Electrokinetic Separation for Enhanced Decontamination of Soils and Groundwater Systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Chemical and Process Engineering


Safely managing the legacy of first generation nuclear power, reducing nuclear risks and hazards, has in recent years become a priority for the nuclear industry both in the UK and Republic of Korea (ROK) as downscaling continues in the interim to 'new nuclear'. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA, UK) estimate the total cost of decommissioning first generation nuclear power to be £121 B over the next 120 years, with significant costs associated to the management of spent fuel and legacy wastes. However, substantial effort is also directed towards remediating sites prior to their next planned use.

Remediating soils and groundwater is extremely challenging due to the low-levels of radionuclide contaminants encountered in the environment and their strong association with clays, rendering simple washing of contaminated soils inadequate. The challenge to successfully remediate is pointedly highlighted by the vast quantities of soils which have now been removed and stored at interim facilities following the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Substantial disturbance to the ecosystem is discouraged and methods to remediate soils and groundwater in-situ are highly favored.

The proposed research will consider in-situ remediation by chemical-enhanced electrokinetic separation to desorb Cs and Sr from difficult clay types. Chemical treatment using non-ionic, biodegradable polymers will be explored as a method to expand clay interlayers and recover ions which have become 'trapped' in clay particles. Once desorbed the mobile ions should be recovered to prevent their migration. Our partners at KAIST, ROK will design novel adsorbents to isolate ions at the cathode via electrochemical separation and by adsorption using 2D fabricated composite membranes that are impermeable to the selected ions to deliver rapid sorption kinetics and high adsorption capacity.

The research will advance understanding on appropriate methods to desorb ions from different clay types and successfully capture mobile ions, locally concentrating the contaminants and reducing the volume of waste for ultimate disposal. As decommissioning programs advance, remediation of soils and groundwater systems will come into focus. Installing in-situ technologies which can achieve high decontamination levels, require minimal engineering support, and do not cause long-term damage to the local ecosystem are highly desired and have the potential to accelerate remediation timescales and reduce the full lifetime costs of decommissioning legacy nuclear sites.

Finally, the UK-ROK international collaboration and industry partnership has an opportunity to enhance public confidence in the nuclear sector, engaging with future engineers and the general public who will witness a nuclear sector moving away from 'care and maintenance' to actively returning legacy sites to their desired end-state, all at the same time as growing 'new nuclear' and moving waste to its ultimate destination in a geological disposal facility.

Planned Impact

With the recent publishing of the ROK 'Energy Conversion Roadmap' and announcement of downscaling of nuclear power plants in the ROK from 24 to 14 by 2038, waste management and decommissioning programs have become a priority for both the UK and ROK. In the UK alone, clean-up of 17 of the UK's earliest nuclear sites (operated by four site licence companies (SLCs) i) Sellafield Ltd., ii) Magnox Ltd., iii) Low Level Waste Repository Ltd., and Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd.) is estimated to cost £121 B over the next 120 years (NDA), with land remediation (soil and groundwater), one of the four major activities supporting decommissioning, estimated to cost £3 B. Innovation that can deliver substantial cost savings is highly desired and is now a recognized driver for the UK nuclear decommissioning sector; "...innovation-led growth that delivers successively lower generation costs and a 20 per cent reduction in decommissioning costs to the taxpayer" (Industrial Strategy Nuclear Sector Deal, 2018).

Planning for site remediation is currently ongoing with the likely commencement of land remediation strategies/techniques to be mid-to-late 2020s (Sellafield), hence the nature of the proposed fundamental research is very timely. Sellafield Ltd. (project partner - see supporting letter) recently completed (2002-2010) an extensive contaminated land and groundwater management project (presentation Cruickshank, 2012) to assess the levels of contamination resulting from "a number of leaks, spills and burials". The results from the study highlighted major contaminants including 137Cs and 90Sr, and the potential for over 13 M m3 of soil classed as radioactive waste.

In-situ remediation by chemical-enhanced electrokinetic separation is a mostly passive treatment process of relative low cost (compared to direct disposal) and minimal impact to site operations, attributes of significant benefit when initiating remediation projects on congested sites around buildings with vibration constraints.

Research successes will be shared via a number of industry-focused forums including i) Sellafield Ltd. working groups, ii) EPSRC TRANSCEND (see supporting letter) theme and annual meetings with industry participation from SLCs, NNL, AWE, TUV SUD, Cavendish Nuclear, NDA, RWM Ltd., iii) the Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning Research Forum with industry participation from (duplicates not included) EDF Energy, MoD, Government Decontamination Services, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, and iv) CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments) a not-for-profit organization to stimulate the regeneration of contaminated land in the UK by sharing best practice and knowledge. Our project partners SNC Lavalin / Atkins and Sellafield Ltd. are both members of this group and will facilitate engagement throughout the project.

Our industry partner SNC Lavalin / Atkins is a global engineering company developing innovative solutions to address customer issues across the nuclear lifecycle. With vast experience providing the highest performing nuclide abatement systems at Fukushima, Japan, along with suppling systems for new build Chinese LWR reactors, CANDU reactors, a tritium processing facility, and solid and liquid waste managment systems to Korean LWRs, SNC Lavalin / Atkins is a highly valued partner who can directly benefit from the proposed fundamental research, furthermore creating opportunity to advance the technology/methods up the technology readiness levels. SNC Lavalin / Atkins is also known for their excellence in nuclear waste management at numerous sites across the US, Europe and the Middle East, hence the two-strands of research being proposed are of direct relevance to SNC Lavalin / Atkins.


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Eom H (2021) Immobilization of KTS-3 on an electrospun fiber membrane for efficient removal of Cs+ and Sr2+ in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

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Prajitno Muhammad Yusuf (2021) The effect of cationic surfactants on improving natural clinoptilolite for the flotation of cesium in JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS

Description Conference (AIChE2022): Remediating Contaminated Land on Nuclear Sites
In the UK, the Sellafield nuclear site has entered a phase of waste management and decommissioning. As part of the decommissioning plan, the site operator will begin to remediate contaminated land on and around the facility to avoid its unnecessary long-term storage as waste. The current research explores the design and use of surfactants to increase the decontamination factor of expandable and non-expandable clays. The study has evaluated the use of cationic surfactants (alkyl ammonium ions) ranging from carbon chain length of 8 to 22 with head groups of methyl, ethyl and propyl for the desorption of Cs+ from different clay minerals. The decontamination study revealed very good removal of Cs+ (?98%) from non-expandable clay (kaolinite) using C-22 surfactant. However, decontamination decreased to 70-75% for the expandable clay minerals due to interlayer collapse with Cs+ adsorbed. Through appropriate design of the surfactant molecule, the intercalation of surfactant led to an expansion of the clay interlayer which improved Cs+ mobility and increased desorption to ?83.8% and 79.5% for montmorillonite and vermiculite, respectively. The two-phase kinetic model revealed that the desorption of Cs+ from expandable clay minerals was fast for phase 1 (A1 ?40%) within t1 47 min, which accounted for the outer-sphere complexes, while slow for phase 2 (A2 ?13%) with t2 219 min, attributed to the tightly bound exchangeable ions. However, approximately ?18% of adsorbed Cs+ was found to be non-exchangeable for desorption due to immobility and fixation in interlayers/FES/hexagon pockets. To enhance desorption performance of the synthesized surfactant, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was used as an enhancing agent (H2O2 catalyzed surface Fe present in clays) and increased the ion-exchange due to its decomposition in interlayers, increasing Cs+ desorption from expandable clay minerals to ?90%.

In-preparation: A comparative study for removal of Cs+ from expandable and non-expandable clays minerals using cationic surfactants.
Understanding the characteristics of Cs+ in soil is essential for assessment of the impacts of disposal of soils contaminated by radioactive cesium. The objective of this study is to evaluate the use of cationic surfactants (alkyl ammonium ions) ranging from carbon chain length 8 to 22 with a head group of methyl, ethyl, and propyl for desorption of Cs+ from expandable and non-expandable clays minerals. The results indicated easy removal of Cs+ (?98%) from non-expandable (kaolinite) clay minerals using higher chain (C-22) surfactant. However, the desorption capacity decreased to 70-75% in the case of expandable clays minerals due to interlayer collapsed identified by XRD studies. The surfactant's intercalation led to mobilizing the Cs+ ions from interlayers by expanding the d-spacing and enhancing the desorption of Cs+ to ?83.8% and 79.5% for montmorillonite (MMT) and vermiculite, respectively. The two-phase kinetic model revealed that the desorption of Cs+ from expandable clays minerals was fast for phase 1 (A1?6140%) within t1 47 min of desorption process, which consisted of loosely bound outer-sphere complexes, while slow for phase 2 (A2 ?213%) with t2 219 min which is tightly bound exchangeable ions. However, approximately ?178% of adsorbed Cs+ was found to be non-exchangeable for desorption due to immobility and fixation in interlayers, /frayed edge sites (FES), and /hexagon pockets of expandable clays minerals. To enhance the desorption performance of synthesized surfactant, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and NH4+ were used as enhancing agents. Here, H2O2 catalysed surface Fe in clays and increased the ion- exchange due to decomposition in interlayers resulting ?99% desorption of Cs+ ions from expandable clays minerals.

In-preparation: Decontamination of radioactive Cs+ using mussel-inspired biodegradable polydopamine-trimesic acid clay-hexacynoferrate based strippable coating from steel and rough steel surfaces
A biodegradable polymeric coating based on polydopamine-trimesic acid (PDA@DA-TMA) and hydrogel have been used for the first time as eco-friendly chelator for removal of radioactive nuclides from steel surfaces. The prepared coating is water based and can easily replace carcinogenic complexing agents and non-biodegradable solvent-based coating that are still in use for surface decontamination during decommissioning of commercial nuclear facilities. The PDA@DA-TMA was synthesized for the first time for such type of application and removed 70 and 61% of Cs in 6 h from stainless steel and rough steel, respectively. Trimesic acid functionalisation was recognized as surface modifier to create interconnected network of porous architecture using cryo-SEM and TEM analysis. To increase the removal performance montmorillonite and hexacyanoferrate based hydrogel containing PDA@DA-TMA complex was developed which achieved more than 90% removal of Cs from both type of steel surfaces in 6 h. HR-XPS analysis was used to understand the interaction of contaminated solution and complexing agents which revealed surface complexation and charge transfer between functional groups of polymers and hexacyanoferrate are responsible for removal of Cs.

In-preparation: Assessment of Strategies to Remediate Cesium Contaminated Soils: A Review
Soil contamination by radioactive nuclei has caused immense harm to both the environment and human health. Cesium (Cs) is particularly problematic due to its strong binding with clay minerals. Although significant research has been done to remediate water from Cs+, soil remediation remains limited. This review is focused on recent techniques to remediate soil from Cs+ and discusses the materials used, along with the mechanisms by which Cs+ is extracted from contaminated soils. The removal of Cs from contaminated soil implicates the ion-exchange process and can be enhanced when combined with techniques such as hydrothermal and electrokinetics. Ions such as K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and NH4+ can replace Cs+ from interlayers of 2:1 type silicate such as weathered biotite and vermiculite. However, the use of competing ions alone is not sufficient to completely remove all Cs+ and heat treatment/solvents/polymers/surfactants are needed to increase the efficiency of Cs+ removal from soil. Field testing and full-scale demonstration of Cs+ removal technologies from contaminated soil remains limited; however, the reported cases and ion-exchange process provide excellent data to develop a large-scale methodology for remediating Cs+ contaminated soil.

Published: Functionalization of mesoporous carbons derived from pomelo peel as capacitive electrodes for preferential removal/recovery of copper and lead from contaminated water
Water is a valuable resource that is needed to sustain life, but is also essential in many engineering processes, which unavoidably leads to large volumes of water being contaminated. To achieve safe discharge and also recover valuable "pollutants", better performing sorbents are needed to rapidly and efficiently decontaminate water and generate minimal secondary wastes. Bio-sorbents derived from pomelo peel were functionalized with pyrrolic-N (BNC-5 electrode) and pyridinic-N (BNC-6 electrode) to enhance electroadsorption and selectivity of Pb2+ and Cu2+. The interaction between soft acid ions (Pb2+) and soft base sites (pyrrolic-N) contributed to a strong chemisorption that elevated the electroadsorption capacity to ~2.0 mmol g-1 for Pb2+ at an applied voltage of 1.2 V. With fast removal kinetics (0.077 g mg-1 min-1 of Pb2+), the BNC-5 sorbent exhibited comparable characteristics to other N-doped sorbents prepared using graphene. The large adsorption-desorption hysteresis of BNC-5 in responding to the applied electric voltage confirmed the chemisorption effect. The results showed only 32.4% of adsorbed ions being desorbed from the sorbent by reducing the applied voltage to 0 V, but almost complete desorption (98.5% of adsorbed ions) being achieved at -0.8 V. When operated in adsorption-desorption cycle mode, BNC-5 after ~400 cycles maintained a capacity retention = 80%. After 400 cycles, the electrode capacity was almost fully restored (98.7%) by only mild chemical washing (0.1 M HNO3) of the sorbent and the cycling performance maintained. The study demonstrated over 1200 cycles the robustness of sorbent and hence the potential to successfully convert waste into high-performance materials for large-scale remediation strategies using CDI.

Published: Polydopamine-coated magnetic montmorillonite immobilized with potassium copper hexacyanoferrate for selective removal of Cs+ and its facile recovery
To address the challenges in remediating cesium contaminated aqueous environments, a low-cost, magnetically recoverable and superior composite adsorbent was fabricated based on the concept of magnetizing montmorillonite and entrapping potassium copper hexacyanoferrate that offers excellent selectivity for Cs+. The facile, green and scalable synthesis route involved exchanging the interlayer ions of montmorillonite with ferrous ions before oxidizing to form magnetic montmorillonite using a low-temperature hydrothermal method. The composite was then coated with polydopamine to be complexed with copper ions and subsequently reacted with the hexacyanoferrate precursor to in situ grow potassium copper hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles, thus forming the composite, D-Mt-Mag-HCF. The adsorbent exhibited excellent Cs+ sorption capacity (~159.2 mg/g) and Cs+ selectivity greater than 8.2 × 104 mL g-1 in concentrated brine. Moreover, the magnetic properties (17.4 emu/g) of the adsorbent facilitated its separation from contaminated aqueous environments once the adsorbent had removed Cs+. The current study demonstrates a novel and scalable production of a composite adsorbent that can be readily used to remediate contaminated water.

Published: Immobilization of KTS-3 on an electrospun fiber membrane for efficient removal of Cs+ and Sr2+
The need to treat radioactive aqueous waste has increased, and decontamination of such waste is of high priority. This study demonstrates a method of fabricating a new composite membrane to effectively remove Cs+ and Sr2+ ions using KTS-3, a metal sulfide ion exchanger. The study utilized an electrospinning method to fabricate polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber support to immobilize the adsorbent KTS-3. Through pulverization using ball milling, KTS-3 was dispersed evenly and fixed to the PAN support which offered high water-permeability and large surface area. The ratio of KTS-3 to the polymer support was optimized to maximize the adsorption performance of the composite membrane. Consequently, we obtained high maximum adsorption capacities of 133.6 and 32.4 mg g-1 for Cs+ and Sr2+, respectively. Moreover, the high adsorption capacity was kept in the filtration test when the flux reaches 2000 L m-2 h-1. The newly fabricated material provides an attractive strategy to utilize adsorbents effectively for the continuous selective removal of radionuclides from contaminated wastewater.

Published: Effective removal of cesium from wastewater via adsorptive filtration with potassium copper hexacyanoferrate-immobilized and polyethyleneimine-grafted graphene oxide
As an attractive alternative to radioactive cesium removal, we introduced an adsorptive filtration method using a composite membrane consisting of potassium copper hexacyanoferrate (KCuHCF) and graphene-based support. Polyethyleneimine-grafted reduced graphene oxide (PEI-rGO), used as an immobilizing matrix, was effective not only in distributing KCuHCF inside the composite with the aid of abundant amino-functionality, but also in achieving high water flux by increasing the interlayer spacing of the laminar membrane structure. Due to the rapid and selective cesium adsorption properties of KCuHCF, the fabricated membrane was found to be effective in achieving complete removal of cesium ions under a high flux (over 500 L m-2 h-1), which is difficult in a conventional membrane utilizing the molecular sieving effect. This approach offers strong potential in the field of elimination of radionuclides that require rapid and complete decontamination.

Published: Adsorptive removal of cesium by electrospun nanofibers embedded with potassium copper hexacyanoferrate
As the risk of radioactive waste generated in large quantities is emerging, rapid and selective cesium ion decontamination has become a significant issue for waste volume reduction. This study demonstrates a novel immobilization strategy to synthesize a composite adsorbent embedding potassium copper hexacyanoferrate (KCuHCF) for effective cesium ion separation. Through an electrospinning technique, a nanofiber matrix was fabricated from a polymer blended with poly-vinyl alcohol and sodium alginate, and in situ immobilization of KCuHCF was achieved via the coordination effect of carboxylate functionality. The immobilized KCuHCF nanoadsorbent content and uniformity were optimized by controlling the ratio of the polymers, which was systematically analyzed through electron microscopy and spectroscopic analyses. The composite adsorbent in the batch experiment exhibited a high adsorption capacity of 114 mg g-1 and selectivity for cesium showing distribution coefficients on the order of 104-105 mL g-1, even under seawater conditions where large amounts of competitive cations coexist. A membrane filtration experiment using the composite as a membrane at a pressure of 2 bar showed efficient decontamination by removing 180 mg cesium per 1 m2 with a high flux of about 148 L m-2 h-1. Thus, the deposition of KCuHCF nanoadsorbent on the surface of the nanofiber and the adsorption filtration method could be a practical alternative in the radioactive wastewater treatment.

Published: The effect of cationic surfactants on improving natural clinoptilolite for the flotation of cesium
Flotation using cationic surfactants has been investigated as a rapid separation technique to dewater clinoptilolite ion exchange resins, for the decontamination of radioactive cesium ions (Cs+) from nuclear waste effluent. Initial kinetic and equilibrium adsorption studies of cesium, suggested the large surface area to volume ratio of the fine zeolite contributed to fast adsorption kinetics and high capacities (qc = 158.3 mg/g). Adsorption of ethylhexadecyldimethylammonium bromide (EHDa-Br) and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) surfactant collectors onto both clean and 5 ppm Cs+ contaminated clinoptilolite was then measured, where distribution coefficients (Kd) as high as 10,000 mL/g were evident with moderate concentrations CPC. Measurements of particle sizes confirmed that adsorption of surfactant monolayers did not lead to significant aggregation of the clinoptilolite, while < 8% of the 5 ppm contaminated cesium was remobilised. Importantly for flotation, both the recovery efficiency and dewatering ratios were measured across various surfactant concentrations. Optimum conditions were found with 0.5 mM of CPC and addition of 30 µL of MIBC frother, giving a recovery of ~90% and a water reduction ratio > 4, highlighting the great viability of flotation to separate and concentrate the contaminated powder in the froth phase.

Published: A Chemically Tailored Capacitive Deionization System for the Enhanced Removal of Cesium from Process Water
A capacitive deionization (CDI) electrode comprising ethylenediamine triacetic acid (EDTA) and 2D MXene (EDTA-MXene) is fabricated to separate Cs+ from strongly acidic process water. The method provides new direction for an advanced aqueous recycle process to separate fission products from spent fuel liquor. Grafting EDTA on MXene has no detrimental effect on its structure but does diversify the modes of ion interaction and increase the number of binding sites. The composite CDI electrode has a Cs+ adsorption capacity of 2.07 mmol g-1 at 1.2 V with 97.3% removal efficiency within 15 min. Step-wise adsorption and desorption cycling of the electrode highlights the chemisorption effect of EDTA which immobilizes the ions as the applied voltage is lowered, although almost all ions can be stripped by reversing the voltage to -1.4 V and without the need for chemical treatment. The EDTA-MXene electrode demonstrates outstanding cyclic performance with a capacity retention of > 80% after 320 cycles. Furthermore, the electrode maintains its performance in strongly acidic solution, removing 0.66 mmol g-1 Cs+ at 1.2 V, as well as being stable after immersing in 3 mol L-1 HNO3 for 7 days. Through continuous cycling it is possible to enrich the Cs+ into a highly concentrated solution for element recovery or safe disposal. The EDTA-MXene material is robust and maintains good performance in harsh chemical environments, levering its multiple binding sites to successfully isolate Cs+ from strongly acidic solutions and in the presence of competing ions, Sr2+ and Ce(IV).

Published: Thiol-rich and ion-imprinted alginate hydrogel as a highly adsorptive and recyclable filtration membrane for rapid and selective Sr(II) removal
Radioactive metal ion such as strontium ion, 90Sr2+, has posed severe threats to environments and humans since the wide application of nuclear power plants around the world, while a rapid remediation of Sr2+ contaminated water still remains challenging. The current study developed an economical biomaterial-based hydrogel adsorbent with excellent Sr2+ adsorption performance achieved by ion-imprinting and abundant thiol groups, which was adaptable as an adsorptive filtration membrane for efficient and rapid purification of Sr2+ polluted water.
The hydrogel was synthesized via a three-step route based on sodium alginate (SA). First, SA was emulsified and converted via Sr2+ complexation to hydrogel (SA-Sr); secondly, a thiol-rich carboxyethyl grafted pentaerythritol tetrakis (thioglycolic acid) ester (PA) synthesized by click chemistry was used to covalently crosslink the hydrogel (SA-PA-Sr) with abundant thiol groups simultaneously introduced. Lastly, a Sr2+-imprinted adsorbent (SA-PA-H) was obtained via acid elution of the SA-PA-Sr gel. The SA-PA-H was demonstrated to exhibit a superior Sr2+adsorption capacity (~151.7 mg/g), a rapid adsorption kinetics following pseudo-second order with a rate constant of 0.669 g mg-1 min-1, an excellent selectivity for Sr2+, a value greater than 1.97×102 mL/g when adsorbing 10 ppm Sr2+ from concentrated (800 ppm) solutions of competitive ions (Na+ or Mg2+). The good performance was maintained over a wide range of pH (4-10) and temperature (25-40 °C), and the adsorption mechanism was attributed to the prevalent Sr2+ bindings to thiol groups and Sr2+-imprinted cavities. Moreover, high elasticity with a storage shear modulus ~ 10 MPa at low strains whilst rapid and full self-recovery after being repeatedly damaged by large strains of the SA-PA-H were demonstrated by rheology. This allowed the SA-PA-H to be adapted as a membrane for vacuum filtration, giving a high removal efficiency (> 99.2%) of Sr2+ under a high liquid flux (~ 40 L m-2 h-1). In addition, the adsorbent can be regenerated by acid washing and after four consecutive adsorption-desorption cycles, the drop in removal efficiency was minor (53.51% to 36.88% for 100 ppm Sr2+). This investigation demonstrated a novel hydrogel adsorbent advantageous in cost, performance, processability, and sustainability, being applicable for rapid and complete decontamination of nuclear wastewater via adsorptive membrane filtration.
Exploitation Route Too early to say (the award is still active)
Sectors Education



Description The research has led to a greater understanding of how analogue radionuclides are retained on non-swellable and swellable clays. The strategy to remove bound ions has led to several ongoing discussions with industry and academic colleagues. In particular, the research has received significant interest from the Land Quality & End State, Remediation team at Sellafield Ltd, with the aim of further developing the knowledge and technology for application on nuclear sites. The new research is also being developed in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Sheffield who have extensive understanding of groundwater flows around the Sellafield site. The research was presented at the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, with colleagues keen to explore the development of electrokinetic (capacitive deionization) techniques for the treatment of groundwater at the Fukushima nuclear site. The workshop was jointly held with colleagues from JAEA who are also keenly interested in solutions to treat contaminated groundwater. Links between the UK and Japan are being explored.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Environment,Other
Impact Types Societal


Title Bio-Inspired Preparation of Clay-Hexacyanoferrate Composite Hydrogels as Super Adsorbents for Cs+ : dataset 
Description Data associated with the paper Bio-Inspired Preparation of Clay-Hexacyanoferrate Composite Hydrogels as Super Adsorbents for Cs+, published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL http://archive.researchdata.leeds.ac.uk/714/
Title The effect of cationic surfactants on improving natural clinoptilolite for the flotation of cesium - Dataset 
Description In this study, flotation was investigated as a rapid separation technique to dewater powdered clinoptilolite ion-exchange resins by utilising cationic surfactant collectors, for the decontamination of radioactive cesium ions (Cs+) from nuclear waste effluent streams. The zeta potential of clinoptilolite with different concentrations of cesium is included in the datafile entitled "Zetapotential". Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of cesium on clinoptilolite is given in the datafile entitled "AdsorptionKin". The particle size distribution of Cs-contaminated clinoptilolite with different surfactant concentrations of EHDa-Br and CPC, is given in the datafile called "Particlesized". Equilibrium air-water surface tension of EHDA-Br and CPC surfactants is given in the datafile "SurfaceTensio". This datafile also contains the surface tension of mixed surfactant-clinoptilolite systems and the resulting adsorption coefficient distribution. The total amount of remobilised Cs+ in ppm and percentage terms, of a 5 ppm dose from adsorption of surfactant onto clinoptilolite, is given in the datafile "AASsurfactant". Lastly, in the datafile called "Flotation", is given both the clinoptilolite recovery and water reduction ratio as surfactant concentration is varied for a) EHDA-Br and b) CPC ; including the effect of MIBC concentration and the effect of cesium concentration changes. Overall, this study highlighted the great viability of flotation to separate and concentrate the contaminated powder in the froth phase. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://archive.researchdata.leeds.ac.uk/713/
Description Dalton Nuclear Institute 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department Dalton Nuclear Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Testing the radiation stability of prepared membranes.
Collaborator Contribution Access to facilities to irradiate samples.
Impact Manuscript in preparation
Start Year 2022
Description KAIST 
Organisation Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Country Korea, Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Hosted a collaboration meeting at the University of Leeds in September 2015. The meeting was attended by Prof. Jae Lee (KAIST) and 4 of his PhD researchers who are working on the particle synthesis and separations problem. All project collaborators visited the Sellafield site to discuss challenges associated with nuclear legacy wastes and the processing routes.
Collaborator Contribution Financially supported a 1 year sabbatical of Seoyeon Baik (KAIST PhD student) to the University of Leeds. Seoyeon will begin March 2016 and study the synthesis of metal-carbon composites for enhancing strontium adsorption capacity and selectivity. Hosted the 1st International Symposium on Materials and Interfacial Engineering for Nuclear Waste Removal, 29th August, 2016, Daejeon, South Korea. Organized an academic visit to KORI nuclear power plant, August 2016. Financially supported a 1 year sabbatical of Dr Ji Young Yoon (KAIST PhD student) to the University of Leeds.
Impact Kim, Y.K., T. Kim, D. Harbottle, and J.W. Lee, Highly effective Cs+ removal by turbidity-free potassium copper hexacyanoferrate-immobilized magnetic hydrogels - submitted Journal of Hazardous Materials Kim, Y. K., Y. Kim, S. Kim, D. Harbottle and J. W. Lee, Solvent-assisted synthesis of potassium copper hexacyanoferrate embedded 3D-interconnected porous hydrogel for highly selective and rapid cesium ion removal, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5(1), 2017, 975-986, DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2017.01.026 Kim, Y., Y. K. Kim, S. Kim, D. Harbottle and J. W. Lee, Nanostructured potassium copper hexacyanoferrate-cellulose hydrogel for selective and rapid cesium adsorption, Chemical Engineering Journal, 313, 2017, 1042-1050, doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.10.136 (2016)
Start Year 2015
Description Research visit - Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute 
Organisation Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Establishing a collaboration to develop membrane capacitive deionization technology for barrier technology around legacy nuclear facilities. Collaboration to develop through the JUNO network between the UK and Japan.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in groundwater flow and measurements of contaminants in groundwater. Able to link the two research activities to provide new understanding of preventing radionuclide releases on sites.
Impact Grant proposal in preparation.
Start Year 2023
Description Invited presentation to the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Workshop on the environmental remediation of nuclear sites.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024