Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of Aerospace, Transport & Manufact


This proposal aims at developing advanced radiation detector materials for Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-PET) imaging by exploiting the novel concept of high performance multi-material radiation sensing heterostructures. These heterostructures will contribute to the development of next generation imaging technologies for diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic applications, specifically, by substantially improving the capabilities of ToF-PET technology. These heterostructures will enable i) enhanced diagnostic power; ii) reduced risk to patients (dose efficiency); iii) increased procedural flexibility (i.e. planning of radiation dose strategies and reduced examination time); and eventually iv) direct ToF-PET imaging by rendering the currently time-consuming post-acquisition reconstruction stage obsolete. This effort will be supported by multi-disciplinary facilitation of the design, fabrication and characterisation of the heterostructures, in order to develop an advanced detector material solution for use in current and future ToF-PET detector modules. The output and impact of the research will be maximised through functional testing of the proposed heterostructure detector module. The proposal matches the aspirations of the EPSRC's Healthcare Technologies research theme by i) optimising treatment and care through effective diagnosis, patient-specific prediction and evidence-based intervention; ii) supporting the development of technologies to enhance efficacy, minimise costs and reduce risk to patients; and iii) bringing together a multidisciplinary team with expertise in material science, precision engineering and instrumentation, who will be further supported by external advisors, ToF-PET experts and industrial partners for providing guidance and ensuring the transformational impact of the proposed effort.

Planned Impact

The resulting heterostructure, having multiple materials working in synergy, will have the potential to maintain a short attenuation length comparable to LSO while providing a usable part of its signal within a sub-nanosecond time range, a fundamental criterion for improving the CRT of ToF-PET scanners. Quantitatively, the proposal targets a decrease of the CRT down to about 50 or less ps full width half maximum (FWHM). This improvement will have tremendous implications for the ToF-PET capabilities and will initiate a virtuous circle with benefits involving, but not restricted to, the improvement of the diagnostic power (c.f. Fig. 2); reduction of the examination time; increase of the effective dose sensitivity by a factor of about 10 (i.e. [25]). This will result in a decrease of the required injected dose of 1 order of magnitude with a Whole-Body PET/CT dose of about 1 mSv. This will provide much needed flexibility in treatment planning (e.g. either by using PET as a less-invasive technique for a similar image quality or by enhancing the diagnostic power for a similar injected dose), and it will also enable improved and/or new modalities: e.g. i) use of PET imaging as pre- and post-natal diagnostic tool for detecting neuro-chemical abnormalities associated with neurologic disorders as well as to study normal brain development; ii) advancement of image-guided radiation therapy (e.g. improved disease extent appraisal, and assessment of therapy response); iii) better-earlier prediction of outcome or tumour recurrence; iv) selected screening applications, such as a secondary screen for lung cancer after obtaining suggestive low-dose CT results; v) distribution of radiotracers becomes more cost-effective if lower injected activities can still yield high-quality images. It may even be possible to distribute tracers based on shorter-lived radionuclides, particularly 11C; vi) multiple radiotracers imaging and eventually vii) direct ToF imaging. Finally this project is highly complementary to the current efforts to develop a first-generation total-body PET/CT scanners


10 25 50
Title Data for the paper "Horizons of modern molecular dynamics simulation in digitalised solid freeform fabrication with advanced materials" 
Description Data 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2020 
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/figure/Data_for_the_paper_Horizons_of_modern_molecular_dynamic...
Title Data for the paper "In-depth microscopic characterisation of the weld faying interface revealing stress-induced metallurgical transformations during friction stir spot welding" 
Description This is the data for the paper to be submitted to an Int Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2021 
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/figure/Data_for_the_paper_In-depth_microscopic_characterisatio...
Title Data for the paper "New insights into the methods for predicting ground surface roughness in the age of digitalisation" 
Description Research Data 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2020 
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/figure/Data_for_the_paper_New_insights_into_the_methods_for_pr...
Title Nature inspired materials: Emerging trends and future prospects 
Description Nature inspired materials images 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/figure/Nature_inspired_materials_Emerging_trends_and_future_pr...
Description Overall, successful development of fibre based heterostructured scintillator pixels (prototypes).
More specifically, the main scientific achievements are articulated around three primary and scientifically interconnected areas that have contributed to the development of heterostructured detector materials:
• The award has set out the first physics-based framework towards the design and performance optimization of the heterostructured scintillators. Whilst heterostructured scintillators have attracted recent interest, they were impeded by the large parameter space that must be navigated to achieve real gain and optimum performance. A multifunctional heterostructure requires the down selection of at least two scintillators in terms of materials composition, type, and performance but also their compatibility and synergetic assembly. This large compositional and geometrical space had challenged and slowed down their development. Specifically, the project has permitted to move from a predominantly time-consuming Edisonian to a scientifically guided approach. The latter has allowed to identify the detector designs that can compete with the current ToF-PET detector standards, but more importantly has shown the ones that can drastically supersede the current technology.
• The award has designed, developed and optimised cost-effective precision-engineering processes for the development and assembly of the different heterostructured scintillator components. Specifically, this encompasses the development and implementation of 1) precision milling procedures for high quality texturing of hard and brittle single crystals; 2) surface functionalisation for assembly compatibility of the different detector components as well as for improved light management; and 3) assembly and post-processing procedures (e.g., precision polishing) for pixel assembly.
• The award has manufactured and tested the first fibre-based prototypes of heterostructured scintillators with 1) high sharing energy capability (design from first item hereabove, implementation from second item hereabove); 2) three different fast emitting components (fast emitting polymer, nanocomposite and perovskite); and 3) improved scintillation performance compared to standard monolithic scintillators, but more importantly improved Coincidence Timing Resolution, the main performance marker directly related to the performance of ToF-PET scanners.

These outcomes, while they need further validation for an industry transfer, have demonstrated the possibility and viability of the entire heterostructure approach, including directly quantification of its benefit.
Exploitation Route While the outcomes need further validation to be fully adopted by industry, the successful development of a heterostructure scintillator pixels prototype for Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography has already triggered numerous interested across the medical imaging community (end user, instrumentation and crystal producer companies). Several discussions on how to optimize the performance of the heterostructure and how to scale-up the production have been initiated. Similarly, the projects has open some pathways toward other sectors of activities such as the development of advances optical coating for the energy sector (activity related to the light management of the award) and the development of novel type of radiation sensing for the nuclear sector (activity related to the precision engineering of single crystal of the award).
Sectors Energy



including Industrial Biotechology

Description The heterostructured scintillator approach of radiation detectors, where multiple materials work in synergy to exceed the performance of each individual component, has recently gained significant traction for its inherent flexibility in tailoring the detector performance to the application's needs and its promise to bypass the intrinsic performance limitations of the current state-of-the-art detectors. The benefits from these novel detectors are highly anticipated in the field of medical imaging and Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-PET) as they will enable ultra-fast and high efficiency gamma detection. This would lead to new imaging modalities; for example, through a 10x reduction in dose that could enable prenatal and paediatric ToF-PET. Eventually it could pave the way to real time imaging with ToF-PET. More globally, heterostructured scintillators enable a novel approach to high performance radiation detectors, from ultra-fast detectors for the next generation of colliders for high energy physics, to dual purpose and fast-timing monitoring in civil nuclear energy and homeland security applications. However, heterostructured scintillators are still in their infancy and scientifically guiding their development has remained a challenge. There is no solid scientific understanding of their performance and how they relate to the design and materials. Furthermore, an empirical approach to their development, which is the current predominant approach in the community, is extremely difficult and slow due to the extent of the parameter space that needs to be surveyed and optimized. After the work we have undertaken with our collaborators to understand, design and, prototype heterostructured scintillators, we are now ready to move towards its real-world application and production. The funding from UKRI/EPSRC has been key to helping us on this journey, allowing us to bridge the initially abstract but anticipated game changing concept to a clear establishment of the potential, manufacturability, and limitations of these detectors. This has provided 1) the first quantitative validation of the benefit of the heterostructures over conventional detectors (e.g., a gain of 3-to-10-times improvement of the Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography performance as they relate to the detectors), 2) life-size proof of concepts of the detectors and how to realistically manufacture them, and 3) a clear requirement roadmap toward production and market to "rapidly" and durably impact the medical imaging field and in turns drastically improve patient care. Our effort to link multidisciplinary research (e.g., physics, materials, and manufacturing techniques e.g., 36 publications), knowledge exchange (e.g., 1 organisation of a workshop with end users, industries and academics; 13 engagement activities ranging from public learning and scientific debate to international scientific conferences in medical imaging, detector development and materials and 7 new partnerships in UK, India, Singapore, Italy, France, Belgium, Algeria) and impact have greatly contributed to a shift in the scientific, end users and industrial communities' awareness. The concept that was initially looked at as a "nice idea" has now materialised into a real opportunity for academics (e.g., three EU projects have been submitted last year associated to this topic) and businesses (e.g., two companies, one in medical imaging and one in material development have initiated internal programs). It is essential to ensure that the progress continues and that the market entry strategies are discussed to make these detectors an affordable and accessible reality. The funding of the project has also been a nurturing environment for all the contributors and more importantly for the young scientists (e.g., two research fellows have now been converted to permanent staff) and students (e.g., three Ph.D. students from UK, India and Algeria have been and are still working in related topics) involved. All in all, the multidisciplinary, collaborative, and innovative nature of the project has served as a solid ground to develop both hard and soft transferable skills. The former via the inherent needs to cross boundaries between the multiple scientific domains (e.g., materials science, manufacture, precision engineering). The latter via the need to seek out expertise and support beyond the expertise of the core team initially associated to the project. This has positively impacted the entire team and more specifically the young scientists in terms of initiative, communication skills, critical thinking and development of a certain resilience.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Education,Energy,Healthcare
Impact Types Societal


Description COVID-19 Grant Extension Allocation
Amount £115,300 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 09/2021
Description PhD studentship - EPSRC - Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision Engineering
Amount £44,331 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 01/2022
Description Studentship - PhD
Amount £45,000 (GBP)
Organisation University Ferhat Abbas of Setif 
Sector Academic/University
Country Algeria
Start 02/2022 
End 03/2025
Title Bactericidal Surfaces: An Emerging 21st Century Ultra-Precision Manufacturing and Materials Puzzle 
Description Figures 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Bactericidal_Surfaces_An_Emerging_21st_Century_Ultra-P...
Title Data for the paper titled "Using circular economy principles to recycle materials in guiding the design of a wet scrubber-reactor for indoor air disinfection from coronavirus and other pathogens" 
Description Data for the two graphs is provided as the raw data! 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Data_for_the_paper_titled_Using_circular_economy_princ...
Title Data supporting 'Two-dimensional perovskite functionalized fiber-type heterostructured scintillators' 
Description Data used to produce the article "Two-dimensional perovskite functionalized fibre-type heterostructured scintillators" Data used to create the 2D histograms of charge (fig 2) and the CTR plots (fig 3) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Data_supporting_Two-dimensional_perovskite_functionali...
Title Data supporting the publication 'Clay swelling: role of cations in stabilizing/destabilizing mechanisms' 
Description In the compressed dataset, there are two subdirectories, one in the name of 'Example' and another 'PostprocessData'. The Example directory contains input files, output data and postprocessed data for case Na12 starting at a d-space of onelayer value, where files starts with in.* are input files for lammps software, files ending with .dat or .lmptrj are output files from lammps, and files ending with .mat are matlab processed data. The 'postporcessedata' contains matlab processed results for all simulations in this study, contains simulation for NaMMT, KMMT, CaMMT and NaBD starting at onelayer, twolayer and threelayer d-space values. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Data_supporting_the_publication_Clay_swelling_role_of_...
Title Simulation data for heterostructured scintillator development 
Description Simulation datasets underlying the study 'Design rules for time of flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-PET) heterostructure radiation detectors' 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Simulation_data_for_heterostructured_scintillator_deve...
Title Thermal response of multi-layer UV crosslinked PEGDA hydrogels 
Description All data sets are raw data from thermoresponse behaviour of hydrogels. 1. Swelling test for multi-150 um hydrogels with 1.8 mg/ml of photoabsorber.2. Swelling test for mono-5 mm hydrogels with 0 mg/ml of photoabsorber.3. Swelling test for multi-20 um hydrogels with 9 mg/ml of photoabsorber.4. Swelling test for mono-3 mm and mono-1.5 mm hydrogels with 0 mg/ml of photoabsorber.5. Cyclic test for multi-150 um hydrogels.6. Dried weight and solid residue weight of all hydrogels samples7. EWC, NWF, NVF-summary for all hydrogel samples8. DSC-TG-Thermogram-All sample types 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cord.cranfield.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Thermal_response_of_multi-layer_UV_crosslinked_PEGDA_h...
Description Advanced characterization of heterostructured scintillators - X-ray imaging 
Organisation Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (UCBL)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Development of heterostructured scintillator pixels.
Collaborator Contribution Characterization of the heterostructured scintillator by x-ray imaging
Impact The advanced x-ray imaging has provided new insight in terms of inner structure and light propagation capability of the single crystal matrix developed at Cranfield. This has fed back to the optimization of the precision engineering process of milling/drilling the single crystal matrix.
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee (India) 
Organisation Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The collaboration is to develop a novel approach to scintillator manufacturing using 3D printing. 3D printing could solve several roadblocks, such as inherent ability to produce complex shape at low cost, to enable the large scale production of ultra-fast scintillators for heterostructure detectors. Cranfield is providing the knowledge in terms of physics of heterostructure materials and the characterization of the materials, while Roorkee is providing the synthesis capability.
Collaborator Contribution Roorkee is now able to synthesis good quality, large scale, transparent and decent scintillation properties, polymer detectors.
Impact Submission of proposals to the British council to financially support a shared Ph.D. student between Roorkee and Cranfield. Submission of proposals to internal call at Cranfield. Joint presentation to the SCINT2024 conference. Monthly meetings for knowledge exchange and development of collaboration.
Start Year 2023
Description Metal Organic Framework (MOF) as ultra fast emitter for heterostructured scintillators 
Organisation University of Milano-Bicocca
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Design, manufacturing of single crystal matrix to act as vessel for heterostructured detectors
Collaborator Contribution MOF synthesis and characterization. Functionalization of the single crystal matrix
Impact Novel approach to heterostructured scintillator functionalization It is a multidisciplinary collaboration merging the chemistry of MOF to the precision engineering and detector physics
Start Year 2021
Description Nanocomposite as ultra fast and dense emitter for heterostructured scintillators 
Organisation University of Ghent
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Gent University is specialized in synthesis and optimization of optical nanoparticle. The custom nanoparticle called nano platelet have been used as loading component of a polymer to enhanced its emission (sub nanosecond) and the overall density of the polymer. The loaded polymer was then implemented in single crystal matrix to finalize the heterostructured detector. The loading, polymer and single crystal matrix were all designed, developed and tested at Cranfield University.
Collaborator Contribution Gent has been developing some specific nanoparticle to act as ultra fast and dense emitter in the heterostructured scintillators. The nanoparticle are specifically synthesized for Cranfield. Gent has also participated in the support of the loading both experimentally and by guiding the development through quarterly meetings.
Impact Assessment of the scalability of nanoparticle Custom and improved performance ultra fast emitter It is a multidisciplinary collaboration merging the chemistry of nanoparticle to the precision engineering and detector physics
Start Year 2022
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Country Czech Republic 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (UCBL)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Czech Technical University in Prague
Country Czech Republic 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation FH Aachen
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation King's College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Kurchatov Institute
Country Russian Federation 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation University of Ancona
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation University of Ghent
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation University of Kharkiv
Country Ukraine 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation University of Milano-Bicocca
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration collaboration: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Organisation University of Tartu
Country Estonia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. Cranfield is involved in mulltiple work packages in direct relation with the development of heretostructure scintillator materials. - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: Cranfield - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: Cranfield - Developement of microstructure: Cranfield - Realization of heterostructure pixels: Cranfield - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Cranfield,
Collaborator Contribution - Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute - Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, King's College London - Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion - Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Technion - Developement of microstructure: CERN, Kurchatov, ISMA - Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, ISMA - Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, - Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN - Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.
Impact This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to the development of heterostructure detector materials both scientifically and commercially. The agreement will allow sample exchange and access to each institution facility. The collaboration will meet to evaluate the progress and devise the best research pathways to success.
Start Year 2019
Description Perovskite fibre for heterostructured scintillators 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Department School of Engineering and Materials Science
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The collaboration leverage the outputs of two epsrc funded projects (EP/V050311/1 and EP/S013652/1) toward the novel design of heterostructured scintillators.
Collaborator Contribution The core of the detector, structured single crystal matrix, has been developed at Cranfield University and the filler, second component based on single crystal perovskite fibres, has been developed at Queen Mary, University of London.
Impact Both projects benefit from the collaboration with a new application field for the perovskite fibre and a higher performance filler for the heterostructured detectors. It is a multidisciplinary collaboration merging the chemistry of single crystal growth to the precision engineering and detector physics
Start Year 2022
Description Zero reflectivity coating 
Organisation Loughborough University
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This an early stage in the collaboration, though Cranfield will bring its knowledge in terms of advanced coatings manufacturing and facilities.
Collaborator Contribution Loughborough will bring the physics associated with ultra thin films and optical materials.
Impact It is too early to mention outcomes, but the collaboration leverages the strengths of both institutions toward a possible novel approach to optical coatings. This would have tremendous impacts for the detection fields but also for sectors of activities such as energy (photo-voltaic) and defense. This collaboration merges the advanced thin film manufacturing, physics, material sciences and optics.
Start Year 2022
Description Invitated speaker to the 16th International Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications (SCINT) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Invited talk at the 16th International Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications (SCINT) on the precision machining and assembly of heterostructured detectors. The conference was held from September 19 to September 23, 2022 at Santa Fe - USA.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://web.cvent.com/event/b707dc85-ddc6-4a0d-89dd-c1ef679ed3ce/summary
Description Invitation as key presenter to the 5th edition of the International Conference of Optics (ICO2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Presentation the work on heterostructured detectors to a new audience focusing on the optical and precision manufacturing of the scintillators.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://ocs.univ-setif.dz/ICO2022/ICO2022
Description Invitation as key speaker to the 16th International Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications (SCINT) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Invitation to give a key note on the development and future of heterostructured detector at 16th International Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications (SCINT). The conference was held from September 19 to September 23, 2022 at Santa Fe - USA
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://web.cvent.com/event/b707dc85-ddc6-4a0d-89dd-c1ef679ed3ce/summary
Description Invitation to present at Loughborough University, Landau seminars 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Invitation by the Physics department of Loughborough University to give a seminar at one of their "Landau seminars" in Spring 2022.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/physics/events/seminars/landau-seminars/landauseminars2022/landa...
Description Medami 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Workshop was attended to present our material development driven project to an audience highly specialized in medical imaging (academics, end users and companies) but not directly involved in the material development. The entire project, goal, challenges and output, was presented. The project, recognized as one of the only way to reach 10ps time resolution of the ToF-PET, has definitely triggered some interest from both end users and companies. Further discussions and plans were made to define how to better support the development of ultra-fast heterostructure detector for ToF-PET and eventually transition the technology from laboratory to industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://www.i3m.upv.es/medami2019/
Description New Crystal Clear Collaboration project: development of heterostructure scintillator 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Set-up of a formal Crystal Clear Collaboration Collaboration project on the development of heterostructure scintillators as a basis for scintillator based detectors with a time resolution towards 10ps in the frame of the 10ps challenge. This includes 17 institutes of which 11 are CCC members and 6 non-CCC members :

11 CCC members institutes :
CERN, Switzerland (Etiennette Auffray); CTU, Prague , Czeck Republic (V. Cuba); Kurchatov institute, Moscow, Russia (G. Dosovitskiy); ILM, Lyon, France (Christophe Dujardin); FZU, Prague Czech republic (M. Nikl); Tartu university, Estonia (Sergey Omelkov); University of Anconna, Italy (D. Rinaldi); ISMA Kharkov, Ukraine, (Oleg Sidelsky); University of leeds, UK (Harry Tsoumpas) ; Lomonosov Institute, Moscow, Russia (Andrei Vasilev); FH Aachen, Germany (Karl Ziemons)

Six non- CCC members institutes :
University Cranfield, UK (Greg Bizarri); LBL, Berkeley, US (Edith Bourret-Courchesne); Technion University (Ido Kaminer); Ghent University, Belgium (Iwan Moreel); UniMIB, Milano, Italy (Anna Vedda), King's College London, UK (Harris Makatsoris);

A first list of activities in which each institute contribute has been establish:
- Theoretical understanding of excitation in nanomaterial: Lomonosov institute
- Nanomaterial chemistry understanding and synthesis: ILM, CTU, Ghent, FZU, Technion, UNIMIB, Cranfield, King's College London
- Optical properties characterization of nanomaterials (time spectroscopy): CERN, CTU, FZU, ILM, LBL, Lomonosov (with Celia institute in Bordeaux), Tartu, Technion
- Simulation and heterostructure pixel design: CERN, Cranfield, Technion
- Developement of microstructure: CERN, Cranfield, Kurchatov, ISMA
- Realization of heterostructure pixels: CERN, Cranfield, ISMA
- Characterization of heterostructure pixel: Aachen, Anconna, CERN, Cranfield,
- Coincidence time resolution performance: CERN
- Image reconstruction: CERN, Uni Leeds.

This collaboration will allow a concerted effort and a multidisciplinary approach to efficiently enable the future of heterostructure material detectors both scientifically and commercially.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://crystalclear.web.cern.ch/crystalclear/
Description Organisation of the 1st workshop Workshop on scintillator metastructures 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The workshop, co-organized by CERN (P. Lecoq) and the Cranfield University (G. Bizarri) has been held at CERN, on Nov 12-13 2019. More than 40 scientists from 15 different countries have participate and presentated their work in direct relation with the future of heterostructure detector material development.
The workshop was designed to primaraly focus on the development of ultra-fast heterostructure mmaterials for Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-PET). As stated in the advertisement of the workshop:

"""In the context of the 10ps Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography (TOFPET) challenge (https://the10ps-challenge.org/), a new class of scintillators needs to be developed. combining the high stopping power and photoelectric cross section of standard scintillators, such as BGO and LSO with the ultrafast scintillation properties of high donor band semi-conductors or quantum confined (multi)-excitonic emission of nanocrystals.
The development of such high performance multi-material radiation sensing heterostructures has recently received some further support with the first demonstration/measurement of the energy sharing mechanism projected from the absorption of a 511keV gamma ray in such heterostructures. This is an important step stone. To extend this effort toward the development of more commercially relevant heterostructure PET pixels, we now believe that the establishment of an intersectoral/multidisciplinary community helping to regroup our efforts, define a common strategy, and seek for funding is crucial.
Toward these aims and along this very promising line of research, we would like to discuss during a 2 days' workshop three primary and scientifically interconnected areas:
· Heterostructure Design - Simulations and optimization
· Fast component Development - Performance and technical requirements (density, light yield, scintillation kinetics, transparency, possibility to embed in a host (polymer), production methods and scalability, etc)
· Heterostructure Assembly - Integration of the two scintillator components, with a particular focus on the light collection and performance optimization""""

The workshop has served to survey the current state of art in the field of heterostructure radiation detectors, devise the most promising avenues to explore and initiate the appropriate collaboration across the institutions.
There will be a follow up workshop to assess the progress in 2020 and 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Pakistan/UK workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Organization and attendance to a face to face and online workshop on research and collaboration activities between Cranfield University and in several Pakistani Universities (e.g., National University of
Sciences & Technology - NUST, Islamabad, DHA Suffa University)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Quantum Dot Day 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation given on the development and optimization of ultra-fast nanoparticle loaded polymers for Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography scanners. The main goal was to present and discuss our results with a highly skill audience of physicists and chemists not directly involved with the medical sector. This aimed to provide a different view on our specific scientific challenges. Discussions were fruitful providing interesting path forward that will be further evaluated in laboratories.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL http://qdd2020.iopconfs.org/home
Description SCINT2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation was given to an audience highly specialized in the development of scintillator materials. The intent was to discuss the scientific challenges related to heterostructure material development and the complex energy transfer mechanisms that are directly associated with it. The presentation of our preliminary results was extremely well received and further discussions were started on how to optimize and scale-up the production of the heterostructures.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL http://www.scint2019.imr.tohoku.ac.jp/
Description Soapbox Science MK 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. Dr. Edith Rogers presented to a general audience (50-100) the overview of the project and its potential breakthrough in term of medical imaging. The intended output was to engage with a non-specialized audience and for public learning and scientific debate. The presentation was followed by questions from the audience spanning the research challenging (precision engineering, material science) but also the application space (medical, imaging).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://mksoapboxscience.wordpress.com/
Description Summer School - Scintillators - Physical mechanisms, applications, and future perspectives 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The intended purpose is to give an introductory lecture on the development and potential of detector metamaterials. It is a 50 minutes course to introduce the concept and application space of these novel materials. The main purpose is to introduce the novel concept and application space of metascintillators to undergraduate and graduate students. The audience, around 100 students, while being trained to be expert in the detection field, is if not not at all then less familiar with this recent approach. The questions discussed are centred around the benefits and limitation of the approach as well as the scientific and technical challenges to bring the concept to fruition including manufacturing and scale - up challenges.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
URL https://www.scint2024.com/summer-school/
Description Talk - SCINT2024 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications. This talk titled "3D-printed plastic scintillator, a potential avenue for heterostructured radiation detectors" focuses on the development of ultra-fast scintillators for heterostructure detectors. The approach is novel as making use of 3D printing that enables the low cost manufacturing of complex detector shape, one of the requirement for the development of heterostructure detectors.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
URL https://www.scint2024.com/