Molecular Manufacturing of Macroscopic Objects

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: School of Engineering & Materials Scienc


This interdisciplinary proposal proposes a molecular basis for Manufacturing for the Future,[a1] to grow many types of particles in a nature-inspired way. It offers scalability, near-full utilization of the material, and the ability to carry out transformations at near ambient conditions. Manufacturing in nature spans the scales from intricate nano-scale up to macroscale features and occurs at near ambient temperatures, without the need for expensive materials and infrastructure. Lithography is the closest technique at our disposal to reproduce such precision in manufacturing, but it requires wasteful use of specialized materials, expensive infrastructure, and is inherently a 2D technique with significant processing limitations.

In the proposal we make use of our recent discoveries of artificial morphogenesis[52] to create manufacturing technologies with the ability to create particles of a variety of sizes (from nanoscale to macroscale) and regular geometric shapes. This adaptable molecular process which needs minimum infrastructure is especially suited for energy-and-material-efficient manufacturing in space. It will allow us to grow efficiently structures of a wide range of regular shapes with sizes from 50 nm to over 1 mm. We show successful attempts in synthesizing polymer particles by the self-shaping process and strategically outline ways to adapt it to the synthesis of shaped particles from various polymer and inorganic materials. Specific measurements of the thickness of the interfacial phase layer responsible for the transitions will expand the mechanistic understanding of the process. We will model the apparent influence of curvature for the observed 2D crystallization and melting and will use the insights to create a selection of new shapes by using mixtures of oils and surfactants. We will finally integrate the understanding of several dynamic phenomena to enable new modes of manufacturing with remote external control, such as light stimuli.

The current proposal, in the EPSRC's strategic priority area of 21st Century Products, aims to continue the stellar tradition which has kept the chemicals and chemical products manufacturing as the highest growth manufacturing industry over 3 decades. Our processes will be characterized by speed and agility, and would embody many desired properties for future manufacturing, e.g. local production closer to customers and modular production not requiring a factory. Instead of changing factories or factory tools, to change the output of particles, one only has to change the conditions for this molecular manufacturing to take place. Such a process will rely on highly skilled workers with knowledge of how process conditions affect the mechanism and production. Part of the proposal is specifically targeting the development of analytical techniques that will enable fast or even in situ characterization of the way molecular packings can change the shape transformations. Training will also make use of the inter-disciplinary network of partners created by the project.

Commercialization of the technology would expand the manufacturing base in the UK with the potential for significant job creation in related companies and "foundry labs" based on the versatility and manufacturing efficiency of this platform technology. Our existing[a2] and future IP from the research will be used to protect and capitalize on these developments. Based on industrial interest in energy-efficient emulsification, with a grant from the European Research Council, we are already developing a proof-of-concept process for continuous industrial self-emulsification, which grew out of the self-shaping phenomenon. Initial successes in inorganic particle templating and particle polymerization will result in an opportunity to commercialize a novel type of nano-manufacturing, which will extend from the molecular to the macroscopic scales.

Planned Impact

The proposed manufacturing technology has the potential to change disruptively sectors of micro- and nanoparticle manufacturing. Moreover, it promises the creation of new classes of particles too expensive to produce by current technologies, and therefore it should open new markets and applications that did not exist before. In the shorter term we envision many research applications in collaborations with researchers in chemistry, materials science, biology, and engineering, who have expressed interest in it. The convenient platform offers easy, optical microscope observations which are macroscopic readouts of molecular packing events and phase transitions that are difficult to visualize and study otherwise. We have already shown the system working with over 70 different systems of different pure compounds and surfactants, and with the recent demonstration that it is applicable to mixtures where only one of the oil components has the property of self-shaping, the combinatorial space is immediately increased to thousands of systems. From presenting the research at international conferences, I have been approached by well-established researchers who are interested in collaborations. These include, among many others, polymerization for manufacturing, incorporation of our emulsions to create novel tunable stiffness materials, using the shape-changing droplets as actuators to interface with biological cells and study the effects of mechanostimulation, and industrial interest in our ability to break up emulsion droplets at low temperature. I am both seeking out and selecting the most promising directions for future development, and when sufficient progress is made, also pursuing scalability and reliability testing to move the technology from the lab-bench to the proof of concept and eventually pilot-plant stages. For example, for the self-emulsification discovery we have moved to the proof-of-concept goals, to be developed in the next year with a grant I won from the European Research Council.
Pathways to Impact in this proposal:
Scholarship and Establishing Academic Collaboration - three main approaches:
(i) Peer-reviewed publications are the time-tested way to summarize knowledge in a reliable and constructive way so others can build on it. We have published our research in high impact journals, 6 papers in less than 2 years. The work has been highlighted by eminent science writers conveying its significance to the wider public. We will continue to pursue these well-established avenues of rigorous dissemination to reach both academic and commercial researchers and potential beneficiaries. The current papers are not only attracting many citations, but we've had immediate requests for collaboration from people reading them. This is especially the case for the first paper published in Nature (Dec 2015), but also for the recent discovery of self-emulsification reported this year in Nature Communications (2017). We have been invited to review the revolution the self-shaping phenomenon has created in Accounts of Chemical Research.
(ii) Presentations at conferences are one of the best ways to popularize the work, since even people in the same field are often deluged by the number of publications. Conferences provide a good pre-selection filter, and invited and keynote talks are a further refinement that increases the reputation of the work. I have given invited and keynote presenations at important conferences, including e.g. the Colloid and Interface Symposium 2017 in Suwon, Korea, and the 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Complex Active & Adaptive Materials Systems in Ventura, CA. By continuing to give invited presentations I will reach the top thought leaders in the field.
(iii) Academic Exchanges are a great way to make use of complementary ideas as well as research facilities at different institutions. On other projects, with visits as short as 2-3 months, we have been able to publish joint papers in more than half the cases


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Description Synchrotron experiments have revealed the presence of a plastic phase we had speculated about as a mechanism, and for which we had multiple indirect evidence. But having direct x-ray scattering evidence is gratifying and will lead to further discoveries about ways to control the process. The recent acquisition of QCM in this project has opened up other fundamental directions and we expect at least one collaborative paper by the end of the project on molecules ordering at interfaces, which promises to open up studies in fields far from the one we are studying as well.

We have now developed a molecular dynamics method for modelling atomistically the arrangements of molecules that leads to the plastic phase formation. There was a need for such a method in the community and existing methods were not suitable. We have now published this work - the DOI for the manuscript is 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c07587.
We have finally published the manuscript of combining molecular simulations with the data we had obtained from synchrotron experiments. This will not only confirm the presence of rotator phases, but for the first time we provide a fully indexed unit cell. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c02027
We have built on the success of such simulations, and have recently also applied the method to describe novel 2D phase transitions in the ordering of fluorinated alkanes (forever chemicals) at the interface of oils and water. DOI: 10.1039/d3sm01444d In the future such insights could help determine the design of foam systems with high affinity and better methods for remediation of these chemicals in water or soil.

We have also made some progress into alternative reactions that are compatible with the artificial morphogenesis process. This bottom-up growing of polymer particle shapes may be able to one day replace lithography - as a sustainable method for large scale fabrication of shaped microparticles. Further we are attempting to make the new particles biodegradable, so they won't contribute to the microplastics problem.

But for bottom-up manufacturing, the best and most sustainable idea is to grow them as in nature. Further, how exciting is it if we can grow micro-robots, autonomous life-like entities? We have now published a high profile paper in Nature Physics, where we demonstrate a new type of active matter. Because the micro-robots are grown bottom-up, 1 million of them cost pennies to produce from two simple water. Our microscopic swimmers look like flagellate biological swimmers and are compatible with them. Though obviously non-living, our swimmers can harvest energy from fluctuations in the environment, and get recharged for further swimming. Only living things usually have these properties, so our results have implications for understanding the nature of life.
Indeed, it is this focus on growing as a manufacturing approach has got me invited to write a section in a prominent "Roadmap" article on the future of robotics. It is now published in Multi-Functional Materials, the flagship interdisciplinary journal of the Institute of Physics. And as life-like processes have implications that are important for manufacturing, I have directed some of my attention to understanding how life works.

I have just finished editing a book (now published by Wiley) "Conflicting Models of the Origin of Life". Insights from it are likely to greatly enhance future sustainable manufacturing technologies. I have also co-authored a chapter within it, arguing that many current technologies are converging to learning from life about sustainability. We will have much more manufacturing from the bottom up in the future. Nice interview about my work for a broad audience:
Exploitation Route We have filed one patent for a technological process based on our research, and developing further processes and instruments to take advantage of the phenomena.
In fact, we are exploring with different business programs the formation of a startup company that will exploit translational aspects of the technology developed in the lab. The results point out to potential commercial applications in multi-billion $ markets. We are planning to explore especially applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Based on this we are exploring further applications both in the academic lab, but also in a spin-out startup that could try to take forward the commercialization of technologies developed.

The active matter we have discovered above is the first internally-driven active matter, and since it is also bio-compatible, it could be the basis for a whole field of active matter studies. Further, hybrid active matter studies combined with biological matter could result. We could learn not only more about how microorganisms swim, but what are minimal requirements for swimming, and how we may enhance or prevent such behavior - for health benefits for many people.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink






including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description A small portion of funds was used to further an on-going project of demos of the techniques researched in the grant to high school students. We were able to make an open-source 3D printed microscope motorized, so we could control it remotely. This gave the opportunity to high-school students to interact directly with the system which they could control from their smart-phones through our software which we have running on a Raspberry Pi. A small side-project, which started as a way to create demonstrations for our technology in high-schools involved an undergraduate student who was developing a way to create centrifuges from recycled hard-drives. This research was followed up with two consecutive undergraduate research projects. Most recently, my graduate student was able to adapt this functional centrifuge from recycled parts to do a test for COVID-19. We have recently not only published an academic paper in the leading open access journal PLOS One, but we have gotten worldwide attention and requests for interviews for this work. A Google search for "$51 Lab-in-a-backpack" reveals many pages with dozens of articles covering our work. One of the prominent popular journals, the MIT Technology review covered it. Also one of the prominent daily papers in the UK covered this development - ""Lab-in-a-backpack" Covid-19 test could help vaccine-poor communities" The current technology is also being explored for commercialization in the pharmaceutical industry and formation of a startup company. There is significant interest from angel investors and technology accelerators, but we think it's important to develop the technology a bit further still before involving investors. A hybrid approach of continuing research in the lab and in parallel doing research in the startup will be taken.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Education,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Cultural



Description China Scholarship Council Studentship
Amount £105,000 (GBP)
Organisation Chinese Scholarship Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country China
Start 11/2019 
End 11/2022
Description MAP Whiskies
Amount € 25,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 04/2019 
End 06/2023
Description High Pressure research with Nick Brooks in Imperial College 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Designing systems and procedures, choosing chemicals and goals for the formation of new shapes.
Collaborator Contribution Providing high pressure instruments and know how to run them. Doing experiments together.
Impact Preliminary results to be filed as a patent next month. Also a paper is being written to report results after filing the patent.
Start Year 2018
Description Manufactured Nanoparticles For Holograms 
Organisation Technological University Dublin
Country Ireland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Use hypothesized for some of the manufactured nanoparticles developed during the MMMO project. The potential is in improving holograms.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have extensive experience creating holograms and their applications. They also have the ability to test materials with the incorporated nanoparticles for the appropriate properties, e.g. refractive index.
Impact No outputs yet, but we expect a paper will result from this collaboration.
Start Year 2022
Company Name Nanodroplet Technologies Limited 
Year Established 2021 
Impact collaborations with iDMT accelerator in Cambridge - to show proof-of-concept for continuous fabrication of the drug-carrying smart emulsions.