12 is known for its ability to photocatalytically degrade model dye molecules using visible light. The influence of ball milling preformed CaCu3Ti4O12 on the catalysts structure and performance in the degradation of rhodamine B and the antihistamine cetirizine hydrochloride, which does not absorb light in the visible region, was investigated. The surface area of CaCu3Ti4O12 increased from 1 m2 g-1 to >80 m2 g-1 on milling with a retention of 96% CaCu3Ti4O12 phase purity, as determined by X-ray diffraction and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis. Multiple characterisation techniques showed an increase in structural defects on milling, including, for the first time, X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy which showed changes in the local electronic structure from the perspective of Cu and Ti. Photocatalytic degradation was notably higher with the milled sample than that observed for the as-synthesized sample, even after normalisation for surface area, with a doubling of surface normalised rate constant from 4.91 × 10-4 to 9.11 × 10-4 L min-1 m2 for rhodamine B degradation and a tripling for cetirizine hydrochloride degradation from 2.64 × 10-4 to 7.92 × 10-4 L min-1 m-2. The improvement in catalytic performance can be correlated to the defects observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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Title | XAFS data at Pd & In K-edges recorded in situ during reduction and ex situ. |
Description | X-ray absorption spectroscopy was performed at Diamond Light Source, UK, at B18 for the Pd/In2O3 & Pd/In2O3/Al2O3 species. Data was collected at the Pd and In K-edges in transmission mode using a QEXAFS setup with fast scanning Si(311) crystal monochromators. The time resolution here was roughly 90 seconds per spectrum. Samples were packed into an in-house custom-made capillary system designed and constructed by Diamond Light Source. 50 mg of 200-300 µm catalyst particles were packed between 3 cm of quartz wool. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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Description | C*Change Catalysis Network south africa |
Organisation | University of Cape Town |
Department | Department of Oceanography |
Country | South Africa |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Organisation of network meeting between C*Change members and the Catalysis Hub leading to at least one Diamond beam line experiment as a collaboration (results pending) |
Collaborator Contribution | intellect input and samples of collaborative experiments for Catalysis using Diamond lightsource |
Impact | succesful beam time applications |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | Collaboration with Johnson Matthey |
Organisation | Johnson Matthey |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The research team have approached Johnson Matthey in order to gain an industrial input, as part of an ongoing collaboration. |
Collaborator Contribution | Contact between Johnson Matthey and the investigators of this project are helping to direct research towards areas of industrial interest. |
Impact | This collaboration has lead to the inclusion of industrial expertise into our research planing. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | HIgh pressure DRIFTS/XAFS reactor |
Organisation | University of New South Wales |
Country | Australia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Development of A HIgh pressure DRIFTS CELL for operando DRIFTS measurements for catalysis |
Collaborator Contribution | Development of A High pressure DRIFTS CELL for operando DRIFTS measurements for catalysis A high-pressure hybrid photothermal catalytic system was employed in CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, exhibiting 32% increase in methanol yield only under full spectrum (300-800 nm) irradiation. Irradiation of UV-rich (200-500 nm) light and visible (420-800 nm) light resulted in enhanced CO production. The synergistic nature of UV and visible light irradiation is attributed to the dual catalytic sites of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, where Cu:ZnO perimeter interface is the main active site. The improved catalytic performance originated from the photoenhanced CO2 activation on ZnO surface under UV irradiation and H2 activation on Cu surface under visible light irradiation. The roles of ZnO and Cu are revealed by DRIFTS, XAS, XPS, and DFT, showing a more dynamic change in ZnO as well as stronger orbital overlapping in the valence band spectrum. The simultaneous irradiation of UV and visible light successfully decreases the reaction temperature by 50? without sacrificing methanol yield and selectivity. The present work also provides a new perspective on catalyst design by manipulating the valence band electronic structure. This work was completed in collaboration with UNSW Sydney during the visit of Roong Jien Wong as Visiting Research Fellow, with direct contribution from Emma Gibson, June Callison, Michael Higham, Donato Decarolis, Prof Michael Bowker, and Prof Richard Catlow. |
Impact | NEw high pressure DRIFTS CEL for Operando DRIFTS measurements as a resource for the catalysis community |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Almac Group |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Arvia Technologies |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | AstraZeneca |
Department | Astra Zeneca |
Country | United States |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Axion Recycling Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | BP (British Petroleum) |
Department | BP Exploration Operating Company Limited |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | CatScI |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Econic |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) |
Department | Research and Development GSK |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Invista (UK) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Knowledge Transfer Network |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Lucite International |
Department | Lucite International UK Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | PlasticsEurope |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Ricardo UK Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Department | Central Laser Facility |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation |
Country | Saudi Arabia |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Seldon Research Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Seymoor Limited |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Solvay |
Country | Global |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | The Co-operative Group Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | IAP |
Organisation | Unilever |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The management structure of the Hub will provide the necessary flexibility whilst ensuring good governance. All the governance, management and advisory structures that have been established and successfully operated in phase 1 of the Hub will continue to operate. Overall operational matters will be dealt with by the Management Group (MG) which will be advised by three advisory groups, namely the Steering Group (SG) the External Advisory Board (EAB) and the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). An independent Oversight Board will be appointed consisting of senior academic from each Partner Institution which will annually review progress and ensure compliance with the terms of the award letter and overall governance. |
Collaborator Contribution | The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: · Providing input on the needs of industry · Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub. |
Impact | The Industrial Advisory Panel Chaired by a senior industrialist. The IAP will meet biannually to advise the MG on areas for research and ensure that the activities of the Hub are relevant to the requirements of industry. Key Roles: Providing input on the needs of industry Provide advice in identifying and commercialising IP resulting from the Hub |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Joint funded PDRA |
Organisation | Diamond Light Source |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | One of the major successes of the UK Catalysis Hub has been to increase the efficient and effective use of the facilities at the Harwell campus for catalytic research. With the Diamond Light Source, through the Block Allocation Group (BAG) time on the core XAFS beamline (B18), the Hub has rapidly expanded the user base for X-ray absorption studies over the last five years. The Hub has also encouraged its network to use neutron scattering; a number of groups associated with the hub are now regular users of neutron scattering at ISIS, with a large growth in the use of quasielastic measurement for interrogating diffusion processes. In recent years, the Hub's interaction with the Central Laser Facility (CLF) has resulted in the first in situ catalytic studies being performed in the CLF. One outcome from these fruitful collaborations with the facilities on the Harwell campus, is the realisation that we are pushing the capacity of these facilities. In addition, we recognise that there is a drive for improved sample environments to push the boundaries of in situ/operando measurements. This five year proposal aims to provide high throughput sample environments for both in situ and ex situ XAFS analysis, reactive gas environments for Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and an in situ spatially resolved plug flow reactor for neutron diffraction of liquid phase heterogeneously catalysed reactions with combined liquid phase composition analysis. Also, we will build a plug-flow reactor to be used initially in conjunction with optical microscopy platforms such as confocal and fluorescence lifetime imaging and eventually with super-resolution techniques such as SIM, STED and STORM. |
Collaborator Contribution | One of the major successes of the UK Catalysis Hub has been to increase the efficient and effective use of the facilities at the Harwell campus for catalytic research. With the Diamond Light Source, through the Block Allocation Group (BAG) time on the core XAFS beamline (B18), the Hub has rapidly expanded the user base for X-ray absorption studies over the last five years. The Hub has also encouraged its network to use neutron scattering; a number of groups associated with the hub are now regular users of neutron scattering at ISIS, with a large growth in the use of quasielastic measurement for interrogating diffusion processes. In recent years, the Hub's interaction with the Central Laser Facility (CLF) has resulted in the first in situ catalytic studies being performed in the CLF. One outcome from these fruitful collaborations with the facilities on the Harwell campus, is the realisation that we are pushing the capacity of these facilities. In addition, we recognise that there is a drive for improved sample environments to push the boundaries of in situ/operando measurements. This five year proposal aims to provide high throughput sample environments for both in situ and ex situ XAFS analysis, reactive gas environments for Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and an in situ spatially resolved plug flow reactor for neutron diffraction of liquid phase heterogeneously catalysed reactions with combined liquid phase composition analysis. Also, we will build a plug-flow reactor to be used initially in conjunction with optical microscopy platforms such as confocal and fluorescence lifetime imaging and eventually with super-resolution techniques such as SIM, STED and STORM. |
Impact | publications, posters and confernence discussions |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Joint funded PDRA |
Organisation | Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) |
Department | ISIS Neutron and Muon Source |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | In order to understand the nature of materials and processes relevant to catalysis and other applications, a wide range of experimental and computational simulation techniques need to be deployed and their data and information combined into single coherent models. For this to be possible the various techniques need to become more accessible to the non-experts and the data need to be recorded, combined and exchanged seamlessly. To this end, we propose to develop a Catalysis Data infrastructure and a Catalysis Research Workbench to enable further and easier exploitation of stored experimental data and assist in the characterisation or structure solution of catalytic compounds by integrating experimental and computational techniques. The Catalysis Data Infrastructure will provide an integrated system supporting a catalogue of information on catalytic materials and their properties, together with an associated data repository containing datasets of derived data, spectra, and images, so that users can deposit and access these objects associated with the materials being investigateded. There will also be a record of associated experiments undertaken at the Hub, with links to datasets available within facilities, particularly the ISIS experimental data catalogue, which will be supported with a web-portal, allowing search and access to data, using suitable property and experiment metadata and controlled vocabulary. The system will link and integrate the data infrastructure into a wider eco-system of existing information tools relevant to catalysis science. The Catalysis Research Workbench will provide a virtual research environment to support data analysis and interpretation, which will allow users to load relevant data from the Catalysis Data Infrastructure and access relevant modelling, simulation and data analysis software as well as suitable compute resources, potentially through cloud access. Typical applications will be: for those experiments where the atomic structure is not known a priori, with structure determination software; for those experiments where atomic structure requires confirmation, with software to generate simulated spectra that could be easily compared with the experimental spectra (e.g. PDF, EXAFS); and for those experiments where atomic structure is known, with software for assisting in the interpretation of experimental data. Further extensions will include integrating with electronic notebooks and supporting workflows. This virtual research environment will be built by linking data and software tools into an easy to use graphical user interface, which will be accessible remotely thanks to cloud technology. The members of the Hub will steer the design of these two components of the data analysis, processing and curation system through consultations and regular feedback. Both developments will take into account any related initiatives in the UK and overseas, and will seek as far as possible to include, adapt and integrate suitable existing tools developed in STFC and elsewhere. |
Collaborator Contribution | In order to understand the nature of materials and processes relevant to catalysis and other applications, a wide range of experimental and computational simulation techniques need to be deployed and their data and information combined into single coherent models. For this to be possible the various techniques need to become more accessible to the non-experts and the data need to be recorded, combined and exchanged seamlessly. To this end, we propose to develop a Catalysis Data infrastructure and a Catalysis Research Workbench to enable further and easier exploitation of stored experimental data and assist in the characterisation or structure solution of catalytic compounds by integrating experimental and computational techniques |
Impact | publications, database, workflows, posters and conference presentations |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Removal of Low Concentration Pollutants from Potable Water |
Organisation | Northumbrian Water |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The quality of potable water is of paramount importance for society. Taste and odour are two of the major criteria used by consumers in terms of assessing drinking water. Two common contaminants in this regard are 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- 9-decalol (geosmin). These are algal metabolites and are present at ppb levels in water leading to a musty taste/odour. Typically, these are not removed by conventional water treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration [1] and their removal is commonly undertaken using activated carbon which is difficult to recycle and is converted into sludge. More recently, the use of biocatalysis has been shown to be effective in removing these molecules [2]; however, the (bio)filtration step conventionally is after the conventional flocculation step which limits the ability for the biocatalyst to operate due to the lack of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes have been studied, for example using ozone and other oxidants combined with UV. Whilst these do remove geosmin and MIB toxic by-products are formed. The aim of this proposal is to develop a heterogeneous catalytic advanced oxidation process which will be effective in removing geosmin and MIB with a high throughput of water without the challenges faced by the biofiltration process and without the formation of toxic by-products. Aims and objectives The aims of this proposal are: (i) to develop high surface area metal oxides for the adsorption of geosmin and MIB; (ii) to catalytically regenerate the metal oxides on saturation via complete mineralisation of the surface adsorbents; and (iii) to compare and evaluate the processes developed to test on real feedstocks. |
Collaborator Contribution | To help deliver this project NWG, subject to the appropriate agreements being in place, will provide a financial contribution of £5,000 over 2 years, water samples and existing data as well as in-kind support over the project duration being part of the Advisory Board providing information to assist in the technology development and how the outputs can be utilised in our region Scottish Water would be pleased to collaborate closely and provide the following support: • Attendance at progress meetings. • Supply of samples of water • Advice on analytical protocols • Contribution to scientific publications. • Provision of expertise in relation to interpreting experimental results. • Subject to funding approval, Scottish Water will provide up to £20k in-kind contribution for the above, and up to £5K contribution to the research costs. |
Impact | The quality of potable water is of paramount importance for society. Taste and odour are two of the major criteria used by consumers in terms of assessing drinking water. Two common contaminants in this regard are 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- 9-decalol (geosmin). These are algal metabolites and are present at ppb levels in water leading to a musty taste/odour. Typically, these are not removed by conventional water treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration [1] and their removal is commonly undertaken using activated carbon which is difficult to recycle and is converted into sludge. More recently, the use of biocatalysis has been shown to be effective in removing these molecules [2]; however, the (bio)filtration step conventionally is after the conventional flocculation step which limits the ability for the biocatalyst to operate due to the lack of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes have been studied, for example using ozone and other oxidants combined with UV. Whilst these do remove geosmin and MIB toxic by-products are formed. The aim of this proposal is to develop a heterogeneous catalytic advanced oxidation process which will be effective in removing geosmin and MIB with a high throughput of water without the challenges faced by the biofiltration process and without the formation of toxic by-products. Aims and objectives The aims of this proposal are: (i) to develop high surface area metal oxides for the adsorption of geosmin and MIB; (ii) to catalytically regenerate the metal oxides on saturation via complete mineralisation of the surface adsorbents; and (iii) to compare and evaluate the processes developed to test on real feedstocks. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Removal of Low Concentration Pollutants from Potable Water |
Organisation | Scottish Water |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The quality of potable water is of paramount importance for society. Taste and odour are two of the major criteria used by consumers in terms of assessing drinking water. Two common contaminants in this regard are 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- 9-decalol (geosmin). These are algal metabolites and are present at ppb levels in water leading to a musty taste/odour. Typically, these are not removed by conventional water treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration [1] and their removal is commonly undertaken using activated carbon which is difficult to recycle and is converted into sludge. More recently, the use of biocatalysis has been shown to be effective in removing these molecules [2]; however, the (bio)filtration step conventionally is after the conventional flocculation step which limits the ability for the biocatalyst to operate due to the lack of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes have been studied, for example using ozone and other oxidants combined with UV. Whilst these do remove geosmin and MIB toxic by-products are formed. The aim of this proposal is to develop a heterogeneous catalytic advanced oxidation process which will be effective in removing geosmin and MIB with a high throughput of water without the challenges faced by the biofiltration process and without the formation of toxic by-products. Aims and objectives The aims of this proposal are: (i) to develop high surface area metal oxides for the adsorption of geosmin and MIB; (ii) to catalytically regenerate the metal oxides on saturation via complete mineralisation of the surface adsorbents; and (iii) to compare and evaluate the processes developed to test on real feedstocks. |
Collaborator Contribution | To help deliver this project NWG, subject to the appropriate agreements being in place, will provide a financial contribution of £5,000 over 2 years, water samples and existing data as well as in-kind support over the project duration being part of the Advisory Board providing information to assist in the technology development and how the outputs can be utilised in our region Scottish Water would be pleased to collaborate closely and provide the following support: • Attendance at progress meetings. • Supply of samples of water • Advice on analytical protocols • Contribution to scientific publications. • Provision of expertise in relation to interpreting experimental results. • Subject to funding approval, Scottish Water will provide up to £20k in-kind contribution for the above, and up to £5K contribution to the research costs. |
Impact | The quality of potable water is of paramount importance for society. Taste and odour are two of the major criteria used by consumers in terms of assessing drinking water. Two common contaminants in this regard are 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- 9-decalol (geosmin). These are algal metabolites and are present at ppb levels in water leading to a musty taste/odour. Typically, these are not removed by conventional water treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration [1] and their removal is commonly undertaken using activated carbon which is difficult to recycle and is converted into sludge. More recently, the use of biocatalysis has been shown to be effective in removing these molecules [2]; however, the (bio)filtration step conventionally is after the conventional flocculation step which limits the ability for the biocatalyst to operate due to the lack of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes have been studied, for example using ozone and other oxidants combined with UV. Whilst these do remove geosmin and MIB toxic by-products are formed. The aim of this proposal is to develop a heterogeneous catalytic advanced oxidation process which will be effective in removing geosmin and MIB with a high throughput of water without the challenges faced by the biofiltration process and without the formation of toxic by-products. Aims and objectives The aims of this proposal are: (i) to develop high surface area metal oxides for the adsorption of geosmin and MIB; (ii) to catalytically regenerate the metal oxides on saturation via complete mineralisation of the surface adsorbents; and (iii) to compare and evaluate the processes developed to test on real feedstocks. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Removal of Low Concentration Pollutants from Potable Water |
Organisation | Welsh Water |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | The quality of potable water is of paramount importance for society. Taste and odour are two of the major criteria used by consumers in terms of assessing drinking water. Two common contaminants in this regard are 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- 9-decalol (geosmin). These are algal metabolites and are present at ppb levels in water leading to a musty taste/odour. Typically, these are not removed by conventional water treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration [1] and their removal is commonly undertaken using activated carbon which is difficult to recycle and is converted into sludge. More recently, the use of biocatalysis has been shown to be effective in removing these molecules [2]; however, the (bio)filtration step conventionally is after the conventional flocculation step which limits the ability for the biocatalyst to operate due to the lack of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes have been studied, for example using ozone and other oxidants combined with UV. Whilst these do remove geosmin and MIB toxic by-products are formed. The aim of this proposal is to develop a heterogeneous catalytic advanced oxidation process which will be effective in removing geosmin and MIB with a high throughput of water without the challenges faced by the biofiltration process and without the formation of toxic by-products. Aims and objectives The aims of this proposal are: (i) to develop high surface area metal oxides for the adsorption of geosmin and MIB; (ii) to catalytically regenerate the metal oxides on saturation via complete mineralisation of the surface adsorbents; and (iii) to compare and evaluate the processes developed to test on real feedstocks. |
Collaborator Contribution | To help deliver this project NWG, subject to the appropriate agreements being in place, will provide a financial contribution of £5,000 over 2 years, water samples and existing data as well as in-kind support over the project duration being part of the Advisory Board providing information to assist in the technology development and how the outputs can be utilised in our region Scottish Water would be pleased to collaborate closely and provide the following support: • Attendance at progress meetings. • Supply of samples of water • Advice on analytical protocols • Contribution to scientific publications. • Provision of expertise in relation to interpreting experimental results. • Subject to funding approval, Scottish Water will provide up to £20k in-kind contribution for the above, and up to £5K contribution to the research costs. |
Impact | The quality of potable water is of paramount importance for society. Taste and odour are two of the major criteria used by consumers in terms of assessing drinking water. Two common contaminants in this regard are 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- 9-decalol (geosmin). These are algal metabolites and are present at ppb levels in water leading to a musty taste/odour. Typically, these are not removed by conventional water treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration [1] and their removal is commonly undertaken using activated carbon which is difficult to recycle and is converted into sludge. More recently, the use of biocatalysis has been shown to be effective in removing these molecules [2]; however, the (bio)filtration step conventionally is after the conventional flocculation step which limits the ability for the biocatalyst to operate due to the lack of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, advanced oxidation processes have been studied, for example using ozone and other oxidants combined with UV. Whilst these do remove geosmin and MIB toxic by-products are formed. The aim of this proposal is to develop a heterogeneous catalytic advanced oxidation process which will be effective in removing geosmin and MIB with a high throughput of water without the challenges faced by the biofiltration process and without the formation of toxic by-products. Aims and objectives The aims of this proposal are: (i) to develop high surface area metal oxides for the adsorption of geosmin and MIB; (ii) to catalytically regenerate the metal oxides on saturation via complete mineralisation of the surface adsorbents; and (iii) to compare and evaluate the processes developed to test on real feedstocks. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Welsh Water -IAP |
Organisation | Welsh Water |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | UK Catalysis Hub Research |
Collaborator Contribution | Attendance at the IAP |
Impact | Water Meeting in Manchester - discussion projects |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | collaboration with Lennon Group From Glasgow university |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Department | Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Hosting mentoring and consulting on the projects of two CASE Students from Glasgow who are seconded to Harwell with the Catalysis Hub. Providing access to Catalysis hub analysis and testing equipment |
Collaborator Contribution | Aligning two case Students with the Hub research portfolio and ethos. |
Impact | ongoing leading to two PHDs |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | A talk or presentation - Talks at UKCC2022 from hub PDRAS |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | a number of talks were given by Hub PDRAS at the annual UK Catalysis conference 2022 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | A talk or presentation - Webinar Program /- monthly webinars from divers catalytic scientists |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | The hub has a diverse and dynamic webinar program implemented at the start of the Covid 19 crisis to maintain scientific discourse. it has have been continued due to interest and attendance talks have included training for students PDRAS ECRS, academic dissemination, industrial talks, and information |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021,2022 |
URL | |
Description | How Catalysis can Enable a Sustainable Future Beyond Oil - royal society summer science exhibition |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | The UK's ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will not be possible without new and innovative catalysis. We will be presenting at The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition activities and displays that highlight to the public; (1) How integrated petroleum products are currently to our daily lives, beyond "just fuel". (2) The fundamental concepts of catalysis and how it will enable us to move beyond oil. (3) The extent of the scientific challenges in enacting this change through catalysis and how it requires a collaborative effort between different scientific, engineering communities, and national facilities. We will show a selection of the displays intended for the exhibition in the summer. Dr. Simon Kondrat, Prof. Sandie Dann & Anna Leather Loughborough University |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | |
Description | Talks at UKCC2021 from hub PDRAS |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | a number of talks were given by Hub PDRAS at the annual UK Catalysis conference 2021 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | UK catalysis hub confernces |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | The UK Catalysis Hub is an open community and staff & student wellbeing are our top priority. We value our inclusive culture based upon the values of dignity, courtesy, and respect. The Hub has run a number of events to support equality and diversity in catalysis. Including Catalysis in a diverse world, 22 July 2021. The conference was virtual due to the COVID situation. People from diverse backgrounds spoke about how they have progressed their careers in catalysis. Speakers covered a mixture of their research and career progression and experiences working in science. Diversity and equality have been at the heart of the Hub Ethos and the Hub has funded a good balance of PDRAs from a range of backgrounds. An EDI representative was appointed to the Steering Group (SG) to oversee diversity in Hub activities. In addition, a number of ECRS including former Hub PDRAS who had continued in academia were appointed to the Hub SG to bring in new perspectives and provide younger members with opportunities. The UK Catalysis Hub conference alone have been attended by over 1000 participants since 2018 and of the 55 speakers invited 17 have been early career and 10 PDRAs. The gender diversity of speakers as well as the expertise diversity and background have been considered when inviting speakers |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023 |
URL | |
Description | UK catalysis hub town Hall: Catalysis to enable net Zero |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Policymakers/politicians |
Results and Impact | The town hall meeting aims to discuss and identify the challenges and innovations needed to deliver Net Zero through innovation in catalysis. Challenges include the replacement of i) fossil fuel carbon with renewable carbon, ii) replacing fossil carbon based energy with renewable energy and iii) development of efficient and sustainable energy storage and conversion. It will include presentations from both academic and industrial members of the Hub community and from key stakeholders. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Webinar Program - monthly webinars from divers catalytic scientists |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | The hub has a diverse and dynamic webinar program implemented at the start of the Covid 19 crisis to maintain scientific discourse. it has have been continued due to interest and attendance |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020,2021 |
URL | |
Description | catalysis hub webinars |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | The hub has a diverse and dynamic webinar program implemented at the start of the Covid 19 crisis to maintain scientific discourse. it has have been continued due to interest and attendance talks have included training for students PDRAS ECRS, academic dissemination, industrial talks, and information |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020,2021,2022,2023 |
URL | |