Controlling photophysics and photochemistry via quantum superpositions of electronic states: towards attochemistry
Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Chemistry
When molecules absorb light of sufficient energy, an excited electronic state is generated. The distribution of electrons - the chemical bonding - then changes, causing the nuclei to move in response. Electronic changes such as these appear to be instantaneous relative to the nuclear motion that follows. We now know that these electronic changes aren't instantaneous, but they are usually much faster than the nuclear motions, which has limited our scope for controlling their effects until now.
We propose to explore how laser manipulation of electronic state motion can offer unprecedented control over photochemistry: chemical reactions that are initiated by changes in bonding in electronic excited states. Can we direct the outcome of a photochemical process in a molecule by controlling the initial evolution of a coherent quantum superposition of its electronic states? Our proposed research will explore a new approach to controlling dynamics in molecular systems at an important interdisciplinary junction. It promises to benefit our understanding of - and mastery over - ultrafast chemical processes, and to extend our ability to manipulate quantum states of matter into the attosecond time domain.
Recently attosecond molecular physics has been exploring the concept of "charge migration": electronic dynamics following sudden excitation of an electron in a molecule or other extended quantum system. To understand such phenomena we must recognise the quantum nature of both electrons and nuclei. Ultrafast decoherence due to coupling of the evolving electronic and nuclear quantum states is found to be rapid and general, taking place on a timescale of a few tens of femtoseconds. The control of photoexcited quantum state dynamics can therefore only be achieved with light fields applied on a faster timescale, before decoherence removes our scope for control. A central target of this research is the control of quantum evolution by ultrafast light fields in the vicinity of conical intersections: molecular geometries where crossings between electronic states can lead to multiple chemical pathways. Control here will give us control over different chemical outcomes.
Excitation-control-probe sequences of light pulses will be applied to selected molecules. A few-femtosecond UV excitation pulse will initiate the electronic state superposition, followed by a few-cycle infrared pulse after a short and precisely controlled time delay. This pulse sequence will manipulate the coherence between states as the system flows through the critical conical intersection. By varying the superposition within a time interval of a few tens of femtoseconds in this way - on a time-scale faster than decoherence - we will change the quantum evolution path and final outcomes. This path will be measured in real-time via X-ray spectroscopy with sub-femtosecond X-ray pulses, a technique with a high sensitivity to molecular structure and electronic states. Computer simulations using state-of-the-art codes and substantial computing power to solve the coupled electronic-nuclear motions will be used both to predict and to explain the experiments.
We will study the dynamics and control of small, isolated, molecular systems in this proposal. Nevertheless, it is likely that what we will learn through this research will be applicable to the quantum scale manipulation of many other light-absorbing systems with ultrafast chemical dynamics. This work is therefore pertinent to a wide range of nanoscale systems: nanoparticles, catalytic complexes, biomolecules, organic optoelectronics, two-dimensional materials and other advanced materials. As well as providing new insight into the fundamental behaviour of molecules, the ultrafast quantum science we are researching may lead to future quantum devices where the flow of charge, energy and information within a quantum system can be controlled by ultrafast light fields.
We propose to explore how laser manipulation of electronic state motion can offer unprecedented control over photochemistry: chemical reactions that are initiated by changes in bonding in electronic excited states. Can we direct the outcome of a photochemical process in a molecule by controlling the initial evolution of a coherent quantum superposition of its electronic states? Our proposed research will explore a new approach to controlling dynamics in molecular systems at an important interdisciplinary junction. It promises to benefit our understanding of - and mastery over - ultrafast chemical processes, and to extend our ability to manipulate quantum states of matter into the attosecond time domain.
Recently attosecond molecular physics has been exploring the concept of "charge migration": electronic dynamics following sudden excitation of an electron in a molecule or other extended quantum system. To understand such phenomena we must recognise the quantum nature of both electrons and nuclei. Ultrafast decoherence due to coupling of the evolving electronic and nuclear quantum states is found to be rapid and general, taking place on a timescale of a few tens of femtoseconds. The control of photoexcited quantum state dynamics can therefore only be achieved with light fields applied on a faster timescale, before decoherence removes our scope for control. A central target of this research is the control of quantum evolution by ultrafast light fields in the vicinity of conical intersections: molecular geometries where crossings between electronic states can lead to multiple chemical pathways. Control here will give us control over different chemical outcomes.
Excitation-control-probe sequences of light pulses will be applied to selected molecules. A few-femtosecond UV excitation pulse will initiate the electronic state superposition, followed by a few-cycle infrared pulse after a short and precisely controlled time delay. This pulse sequence will manipulate the coherence between states as the system flows through the critical conical intersection. By varying the superposition within a time interval of a few tens of femtoseconds in this way - on a time-scale faster than decoherence - we will change the quantum evolution path and final outcomes. This path will be measured in real-time via X-ray spectroscopy with sub-femtosecond X-ray pulses, a technique with a high sensitivity to molecular structure and electronic states. Computer simulations using state-of-the-art codes and substantial computing power to solve the coupled electronic-nuclear motions will be used both to predict and to explain the experiments.
We will study the dynamics and control of small, isolated, molecular systems in this proposal. Nevertheless, it is likely that what we will learn through this research will be applicable to the quantum scale manipulation of many other light-absorbing systems with ultrafast chemical dynamics. This work is therefore pertinent to a wide range of nanoscale systems: nanoparticles, catalytic complexes, biomolecules, organic optoelectronics, two-dimensional materials and other advanced materials. As well as providing new insight into the fundamental behaviour of molecules, the ultrafast quantum science we are researching may lead to future quantum devices where the flow of charge, energy and information within a quantum system can be controlled by ultrafast light fields.
Planned Impact
We anticipate significant impact in the near term for our work in academic research in science and technology. There are also prospects for wider economic and societal impact in the following ways:
1. Training of postdoctoral, doctoral and masters students in the advanced methods of ultrafast optics will enhance the UK's skilled workforce in industrial sectors where we already have strengths such as lasers and optical systems for biomedical and clinical applications, lasers and non-linear optics for defence technology, and staffing of national infrastructure and capabilities (e.g. AWE, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Diamond Light Source and the Central Laser Facility). These skilled researchers will also be vital in maintaining UK competitiveness in high intensity and X-ray Free Electron Laser science, to allow us to exploit the opportunities offered by the array of international facilities (e.g. XFEL, LCLS, FERMI, SACLA, ELI-ALPS).
2. Training of postdoctoral, doctoral and masters students in high performance computing and software engineering will support a healthy pipeline of people with advanced abilities that is vital to sustain growth areas such as data science, cyber security and artificial intelligence.
3. Our hollow fibre based few-cycle laser technology is already in the process of commercialisation and we expect further innovations developed through this project to follow a similar path.
4. The research outcomes in control of molecular excited states, energy and charge transfer have a potential to impact the Catalysis and Renewable Energy industrial sectors. There is a potential societal benefit in terms of efficient, clean renewable energy production. To maximise opportunities here we will continue to work with industrial contacts (e.g. in Johnson Matthey) and to develop new opportunities through our Corporate Partnerships team. An Impact Workshop is planned at the end of the 3rd year of our project to bring together both academic and industrial beneficiaries of our research.
5. The topic of quantum science impacting new technology is an excellent one for promoting science and scientific research to a wider audience, and can be used both in outreach to schools to increase the numbers taking up STEM subjects and more generally to increase public understanding and awareness of the value of scientific research.
1. Training of postdoctoral, doctoral and masters students in the advanced methods of ultrafast optics will enhance the UK's skilled workforce in industrial sectors where we already have strengths such as lasers and optical systems for biomedical and clinical applications, lasers and non-linear optics for defence technology, and staffing of national infrastructure and capabilities (e.g. AWE, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Diamond Light Source and the Central Laser Facility). These skilled researchers will also be vital in maintaining UK competitiveness in high intensity and X-ray Free Electron Laser science, to allow us to exploit the opportunities offered by the array of international facilities (e.g. XFEL, LCLS, FERMI, SACLA, ELI-ALPS).
2. Training of postdoctoral, doctoral and masters students in high performance computing and software engineering will support a healthy pipeline of people with advanced abilities that is vital to sustain growth areas such as data science, cyber security and artificial intelligence.
3. Our hollow fibre based few-cycle laser technology is already in the process of commercialisation and we expect further innovations developed through this project to follow a similar path.
4. The research outcomes in control of molecular excited states, energy and charge transfer have a potential to impact the Catalysis and Renewable Energy industrial sectors. There is a potential societal benefit in terms of efficient, clean renewable energy production. To maximise opportunities here we will continue to work with industrial contacts (e.g. in Johnson Matthey) and to develop new opportunities through our Corporate Partnerships team. An Impact Workshop is planned at the end of the 3rd year of our project to bring together both academic and industrial beneficiaries of our research.
5. The topic of quantum science impacting new technology is an excellent one for promoting science and scientific research to a wider audience, and can be used both in outreach to schools to increase the numbers taking up STEM subjects and more generally to increase public understanding and awareness of the value of scientific research.

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Threshold Photoelectron Spectrum of Cyclobutadiene: Comparison with Time-Dependent Wavepacket Simulations.
in The journal of physical chemistry letters

Danilov D
How electronic superpositions drive nuclear motion following the creation of a localized hole in the glycine radical cation.
in The Journal of chemical physics

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Quantum Interference Paves the Way for Long-Lived Electronic Coherences.
in Physical review letters

Gerlach M
Photoelectron spectroscopy and dissociative photoionization of fulminic acid, HCNO.
in The Journal of chemical physics

Olivucci M
Unlocking the Double Bond in Protonated Schiff Bases by Coherent Superposition of S1 and S2.
in The journal of physical chemistry letters

Tran T
Control of nuclear dynamics in the benzene cation by electronic wavepacket composition.
in Communications chemistry

Tran T
The quantum-Ehrenfest method with the inclusion of an IR pulse: Application to electron dynamics of the allene radical cation.
in The Journal of chemical physics
Description | Our simulations show that it appears to be possible to steer the photo-chemical response of benzene by ionising the molecule using different light pulses. These lead to creating different electronic wavepackets that dictate the subsequent nuclear motion. In the case of benzene this can lead to the molecule fragmenting at different parts of the ring. This has lead to subsequent work on using Schiff base and glycine as the molecule of interest. The work on glycine control has lead to potential attochemistry experiments to test the predictions. In addition, we have used simulations to show that a pair of short laser pulses with a well-defined time-delay between them can be used to alter the coherence between a pair of states after a molecule is ionised. As a side-project, work together a group in Wurzburg, we used our simulation code to calculate the photo-electrum spectrum for cyclobutadiene. The match with experiment proved that they had indeed seen this short-lived molecule and were able to provide new data on it. |
Exploitation Route | The results will influence fundamental experiments probing the interaction of light and molecules as it shows how different molecular preparations can result in different outcomes. This needs to be experimentally tested. |
Sectors | Other |