DPSS Laser stabilised at 813nm for Sr Clock Application (LQT813)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Birmingham
Department Name: School of Physics and Astronomy
Quantum technology initiative is focused on bringing quantum sensors and quantum devices to market and end users. Quantum Sensors offer unquestioned performance advantages in sensitivity and some steps have been made at making more compact systems. But for genuine and widespread applications substantial improvements need to be made in size, weight and power ('SWAP') and ruggedness of these systems. A stable laser is the bedrock for quantum quantum sensors for timing, gravity and magnetic field. They are also the key to secure communication, quantum computation and quantum imaging. In addition to SWAP, such systems need to encompass the wavelength ranges, which are not so easily accessible today. In this project, we aim to develop a laser platform matching the optical performance of current commercial lasers (e.g. Ti:S laser from M2 and Coherent) in a footprint but with a price point comparable to the external-cavity diode laser (ECDL). We plan to demonstrate that such a platform can operate on many otherwise difficult-to-access but crucial lines. Such a development will be a critical step on the road to the translation of QT from the research community to the defence, space and consumer market. In the short term, economic opportunity will arise from the supply chain building activities, delivering novel world leading underpinning technologies. The aimed laser platform will leap frog us in the exploitation of global QT research. The research groups world wide often dream of having turn-key systems. In the medium term, the UK will become the supplier of choice for early low-volume, high-value applications of QT (finance, space) and in the long- term we will be ideally placed to exploit the inevitable transition of QT to the consumer market. The work done in the project will also have a tangle impact on the space sector. In brief, this project will bring reduction in volume, power, size and cost by over an order of magnitude and this will done without losing their performance and robustness. These components are enormously critical, thereby leap frogging the UK QT development and commercialisation.
Planned Impact
The project will create benefits for a number of users:
Benefits to Industry: Whilst there companies are ideally positioned for system integration, they will rely on key supply chain partners to provide other components, such as low cost and ultra stable laser platforms, the vacuum systems, optical interfaces etc. Therefore the output of this project will enable the creation of opportunities opportunities and benefits for numerous technological solutions. Furthermore, the scientific challenges and knowledge addressed during the project will create opportunities for supply chain partners to develop their own unique technologies, support differentiation, competitiveness and new business growth. The main output of the project will be a robust, miniaturised, low power and low cost narrow line width laser platform representing a core sub-system component to numerous quantum technology systems, such as atomic clocks, gravity sensors, magnetic sensors etc.; which in turn become core components of platform systems such as: navigation systems, geo-physic sensors for gravity mapping etc. Successful delivery of the project results thereby demonstrates the potential to benefit numerous sensor / system integrators.
Quantum technology has the potential to demonstrate performance gains for a wide range of applications, such as defence (navigation, tunnel detection, battlefield imaging), geophysics (oil prospecting, void / feature detection, utility mapping), civil engineering (infrastructure mapping) etc. In the long term such systems will deliver highly disruptive solutions that: i) lead to the creation of new markets; ii) satisfy currently un-met user needs; or iii) achieve performance gains far beyond existing solutions. A particular focus of the project will be optical lattice clocks for space and terrestrial applications. The consortium will engage with potential European and International end-users to: i) inform them about the features of quantum optical clocks; ii) to explore potential end-use applications; and iii) to define a roadmap for take up and use. Early applications are anticipated for navigation and GPS replacement (reduced reliance).
Benefits to Society:
Quantum technology is a disruptive technology with the potential to create new markets and business growth, leading to UK employment, economic growth and wealth creation. The project represents an important step towards the development of a key component / platform technology that will enable the realisation of these benefits / impacts. The target final application for the project results are optical lattice clocks. Such atomic clocks demonstrate a wide range of benefits for society including: reduced dependence on GPS (a major risk and concern for society); and enhanced navigation leading to more efficient transport systems; to name but a few. Such benefits / impacts align with numerous National policy priorities, such as security, smart cities and transport etc.
Benefits to Industry: Whilst there companies are ideally positioned for system integration, they will rely on key supply chain partners to provide other components, such as low cost and ultra stable laser platforms, the vacuum systems, optical interfaces etc. Therefore the output of this project will enable the creation of opportunities opportunities and benefits for numerous technological solutions. Furthermore, the scientific challenges and knowledge addressed during the project will create opportunities for supply chain partners to develop their own unique technologies, support differentiation, competitiveness and new business growth. The main output of the project will be a robust, miniaturised, low power and low cost narrow line width laser platform representing a core sub-system component to numerous quantum technology systems, such as atomic clocks, gravity sensors, magnetic sensors etc.; which in turn become core components of platform systems such as: navigation systems, geo-physic sensors for gravity mapping etc. Successful delivery of the project results thereby demonstrates the potential to benefit numerous sensor / system integrators.
Quantum technology has the potential to demonstrate performance gains for a wide range of applications, such as defence (navigation, tunnel detection, battlefield imaging), geophysics (oil prospecting, void / feature detection, utility mapping), civil engineering (infrastructure mapping) etc. In the long term such systems will deliver highly disruptive solutions that: i) lead to the creation of new markets; ii) satisfy currently un-met user needs; or iii) achieve performance gains far beyond existing solutions. A particular focus of the project will be optical lattice clocks for space and terrestrial applications. The consortium will engage with potential European and International end-users to: i) inform them about the features of quantum optical clocks; ii) to explore potential end-use applications; and iii) to define a roadmap for take up and use. Early applications are anticipated for navigation and GPS replacement (reduced reliance).
Benefits to Society:
Quantum technology is a disruptive technology with the potential to create new markets and business growth, leading to UK employment, economic growth and wealth creation. The project represents an important step towards the development of a key component / platform technology that will enable the realisation of these benefits / impacts. The target final application for the project results are optical lattice clocks. Such atomic clocks demonstrate a wide range of benefits for society including: reduced dependence on GPS (a major risk and concern for society); and enhanced navigation leading to more efficient transport systems; to name but a few. Such benefits / impacts align with numerous National policy priorities, such as security, smart cities and transport etc.
People |
Yeshpal Singh (Principal Investigator) | |
Kai Bongs (Co-Investigator) |

Cheng YS
Feed-forward stabilization of a single-frequency, diode-pumped Pr:YLF-Cr:LiCAF laser operating at 813.42 nm.
in Optics express

Mackenzie M
Diode-pumped Solid-state Lasers for Applications in Quantum Technologies
Description | This project was successful: a prototype of a laser was built which led to the commercial version of it. |
Exploitation Route | Diode-pumped Solid-state Lasers for Applications in Quantum Technologies - Laser Applications Conference 2019, Vienna, Austria |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine |
Description | The main impact is in basic research, quantum technology with impact in defence, space and consumer market. |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |
Title | ' 349nm' laser product |
Description | Since the end of the project, UniKLasers Ltd have added the 'Solo 698' laser to our website as a product they are working on but have not had a large marketing push. The reason being whilst UniKLasers Ltd are pleased with the laser design developed in the project, they have identified the control electronics as needing improvement to reduce the linewidth of the laser. UniKLasers Ltd have hired two people to work on electronics and software improvement and once this is complete, they would expect to have a full-scale product launch and marketing campaign. |
Type Of Technology | New/Improved Technique/Technology |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Impact | The knowledge developed in building the 698 lasers has been useful to the company for non-quantum applications as well. Using frequency doubling it has aided in the development of a 50mW 349nm laser currently being sold and a higher power 100mW 349nm laser product which is due for launch this year 'Duetto 349/100'. |
URL | https://www.uniklasers.com/ |