A new concept for compact radiation shielding: Reactive sintered tungsten borocarbides

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Physics


There has been no greater existential threat to humanity to date from anthropogenic climate change as a result of CO2 emissions. The effects are already apparent in terms of more extreme weather, loss of polar ice and rising sea levels. Power generation contributes to much of the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning as the worldwide demand for power continues to outstrip supply. Renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro) is limited by weather dependency, with associated issues such as energy storage and land use. Nuclear fusion has a significant role in decarbonizing global power generation but radiation shielding is a limiting factor. Creating miniature Suns is one part, but materials must exist that can withstand fusion conditions for practical fusion reactors. W-based alloys and other refractory metals are current solutions in fusion reactors, but the engineering requirements for power-generating fusion reactors exceed those in current materials.

The goal of this fellowship will demonstrate the feasibility of radiation shielding based on the Cemented Tungsten Carbides and Reactive Sintered Borides (cWC-RSB) concept in Compact Spherical Tokamaks (cSTs). cWC-RSBs can bridge the gap between current materials and the engineering requirements for a power-generating cST. cWCs-RSBs have excellent radiation absorption properties by combining heavy (W) and light elements (C, B) with the strength and toughness by combining WC with a ductile metal binder. However, cWCs have never been used in nuclear reactors to date since the use of Co (and Ni) metal as a binder alloy prevented the use of cWCs as radiation due to Co and Ni being activation hazards.

In 2014, I discovered that non-activating FeCr alloys are suitable as cWC binder alloys, with RSB development following on investigating boron additions in cWCs. Combined cWC-RSB shields have greater radiation attenuation overall, compared to cWCs alone. The first objective evaluates the thermo-mechanical properties and the safety case for shielding candidates, including high-temperature oxidization and thermal shock to in terms of worst-case scenarios, such as exposure of hot shielding to air. Experimental data on Si-coated cWCs showed that Si-coating retarded oxidization rate by 4 orders of magnitude relative to tungsten in the temperature range 900C-1200C. I will evaluate the properties of cWC-RSBs over cryogenic to failure (> 1200C) temperatures predicted for power-generating fusion reactors. While considerable data on the thermo-mechanical properties exist for cWCs since the 1930s, there is little on RSBs, given their novelty and it is crucial that thermo-mechanical properties of RSBs are well-known prior to industrialization.

The novelty of RSBs means that very little is known about their chemistry and routes to fabrication. Current processing methods are not fully optimized for dense, crack-free RSBs. The second objective aims to fill these gaps using the calculation of phase diagram method (CALPHAD) for predicting the most suitable compositions and design of experiment (DoE) methodology for the most efficient processing trials. This research demonstrates how new solutions can be derived from existing materials and techniques when a critical gap in current solutions is apparent. Recent simulations of the neutron and gamma attenuation of WC- and RSB-based shielding concepts show considerable promise. However, there is little data on the radiation response of cWCs and none on RSBs to date. For this third objective, I intend to build on current research using simulated cSTs to inform radiation experiments and experimental work simulating the range of conditions inside a cST, including ion bombardment, charged particles, and secondary radiation. Data from cWC-RSB shields in a simulated fusion reactor alongside demonstrated oxidization resistance indicates that cWC-RSB materials exceed current radiation shielding candidates in terms of radiation attenuation and safety.

Planned Impact

The potential of fusion power for the UK and its key to decarbonizing power generation and fighting anthropogenic climate change cannot be understated. With industrial manufacture of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) reaching maturity and the development of the International Experimental Reactor (ITER) paving the way for industrialization, fusion power is a practical candidate for zero-carbon power generation by 2030. One of the limiting factors for practical fusion power is that generic engineering challenges must be overcome and candidate materials must satisfy radiological, regulatory and safety concerns. W-based alloys and other refractory materials and metals are currently used in experimental fusion reactors, but the engineering requirements for power-generating fusion reactors exceed the properties of current materials. Bridging the materials gap for power-generating fusion reactors will enable fusion power to fulfil its potential to decarbonize power generation and contribute billions to the UK economy within a decade. As was the case for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) enabling the full industrialization of HTS and other technologies such as big data handling, it is anticipated that practical fusion power will have a similar, if not greater impact than the LHC within the first decade of successful demonstration of practical nuclear fusion.

Radiation shields based on cemented carbides (cWCs) and reactive sintered borides (RSBs) have the potential to fulfil generic thermo-mechanical properties and be safe in terms of activation and transmutation. A key roadblock in the development of practical fusion power is the lack of regulation concerning nuclear safety for fusion power since there is no legislation specific to nuclear fusion to date. Silicon-coated cWCs have also been demonstrated to have oxidization kinetics, orders of magnitude slower than tungsten metal between 900C - 1200C in air, a strong safety factor when considering a loss of coolant and exposure of hot radiation shield to air. Experimental compact spherical tokamaks (cSTs) have limited space for shielding due to geometry, particularly the central column. The extreme environment of cST will serve to demonstrate the safety and utility of the cWC-RSB shielding concept for other applications including but not limited to conventional nuclear power. Data on their thermo-mechanical properties and interactions with parts within a fusion reactor will prove their practicality outside nuclear power.

Key first stage beneficiaries will be those in academia but this research will have a direct impact on the nuclear industry and related beneficiaries including the powder metallurgy and refractory materials industries. The links between academic and industrial partners from the beginning of this fellowship will make rapid industrialization of cWC-RSB and power generating fusion reactors possible within the decade. The strong industrial basis that underpinned the development of non-activating cWCs and RSB materials will demonstrate the scalability of these materials in an industrial context, a major issue when considering any new concept in functional materials.
Second stage beneficiaries will include academic and industrial users of radioactive materials and irradiating environments and industrialization of cWCs-RSBs materials. This is a wide field covering medicine, industrial isotopes, mining, and minerals. Within the UK, the MoD, UKSA/ESA, and the NHS will see the benefits of compact radiation shielding materials in terms of safer handling of radioactive materials. Overall, if the cWC-RSB concept is successfully demonstrated within cSTs, this will enable the rapid adoption of power generating fusion reactors in the UK and the world-wide decarbonization of power generation within the next 10-20 years.
Description 1. Radiation Dense Reactive Sintered Borides can be sintered using conventional powder metallurgy methods with a range of compositions. These materials are potential candidates for neutron absorbers in applications such as compact fusion reactors with superconducting magnets where space is limited and temperature gradients are extreme. Superconducting magnets are particularly vulnerable to neutron damage and RSBs offer a potential solution as a compact inner shield.

2. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) can be used to evaluate radiation effects in proton and gamma irradiated cemented tungsten carbides (cWC) and Reactive Sintered Borides (RSBs). This is a proof of principle that information obtained from EBSD can be used to evaluate the effects of radiation damage in irradiated materials and that it is possible to discern between processing edge effects and radiation effects
Exploitation Route The use of EBSD as another technique of evaluating irradiated materials - next stage would be to investigate active irradiated materials
Sectors Energy


Description Research has reaffirmed collaborative ties with businesses and research institutes, specifically Tokamak Energy for assistance in neutronic calculations as part of RSB development and Hyperion MT, who own the current patents on RSB and low-activation cWCs. Hyperion MT has supplied this project with cWC milling media and samples at cost. This has also generated an NDA between Tokamak Energy and Hyperion MT to enable both parties to discuss business-specific parts of collaboration under a separate NDA.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Energy,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Description 'Reacted Sintered borides and Cemented Tungsten Borides for nuclear shielding applications'
Amount £68,116 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 03/2025
Description Experiment 218/MCF518 "Evaluation of Stress and surface effects in He and Fe-ion bombarded cemented tungsten carbide (cWC) and reactive sintered borides (RSB) at reactor temperatures" 
Organisation Dalton Cumbria Facility
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sintering and qualification of larger RSB samples to enable suitable irradiation samples (dogbone geometry) for high-temperature ion bombardment. Test samples were fabricated from the largest RSB samples to date, demonstrating the reproducibility of RSB sintering methods and tractability of RSB materials. cWC samples machined as for RSB samples for ease of use and target mounting. Design of experiment informed from the results of experiment 2022-107.
Collaborator Contribution First simultaneous dual-beam He-Fe irradiation on cWC and RSB materials at elevated temperatures. This is the first experiment of its kind since the re-commissioning of the tandem beam ion accelerators to implant 2.5 MeV He ions and 8 MeV Fe ions into cWC and RSB materials to simulate (1) effects of high energy ion sputtering (more relevant to cWC) and (2) attempt to simulate longer term neutron damage with the intent of forming pores and dislocations from energetic ion bombardment (RSBs). Three experiments in total with cWC and RSB targets: 400C, 550C and 700C - all are potential first wall or near first wall temperatures in practical fusion reactor designs. Samples were received from the DCF Institute to the University of Warwick for inspection then dispatched to the TANIST facility at The University of Manchester which is funded by the the Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials, funded through EPSRC grants EP/R00661X/1, EP/S019367/1, EP/P025021/1 and EP/P025498/1
Impact This collaboration also works with the Royce Institute and the University of Manchester for some of the post-processing experiments. Data will be presented initially at the 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024) in Dublin in September and NuMat: the Nuclear Materials Conference in Singapore in October 2024
Start Year 2023
Description Experiment 218/MCF518 "Evaluation of Stress and surface effects in He and Fe-ion bombarded cemented tungsten carbide (cWC) and reactive sintered borides (RSB) at reactor temperatures" 
Organisation Henry Royce Institute
Department Henry Royce Institute – University of Manchester Facilities
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sintering and qualification of larger RSB samples to enable suitable irradiation samples (dogbone geometry) for high-temperature ion bombardment. Test samples were fabricated from the largest RSB samples to date, demonstrating the reproducibility of RSB sintering methods and tractability of RSB materials. cWC samples machined as for RSB samples for ease of use and target mounting. Design of experiment informed from the results of experiment 2022-107.
Collaborator Contribution First simultaneous dual-beam He-Fe irradiation on cWC and RSB materials at elevated temperatures. This is the first experiment of its kind since the re-commissioning of the tandem beam ion accelerators to implant 2.5 MeV He ions and 8 MeV Fe ions into cWC and RSB materials to simulate (1) effects of high energy ion sputtering (more relevant to cWC) and (2) attempt to simulate longer term neutron damage with the intent of forming pores and dislocations from energetic ion bombardment (RSBs). Three experiments in total with cWC and RSB targets: 400C, 550C and 700C - all are potential first wall or near first wall temperatures in practical fusion reactor designs. Samples were received from the DCF Institute to the University of Warwick for inspection then dispatched to the TANIST facility at The University of Manchester which is funded by the the Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials, funded through EPSRC grants EP/R00661X/1, EP/S019367/1, EP/P025021/1 and EP/P025498/1
Impact This collaboration also works with the Royce Institute and the University of Manchester for some of the post-processing experiments. Data will be presented initially at the 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024) in Dublin in September and NuMat: the Nuclear Materials Conference in Singapore in October 2024
Start Year 2023
Description Experimental 156 "Dilatometry and Thermal Stress Investigations of Candidate cWC and RSB Materials" 
Organisation Bangor University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Introduction of the cWC-RSB concept and sample materials for BUFFF to have for their own use. Materials also comprise sintered and mixed powder materials. This work was also the first demonstration of the visual dilatometer post-repair as a qualification of principle.
Collaborator Contribution Combined DTA/DSC and sintering studies with the visual dilatometer on a selection of RSB compositions. This is the first time visual dilatometry has been used to film sintering in situ of any cermet. These results are to be shown for the first time at the International Conference on the Science of Hard Materials in March.
Impact This multi-disciplinary collaboration incorporates high-temperature chemistry and qualification of the RSB concept as a practical fusion material. This work focuses on acquiring data on the sinterability of RSBs and will be used to inform the sintering process with Hyperion, alongside archive data on mass-spectrometry and TGA/DSC. This work will be premiered at the International Conference on the Science of Hard Materials as part of a review on the development of RSB materials.
Start Year 2023
Description Proposal 2022-107 "Irradiation of tungsten boro-carbide candidate radiation materials" 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department Dalton Cumbrian Facility
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This experiment marks the first irradiation experiment on candidate compact radiation-dense materials; low activation cemented tungsten carbide (cWC) and reactive sintered borides (RSBs) at ambient and non ambient temperatures. This work has resulted in one publication so far with one submitted, two pending and work featured at two international conferences; 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology in 2022 in Dubrovnik (SOFT22) and the 30th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2023) at Oxford.
Collaborator Contribution The DCF enabled ambient (410K) and non-ambient (823K) 1.5 MeV proton beam irradiation on RSB and cWC targets to investigate radiation depth profiles and the effects of temperature on proton beam radiation. Alongside this, high-dose 293K gamma irradiation (10 MGy) and cryogenic (77K) radiation up to 90 kGy to investigate radiation response under cryogenic conditions. Data produced from this work has been used to inform subsequent experimental work and is still being investigated to date.
Impact Existing publications from this work: 10.1016/j.nme.2022.101285. New publication submitted to Nuclear Fusion pending reviews in 2024 More research based on data acquired in the project will be presented at the International Conference of Hard Materials in March This work has also informed a subsequent DCF project on mixed ion irradiation on cWC and RSB targets at reactor-equivalent temperatures. This collaboration has a strong multi-disciplinary element incorporating nuclear physics, high temperature chemistry and condensed matter.
Start Year 2022
Description cWC-RSB materials for Compact Spherical Tokamaks 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Materials
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Development and study of non-activating cWC and novel tungsten iron boride based RSB materials processable by conventional techniques. This includes the demonstration of baseline mechanical properties and later, phase abundance of RSBs with respect to establishing the structure-property relationships prior to irradiation testing. Real radiation data on cWC and RSB materials will significantly accelerate the understanding of cWC and RSBs as radiation-dense materials in the context of fusion power.
Collaborator Contribution Support and advancement of the cWC-RSB concept as well as simulation of various cWC-RSB shielding concepts in the context of compact fusion reactors. Simulations of shielding concepts and on practical aspects of shielding materials such as activation over proposed lifetimes of fusion reactors. The advancement of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets by Tokamak Energy enables the context of the cWC-RSB shielding as a means to protect HTS magnets in a realistic setting. It is anticipated that when more data on radiation response is known from cWC - RSB materials, more realistic simulations and real-life testings will be feasible.
Impact The next publication discusses the performance of cWC-RSB concept shielding using real data from cWC and RSBs C.G. Windsor, J.M. Marshall, J.G. Morgan, J. Fair, G.D.W. Smith, A. Rajczyk-Wryk, J.M. Tarragó, Design of cemented tungsten carbide and boride-containing shields for a fusion power plant, Nucl. Fusion. 58 (2018). doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aabdb0. The next paper follows up on this work having used X-ray diffraction to quantitatively determine phase abundance and true theoretical density of RSBs for the first time: This project is on materials that are either (a) novel (RSBs) or (b) a completely new application for a well-established materials (cWCs) . To date, outcomes on cWC materials are that they have excellent thermal conductivities that make them attractive as divertor materials as well as plasma-facing components. Quantitative determination of the phase abundance of different RSB materials have enabled determination of their true predicted densities, variables that affect phase abundance and give insight into optimizing the processing of RSB materials. Recent outputs are outlined below: J.M. Marshall, D. Walker, P.A. Thomas, HRXRD study of the Theoretical Densities of Novel Reactive Sintered Boride Candidate Neutron Shielding Materials, Nucl. Mater. Energy. (2020) 100732. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2020.100732. RSB synthesis and investigation has also enabled the possibility of other tungsten boride-based solutions which are particularly attractive with respect to neutron shielding and brings certain aspects of RSB synthesis in terms of routes for optimization as a shielding material. Overall, Tokamak Energy is an example of a potential end user of the cWC-RSB shielding concept and it is critical that the application is properly understood in terms of aims and objectives.
Start Year 2020
Description 20th International Conference on Fusion Reaction Materials (ICRFM-20) Virtual Conference, Granada, Spain 25th-29th October 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation of two poster summary presentations - one on comparison of DTA/TGA of cWC and RSB materials and the second on atom probe tomography of RSB materials in the context of neutron shielding materials.
This stimulated some questions on some aspects of the processability and origin of RSB materials and how they fit into practical fusion power.
Another part of this conference was two Women in Fusion Power workshops in the form of invitation-only chatrooms that were part of a selection of Special Interest Groups. This enabled people to connect and network as well as discuss their own experiences of being women in a male-dominated field and how COVID-19 has affected their lives.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Poster presentation at the VIrtual 18th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications at Forzungcentrum Julich (PFMC-18, FZJ) 17th-21st May 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This was an international conference on materials for use in fusion reactors with a particular emphasis on first-wall and plasma-facing components based at Forzungcentrum, Julich, Germany.
Much of the content was on W and W-metal based solutions, particularly with respect to neutron irradiation and how different types of coatings/armour configurations would interact with other reactor components including coolants and fuel breeding blankets.
Considerable focus was also on aspects of engineering and other materials such as low-activation steels and copper alloys and their compatibility with W and other armour selection.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description UK Nuclear Academics Meeting 7th - 8th September, Cambridge, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A conference for people working in nuclear fission and nuclear fusion to discuss ideas and methods for making the UK a net-zero carbon economy by 2050. This also showcased the roleout of the planned STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) roadmap.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021