Imaging Chemical Dynamics with Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Chemistry


This programme reveals how molecules change on the femtosecond timescale and is motivated by the principle that chemical function depends on form. Observing structural dynamics during chemical reactions reveals information that can infer molecular behaviour or be used to synthesise new pharmaceuticals and catalysts. Such measurements conventionally use spectroscopy, which characterizes molecules according to the light they absorb at different frequencies. These 'fingerprint' spectra are observed over time to follow a reaction. However, molecules do not necessarily absorb light at easily accessible frequencies, meaning that important chemistry is often spectroscopically dark.

The emergence of a new technique in physics, Coulomb explosion imaging, opens the exciting possibility of investigating this dark chemistry directly. This method uses an intense and ultrafast laser pulse (35 fs) to quickly remove binding electrons from a molecule, leaving many positively charged sites that explode into fragments due to Coulomb's law. Measuring and correlating the relative velocities of these fragments as a function of time allows the shape of the molecule before the explosion to be reconstructed at different stages of a reaction.

This research will initiate photochemical reactions and probe their structural changes using Coulomb explosion imaging. Its key aim will be to observe complete reactions, particularly as they pass through short-lived structures, including intermediates and transition states that are of fundamental importance to controlling the reactivity of a molecule, and for predicting such behaviour computationally. This programme will also be the first to directly image spectroscopically dark biological photochemistry, and could reveal information on vital reactions, such as the stability of DNA with respect to UV light. Revealing this unknown chemistry will enable greater control of these mechanisms, leading to new light-driven chemistry or devices in the life and physical sciences.

The milestones outlined above will be reached through three projects. The first will develop a Coulomb explosion imaging experiment at the University of Oxford for the analysis of biomolecules isolated through electrospray ionisation. This will create a unique pathway to image structural biology that does not require crystallography, and which will be used as a starting point for investigating biomolecular dynamics. These will be investigated through the remaining two projects. One will develop a purpose-built tabletop instrument at Oxford to record 'molecular movies' of fundamental chemistry using time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging. The final project will be undertaken using the FLASH free electron laser at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), which allows molecular structures to be site-selectively ionised. My group will collaborate with researchers at DESY to use this selectivity to study charge transport in nucleobases and aromatic amino acids, revealing new insights into their essential chemistry.

Planned Impact

Beyond academic impact, this programme will benefit the UK by developing intellectual property and high-quality personnel in the following areas, supporting the EPSRC's 'Productive nation' prosperity outcome.

1. Creating intellectual property: Mass spectrometers are versatile tools that mix different ionisation, analysis, and detection procedures to suit diverse applications. This programme will achieve technical and innovative leadership in each of these aspects by developing advanced methods for particle detection and universal initiation. These will foster partnerships with both academic and commercial researchers. For example, multi-mass ion imaging offers a high-throughput alternative for mass spectrometry surface analysis that could be used to rapidly analyse biomarkers in clinical samples. Intense and ultrafast laser pulses may also become a robust post-ionisation source for laser desorption or secondary ion mass spectrometry. To facilitate the uptake of these outcomes by end users, this programme will be supported by Oxford University Innovation (OUI), who help patent and commercialize Oxford-based intellectual property. This will ensure that patentable technologies created through this programme will be widely disseminated.

2. Developing high-quality researchers: As outlined above, the proposed research will initiate a new field at the forefront of mass spectrometry that incorporates state-of-the-art methods from chemistry and physics. A direct benefit will be the development of early stage researchers and postdoctoral research associates, providing a competitive pool of talented mass spectrometrists that will meet the needs of UK companies. During this fellowship, I will train at least two PDRAs in instrument design, computer assisted modeling, programming, data acquisition, and analysis. These broadly transferable skills will prepare them for roles in industry or academia. Planned collaborations with researchers at DESY and conference participation will also enhance the outlook and international profiles of the PDRAs, and will help prepare the next generation of independent scientists in the UK.

3. Benefits to the public: This programme will engage young students with contemporary and inventive research. 'Molecular movies' acquired using Coulomb explosion imaging provide a clear and easily understandable way to watch chemistry in action, and such movies can be combined with simple tools, such as molecular modeling kits or visual aids, to communicate the underlying science in a straightforward way. Based on public interest generated through an article published by this PI in Periodic, Oxford Chemistry's alumni magazine (circulation: 8,000), these outcomes will be publicised through animated video podcasts prepared in collaboration with Oxford Sparks, a public outreach project at the University of Oxford aimed at students in Key Stages 3-5 and supported by Oxford Chemistry's Outreach team.



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Description This programme is ongoing. We have so far constructed an imaging mass spectrometer to record 'ultrafast' chemical dynamics with timing precisions of about 50 fs. This is the same timescale at which chemical bonds break and form and will allow us to probe fundamental reactions in new ways. A key aspect of our research is the development of Coulomb explosion imaging mass spectrometry, both in our lab and at international facilities such as the FLASH, SACLA, and European XFELs (X-ray free electron lasers). Coulomb explosions allow molecules to be ionized more easily and hence provide a new approach to studying reaction dynamics that are otherwise difficult to observe, such as the biochemistry of vital reactions or surface catalysis on nanoclusters. This research therefore has the potential to greatly impact our understanding of these areas. With respect to the latter goal, we have recently completed the design and construction of a laser ablation metal cluster source that will allow us to image the structures and dynamics of 'tunable' metal clusters. This will open the door to a new understanding of chemical devices.
Exploitation Route The methodology and outcomes we are delivering are helping to establish the limitations of Coulomb explosion imaging mass spectrometry as a chemical dynamics tool. These include the size of the molecules that can be studied, methods for extracting quantitative results, and the importance of stable experimental conditions. These will all be put to use in future experiments, including those at competitive beamtimes at free electron laser facilities. More generally, these outcomes will also help to observe the changing structures of molecular isomers as a function of time. As inferring molecular function from shape is a guiding principle of chemical activity, evaluating these structural dynamics for complex natural systems could potentially benefit the design of catalysts, pharmaceuticals, and other chemical devices.
Sectors Chemicals




including Industrial Biotechology

Description With advances in laser technology, humanity is on the verge of real-time reaction imaging at the molecular level. Realizing this goal will transform our understanding of diverse fields, including climate change, nanotechnology, and drug delivery. This project is leading the effort to fulfill this promise by developing methods to visualize molecular structures and dynamics. Its outcomes combine ultrafast spectroscopy and photonic sensors for reaction imaging, and have produced cross-disciplinary impact in physics, chemistry, and mass spectrometry. The most significant accomplishment is the development of Coulomb explosion imaging mass spectrometry (CEI-MS) as a more general chemical analysis tool. By developing experimental and computational tools, this project has demonstrated that CEI-MS can distinguish structural isomers and that it can measure dynamics with pump-probe spectroscopy, including through transient states. Breaking new ground for CEI-MS is the primary goal of this fellowship. In this regard, a recent major outcome has been the demonstration that rigid molecules with weak vibrations are ideal targets for CEI-MS. This points to applications in catalysis and nanotechnology, which often use vibrationally rigid transition metal clusters as substrates. The emphasis of this project on CEI-MS research has also led to extensive international collaborations at X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facilities. This has led to correlated CEI-MS and electron imaging, and has hence opened the door to achieving a dream goal in molecular physics, the ability to directly map structural dynamics to specific quantum states. Although these impacts are currently academic in nature, the development of chemical analysis tools (and mass spectrometry more generally) is likely to lead to additional long-term non-academic impacts.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Chemicals,Energy,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Description (CALIPSOplus) - Convenient Access to Light Sources Open to Innovation, Science and to the World - FLASH (2019-08-18 to 2019-08-26)
Amount € 2,969 (EUR)
Funding ID 730872, FLASH: F-20181206 EC 
Organisation European Commission H2020 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 06/2019 
End 08/2019
Description Central Laser Facility - XFEL Hub for Physical Sciences - Travel Funding
Amount £1,300 (GBP)
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 11/2023
Description Coulomb Explosion Imaging of Metal Ion-Ligand Clusters
Amount £19,842 (GBP)
Funding ID RGS/R2/212360 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2021 
End 11/2022
Description Covid-19 Rebuilding Research Momentum Fund - Developing a user facility at the SACLA free electron laser
Amount £2,600 (GBP)
Funding ID 0011012 
Organisation University of Oxford 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2021 
End 02/2023
Description Department of Chemistry - Clarendon Scholarship
Amount £61,838 (GBP)
Organisation University of Oxford 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2023 
End 04/2027
Description Department of Chemistry - Exceptional Strategic Fund
Amount £2,406 (GBP)
Organisation University of Oxford 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 04/2021
Description Department of Chemistry - Exceptional Strategic Fund
Amount £1,596 (GBP)
Organisation University of Oxford 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2023 
End 05/2023
Description Isomerisation of gas-phase structures with Coulomb explosion imaging.
Amount £69,897 (GBP)
Funding ID 2446334 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 09/2023
Description Jersey Postgraduate Bursary
Amount £18,000 (GBP)
Organisation Government of Jersey 
Sector Public
Country Jersey
Start 09/2020 
End 09/2023
Description Travel Funding
Amount € 1,300 (EUR)
Funding ID Project 5696 
Organisation European XFEL 
Sector Academic/University
Country Germany
Start 02/2024 
End 03/2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Aarhus University
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Brown University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Diamond Light Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Goethe University Frankfurt
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy; Research Network Berlin
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 2979 - Direct visualization of nuclear motion in thiophenone during and after ring opening 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support at the Small Quantum Systems beamline at the European XFEL; responsible for data collection and instrument handling.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from Kansas State University and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. D. Rolles, KSU; R. Boll, European XFEL). They were supported onsite by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, DESY, and UCL. The remaining groups provided remote input. Students at KSU are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Aarhus University
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Goethe University Frankfurt
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Lund University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy; Research Network Berlin
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation University of Kassel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 3090 - Coulomb explosion imaging of trans-cis isomerization in molecular photo- switches 
Organisation University of Paris-Saclay
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from MBI and the European XFEL were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Amini, MBI). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, Frankfurt, KSU Aarhus, Freiburg, Lund, Paris-Saclay, and Kassel. The MBI groups are now leading the data analysis with support from members of the collaboration.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Autonomous University of Madrid
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Complutense University of Madrid
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy; Research Network Berlin
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Rocasolano Institute of Physical Chemistry
Country Spain 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description European XFEL Beamtime 5696 - Mapping charge transfer mediated by rotational dynamics 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for the SQS instrument at the European XFEL; including beamtime planning, data analysis, as well as scientific computing and programming.
Collaborator Contribution Researchers from the European XFEL and DESY were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. B. Senfftleben). They were supported onsite and online by researchers from Oxford, Stanford, KSU, MBI, and Madrid. The PI is now leading the data analysis with support from Oxford.
Impact Experiments are complete and the data analysis is at a very early stage. Our initial results are very strong and we anticipate a high-impact publication by 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2024
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation Lund University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy; Research Network Berlin
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20181206 EC - Imaging ultrafast photodynamics using site-selective X-ray ionization 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor, mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact R. Forbes et al., Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2020), 53, 224001. T. Walmsley et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), 159, 144302. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2019
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20191568 - Fragmentation dynamics of 1D and 2D polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise, beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise, instrumentation. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor.
Impact J. Lee et al., Nature Communications (2021), 12, 6107. J. Lee et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022), 24, 23096. D. Garg et al., Frontiers in Physics (2022), 10, 880793. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20191568 - Fragmentation dynamics of 1D and 2D polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise, beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise, instrumentation. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor.
Impact J. Lee et al., Nature Communications (2021), 12, 6107. J. Lee et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022), 24, 23096. D. Garg et al., Frontiers in Physics (2022), 10, 880793. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20191568 - Fragmentation dynamics of 1D and 2D polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise, beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise, instrumentation. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor.
Impact J. Lee et al., Nature Communications (2021), 12, 6107. J. Lee et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022), 24, 23096. D. Garg et al., Frontiers in Physics (2022), 10, 880793. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20191568 - Fragmentation dynamics of 1D and 2D polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation Lund University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise, beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise, instrumentation. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor.
Impact J. Lee et al., Nature Communications (2021), 12, 6107. J. Lee et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022), 24, 23096. D. Garg et al., Frontiers in Physics (2022), 10, 880793. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20191568 - Fragmentation dynamics of 1D and 2D polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - data analysis and publication preparation, ultrafast laser expertise, beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Lund University - mass spectrometer expertise, instrumentation. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. University of Oxford - mass spectrometry imaging sensor.
Impact J. Lee et al., Nature Communications (2021), 12, 6107. J. Lee et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022), 24, 23096. D. Garg et al., Frontiers in Physics (2022), 10, 880793. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation Daresbury Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy; Research Network Berlin
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation National Research Council of Canada
Country Canada 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation Stanford University
Department SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation University of Ottawa
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20200773 - The sensitivity of inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy to non-Born-Oppenheimer and photodissociation dynamics in polyatomic molecules 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigators, project planning, data analysis and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Max Born Institute - ultrafast laser expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Southampton - ultrafast laser expertise, data analysis and interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise, data analysis and publication preparation. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation.
Impact I. Gabalski et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023) 14, 7126. J. Unwin et al., Communications Physics (2023) 6, 309. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211752 - Exploring the stability of triply and quadruply charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite and remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, instrument installation, and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. J. Lee and M. Schnell). Instrumentation was provided by staff scientists at DESY as well as by researchers from Oxford and Lund. KSU supported the project remotely with ultrafast laser expertise. Data analysis and publication preparation is now being pushed forward in a collaboration between Oxford and DESY.
Impact D. Garg et al. 'Ultrafast dynamics of fluorene initiated by highly intense laser fields' (2023), available on ChemRxiv (10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-18w5m-v2) and currently being reviewed by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Data analysis is still ongoing, and additional publications are anticipated during 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211752 - Exploring the stability of triply and quadruply charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite and remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, instrument installation, and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. J. Lee and M. Schnell). Instrumentation was provided by staff scientists at DESY as well as by researchers from Oxford and Lund. KSU supported the project remotely with ultrafast laser expertise. Data analysis and publication preparation is now being pushed forward in a collaboration between Oxford and DESY.
Impact D. Garg et al. 'Ultrafast dynamics of fluorene initiated by highly intense laser fields' (2023), available on ChemRxiv (10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-18w5m-v2) and currently being reviewed by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Data analysis is still ongoing, and additional publications are anticipated during 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211752 - Exploring the stability of triply and quadruply charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation Lund University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite and remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, instrument installation, and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. J. Lee and M. Schnell). Instrumentation was provided by staff scientists at DESY as well as by researchers from Oxford and Lund. KSU supported the project remotely with ultrafast laser expertise. Data analysis and publication preparation is now being pushed forward in a collaboration between Oxford and DESY.
Impact D. Garg et al. 'Ultrafast dynamics of fluorene initiated by highly intense laser fields' (2023), available on ChemRxiv (10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-18w5m-v2) and currently being reviewed by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Data analysis is still ongoing, and additional publications are anticipated during 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211752 - Exploring the stability of triply and quadruply charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite and remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning, instrument installation, and data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. J. Lee and M. Schnell). Instrumentation was provided by staff scientists at DESY as well as by researchers from Oxford and Lund. KSU supported the project remotely with ultrafast laser expertise. Data analysis and publication preparation is now being pushed forward in a collaboration between Oxford and DESY.
Impact D. Garg et al. 'Ultrafast dynamics of fluorene initiated by highly intense laser fields' (2023), available on ChemRxiv (10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-18w5m-v2) and currently being reviewed by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Data analysis is still ongoing, and additional publications are anticipated during 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation Autonomous University of Madrid
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL Science)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation University of Lyon
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211754 - Probing the ultrafast charge-transfer participating in the electron hole relay property of sulfur-aromatic interactions in model peptide 
Organisation University of Paris-Saclay
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including beamtime planning and experimental procedures.
Collaborator Contribution The beamtime was organized by researchers from DESY (PIs. S. Bari and L. Schwob). DESY provided beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. The remaining project partners provided onsite and remote data analysis and experimental support.
Impact Due to various experimental challenges, no immediate outcomes are expected from this research. However, the experience gained will be utilized for a follow-up beamtime proposal.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211755 - Coulomb explosion imaging of asynchronous three-body dynamics 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Stanford University - experiment and analysis expertise, publication contributions.
Impact Experiments are complete and data analysis is still at an early stage, publications are anticipated in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211755 - Coulomb explosion imaging of asynchronous three-body dynamics 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Stanford University - experiment and analysis expertise, publication contributions.
Impact Experiments are complete and data analysis is still at an early stage, publications are anticipated in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211755 - Coulomb explosion imaging of asynchronous three-body dynamics 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Stanford University - experiment and analysis expertise, publication contributions.
Impact Experiments are complete and data analysis is still at an early stage, publications are anticipated in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211755 - Coulomb explosion imaging of asynchronous three-body dynamics 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Stanford University - experiment and analysis expertise, publication contributions.
Impact Experiments are complete and data analysis is still at an early stage, publications are anticipated in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20211755 - Coulomb explosion imaging of asynchronous three-body dynamics 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Principal investigator of a competitive beamtime at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY; lead author of the research proposal; responsible for overall research direction, data analysis, and publications.
Collaborator Contribution Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, computational resources, publication contributions. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise, mass spectrometer expertise, publication contributions. Stanford University - experiment and analysis expertise, publication contributions.
Impact Experiments are complete and data analysis is still at an early stage, publications are anticipated in 2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation Daresbury Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation European XFEL
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation University of Kassel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation University of Ottawa
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description FLASH Beamtime F-20220693 - TRPES above the carbon K-edge of the competing conical intersection path- ways of butadiene 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for FLASH BL1; including data analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Stanford University - lead investigator (PI: F. Allum), project planning, data analysis, and publication preparation. Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron - beamline staff scientist time, instrumentation, access to FLASH, data acquisition, ultrafast laser expertise, and computational resources. European XFEL - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Kansas State University - ultrafast laser expertise and mass spectrometer expertise. Daresbury Laboratory - data interpretation. University of Oxford - mass spectrometer expertise and data analysis. University of Ottawa/NRC Ottawa - project planning and data interpretation. University of Bristol - project planning and data interpretation. University of Kassel - data analysis and interpretation.
Impact Experiments are complete, but data analysis is still at a very early stage. Even so, publications are anticipated during 2024-2025.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation Daikin Industries, Ltd
Country Japan 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation Goethe University Frankfurt
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute RIKEN
Department SPring-8
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Department UVSOR Synchrotron Facility
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation ShanghaiTech University
Country China 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation University of Southampton
Department Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8054 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging following core-level photoionization in disubstituted methane molecules 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and the University of Turku were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. K. Ueda, Tohoku University). Daikin provided proprietary fluorocarbon samples to be used as target molecules for the experiment. Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing with publications expected in the short term. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation Goethe University Frankfurt
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute RIKEN
Department SPring-8
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Department UVSOR Synchrotron Facility
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation ShanghaiTech University
Country China 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation University of Southampton
Department Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2019B8063 - Time resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of multi-channel non-adiabatic photodissociation dynamics in iodomethane and iodobenzene 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interfacing a mass spectrometry imaging sensor with instrumentation at the SACLA free electron laser (SACLA BL1); beamtime planning; data acquisition and analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). Stanford University and Kansas State University provided ultrafast laser expertise and beamtime experience. Oxford provided access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging sensor, as well as technical support in interfacing it with the SACLA instrumentation. SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise.
Impact F. Allum et al., Faraday Discussions (2021), 228, 571. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2020
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute RIKEN
Department SPring-8
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Department UVSOR Synchrotron Facility
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation Stanford University
Department SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation University of Bristol
Department School of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021A8038 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of the competition between ring-opening and direct dissociation in halo-cyclopropanes 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact J. McManus et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022), 24, 22699. T. Walmsley et al., J. Phys. Chem. A., submitted Feb. 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute RIKEN
Department SPring-8
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Department UVSOR Synchrotron Facility
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation Stanford University
Department SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation Stony Brook University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation University of Bristol
Department School of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2021B8052 - Time-resolved site-selective Coulomb explosion imaging of photodissociation and ring-opening in structural isomers of iodothiophene 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohuku University, Kyoto University, the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Turku, DESY, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford, Southampton, Stony Brook, and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2021
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation Hiroshima University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation Nagoya University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation National Research Council of Canada
Country Canada 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation University of Hyogo
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022A8011 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of inner-shell excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane and diiodomethane 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Remote beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. R. Forbes, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University and Kyoto University, provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all other contributions were made remotely. Researchers from Stanford, Oxford, Southampton, Turku, and Kansas State participated, and groups from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis is ongoing. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation Hiroshima University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation Nagoya University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation National Research Council of Canada
Country Canada 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation Tokyo University of Agriculture
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation University of Hyogo
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8043 - Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging of sequential photodissociation, transient structure and coherent motion in diiodoethanes 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime support for SACLA BL1; including beamtime planning, data analysis, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups, as well as Oxford University and Stanford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PI. F. Allum, Stanford PULSE Institute). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Oxford and Stanford are now leading the data analysis.
Impact Data analysis has begun but is at a very early stage, the results are encouraging and publications are expected in 2024. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation Nagoya University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation National Research Council of Canada
Country Canada 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation University of Hyogo
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2022B8048 - Site-selectively probing selenophene ring-opening dynamics using X-ray ionization 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing well, the results are encouraging and we anticipate submitting two publications within the next two months. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2022
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Hiroshima University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Institute for Molecular Science
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute RIKEN
Department SPring-8
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Kansas State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Nagoya University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Nara Women's University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation National Research Council of Canada
Country Canada 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Stanford University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation Tohoku University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation University of Hyogo
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation University of Leicester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description SACLA Beamtime 2023B8028 - Measuring Norrish reaction dynamics using X-ray ionisation 
Organisation University of Turku
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Onsite beamtime management at SACLA BL1; including planning, data analysis, project supervision, and publication preparation.
Collaborator Contribution The Japan-based groups and Oxford University were responsible for beamtime organization and instrumentation (PIs. E. Warne and M. Burt, Oxford University). SPring-8 supported the project through beamline staff scientist time, access to the SACLA free electron laser, data acquisition support, computational resources, and ultrafast laser expertise. Researchers from Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and QST provided onsite ultrafast laser and instrumentation expertise. Researchers from the Burt group at Oxford Chemistry are now leading the data analysis and publication preparation.
Impact Data analysis is progressing and will likely result in a publication in 2024-2025. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary: bridging atomic, molecular, and optical physics; physical chemistry; and mass spectrometry imaging.
Start Year 2023
Description Graduate open day - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Poster session and individual discussions with prospective graduate students, helping them to determine a preferred supervisor in the Department.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023
Description MChem (Part II) open day - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Poster session and individual discussions with undergraduates in the Department. This helped them to decide on their final year master's projects. This led to six students joining my research group; two in the 2020-2021 academic year, two in 2021-2022, and two in 2022-2023.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2021,2022,2023