OVERCOME - digital innOVation in flood Early warning and wateR-related disease prevention for COMmunity capacity building and rEsilience

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Engineering


OVERCOME consortium include world-leading organisations to develop state-of-the-art research plan that integrates digital innovations in natural hazard and risk predictions in order to develop intervention strategies for strengthening the resilience of vulnerable communities against climate hazards and health impacts.

The partners from the UK, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe will contribute knowledge and skills in climate and meteorology, hydrology and water resources, flood forecasting, droughts, water quality, epidemiology and public health, smart technologies, data science, environmental science, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), risk communication, disaster management, social and policy sciences, and socio-economics. The collaboration will combine multidisciplinary knowledge to develop a novel holistic framework to forecast the impact of floods/droughts and associated disease outbreaks. OVERCOME also has strong support from global experts and local major stakeholders. The external partners will steer research direction throughout the project, contribute their complementary knowledge, and engage the team with additional partners through their strong international networking.
OVERCOME will organise a kick-off meeting in one African partner's country to (1) brief our research ideas to the key stakeholders in African countries; (2) allow for all parties involved to learn from each other the capacity that each institution can contribute to the OVERCOME consortium; (3) understand the expectations that the stakeholders have on the project; (4) identify the knowledge gaps in research and the extra expertise required within the consortium.
Following the kick-off meeting, the lead partners in Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe will further reach out to additional partners in their countries to complement the skills within the consortium.

Networking and Capacity Building Workshops (NCBWs) will be organised to incorporate local stakeholders for co-designing research methodology and outcomes to ensure that the project outputs will be adopted by stakeholders for real-world practices to deliver long-term impact to communities. Local Stakeholder Engagement Workshops will be held for local stakeholders to review and feedback on the final second stage proposal. The participants will evaluate the objectives and planned tasks from WGs for shaping research topics to benefit most stakeholders and vulnerable communities. The engagement can also examine and guarantee the feasibility of proposed solutions.

We will also synergise with other consortia, projects, and professional groups to further strengthen the consortium, enhance the research vision, collect data for the full research, and widen the impact from the project.

Planned Impact

By integrating the hybrid modelling approach with weather forecasting information, together with the collaboration with policy makers, NGOs and affected community representatives, the OVERCOME consortium will co-design an innovate holistic framework to help governments and local authorities in the partnering countries more accurately identify the timing and locations where the hazards and diseases will hit. Digital innovations will enhance the capacity of environmental monitoring and the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of adaptation measures under different scenarios, the ultimate outcome from the project will deliver a transformative approach to improve the resilience of vulnerable communities against climatic disasters and associated health risks.

As a result, this will support the design of policies and actions to prioritise resources and investment for short-term emergency responses (SDG13) and long-term infrastructure development (SDG9) to strengthen society's resilience to environmental shocks. In turn, this will enhance WASH interventions (SDG6) and providing a sustainable environment (SDG11) to safeguard vulnerable communities and groups (SDGs3,5,15) and support economic growth in these countries (SDG8). With improved quality of life, we expect the chances and quality of education for the citizens will thrive (SDG4) to promote gender equality (SDG5) and reduce inequality (SDG10).

In the short-term, OVERCOME will identify existing gaps in climate hazards and associated disease risk management research and how digital innovation can reduce their impacts. The benefits from the collaboration and knowledge exchange between academic institutions from the global North and South and partner organisations include, but not limited to: (1) increased research capacity on mitigation and adaptation to climatic hazards and associated disease risk management, using digital tools such as ICT, remote sensing, IoT, UAV, syndromic surveillance, WhatsApp; (2) increased social and political awareness on the research topic; (3) an established African Network to discuss and find effective and efficient digital innovation solutions to climate hazards and disease risk management. In the long-term, by reducing the impacts of floods and droughts events, the project will (1) increase community and institutional resilience to climate hazards and associated diseases; (2) increase school attendance by school children, including girls; (3) reduce the time women and girls spend fetching water; (4) increase food security for all.



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Description Through intense discussions between the consortium partners and stakeholders, OVERCOME have combined multidisciplinary knowledge to develop a novel holistic framework to forecast the impact of floods/droughts and associated disease outbreaks, which digital innovations could be implemented in various stages of the framework to support both short-term crisis management and long-term strategic planning.
The impact of barriers due to pandemic restrictions were mitigated via frequent online knowledge sharing, capacity building and research co-shaping activities. The consortium members contributed knowledge and skills in climate and meteorology, hydrology and water resources, flood forecasting, droughts, water quality, epidemiology and public health, smart technologies, data science, environmental science, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), risk communication, disaster management, social and policy sciences, and socio-economics.
A series of public engagement events were organised in partnering countries to interact with various stakeholders, including national government departments and policy makers, regional planners, local authorities and local community households to identify current challenges and system capacities in existing practices at different levels for coping with the impacts of climatic hazards on vulnerable communities.
The feedback from the stakeholders have contributed to the design of OVERCOME framework and methodologies to fill the research gaps. Thus, the solutions will consider different spatiotemporal scales and the capacities of stakeholders involved in order to support decision making for high level climate change adaptations and critical infrastructure investment planning, as well as regional and local disaster prevention, citizen protection, and emergency response actions. The state-of-the-art technologies were also investigated for the possible applications to strengthen the societal resilience to flood and drought disasters and the associated public health risks.
Gender-balanced and equitable partnerships have been the core in all activities during the project, which enabled all participants to contribute their expertise and ideas freely. The consortium has benefited from this approach that partners have learned new skills from each other, maximising the capacity of the whole team. Members within the consortium gained valuable interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in working with international partners. OVERCOME received strong support from global experts and local major stakeholders. The external partners helped steer research direction throughout the project, contributed their complementary knowledge, and engaged the team with additional partners through their strong international networking.
Exploitation Route The outcomes from OVERCOME are transferable that can be adopted in other regions for upscaled applications, which will support countries developing digital innovations to strengthen the resilience to the impacts of climatic hazards and associated diseases in order to achieve multiple sustainable development goals.
The project helped all partners widening the research landscapes and networking, which created a solid partnership not only between Africa and the UK but also world-leading academics and industries in Europe and the US. This has led to a joint-research proposal submitted to a Horizon Europe bid to continue the partnership beyond the lifetime of the OVERCOME project.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description During the project, over 100 knowledge exchanging and research co-development activities were organised, enabling partners to learn from each other within the consortium and explore various methodologies for creating a research roadmap. The consortium also engaged with multiple external experts and stakeholders to gain their expertise in digital innovation, experience in disaster reduction and public health management, and advice on future research direction. This collaboration has enhanced the skills of the OVERCOME partners in analysing climatic hazards and the associated impact on society. The partnership network also expanded to EU countries and the US. The partners to share critical knowledge with each other and lead to further collaboration to improve climate/weather forecast service in Mozambique.
Sector Environment
Impact Types Societal

Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Aquobex Technologies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya
Country Spain 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Centre for Health, Agriculture, Development Research and Consulting (CHAD)
Country Malawi 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Chinhoyi University of Technology
Country Zimbabwe 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Columbia University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation DHI Group
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services Malawi
Country Malawi 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Eduardo Mondlane University
Country Mozambique 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Environmental Resources Management
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Eoxplore
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting ECMWF
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation European Commission
Department Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Ghana Meteorological Agency
Country Ghana 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Instituto Nacional de Saúde
Country Mozambique 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Ministry of Health Malawi
Country Malawi 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development
Country Malawi 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda
Department Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM)
Country Uganda 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Mozambique National Institute of Meteorology
Country Mozambique 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation National Disasters Management Institute
Country Mozambique 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation National Research Council
Department Water Research Institute
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Country Norway 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation Public Health England
Department Respiratory and Vaccine Preventable Bacteria Reference Unit
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation United Nations (UN)
Department United Nations Development Program, Malawi
Country Malawi 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation University of Colorado
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation University of Ghana
Country Ghana 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation University of Malawi - The Polytechnic
Country Malawi 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation University of West London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description OVERCOME Consortium and external partners 
Organisation University of Zimbabwe
Country Zimbabwe 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UoE reached out with UWL, AT, PHE, ECMWF, NASA, JRC, Met Norway, Eurecat, FF, UG, CU, Met Office UWL linked with UCL UCL connected with UNIMAP, CUT, ZU, EMU AT introduced UNDP, EOX INAM introduced INS, INGC, DNGRH, ERM UNIMAP introduced DCCMS, MoAIWD, DoDMA, MoHP, CHAD UG introduced GMA, WRI
Collaborator Contribution WG1 Climatic hazard analysis (Lead(L): INAM, UWL; Contribute(C): CUT, UoE, UZ; Advisor(A): ECMWF, Met Norway, PHE, UG, NASA, JRC, GMA, DCCMS) WG2 Risk assessment (L: UoE, UNIMAP; C: CUT, INAM, UWL, UZ; A: CU, DHI, PHE, UG, ECMWF, WRI, DNGRH, MoHP, CHAD) WG3 Interventions (L: CUT, UCL; C: AT, INAM, UoE, UNIMAP,UWL; A: CU, DHI, Eurecat, PHE, MoAIWD) WG4 Holistic framework (L: UoE, UZ; C: AT, CUT,UNIMAP; A: DHI, ECMWF, Eurecat, PHE, UG, FF, INGC, DoDMA)
Impact The multi-disciplinary collaboration involved international partners and a series of capacity building workshops were organised to facilitate knowledge exchange among consortium partners, as well as external collaborators.
Start Year 2020
Description AT knowledge exchange with OVERCOME partners 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact AT presented ongoing research and discussed with partners on next step research
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description CUT & ZU presented ongoing research in Zimbabwe 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact CUT & ZU presented ongoing research in Zimbabwe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Capacity building workshop in Zimbabwe 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Zimbabwe partner organised a capacity building workshop that 48 people were trained, including 36 stakeholders , 6 Agritex +6 students enumerators
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Digital innovation for flood/drought hazard adaptations and public health resilience in Africa workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Digital innovation for flood/drought hazard adaptations and public health resilience in Africa workshop was held alongside the Aqua˜360 international conference that over 200 people have participated. OVERCOME partners also actively chaired and participated in the discussions in multiple sessions in the conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://www.aqua360.net/
Description Discussion with NASA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Knowledge exchange with NASA expert and discussion on possible collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description GMA knowledge exchange with OVERCOME partners 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact GMA presented the ongoing research activites
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description GMA presented at GW4 WSA webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact GMA presented the work at GW4 WSA webinar
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description INAM knowledge exchange with OVERCOME partners 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact INAM presented ongoing research and discuss with partners on research direction
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building on EWARS 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact EMU to share knowledge on EWARS development
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with Amazon 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Presentation by Amazon on AWS applications and discussion about possible collaboration in OVERCOME
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with Colombia University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited Colombia University to share recent work with Red Cross on disaster forecasting and emergency response, and discussed about future collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with ECMWF 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited ECMWF to introduce GloFAS and exchanged research ideas on flood forecasting, as well as discussing future collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with Met Norway 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited Met Norway to give a presentation and exchanged research knowledge
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with NASA and Colorado University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited NASA and Colorado University to introduce Dartmouth Observatory and exchanged research ideas on flood monitoring, as well as discussing future collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with SANIPATH 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited SANIPATH team to share research outcome and discussed possible collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Knowledge exchange and capacity building with WUR 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact WUR invited to present knowledge on Pathogen Flow research and to discuss about further collaboration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Local communities engaged 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 10 local workshops organised in the partnering countries, including

2 district level project inception meetings (Blantyre and Chikwawa)
2 Ghana: Totope and Odorna
4 Malawi: TA Makhuwila (51 households), TA Katunga (70 households), Namiyango (TA Machinjiri) (60 households) and Chilobwe (60 households).
2 Zimbabwe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description OVERCOME LinkedIn page 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A LinkedIn page has been set up for OVERCOME. It has accumulated 50 followers, 200 unique visitors and 3000 impressions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
URL https://www.linkedin.com/company/overcome-dida/
Description OVERCOME Twitter page 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact An OVERCOME Twitter page has been set up. It has accumulated 28 followers and 11K impressions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
URL https://twitter.com/OVERCOME_DIDA
Description OVERCOME kick-off workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 40 people OVERCOME consortium participated in OVERCOME kick-off workshop. Attendees included consortium members and external collaborators.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description OVERCOME presented at UKRI GCRF DIDA workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact UoE and CUT attended UKRI GCRF workshop and presented OVERCOME
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description PHE gave a lecture on cholera pandemic 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact PHE shared insight knowledge on cholera epidemiology with OVERCOME partners
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Stakeholders engagement 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Stakeholder engagement workshops organised in the partner countries with over 100 participants in total, including
International: 43
Ghana: 29 (9 national, 13 district, 7 community)
Malawi: 4 national
Zimbabwe: 27 local
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description UCL presented OVERCOME at 10th Annual UN-SPIDER Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact UCL presented OVERCOME and space tools to assist water and sanitation management in disaster and emergency management at 10th Annual UN-SPIDER Conference
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UNIMAP presented ongoing research in Malawi 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact UNIMAP presented ongoing research work in Malawi
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UWL presented cholera and flood relationship analysis 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact UWL shared the insight on the relationship between cholera and flood/drought
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description UWL presented real-time visualisation platform 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact UWL demonstrated visualisation functionalities and discussed about OVERCOME platform
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UoE presented OVERCOME at ECEHH webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact 30 academics, researchers, postgraduate students participated in the webinar
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UoE presented OVERCOME at GW4 WSA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact UoE presented OVERCOME at GW4 WSA Continental Breakfast Briefing
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UoE presented research mapping approach 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact UoE presented research and stakeholder mapping methodology
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020