Radiation tolerant rapid criticality monitoring (REACTION)
Lead Research Organisation:
Lancaster University
Department Name: Engineering
In March 2011 a magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean off the northeast coast of Japan's Honshu island. Named the Great East Japan Earthquake by the Japanese government, it triggered a massive tsunami that flooded more than 200 square miles of coastal land. This devastating disaster caused a series of catastrophic failures resulting in the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and initiated a nuclear emergency. Reactor meltdown occurs when the cooling systems used to maintain and control the temperature of the nuclear fuel fails. The fuel then heats up uncontrollably and breaches the containment vessel or creates enough pressure to cause an explosion. Reactor meltdown occurred at all three reactors at Fukushima, resulting in fuel debris collecting at the base of the reactors.
Criticality is the condition where a nuclear fission reactor becomes self-sustaining. Unintentional criticality of a stricken reactor, i.e. recriticality, of the fuel debris is a major concern for the decommissioning members of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. Despite the unlikelihood of recriticality, the possibility of it occurring cannot be discounted completely if a series of conditions were to occur simultaneously. The radiation produced by recriticality cannot pass through the concrete walls surrounding the reactor, which is beneficial for containment of immediate risk, but problematic for determining via standoff monitoring if recriticality has occurred until it is too late to take remedial action. Conversely, the radiation inside the reactor, amongst other extremes, is so intense that it presents another challenge as it can easily damage electronics and saturate radiation detectors.
This project aims to develop and deploy a ruggedised, radiation-tolerant sensor system capable of real-time detection of subtle changes in the highly radioactive environment inside the stricken reactors to rapidly detect recriticality should it occur. Such technology is also applicable to the UK's nuclear decommissioning challenges and world leading research in fusion energy.
Criticality is the condition where a nuclear fission reactor becomes self-sustaining. Unintentional criticality of a stricken reactor, i.e. recriticality, of the fuel debris is a major concern for the decommissioning members of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. Despite the unlikelihood of recriticality, the possibility of it occurring cannot be discounted completely if a series of conditions were to occur simultaneously. The radiation produced by recriticality cannot pass through the concrete walls surrounding the reactor, which is beneficial for containment of immediate risk, but problematic for determining via standoff monitoring if recriticality has occurred until it is too late to take remedial action. Conversely, the radiation inside the reactor, amongst other extremes, is so intense that it presents another challenge as it can easily damage electronics and saturate radiation detectors.
This project aims to develop and deploy a ruggedised, radiation-tolerant sensor system capable of real-time detection of subtle changes in the highly radioactive environment inside the stricken reactors to rapidly detect recriticality should it occur. Such technology is also applicable to the UK's nuclear decommissioning challenges and world leading research in fusion energy.
Planned Impact
The environmental and societal impacts of generating nuclear energy cannot be overstated, whilst the nuclear industry has received national and international media coverage for many years, especially for waste disposal. Nuclear decommissioning has been estimated to cost the UK taxpayer between £90bn and £200bn over the next 100 years, generate an extensive inventory of environmentally harmful waste to be dispose of, and potentially pose a high risk to human health and safety. Furthermore, investment in building new nuclear infrastructure before 2030 is estimated at £60bn and the cost of building and operating a geological disposal facility is around £12bn. Internationally, the corresponding figures are huge, with the global nuclear decommissioning cost estimated at £1tn.
Translating the 'radiation tolerant rapid criticality monitoring' aims of this project into industry would however dramatically enhance our knowledge of nuclear environments, leading to accelerated decommissioning, decreased risk to human health and safety, reduction in the detrimental environmental effect by enabling waste segregation, and significantly reducing costs to the UK taxpayer. This represents enormous benefits to society in the UK and internationally. The project will also have an impact on the research and development in academia, end-user industry of new nuclear fission approaches, and a greater understanding of the fusion reactor environment leading to accelerated introduction of safer more efficient low-carbon energy supplies for the benefit of society.
Translating the 'radiation tolerant rapid criticality monitoring' aims of this project into industry would however dramatically enhance our knowledge of nuclear environments, leading to accelerated decommissioning, decreased risk to human health and safety, reduction in the detrimental environmental effect by enabling waste segregation, and significantly reducing costs to the UK taxpayer. This represents enormous benefits to society in the UK and internationally. The project will also have an impact on the research and development in academia, end-user industry of new nuclear fission approaches, and a greater understanding of the fusion reactor environment leading to accelerated introduction of safer more efficient low-carbon energy supplies for the benefit of society.
- Lancaster University (Lead Research Organisation)
- Shizuoka University (Collaboration)
- University of Manchester (Collaboration)
- Hybrid Instruments Ltd (Collaboration)
- Kobe City College of Technology (Collaboration)
- Okayama University (Collaboration)
- Jacobs Engineering Group (Collaboration)
- East China University of Science and Technology (Collaboration)
- Hybrid Instruments (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)

Zhang Z
Comparison of Neutron Detection Performance of Four Thin-Film Semiconductor Neutron Detectors Based on Geant4.
in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Description | This work set out to develop and deploy a radiation-hard sensor system capable of in-situ, real-time detection of neutrons in a high gamma-flux environment and demonstrate its ability to perform rapid re-criticality detection. To achieve this, three key innovative areas of study were proposed; 1. Detectors: Model, design and commission organic scintillation detectors optimised to maximise radiation hardness and to minimise gamma saturation based on the anticipated high-radiation environments. As part of risk mitigation, the study will also consider exploring other radiation hard technologies, e.g. diamond and silicon carbide (SiC). This work, in terms of modelling and design, has progressed as intended. Modelling software has been used to study the relationship between detector-volume-to-surface-area ratio for various detector shapes made of organic scintillants and the detector efficiency for both gammas and neutrons. This work also looked how detector geometry influences the quality by which the scintillation detector can discern between neutron and gamma events, known as PSD. This is the first comprehensive study which provides insight into how organic scintillation detector geometry affects PSD performance and alters relative efficiencies - typically it is different detector compositions which influence its performance with respect to the above. In unison to this work, several simulation studies have been conducted that have investigated how the thickness of semiconductor detectors influence the neutron and gamma detection efficiencies. Semiconductor materials have an inherent resistance to radiation damage and require a converter layer unlike organic scintillation detectors which can detect neutrons directly. Semiconductor materials studied include gallium oxide, gallium nitride, diamond and silicon carbide. Converter layers for use with these four semiconductor materials included lithium fluoride and boron carbide. This work has provided insight into the optimum layer thickness for both semiconductor and converter layer for neutron detection efficiency whilst minimising gamma detection efficiency. This work has also provided a comparison in terms of their resistance to radiation damage of these semiconductor materials. Several semiconductor-based detectors have since been fabricated with in-kind support and these are to be experimentally tested over the next quarter. 2. Electronics: Design and commission a state-of-the-art radiation tolerant, multichannel, digital analyser based on an optoelectronic gate array. This element of the study is being performed by our Japanese partner. 3. Firmware: Deploy a proprietary real-time pulse shape discrimination algorithm on to the commissioned digital analyser whilst integrating research developed real-time multiplicity functionality. Firmware development and deployment will commence once international travel restrictions are relaxed as these activities rely on in-person consultation. |
Exploitation Route | It is hoped that detector manufactures and experimental scientists will make use of this research to better inform their detector material selection and geometric design for specific purposes and nuclear environments. |
Sectors | Energy Security and Diplomacy |
Description | Radiation Hardened robotics for remote INspectiOn - RHINO |
Amount | £504,102 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/X022331/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 11/2022 |
End | 03/2025 |
Title | A simulated EJ276 plastic scintillator for neutron/gamma pulse shape discrimination in GEANT4 |
Description | A model of plastic scintillation detection media in cylindrical and conical geometries, generated using the GEANT4 monte carlo code. The model includes the optical properties of EJ276 plastic scintillator, that are suited to neutron/gamma pulse shape discrimination. |
Type Of Material | Computer model/algorithm |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Data generated from this model show that the conical detection volumes, composed of EJ276, have a higher ratio of neutron absorbtion compared to incident gamma-rays of the same energy, than compared to similar sized cyclindrical volumes of EJ276. This difference could provide an increase in the pusle shape discrimination performance, allowing more rapid and accurate detection of neutrons in high gamma-ray environments. |
Title | Simulated neutron and gamma-ray absorption characteristics in cylindrical and conical plastic scintillation geometries. |
Description | A dataset of simulated neutron and gamma-ray interactions with plastic scintillation detection media in cylindrical and conical geometries, generated using the GEANT4 monte carlo code. The dataset covers the total energy absorbed, ratio of neutron-to-gamma energy absorption, and time taken for scintillation photons to reach the bialkali photocathode. Simulated cycldrical and concial detection media were composed of the EJ276 plastic scinitllation material, with volumes between 0.276 - 269 cm3. Neutron and gamma-ray particles were simulated in an energy range of 0.1 - 10 MeV across a range of angles of incidence. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Patterns in the data show that the conical detection volumes, composed of EJ276, have a higher ratio of neutron absorbtion compared to incident gamma-rays of the same energy, than compared to similar sized cyclindrical volumes of EJ276. This difference could provide an increase in the pusle shape discrimination performance, allowing more rapid and accurate detection of neutrons in high gamma-ray environments. |
Description | Collaboration formed with Barry Lennox on UK-Japan Phase 9 |
Organisation | University of Manchester |
Department | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The UK-Japan Phase 6 REACTION project resulted in a new collaboration with Barry Lennox on a UK-Japan Phase 9 proposal which was successfully funded. |
Collaborator Contribution | New UK co-investigator for a UK-Japan Phase 9 proposal. |
Impact | Secured £500k UK-Japan Phase 9 funding (EPSRC) |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration formed with Jacobs |
Organisation | Jacobs Engineering Group |
Country | United States |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Access to cutting edge research with commercial value. |
Collaborator Contribution | Supporting letter for a UK-Japan Phase 9 proposal. Attendance at Independent Advisory Board meetings, workshops and other outreach and dissemination activities Access to staff members who have decades of nuclear robotic application experience Supporting secondment opportunities for PhD students and PDRAs to collaborate on projects with our organisation where relevant Providing access to mock-up equipment and test facilities where appropriate Participating in dissemination activities in Japan and UK |
Impact | Successfully fund UK-Japan Phase 9 project (RHINO - Radiation hardened robotics for remote inspection) worth £500k |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | In kind support |
Organisation | East China University of Science and Technology |
Country | China |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Research team member travelled to East China University of Technology, Nanchang, to facilitate future collaborative research projects and to learn from and engage in intellectual and research endeavours with the University's faculty members. |
Collaborator Contribution | The Nuclear Radiation Detection Laboratory at the East China University of Technology has a range of experimental equipment for semiconductor growth and electrode fabrication such as Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) and magnetron sputtering equipment. With the assistance and cooperation of the laboratory, several semiconductor-based neutron detectors have been grown. These include thin-film and microstructure Si and AlGaAs semiconductor neutron detectors with a LiF converter layers. |
Impact | This work is currently being written up. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Named collaborator: Hybrid Instruments Ltd. |
Organisation | Hybrid Instruments Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Opportunity for UK company to break into new market. |
Collaborator Contribution | The Hybrid Instrument team is expert in ultra-fast digital instrumentation design and real-time digital signal processing for radiation measurements with a track record in delivering bespoke hardware with these capabilities. |
Impact | Detailed design of electronics for inclusion in reports and steering R&D activities; core project deliverables. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Project partners for the UK-Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme Phase 6 REACTION project |
Organisation | Kobe City College of Technology |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Our research team has made the following contributions to this collaboration: 1. Performed detector modelling and design of organic scintillation detectors and semiconductor detectors that are optimised to maximise radiation hardness and to minimise gamma saturation in high-radiation environments. 2. Enabled access to a proprietary real-time pulse shape discrimination algorithms and access to lead developers of the aforementioned algorithms. |
Collaborator Contribution | The following contributions have been made by our partners to this collaboration: 1. Access to state-of-the-art radiation tolerant optoelectronic-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and holographic memory. 2. Access to 4 kGy/h gamma irradiation facility, Radiochemistry Research Laboratory at Shizuoka University. 3. Contact with experts at Kobe City College of Technology. |
Impact | This collaboration is multi-disciplinary. It brings together experts in MCNP transport code modelling (Lancaster University), optoelectronic FPGA and holographic memory developers (Shizuoka University, now Okayama University and Kobe City College of Technology), and experts digital electronics and hardware configuration fro real-time analysis (Lancaster University). |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Project partners for the UK-Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme Phase 6 REACTION project |
Organisation | Okayama University |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Our research team has made the following contributions to this collaboration: 1. Performed detector modelling and design of organic scintillation detectors and semiconductor detectors that are optimised to maximise radiation hardness and to minimise gamma saturation in high-radiation environments. 2. Enabled access to a proprietary real-time pulse shape discrimination algorithms and access to lead developers of the aforementioned algorithms. |
Collaborator Contribution | The following contributions have been made by our partners to this collaboration: 1. Access to state-of-the-art radiation tolerant optoelectronic-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and holographic memory. 2. Access to 4 kGy/h gamma irradiation facility, Radiochemistry Research Laboratory at Shizuoka University. 3. Contact with experts at Kobe City College of Technology. |
Impact | This collaboration is multi-disciplinary. It brings together experts in MCNP transport code modelling (Lancaster University), optoelectronic FPGA and holographic memory developers (Shizuoka University, now Okayama University and Kobe City College of Technology), and experts digital electronics and hardware configuration fro real-time analysis (Lancaster University). |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Project partners for the UK-Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme Phase 6 REACTION project |
Organisation | Shizuoka University |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Our research team has made the following contributions to this collaboration: 1. Performed detector modelling and design of organic scintillation detectors and semiconductor detectors that are optimised to maximise radiation hardness and to minimise gamma saturation in high-radiation environments. 2. Enabled access to a proprietary real-time pulse shape discrimination algorithms and access to lead developers of the aforementioned algorithms. |
Collaborator Contribution | The following contributions have been made by our partners to this collaboration: 1. Access to state-of-the-art radiation tolerant optoelectronic-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and holographic memory. 2. Access to 4 kGy/h gamma irradiation facility, Radiochemistry Research Laboratory at Shizuoka University. 3. Contact with experts at Kobe City College of Technology. |
Impact | This collaboration is multi-disciplinary. It brings together experts in MCNP transport code modelling (Lancaster University), optoelectronic FPGA and holographic memory developers (Shizuoka University, now Okayama University and Kobe City College of Technology), and experts digital electronics and hardware configuration fro real-time analysis (Lancaster University). |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | EPSRC Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | The overarching aim of the JUNO project is to nurture and network the UK and Japan academic communities in civil nuclear energy, leading to the collaborative development of novel methodologies and tools, to address common challenges in decommissioning and waste management, reactor safety and regulation, nuclear energy policy, public communication and engagement, and environmental safety. The JUNO Network will build on the existing portfolio of bi-lateral projects established through the EPSRC / MEXT sponsored UK - Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme [1-3], to facilitate enhanced networking, collaboration, and annual engagement, between the UK and Japan academic communities. The Network investigators will leverage their experience and existing links to lead Network activities in their domains of expertise. The priority objectives of the Network were established with due regard to development of the UK - Japan Nuclear Dialogue [4-6]: 1) To deliver an annual meeting for grant holders in the UK - Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme, to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange between these projects. 2) To effectively network the wider UK and Japan research communities in the core themes of the Network, maintaining an agile approach to new priorities, within the framework of the UK - Japan Nuclear Dialogue. 3) To hold scientific meetings / conferences which bring together researchers in the core themes of the Network, in the UK and Japan, together with practitioners in industry and decision makers from government agencies. 4) To deliver activities and initiatives to stimulate and pump-prime innovative ideas and develop research collaborations and proposals in the challenge themes. 5) To engage and bring together, where possible, ongoing research projects, CDTs and Networks in the EPSRC nuclear fission portfolio, to enhance UK - Japan collaboration References 1. UK Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme, 2014 2. UK Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme Phase 2, 2015 3. Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme Phase 3, 2016 4. Second Annual UK-Japan Nuclear Dialogue, 2013 5. Third Annual UK-Japan Nuclear Dialogue, 2014 6. Fourth Annual UK-Japan Nuclear Dialogue, 2015 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
URL | https://juno.ac.uk |