A Radical Approach to C-H Alkylation

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bath
Department Name: Chemistry


Organic chemistry has transformed the way we live. It has allowed us to create molecules to treat disease, to grow crops to sustain our population, and to create high-tech materials used in modern technology. Organic molecules by their very nature contain dozens of C-H bonds which make up their hydrocarbon framework, but these are typically "inert" and unreactive. The field of C-H functionalisation aims to find ways of selectively replacing one or more of these C-H bonds with other chemical groups, allowing chemists to build up molecules in a much more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable fashion. Given the dramatic alterations of chemical and biological properties that can arise from the incorporation of simple aliphatic groups (e.g., Me, Et, i-Pr), the alkylation of C-H bonds is considered to be one of the most desirable substitutions from a structural-diversification viewpoint. However, despite some spectacular advances in this area, C-H alkylation is still not a routine disconnection in organic synthesis. In the case of C(sp3)-H bonds in aliphatic compounds, most solutions to the problem have relied upon hydrogen atom abstraction to generate alkyl radical intermediates, followed by trapping of these radicals with alkylating agents. As radicals alone do not possess the necessary reactivity to engage saturated alkyl electrophiles directly, transition metals such as nickel have been used to usher the radical intermediates into organometallic catalytic cycles. However, a reliance on transition metal catalysts to forge C(sp3)-C(sp3) linkages can lead to problems in a drug development setting, as these catalysts are prone to poisoning by the basic functionalities commonly encountered in 'drug-like' molecules (e.g., amines, certain heteroaromatics). Additionally, trace metal contamination is a serious concern in a pharmaceutical setting. For these reasons, a metal-free approach to C(sp3)-H bond alkylation could prove transformative in organic synthesis.

In this project, we will develop a conceptually-distinct approach to the catalytic alkylation of C(sp3)-H bonds - to install simple alkyl groups - that does not require organometallic catalysis. Given the recent industry call for methods that "tolerate nitrogen heteroatoms and (unprotected) polar functional groups", our efforts will be focused primarily on the C(sp3)-H alkylation of aliphatic amines. Mild, catalytic protocols for the substitution of alpha-C-H bonds in unprotected amines with simple alkyl groups are currently unknown, and the invention of robust procedures to effect these transformations would constitute a step-change in the synthesis of small molecule drugs. After all, two of the top ten most widely-used synthetic methods in medicinal chemistry (i.e., N-alkylation and reductive amination) are specifically used to target substituted amines, but both rely on C-N as opposed to C-C bond formation. Tellingly, the third most utilised reaction in the pharmaceutical industry is addition or removal of amine N-protecting groups (i.e., Boc), which inherently speaks to a paucity of synthetic methods compatible with unprotected amines. Given that over 80% of drugs or drug candidates contain amine functionality, it is clear that new and enabling synthetic methods to access complex amines in a scalable and sustainable fashion would have demonstrable impact upon the health and wellbeing of our society.

Planned Impact

Considering that over 80% of drugs and drug candidates contain amine functionalities, the new and enabling methods to access aliphatic amine derivatives outlined in this proposal will be an immediate benefit to discovery and process chemists in the pharmaceutical industry. The same is also true of the agrochemical industry, in which nitrogen-containing compounds are hugely prevalent. New synthetic technologies that enable rapid diversification of C-H bonds in nitrogen-containing compounds would be exceedingly valuable in drug design, and help to accelerate a critical (and vastly expensive) stage of the development process. Efficiency savings and improved productivity at the R&D stage of drug development could help to reduce the cost of new medicines, including life-saving cancer treatments or new antibiotics. It would not be hyperbolic to suggest that the methodologies described in this proposal - if successful and reliable - could transform the way that drugs are prepared and their synthetic routes designed. After all, two of the top ten most widely used reactions in the pharmaceutical industry relate to aliphatic amine synthesis (J. Med. Chem. 2016, 59, 4443). Moreover, a consortium of major pharmaceutical companies has recently stressed that "new C-H functionalisations", "C(sp3)-C(sp3) bond-forming methods" and "syntheses that tolerate nitrogen heteroatoms" are critical unmet needs in drug development (Nature Chem. 2018, 10, 383). In terms of long-term impact, our ultimate ambition is to have our methodology applied in a process chemistry setting within a 10-15 year timeframe. The research in this proposal will also serve to provide world-class training for prospective future employees of the UK's pharmaceutical or fine chemicals workforce.
Description The most significant achievements resulting from the award are the development of powerful new catalytic reactions for the synthesis of gamma-lactams and gamma-aryl amines, both of which are important motifs in drug compounds/intermediates. The chemistry deviated to some degree from the initially proposed workplan, because some of the science did not work as anticipated (e.g., unforeseen difficulties using tosylhydrazones as radical acceptors). Nevertheless, the chemistry we did develop is no less impactful than what was originally proposed, and still fits within the general theme of the grant. The findings have already generated some significant buzz in the academic and industrial communities, with our latest paper in JACS being the most read article that month (~20,000 views at this time). Several new industrial collaborations have also resulted, which will help to embed this new chemistry within the pharmaceutical industry.
Exploitation Route The new chemistry that has resulted from this award will have applications in pharmaceutical discovery and manufacture, as well as academic pursuits such as the synthesis of new ligands, materials, and molecular probes. We have already showcased the application of our chemistry in the most concise synthesis to date (2 steps) of a blockbuster MS drug called Fingolimod (developed by Novartis). New collaborations with AZ, GSK, Syngenta, UCB, and Janssen are all underway, having resulting directly from science produced from this award. We have also been approached by the major multinational chemical manufacturer BASF to initiate a collaboration on using our chemistry to develop new synthetic routes to amine-containing chemicals of commercial significance.
Sectors Chemicals



including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The impact of new synthetic chemistry is normally slow to emerge and difficult to quantity, because pharma companies don't usually report their in-house usage of a particular piece of academic research. Even Nobel prize-winning chemistries (e.g., cross-coupling, metathesis, organocatalysis) have taken at least a decade to become widely adopted, partly because industrial chemists are quite conservative in the chemistries they choose to adopt. That said, the significance of our findings are such that we anticipate our chemistry to be regularly implemented across the globe in both pharmaceutical and academic laboratories. Specifically, access to a-tertiary primary alkylamines by catalytic C-H activation was highlighted in 2019 by leading members of the pharmaceutical industry as a "key unsolved problem for synthetic chemistry" (see Science 2019, 363, eaat0805). It has also long been framed as a vexing synthetic problem by the academic community, exemplified by Sir Derek Barton's attempts to realise such a process in the late 1970s (see: J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1 1978, 2030). The solution we developed - which happens to be the first example of using unmasked aliphatic primary alkylamines as a-amino radical precursors in visible-light photocatalysis - is both uniquely practical and unparalleled in its efficiency. It requires no N-protection or activation strategies (or indeed any stoichiometric reagents) and it provides good yields of highly valuable a-tertiary alkylamines with 100% atom economy under mild conditions. There is no doubt that this chemistry will be used to prepare, and perhaps even manufacture, new drugs within the next 10-15 years that will benefit both the UK economy and society at large.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal


Title CCDC 2093033: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination 
Description Related Article: Hannah E. Askey, James D. Grayson, Joshua D. Tibbetts, Jacob C. Turner-Dore, Jake M. Holmes, Gabriele Kociok-Kohn, Gail L. Wrigley, Alexander J. Cresswell|2021|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|143|15936|doi:10.1021/jacs.1c07401 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/services/structure_request?id=doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc287z6q&sid=DataCite