Antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia: A unified One Health strategy to optimise antibiotic use in animals and humans

Lead Research Organisation: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Department Name: Infectious and Tropical Diseases


Antibiotic medicines are a vital resource for treating bacterial infections both in humans and in animals. Unfortunately, all around the world, some infections are becoming resistant to the antibiotics used to treat them. This could lead to a future scenario in which illnesses last longer, deaths increase, and the cost of treatment rises. Resistance additionally threatens livelihoods due to farmers' reliance on antimicrobials in livestock production to meet growing demand. Under this scenario, the greatest impact will be felt in low-income countries, where infectious diseases are common and many families lack financial security. Antibiotic resistance is now considered to be one of the biggest threats to global health. The UN General Assembly has called for concerted action by every national government to limit the development and spread of drug resistance. The World Health Organization advocates urgent action, research and investment, through both the development of new antimicrobials and more responsible use of existing drugs.

Poor prescription practices such as overuse of antibiotics, partial doses, or non-adherence to the full treatment course, all create situations which are conducive to the selection and spread of resistant mutations. Health workers, pharmacists, farmers, caregivers and patients can all help tackle resistance by only dispensing antibiotics when they are truly needed, and by using the right drug in the right quantities. Improving the use of antibiotics thus ultimately involves developing effective interventions to guide the treatment decisions made by health workers, patients and farmers to discourage indiscriminate use.

The private sector plays an important role in provision of health care in many low-income countries, with a majority of patients and farmers depending on drug shops and informal providers for medicines - and cannot be overlooked in strategies to control misuse of antibiotics. Neither can antibiotic resistance be addressed by focusing on one sector in isolation - a holistic approach is needed for the effective control of antibiotics in animals and humans. Yet regulation of the private sector is an acknowledged weakness of the health system in many low-middle income countries.

The proposed cluster aims to address this challenge. We shall pool the knowledge and insights that have been generated in six projects previously funded by GCRF, to compare the situations, norms, experiences, and motivations that affect antibiotic use in humans and animals across a range of countries in Africa and Asia - to identify processes that can deter misuse of these valuable medicines and/or incentivize good practice. Our particular focus will be on antibiotics purchased from drug shops and informal providers in rural agricultural areas with limited access to healthcare. Our projects also look at the influence of interactions between private providers, government health workers and public officials, to gain a better understanding of how health systems in low-income countries can more effectively raise the quality of care available from private providers and improve treatment practices. We shall use this collective evidence to design an overarching intervention strategy, comprised of mutually-reinforcing components, aimed at combatting misuse of antibiotics purchased from drug shops and improving rural treatment services for humans and animals. This strategy will be tested in future studies.

Ultimately, the intervention strategies we develop are intended be of value to national governments, Ministries of Health and Ministries of Agriculture, in low-middle income countries in the formulation and enactment of national plans to counter the threat of antibiotic resistance. Our findings can also be used to strengthen health services in rural areas.

Planned Impact

As antibiotic resistance is recognized as one of the greatest threats facing global public health, research on how to contain the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance is urgently needed by policy makers and national health authorities. Attempts that seek to change practice at the national level without taking into account what is happening in communities is likely to fail as it is at the frontline of medicine use that the most dramatic changes need to take place.

The proposed will provide policy-relevant data on antibiotic quality in primary health care settings and animal production in India, Uganda and other LMICs and the results will provide an essential component in the construction of workable solutions to support the prudent use of antibiotics in both settings. For example, in Uganda, the results will add to the current sustained investments in surveillance and control implemented by the Fleming fund and others in Uganda. It will provide evidence for the committee charged with implementing Uganda's first Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) National Action Plan (NAP). The Ugandan co-investigators on this application are all members of this Taskforce. Beyond Uganda, results from this research and subsequent interventions will provide a valuable case study for work in other countries with similar health care systems and challenges. In India, the research will be disseminated to the Ministry of Health, health and animal husbandry departments and members of the AMR Coordination Committee and Task Force, the Indian Pharmaceutical Association, medical associations of Indian doctors and infectious disease physicians, and informal providers and rural communities.

Similarly, other Co-Is have developed relationships with key stakeholders in Pakistan, Cambodia, Tanzania, Kenya so that our findings will extend beyond these two countries of focus. We also have a Latin American Co-I from Colombia so our stakeholder impact will extend to that region as well. These engagements will be strengthened over the duration of this project through the interactive workshops and also through the rapid feasibility/intervention readiness research that will be conducted in India and Uganda.

When we disseminate our findings, we will conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify key individuals who are likely to work as policy champions and who will identify policy windows and opportunities for policy implementation at global and national levels. We anticipate that these champions will be critical to our research being taken into policy.

Finally, we will communicate with the scientific community by publishing in international peer-reviewed journals with high impact factors. To reach the broad multidisciplinary audience to whom this research will be of interest, including those in LMICs, we shall publish in open-access journals. Results will also be actively disseminated through our professional contacts in international and regional organisations, and academic networks and invited talks. Research briefs that summarize the key findings and are designed for a policy audience will also be disseminated through the websites, newsletters and press offices of our host institutions.


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Description We are finding that there are many similarities in the factors that influence availability and use of antibiotics at community-level in agricultural communities across a range of countries in Africa, Asia and South America. These include limited access to veterinary services, economic constraints, and high reliance on informal private providers for the provision of medicines. In several places, we have also encountered instances of off-label crossover-use of antibiotics between animals and humans.
Exploitation Route The ODA cuts jeopardised the intended outcomes of this funding (a joint interdisciplinary research proposal drawing on the learnings of previously GCRF-funded grants). Ultimately, the outcomes will therefore depend on finding sources of alternative funding, which will not be realised in the timeframe of the original grant. No additional funding has been identified to date, and thus we remain unable to report significant advances in research activity outcomes as a result of this funding.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




Democracy and Justice

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Findings have been presented to non-academic audiences at stakeholder workshops in Uganda and India. The findings from this research are being considered, alongside other relevant data, in ongoing discussions amongst national stakeholders and regulators on ways of improving antimicrobial stewardship amongst humans and animals in agricultural communities.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Retail
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Co-design of a Code of Conduct for Evidence Based Marketing of Antibiotics by the Pharmaceutical Industry
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Through our work we have gathered substantial evidence on inappropriate marketing of antibiotics through pharmaceutical supply chains. There is no legal regulation of pharmaceutical marketing practices in India. Although a general code of conduct for marketing exists (Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices or UCPMP), this is a voluntary one and the industry is opposed to legalising it. Through our Task Force we are working on a code of conduct for antibiotics that can be implemented more effectively by the pharmaceutical industry and that can be integrated with the UCPMP. We have developed a new strategy of co-opting the industry into regulatory design, using modern regulatory thinking that includes the perspectives of both the regulators and the regulatees. The process has already influenced and impacted industry leaders as several big and small companies and pharma associations have stepped forward to think together and find collective solutions to this challenge.
Description WHO Working Group on Informal Markets
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact I argued for regulatory reforms for the informal sector and also for approaching the informal sector not as an isolated group of medically unqualified providers but as a network of informal and formal providers and the pharmaceutical industry, co-producing informal and irregular practices. This new insight will help the WHO working think realistically about practical solutions including innovative regulations for this parallel health system that meets the needs of the poor in many LMICs.
Description Improving Practice in Ugandan drug shops: a holistic approach to regulation
Amount Ā£136,587 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/X503010/1 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2022 
End 05/2024
Description Collaboration with Brazilian researchers working on antimicrobial stewardship 
Organisation Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)
Country Brazil 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Hosting and joint supervision of a PhD student from Brazil, on exchange programme funded by Brazilian government; Collaboration on a research paper
Collaborator Contribution Joint supervision of a Brazilian PhD student; Collaboration on a research paper
Impact None yet - this is a new multidisciplinary collaboration. Disciplines involved: Public health, veterinary medicine
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration with researchers at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) working on antimicrobial stewardship 
Organisation International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Country Kenya 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual. Researchers from ILRI have been invited to attend some of these meetings and their work on antimicrobial stewardship in livestock production systems has been informed and influenced by the insights shared by projects in our cluster.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. Researchers from ILRI have been invited to attend some of these meetings and have shared insights from their work on antimicrobial stewardship in livestock production systems with other projects in our cluster. This has expanded our collective understanding.
Impact None as yet. Findings from our cluster, including publications and unpublished theses, have been disseminated internally within their network.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation Makerere University
Department School of Public Health
Country Uganda 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Country Uganda 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation Universidad Antonio NariƱo
Country Colombia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description International network of researchers working on antibiotic stewardship using a One Health approach (Colombia, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, UK) 
Organisation West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am co-PI (together with Meenakshi Gautham, LSHTM) for this GCRF Cluster award. The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries. The work of the cluster is co-ordinated by myself and my research team at LSHTM. The cluster launched during the COVID-19 pandemic and all international research workshops to date have been virtual.
Collaborator Contribution The AgriAMU Cluster, launched in 2020, brings together a set of six GCRF-funded projects examining antibiotic stewardship in agricultural communities in Africa and Asia. Lead researchers from these six projects meet regularly to share findings and insights gained from their work, to make cross-country comparisons, to identify and critically examine common challenges to antibiotic stewardship in animals and humans, and to apply a One Health approach in developing a common framework for addressing these challenges, suited for use in agricultural communities in low-middle income countries.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration including the following disciplines: epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, health systems and policy research, public health, biomedicine and veterinary medicine. Members of the cluster have collaborated on two peer-reviewed articles to date (both accepted for publication in early 2021). Further cross-country collaborative outputs are in process.
Start Year 2020
Description Research collaboration with researchers in veterinary medicine to compare antibiotic use amongst humans and animals, retail sector supply and regulatory systems for human and veterinary medicines in Uganda 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Department One Health (Infectious Diseases)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Supervision of MSc students to support data collection in Uganda, data analysis and interpretation, and preparation of manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals; Ongoing discussions to identify research priorities and funding opportunities arising from these research findings. This collaboration was further strengthened and expanded through the award of the subsequent GCRF grant which culminated in an international workshop hosted in Uganda in March 2022, which brought together researchers working with human and veterinary medicine providers in India, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Brazil, Colombia and Uganda; using a One Health approach to bear on the common issue of antimicrobial stewardship amongst medicine providers in agricultural communities, to share experience, insights and solutions across countries; and a subsequent follow-up international workshop held in London in March 2023 to further develop a One Health antimicrobial stewardship framework.
Collaborator Contribution Joint supervision of MSc students to support data analysis and interpretation, and preparation of manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals; Ongoing discussions to identify research priorities and funding opportunities arising from these research findings. Researchers shared their experience, insights and One Health-informed solutions in working to improve antimicrobial stewardship amongst human and veterinary medicine providers in agricultural communities, with researchers working on similar issues from India, Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, Colombia. .
Impact A poster was presented at launch of CGIAR Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Hub at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairbi, Kenya in February 2019. A number of manuscripts are in preparation. Multidisciplinary - public health epidemiology, veterinary medicine, anthropology, chemistry (drug quality).
Start Year 2018
Description Research collaboration with respect to private health care providers in Uganda 
Organisation Makerere University
Country Uganda 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Intellectual input, including expertise in epidemiology, public health research, health system research, health economics, anthropology, intervention trials and research methods This collaboration was expanded through the award of the subsequent GCRF grant which culminated in an international workshop hosted in Uganda in March 2022, which brought together researchers working with human and veterinary medicine providers in India, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Brazil, Colombia and Uganda; using a One Health approach to bear on the common issue of antimicrobial stewardship amongst medicine providers in agricultural communities, to share experience, insights and solutions across countries. This was subsequently followed a second international workshop held in London in March 2023 to further develop the One Health antimicrobial stewardship framework created in Uganda.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input, including expertise in public health research, health system research, intervention trials and research methods Experience in conducting research in low-income settings New collaborations with researchers with expertise in One Health added in 2018. Makerere University organised and hosted an international workshop in March 2022, at which researchers shared their experience, insights and One Health-informed solutions in working to improve antimicrobial stewardship amongst human and veterinary medicine providers in agricultural communities in Uganda, with researchers working on similar issues from India, Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, and Colombia.
Impact Hansen KS, Clarke SE, Lal S, Magnussen P & Mbonye AK. (2017) Cost-effectiveness analysis of introducing malaria diagnostic testing in drug shops: A cluster-randomised trial in Uganda. PLoS One; 12(12): e0189758. Bruxvoort KJ, Leurent B, Chandler CI, Ansah EK, Baiden F, et al. (2017) The impact of introducing malaria rapid diagnostic tests on fever case management: a synthesis of ten studies from the ACT consortium. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 97(4): 1170-1179. Hopkins H, Bruxvoort KJ, Cairns ME, Chandler CI, Leurent B, et al. (2017). Impact of introduction of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria on antibiotic prescribing: analysis of observational and randomised studies in public and private healthcare settings. BMJ; 356: j1054. Lalani M, Kitutu FE, Clarke SE & Kaur H. (2017) Antimalarial medicine quality field studies and surveys: a systematic review of screening technologies used and reporting of findings. Malaria Journal; 16(1): 197. Buregyeya E, Rutebemberwa E, LaRussa P, Lal S, Clarke SE, Hansen KS, Magnussen P & Mbonye AK. (2017). Comparison of the capacity between public and private health facilities to manage under-five children with febrile illnesses in Uganda. Malaria Journal; 16(1): 183. Mbonye AK, Buregyeya E, Rutebemberwa, E, Clarke SE, Lal S, Hansen KS, Magnussen P & LaRussa P. (2017) Referral of children seeking care at private health facilities in Uganda. Malaria Journal; 16(1): 76. Visser T, Bruxvoort K, Maloney K, Leslie T, Barat LM, et al. (2017) Introducing malaria rapid diagnostic tests in private medicine retail outlets: A systematic literature review. PLoS One; 12(3): e0173093 Burchett HE, Leurent B, Baiden F, Baltzell K, Björkman A, et al. (2017) Improving prescribing practices with rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs): synthesis of 10 studies to explore reasons for variation in malaria RDT uptake and adherence. BMJ Open; 7(3): e012973 Hutchinson E, Hutchison C, Lal S, Hansen SC, Kayendeke M, Nabirye C, Magnussen P, Clarke SE, Mbonye A, Chandler C. (2017) Introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria into the retail sector: What are the unintended consequences? BMJ Global Health, 2: e000067 Mbonye AK, Buregyeya E, Rutebemberwa E, Clarke SE, Lal S, Hansen KS, Magnussen P, LaRussa P. (2016) Prescription for antibiotics at drug shops and strategies to improve quality of care and patient safety: a cross-sectional survey in the private sector in Uganda. BMJ Open, 6: e010632. Rutebemberwa E, Buregyeya E, Lal S, Clarke SE, Hansen KS, Magnussen P, LaRussa P & Mbonye AK. (2016) Assessing the potential of rural and urban private facilities in implementing child health interventions in Mukono district, central Uganda-a cross sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 16:268 Mbonye AK, Buregyeya E, Rutebemberwa E, Clarke SE, Lal S, Hansen KS, Magnussen P & LaRussa P. (2016) Treatment and prevention of malaria in pregnancy in the private health sector in Uganda: implications for patient safety. Malaria J, 15(1):212 Mbonye A, Clarke S, Lal S, Chandler C, Hutchinson E, Hansen KS & Magnussen P. (2015). Introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria into registered drug shops in Uganda: lessons learned and policy implications. Malaria Journal 14: 448 Hutchinson E, Chandler C, Clarke SE, Lal S, Magnussen P, Kayendeke M, Nabirye C, Kizito J & Mbonye AK. (2015) "It puts life in us and we feel big": Shifts in the local health care system during the introduction of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria into drug shops in Uganda. Critical Public Health 25 (1): 48-62 Mbonye AK, Magnussen P, Lal S, Hansen KS, Cundill B, Chandler C & Clarke SE. (2015). A cluster randomised trial introducing rapid diagnostic tests into registered drug shops in Uganda: Impact on appropriate treatment of malaria. PLoS One 10 (7): e0129545
Start Year 2015
Title Clinical decision support guidelines for antibiotic usage by informal rural healthcare providers and para-veterinary workers (paravets) 
Description Through our project we established two expert groups of medical and veterinary professionals to design clinical decision making and triage guidelines focusing on appropriate antibiotic usage by informally trained rural health providers (for humans ) and paravets (for animals). These guidelines cover 6 human health infectious syndromes and 9 animal health syndromes. We assessed the feasibility of the guidelines with a small group of 20 providers. The study demonstrated the usability and acceptability of the guidelines with the first line providers. We are now looking for a technology partner to help disseminate these guidelines widely and we aim to evaluate their efficacy in changing providers' practices through an experimental study in the near future. 
Type Diagnostic Tool - Non-Imaging
Current Stage Of Development Small-scale adoption
Year Development Stage Completed 2022
Development Status Actively seeking support
Impact This is a first ever development of antibiotic guidelines for private sector frontline health workers for both humans and animals. The usage and widescale deployment/adaptation of these guidelines to other similar contexts has the potential to transform both rural healthcare and antibiotic stewardship in community settings in rural India and elsewhere. 
Description A virtual presentation for AMR scientists, practitioners and champions in India. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This presentation on the informalities of antibiotic practices that were common to informal as well as formal providers, the role of the pharmaceutical industry and the regulatory challenges, was much appreciated for its clarity and depth. In fact a senior physician cum researcher sent a funny text message afterwards: 'When I grow up I want to be a researcher like you!' The study findings inspired the audience to understand the multi-factorial and multi-stakeholder nature of the challenges and some members of this group have expressed an interest in supporting further dialogue with stakeholders.
The talk was arranged by the Indian Initiative for the Management of Infectious Diseases, and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Surgical care Delivery in LMICs at the University of Mumbai, India.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description A virtual seminar for a One Health academic group at the University of Glasgow 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact About 45 students and faculty at the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences,University of Glasgow, attended my talk on the 'challenges of antibiotic stewardship in community settings in India'. The talk was followed by an animated discussion about the study findings as well as methods, especially analytical tools. A number of interesting comparisons were identified between the India work and the experiences of some of the faculty in Tanzania. We hope to keep the dialogue going in the months to come.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Antimicrobial Stewardship Governance Workshop at the 7th Global health Systems Symposium, Bogota, Colombia 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I co-organised, with Dr. Nelson Arenas, my collaborator at the University of Antonio Narino in Bogota, Colombia, a half day workshop on 'Antibiotic stewardship in India's frontier health markets: Learning from new forms of private sector partnerships to co-design One Health interventions and influence private sector policy shifts'. We presented our work to a audience consisting of international researchers and practitioners and we also shared antibiotic usage tools and guidelines developed for frontline providers (both human and veterinary) in India with experts from Colombia and obtained their feedback.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Interview - Meenaksh Gautham - React Newsletter - 2021-01-25 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact React is a global network dedicated to advocating and stimulating global engagement on antibiotic resistance. The publication of this interview in the React newsletter led to invitations for other presentations (like the IIMAR one described separately). A research group also reached out from the University of Oslo to discuss collaboration potential.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Invited talk on One Health and the Drivers of Antibiotic Use in India, Uganda and Colombia, for the Society for One Health, University of Cambridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I delivered an invited one-hour lecture on One Health and the drivers of antibiotic use in India, Uganda and Colombia at the ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE: ONE HEALTH CONFERENCE 2023. This was organised by the CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ONE HEALTH SOCIETY AND ONE HEALTH BRISTOL, comprising mainly post graduate students of One Health. The lecture was very well received and I was asked several questions by the audience ranging from policy challenges to provider attitudinal barriers. I also received good feedback via linked in from one of the students who was pursuing a PhD at Cambridge.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Setting up committees for development of standard antibiotic use guidelines for para health providers in the human and veterinary sectors 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Since January 2021, our project team held extensive consultations with groups of medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical and high-level government stakeholders. All groups have strongly recommended four clear areas for interventions. These include tierwise guidelines for antibiotic use in human and livestock health starting with para-professionals, continuing training and orientation (ideally digital) about antibiotics for all supply chain actors and communities, prescription audits for professionals and a code of conduct for pharmaceutical industry stakeholders.

Moving forward with these recommendations, we constituted Expert Committees to work with the project team on developing a set of guidelines focusing especially at the primary level of the health care system for human and livestock health. Guidelines do not exist for para workers and this is an essential first step for standardizing antibiotic practices. The two committees are focusing on a set of priority conditions that are most frequently seen and treated with antibiotics by para health providers. A significant impact has been that medical experts who were earlier opposed to para health providers using any medicines and antibiotics have gradually shifted their views and realised that a more practical and effective approach would be to allow some essential antibiotics to be widely available so that the rest can be more strictly monitored.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Stakeholder consultations with groups of medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical and policy/regulatory stakeholders. These were conducted as part of our intervention co-design process to develop antibiotic stewardship for community settings in India. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Aim of the workshops:
To co-design, with diverse stakeholders, a One Health antibiotic stewardship intervention for community settings in India.

Objectives of the workshops:
Present evidence to stimulate reflection and dialogue amongst stakeholders regarding their roles within the healthcare system in the context of AMR.
Enable a deeper understanding of the alignments and misalignments between antibiotic stewardship practices and the realities of the health and antibiotic systems (private and public), supply chain incentives and business models, and community needs.
Engage stakeholders in the co-design of an intervention for antibiotic stewardship in primary care and community settings.
Develop and evaluate a strategy for multi-stakeholder engagement to influence policy.

We organised four workshops with groups of medical and veterinary practitioners, pharmaceutical industry leaders and senior managers, and policymakers. Workshop participants (approximately 50 in total) agreed with our study findings and participated in animated discussions. Several common recommendations that emerged across the four groups. These included:

-Development of tier-wise guidelines for antibiotic use in human and livestock health, starting at the level of the para healthcare providers (as these do not exist at present).
-Continuing training and orientation about antibiotics for all supply chain actors and communities
-Antimicrobial resistance surveillance at different tiers of the health system to understand patterns of resistance
-Prescription audits for health professionals
- Development of an evidence based code of conduct/marketing for the pharmaceutical stakeholders to align the promotion and marketing of antibiotics with guidelines.
- Strengthening mentorship and referral links between formal and informal providers in human and veterinary sectors, to create stepped care models for less accessible rural areas.
As a next step, we have established two task groups to work on antibiotic use guidelines for para health providers for human and for animal health, and a third one will develop a pharmaceutical code of conduct with industry stakeholders.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description Stakeholder workshop with Ministry of Health - October 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Following an earlier webinar series held during the period of national lockdown in June/July 2021, we were requested by the Ministry of Health to set up a regular forum to share emerging research findings and strengthen the dialogue and engagement between researchers, public health officials, drug regulators, professional councils, practitioners and other stakeholders in the medical retail sector. With the lifting of travel restrictions in late 2021, it was possible to respond to this request and to organise the first of two further in-person workshops, in October 2021. This format was much better suited to participatory group work needed to debate and probe issues, negotiate solutions and advance collaboration between stakeholders with diverse interests, operating in a highly-contested space.

This two-day workshop was convened by the Commissioner of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Uganda in collaboration with health systems researchers based at Makerere University, Uganda and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK. The aim of the workshop was to serve as a stimulus for debate on how the medical retail sector in Uganda could be strengthened and improved. The workshop opened by presenting evidence on some of the challenges seen in the medical retail sector in Uganda, including: shortages and surpluses within the health workforce; issues of regulation, corruption, perverse incentives and saturated markets; antimicrobial resistance, crossover-use of antibiotics; substandard medicines; and problems of accessing medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on their own experience, participants were encouraged to identify and rank the main challenges currently facing the medical retail sector in Uganda, and worked together to identify potential solutions to address the two top-priorities.

Participants have since reported that the series of policy-oriented research webinars and participatory workshop has led to an increased understanding and appreciation of the role of different stakeholders within the health system, a recognition of mutual interests and common concerns, and resulted in more positive relationships and interactions between regulators and private sector practitioners, than experienced hitherto. It is hoped that this has opened the door and laid the foundation for meaningful policy change going forward.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Stakeholder workshop with Ministry of Health, Uganda - March 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A participatory workshop was held on 2-3 March 2023, to discuss "critical challenges and feasible policy options for the Medicines Retail Sector in Uganda". This workshop formed the culminating part of a series of workshops held throughout 2021-23, to build bridges and foster the co-design of interventions with relevant stakeholders from the medical retail sector and national regulators with the aim of strengthening the involvement of private practitioners in public health policy with the ultimate goal of improving treatment practices at point-of-care. Presentations included findings from an international multi-country analysis of crossover-use of antibiotics obtained from human and veterinary medicine retailers in Uganda, Tanzania and India. There was been strong interest in these workshops, with high attendance, and open and frank discussions amongst a diverse set of stakeholders.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Webinar series with Ministry of Health - June/July 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A series of five half-day webinars were held in June-July 2021 to share and review research findings on the "Medical Retail Sector in Uganda: An overview of current challenges and policy options" with Ministry of Health officials, drug regulators, professional councils, practitioners and other stakeholders in the medical retail sector. Originally this has been planned as a stakeholder consultation workshop, to be held in-person, but due to national lockdown and travel restrictions in Uganda and UK, was shifted online.

The meeting was convened by the Commissioner of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Uganda in collaboration with health systems researchers based at Makerere University, Uganda and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK. The aim of the webinar series was to update professionals on policy-relevant research findings and to serve as a stimulus for debate on how the medical retail sector in Uganda could be strengthened and improved. The medical retail sector plays a critical role in access to treatment services in Uganda, for example, serving at the first point of care for over 60% of episodes of fever in children.

Evidence presented during the the five seminars included: (ii) the role of the medical retail sector within the Ugandan health system and how that has changed over time; (ii) response to the challenges of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and COVID-19 to service delivery; (iii) interventions to support antimicrobial stewardship in the retail sector; (iv) policy options to regulate and encourage quality improvement in service provision and (v) vulnerabilities and resilience within the medical retail sector: and what we can learn from COVID-19 pandemic. The webinars were well attended, with over 80 participants online, throughout the series; and generated lively debates at the end of each session.

At the end of the webinar series, we were requested by the Ministry of Health to set up a regular forum to share emerging research findings and strengthen the dialogue and engagement between public health officials and researchers. With the lifting of travel restrictions in late 2021, it was possible to respond to this request and to organise two further in-person workshops, in October 2021 and February 2022. This format was much better suited to participatory group work needed to debate and probe issues, negotiate solutions and advance collaboration between stakeholders with diverse interests, operating in a highly-contested space.

Participants have since reported that the series of policy-oriented research webinars and participatory workshops led to an increased understanding and appreciation of the role of different stakeholders within the health system, a recognition of mutual interests and common concerns, and resulted in more positive relationships and interactions between regulators and private sector practitioners, than experienced hitherto. It is hoped that this has opened the door and laid the foundation for meaningful policy change going forward.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021