Neuromorphic memristive circuits to simulate inhibitory and excitatory dynamics of neuron networks: from physiological similarities to deep learning

Lead Research Organisation: Loughborough University
Department Name: Physics


Why does the human brain not operate as a computer? Both use logic and numbers when operating. Nevertheless, the human memory is much more distributed (pattern-like) in contrast to localised computer bit-memory, has time decay (clogging), changes "wiring" when trained and is designed to process information signals (excitation waves) rather than just store bits in different memory locations as a computer does. Although modern computers significantly numerically outperform the human brain, they still cannot handle tasks requiring guessing and fuzzy logic.

This explains a booming interest in AI systems trained to perform certain tasks infeasible for numerical simulations. Currently AI technology is driven by two distinct goals: (i) technological demand (autonomous vehicles, online trading, AI for medical imaging analysis etc.) and (ii) an attempt to create an electronic brain with the ability to think, feel and interact with humans. Using different learning algorithms, AI has demonstrated abilities comparable to, or even outperforming, the human brain in several strategic and decision-making tasks (e.g., the game of Go). However, it is unclear how/if AI algorithms relate to information processing and the corresponding psycho-physiological processes in the brain. Answering this big question would help in not only making machines with human abilities but also elucidating whether a brain can be reduced to a biologically-wired electric circuit only or it has something beyond simple electric/chemical functionalities.

To truly emulate information processing in the brain (neuromorphic computing), a new generation of computer architecture should be developed. One of the most promising technologies for neuromorphic computing and signal processing is based on memristors, where resistance is tuned (e.g., switching between two states) by total charge passed through the system (e.g., resistance depends on applied electric pulse sequence/history which can encode an information signal propagating through the brain). Using Loughborough's expertise in solid state physics, functional materials, thin films, modelling, and AI, in synergy with a world-leading centre of neuromorphic research (the University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and neuroscience/physiological expertise (Salk Institute for Biological studies), and driven by the demand of UK industrial partners, we intend to develop a prototype of a memristive neuromorphic chipset able to analyse image-streams and to make decisions and choices by mimicking neural process in a brain cortex.

Inspired by biological neuron operation, and the deep learning AI paradigm, we propose to develop an electric circuit operating via two competing processes:
(1) Intermixing or interfering electric signals generated by visual stimuli at different time moments (e.g., subsequent video frames) and;
(2) Transmitting signals from one circuit layer to another in order to extract the main visual features/concepts.
A combination of these processes for image-stream analysis has never been considered before for neuromorphic systems and is the main novelty of the proposed research.

This allows us to compare image frames in a video and to reduce the complexity of the information towards a binary decision (choice). This neuromorphic two-process concept has a clear brain-functioning analogy: sensory stimuli excite a myriad of receptors generating superimposing signals, an end effect of which can be expressed by a short statement of recognition ("It's my Mom") or discrimination ("It was a car not a bike"). Cycles of interfering and convolving information followed by binary choice seems particularly well fit to memristor layered architecture where initial complex voltage-pattern encoding image stream reduces to switching or not of a certain memristor (signalling which decision/choice is made) in a deeper layer of the structure. The developed prototype will be the first memristive realisation of a visual cortex.

Planned Impact

Various independent reports from the year 2017 estimate the effect of the future developments in artificial intelligence (AI) as potentially increasing the UK GDP by 10.3% by 2030, as well as in higher annual economic growth rate by 2035 - 3.9% instead of 2.5%. These ambitious plans can be achieved only if the AI progress is supported by growing AI researcher workforce as well as a capability and capacity in computational power, availability of new hardware and software, and novel/unconventional AI applications.

Capability and Capacity: The UK lags behind the US and China in investments into AI start-ups as well as behind the US and Europe in governmental support for research in AI. Recent hardware advances, such as GPUs, cloud computing and the multi-core CPU, have pushed forward AI and AI applications during the last decade. However, the future AI advancements in image processing, autonomous systems, object tracking, artificial decision-making etc., require a fundamental breakthrough in computational principles with no separation between the processing unit and memory. One of the most challenging directions of AI research is the development of electronic chips that use the architecture and elements mimicking neuron functionality. This offers not only new computational paradigms of information signal processing, but also a tool to study the brain at the level never achieved before. Indeed, due to the complexity of neural tissues, mathematical modelling of neural processes has a rather limited predictive power, while biological experiments face many ethical problems slowing down neuroscience research. Using neuromorphic hardware will enable the technology to control and enhance brain ability as well as a further progress in the understanding of brain disorders (testing, e.g., a hypothesis of excitatory-inhibitory imbalance nature of neurodevelopmental disorders by tuning inhibition balance in memristive circuits), enormously impacting mental health. One of the most promising technologies for brain emulators is based on memristors, thus, transferring this technology to the UK can create a nationwide impact and can enhance the capability for future AI advances in the UK.

Workforce: The project will allow training a new generation of AI-neuromorphic scientists and engineers contributing to future AI researcher labour force. The researchers and students involved in the project will be trained to fully understand AI tasks and market, the postdocs will be able to design their own neuromorphic hardware or to improve existing chips for specific tasks in mind and to programme this hardware in the most efficient way. Thus, the project will fill a gap in the workforce with both AI hardware and software expertise.

UK industry focus: To make our research industry-driven we plan to use the neuromorphic layered (deep learning) memristive chip for:
1. Large size image and video analysis (main industrial partner: ARM)
2. Pattern and motion recognition and object tracking (main industrial partner: ARM)
3. Decision-making for robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles and driverless vehicles (main industrial partner: HP)

Society: The general public will benefit from enhanced awareness about future AI opportunities and challenges. We will disseminate the project results to the end-users. Future AI technology is recognised by the public as a great opportunity to push further the intellectual ability of the whole civilisation and each individual by combining the human brain ability with modern computational electronics. We plan to inform the general public about the progress of the project via maintaining a project website, developing an outreach programme "Computers watching movies" with two public lectures per year, and an online neuromorphic AI contest for A-level and UG students where students will be invited to program neuromorphic chipsets remotely (online coding). This will also help in recruiting the best PhD applicants worldwide.
Description 1) Fabrication of Diffusive memristors and their electric measurements at Loughborough
2) Development and simulations of stochastic-deterministic model; constructions of its bifurcation diagram
3) Description of biological neuron data for different stimuli
4) Comparative analysis of bio and artificial neurons
5) Modelling of biological neurons selectivity by using distributed Wilson-Covan model
6) modelling coexistance of different spiking modes and observation of different spiking mode in an artificial diffusive neuron
7) application of memristive neurone in robotics for touch sensors
8) simulation of quantum diffusive memristors.
Exploitation Route Development of novel neuromorphic hardware and cognitive brain implant, new robotic sensors.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The outreach article about new memristive and AI technologies for school-level students hen been published: This article targets school-students, especially from underrepresented groups, to engage with science and technology, supporting their ambition to enter a university.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education
Impact Types Cultural


Title Supplementary information files for An investigation of higher order moments of empirical financial data and their implications to risk 
Description Supplementary information files for article An investigation of higher order moments of empirical financial data and their implications to risk Abstract: Here, we analyse the behaviour of the higher order standardised moments of financial time series when we truncate a large data set into smaller and smaller subsets, referred to below as time windows. We look at the effect of the economic environment on the behaviour of higher order moments in these time windows. We observe two different scaling relations of higher order moments when the data sub sets' length decreases; one for longer time windows and another for the shorter time windows. These scaling relations drastically change when the time window encompasses a financial crisis. We also observe a qualitative change of higher order standardised moments compared to the gaussian values in response to a shrinking time window. Moreover, we model the observed scaling laws by analysing the hierarchy of rare events on higher order moments. We extend the analysis of the scaling relations to incorporate the effects these scaling relations have upon risk. We decompose the return series within these time windows and carry out a Value-at-Risk calculation. In doing so, we observe the manifestation of the scaling relations through the change in the Value-at-Risk level. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Supplementary information for price dynamic modelling 
Title Supplementary information files for Temperature control of diffusive memristor hysteresis and artificial neuron spiking 
Description Supplementary files for article Temperature control of diffusive memristor hysteresis and artificial neuron spiking Memristive devices are promising elements for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing and future artificial intelligence systems. For diffusive memristors, resistive switching occurs because of the sequential formation and rupture of conduction filaments between device electrodes due to drift and diffusion of silver nanoparticles in the dielectric matrix. This process is governed by the applied electric voltage. Here, both in experiment and in simulations we demonstrate that varying temperature offers an efficient control of memristor states and charges transport in the device. By raising and lowering the device temperature it was shown that the memristive state can be reset, even if it cannot be done by varying the applied voltage. In addition, a change in the spiking regime was observed when the spiking was generated in the memristive circuit at a constant applied voltage, but different device temperatures. Our simulations demonstrate a good qualitative agreement with the experiments, and help to explain the effects reported. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Prof Tony Kenyon 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Nano-engineered menristors: fabrication, modelling, measuring.
Collaborator Contribution Agreed to work on join proposal.
Impact expected: publications, grant applications
Start Year 2023
Description Research in memristor devices - Collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University 
Organisation Liverpool John Moores University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Explanation of artificial neuron dynamics based on volatile filament memristors; suggesting new experiments
Collaborator Contribution Experimental results in spiking artificial neurons
Impact We are working on our first joint paper.
Start Year 2022
Description Ruomeng Huang 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Join research in optimisation of diffusive memristors for artificial neuron applications
Collaborator Contribution Fabrication of nanoporous diffusive memristors with high quality spiking.
Impact Preliminary agreement on fabrication, measurements and simulations with a goal to boost join publications and grant application
Start Year 2024
Description Salk 
Organisation Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Modelling monkey neuron spiking and prediction of experimental resuts
Collaborator Contribution Salk provided experimental data (monkey neuron spiking records) for analysis and comparing to the spiking of artificial neurons
Impact Submitted research publication to Nature Communications
Start Year 2018
Description Texas A&M 
Organisation Texas A&M University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Discussion of the project results
Collaborator Contribution Consultancy
Impact Publications in Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Nature Electronics, Advanced Materials: Z. Wang, S. Joshi, S. Savel'ev, H. Jiang, R. Midya, P. Lin, M. Hu, N. Ge, J.P. Strachan, Z. Li, Q. Wu, M, Barnell, G.-L. Li, H. Xin, R.S. Williams, Q. Xia, and J. Yang, Memristors with diffusive dynamics as synaptic emulators for neuromorphic computing, Nature Materials 16, 101 (2017); R. Midya, Z. Wang, J. Zhang, S.E. Savel'ev, C. Li, M. Rao, M.H. Jang, S. Joshi, H. Jiang, P. Lin, K. Norris, N. Ge, Q. Wu, M. Barnell, Z. Li, H. L. Xin, R.S. Williams, Q. Xia, J.J. Yang, Anatomy of Ag/Hafnia-Based Selectors with 1010 Nonlinearity, Advanced Materials, 29, 1604457 (2017); H. Jiang, D. Belkin, S. Savel'ev, S. Lin, Z. Wang, Y. Li, S. Joshi, R. Midya, C. Li, M. Rao, M. Barnell, Q. Wu, J.J. Yang, Q. Xia, A novel true random number generator based on a stochastic diffusive memristor, Nature Communications 8, 882 (2017) Z. Wang, S. Joshi, S. Savel'ev, W. Song, R. Midya, Y. Li, M. Rao, P. Yan, S. Asapu, Y. Zhuo, H. Jiang, P. Lin, C. Li, J. H. Yoon, N. K. Upadhyay, J. Zhang, M. Hu, J. P. Strachan, M. Barnell, Q. Wu, H. Wu, R. S. Williams, Q. Xia, J. J. Yang, Fully memristive neural networks for pattern classification with unsupervised learning, Nature Electronics 1, 137-145 (2018).
Start Year 2017
Description UMass Amherst 
Organisation University of Massachusetts Amherst
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Modelling memristors and artificial neurons
Collaborator Contribution Transport measurements of fabricated memristor and artificial neurons
Impact Z. Wang, S. Joshi, S. Savel'ev, H. Jiang, R. Midya, P. Lin, M. Hu, N. Ge, J.P. Strachan, Z. Li, Q. Wu, M, Barnell, G.-L. Li, H. Xin, R.S. Williams, Q. Xia, and J. Yang, Memristors with diffusive dynamics as synaptic emulators for neuromorphic computing, Nature Materials 16, 101 (2017); R. Midya, Z. Wang, J. Zhang, S.E. Savel'ev, C. Li, M. Rao, M.H. Jang, S. Joshi, H. Jiang, P. Lin, K. Norris, N. Ge, Q. Wu, M. Barnell, Z. Li, H. L. Xin, R.S. Williams, Q. Xia, J.J. Yang, Anatomy of Ag/Hafnia-Based Selectors with 1010 Nonlinearity, Advanced Materials, 29, 1604457 (2017); H. Jiang, D. Belkin, S. Savel'ev, S. Lin, Z. Wang, Y. Li, S. Joshi, R. Midya, C. Li, M. Rao, M. Barnell, Q. Wu, J.J. Yang, Q. Xia, A novel true random number generator based on a stochastic diffusive memristor, Nature Communications 8, 882 (2017) Z. Wang, S. Joshi, S. Savel'ev, W. Song, R. Midya, Y. Li, M. Rao, P. Yan, S. Asapu, Y. Zhuo, H. Jiang, P. Lin, C. Li, J. H. Yoon, N. K. Upadhyay, J. Zhang, M. Hu, J. P. Strachan, M. Barnell, Q. Wu, H. Wu, R. S. Williams, Q. Xia, J. J. Yang, Fully memristive neural networks for pattern classification with unsupervised learning, Nature Electronics 1, 137-145 (2018).
Start Year 2017
Description AI UK Fringe workshop on Neuromorphic technology: a giant leap for AI organised by AI and Cognitive Technology Challenge, Loughborough University 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A workshop to consolidate the UK neurotrophic community.

The workshop is a part of the UK's national showcase of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) ( and will be online-only (no need to travel) on 26-29 March 2024.

The expected outcomes of this event are (i) to consolidate the UK neuromorphic community and foster knowledge exchange, (ii) to develop collaborations with industry, (iii) to generate ideas for a UK neuromorphic strategy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Times Higher Education's Digital Universities UK 2024 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Digital Universities UK brings together higher education, industry and policy leaders working at the intersection of academic innovation and technology to reimagine universities in the digital age.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description outreach publication for School-level students 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Publication of outrech paper for School students:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022