CBET-EPSRC: Developing Standardized Cell-Free Platforms for Rapid Prototyping of Complex Synthetic Biology Circuits and Pathways

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Infectious Disease


Synthetic biology is an emerging field of engineering that aims to establish a systematic framework for the design of biological systems based on a 'bottom-up' approach for the reconstruction of complex bio-molecular systems. The application of an engineering approach to design is attractive, as many engineering parallels can be identified in living systems. However, biological systems are highly complex and dynamic and difficult to engineer. Rapid characterization of particular biological parts and devices requires new methods as existing methods are inefficient and error prone, and require extensive time-consuming experiments.

An alternative to current methods is the use ell-free systems for rapid characterization. Cell-free systems are cell extracts that contain all the machinery that allows biological parts to function and as such one can analyse many parts quickly without using living cells. This therefore speeds up the whole process. However, cell free systems can be variable and the results can be different between different researchers. The overall goal of this project is to further advance standardized cell-free systems using both computer models and new biochemical measurement tools. Such standardized systems will both explore the boundaries of cell-free prototyping and characterization, and enable more detailed understanding of key mechanisms, accelerating the usage and broader utility of cell-free systems in industry and academia.

Planned Impact

The project will benefit the emerging and interdisciplinary academic research field of synthetic biology. The development of standardised and robust cell-free TX-TL systems will enable a wide range of researchers to adopt TX-TL as a prototyping platform to enable the synthetic biology design cycle. In addition it will also allow researchers to explore TX-TL systems for implementing complex genetic circuit design including complex logic gates and oscillators including the development of mathematical models that describe their behaviour. In addition researchers interested in biosynthetic pathway and biosensor design will be able to utilise TX-TL systems for enzyme discovery, flux optimisation and biosensor implementation. Chemical biologists interested in the origins of life would also benefit from a more quantitative analyses of cell free reactions.

The project will also benefit biotechnology start-ups and diagnostic companies interested in biomanufacturing and bio-sensing. Recent ground breaking work by Jim Collins in the US led to a 'proof-of-concept' study that implemented cell free TX-TL extracts as paper-based biosensors in relation to 'point of care' diagnostics and disease detection. There is a growing expectation and excitement around TX-TL systems providing highly novel and attractive solutions for detection and sensing in many industrial sectors including healthcare, food manufacturing and environmental applications like pollution management and water quality. The proposed project will contribute fundamental knowledge to making cell free bio-sensing systems reproducible, reliable and robust and it is possible that aspects of the project could lead to commercialisation opportunities both in the UK and US.


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Description We have been developing a mammalian cell free system to carry out different synthetic biology applications. Given COVID and the use of mRNA vaccines, we have formed a collaboration with Robin Shattock (Imperial) to use cell free systems to reconstitute a self replicating RNA vaccine. The aim is to try and improve the design of the vaccine using rapid prototyping methods and we have preliminary data to show that we can make some of the key viral proteins using our cell free system. This is the first step in applying cell free systems to self- replicating RNA vaccine design. WE have reconstituted the first part of the self-replicaton systems in a HeLa cell free systems and imaged it using cryo-EM.

In collaboration with the Murray group we have discovered some key metabolic pathways thats are used in cell free extract protein expression. A whole extract metabolic model is currently being developed. Also we have developed a computational model for using a minimal cell free systems called PURE and are now testing this to see if we can improve the activity of PURE using alternative energy sources.
Exploitation Route We are hoping that our system will allow new types of self-replicating RNA vaccines designs to be developed against different diseases including COVID. We are also hoping to understand cell free extract metabolism to improve extract performance.
Sectors Healthcare

Description The collaboration with Richard Murray and Caltech has led to the development of a Schmidt Futures award on policy development for standards and metrics for engineering biology and a global bioeconomy. Richard sits on the SF board of advisors and through his network I was able to submit a proposal aimed at identifying technical standards and metrics that could be used to drive a global bioeconomy. The project was funded and resulted in three regional workshops (Americas, Europe and Asia) with stakeholders including industry, start-ups, academic and policy makers.. Three regional reports have been completed and the final report with recommendations will be launched at synbiobeta in May 2024. The impact of thsi project is yet to be assessed but many global stakeholders and government agencies are keen to see a copy once complete.
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description Impact Acceleration Award - Engineering self-amplifying RNA vaccines using mammalian cell-free expression
Amount £39,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2023 
End 05/2024
Description Research Collaboration with Prof. Richard Murray Caltech 
Organisation California Institute of Technology
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The project has allowed 6-weekly zoom meetings between both groups where new data is shared and discussed. This has already led to new research collaborations between the EPSRC PDRA (Matt Haines) and Caltech researchers. We have also broadened these meetings and included other ICL colleagues with an interest in Cell free systems.
Collaborator Contribution Sharing of data, software resources and research ideas leading to new research directions.
Impact too early
Start Year 2020
Title basicsynbio 
Description Standardized DNA assembly methods utilizing modular components provide a powerful framework to explore design spaces and iterate through Design-Build-Test-Learn cycles. Biopart Assembly Standard for Idempotent Cloning (BASIC) DNA assembly uses modular parts and linkers, is highly accurate, easy to automate, free for academic and commercial use, while enabling simple hierarchical assemblies through an idempotent format. These features facilitate various applications including pathway engineering, ribosome binding site tuning, fusion protein engineering and multiplex gRNA expression. In this work we present basicsynbio, an open-source software encompassing a Web App (https://basicsynbio.web.app/) and Python Package (https://github.com/LondonBiofoundry/basicsynbio). With basicsynbio, users can access commonly used BASIC parts and linkers while robustly designing new parts and assemblies with exception handling for common design errors. Furthermore, users can export sequence data and create build instructions for manual or acoustic liquid-handling platforms. The generation of build instructions relies on the BasicBuild Open Standard which is easily parsed for bespoke workflows while serializable in Java Script Object Notation for transfer and storage. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact We demonstrate basicsynbio by assembling a collection of 30 BASIC-compatible vectors using various sequences including modules from the Standard European Vector Architecture (SEVA). The BASIC SEVA collection encompasses plasmids containing six antibiotic resistance markers and five origins of replication from different compatibility groups, including a temperature-sensitive variant. We made this collection available for users on Addgene under an OpenMTA agreement. Furthermore, these sequences are accessible from within the basicsynbio application programming interface along with other collections of parts and linkers, providing an ideal environment to design BASIC DNA assemblies for bioengineering applications. 
URL https://basicsynbio.web.app/