Autonomous NAnotech GRAph Memory (ANAGRAM)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our societies, but the more it proliferates, the higher the customer demands for functionality and efficiency (most notably energy). Thus, as time progresses the limitations of statistical learning-based AI that has underpinned most AI work so far are beginning to naturally become more exposed. Tasks such as variable binding and manipulation, inductive reasoning and 1-shot learning, at which statistical learning is not as strong, suggest solutions in the sphere of abstract symbol processing AI. The commonly referenced 'next wave of AI' that is capable of such exploits (towards "strong AI") is likely to make extensive use of symbol processing capabilities and simultaneously demand a bespoke set of hardware solutions. The proposed project primarily addresses the issue of developing general-purpose (platform-level) hardware for precisely symbolic AI.

The proposed project seeks to develop a memory module that features: a) an internal structure and b) in-memory computing capabilities that render it particularly suitable for symbolic processing-based artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Ultimately the project seeks to deliver: 1) Two microchip iterations prototyping the memory system. 2) A software environment (infrastructure) for easy programming and operation of the resulting microchips (includes simulation capabilities for proof-of-concept tests). 3) A demonstration of the memory cell operating together with a symbolic processor as an aggregate system. 4) A functioning set of starter applications illustrating the capabilities of the design.

The overall effort is driven by a philosophy of co-optimising the memory across the entire trio of fundamental device components, symbolic AI mechanics and hardware design facets. Specifically: functionality in the proposed memory system will be pursued by: a) Designing a resistive RAM-based (ReRAM) memory unit where operation of the ReRAM devices and ReRAM tech specifications themselves are subservient to the specific operational goals of the memory system. b) Adapting the mathematical machinery of the system in order to map functional operations to hardware-friendly machine-code level operations: the stress is on hardware-friendliness, not mathematical elegance. This will be inextricably linked to the design of the memory's instruction set. c) Designing an architecture that runs the symbolic memory efficiently by using memory allocation techniques that maximise locality and making extensive use of power-gating. Simultaneously, implementation of a solid software stack infrastructure will enable efficient and fast prototyping and hypothesis testing.

The cornerstone of the targeted project impact is to lay the foundations for launching an industrial-scale design effort towards hardware for symbolic AI. Hence the bulk of the effort is in chip design (prototype-based de-risking of the idea) and toolchain development (impact acceleration by lowering barriers to user uptake). Simultaneously, it is expected that the project will play a significant role in enhancing interest in symbol-level AI and very crucially, inducing interest in connecting symbolic AI with statistical learning one; thereby significant impact on knowledge is achieved. Finally, the increased in the capabilities of AI, as well as the transparency of decision-making (typically readily expressible via formal expressions or even in pseudo-natural language) offered by the symbolic approach promise to make a significant impact in enhancing acceptance of AI by society, providing a solid scientific foundation for certification processes (AI trust - broadening the scope of applications that accept an AI solution). With hardware available for this task, significant impact on productivity and quality of life is to be achieved.

The project is self-contained and is designed to launch a much broader, sustainable effort, headed by the PI in this field.


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publication icon
Wheeldon A (2023) A study on the clusterability of latent representations in image pipelines. in Frontiers in neuroinformatics

Description This grant has been transferred to the University of Edinburgh, please see EP/V008242/2 --- please see full submission there.
Exploitation Route Please see the transferred grant for a full submission.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Financial Services

and Management Consultancy

Description Atlas
Amount £74,620 (GBP)
Funding ID PS7305129O 
Organisation Scottish Enterprise 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 07/2024
Title Memory device (Capacitive memory element patent) 
Description This patent protects the central core of the memory being developed via ANAGRAM. This is a capacitor-based memory pixel with an associated wire and signal configuration that allows it to perform both so-called "content addressable" and "address addressable" memory searches, in other words the user can either provide a content and get in response where the contents lie (mainly for the purpose of then investigating the immediate vicinity for related data) or provide an address and get the contents at said address in response (allowing it to act as a perfectly normal, conventional computer memory). The capacitive approach cuts all DC paths and places strict upper limits on the power consumption of the memory as well as being able to operate at the speed limits of the technology it is built on. It uses memristive (in our case specifically RRAM) devices to determine whether the data stored at each location is a 1 or a 0, but a variant using memcapacitive devices was also devised and protected. It is believed (and early numbers confirm) that with the combination of appropriate RRAM (and later memcap) technologies they can achieve unbeatable power AND speed performance. Risks, of course, remain until the prototype is complete and tested, but at the moment there is no reason to expect that the expected advantages will not materialise. 
IP Reference PE962267GB 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2022
Licensed No
Impact This has been filed a few months ago, so there is no direct impact from it yet. The intention is to present it as an asset for funding a start-up.
Title "ASOCA 1" chip design 
Description The main technical deliverable of this project is a series of microchips for associative memory modules. The first such chip is codenamed "ASOCA 1". To bring a microchip to completion there are 3x key milestones: completion of the design (followed by submission to the foundry), completion of manufacturing and completion of testing. At the moment ANAGRAM is a ~95% completion of milestone 1 (design ready for submission to the foundry). The final outcome is expected in ~2 weeks. Thus far: -The memory core of the system has been completed. - This was the deliverable of task T1.1 in the original proposal. -The digital controller code including some of the memory instructions is completed and undergoing place & route. - This is part of the deliverable of task T1.2. -A 64x64 memory cell system - this is much larger than the original proposal of 3x3 and 16x16 because it turns out most of the complexity in balancing the system was incurred in timing the cells rather than handling the increased loading of a 64x64 design (which by itself was also not trivial). - This already meets deliverable T3.1, not due to start until the middle of Y2 of the project (so in 9 months). 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact Results from testing the ASOCA 1 design have already: 1) Informed us that the power dissipation expected of the system is very likely to be competitive against existing technologies even when at an industrially relevant scale (64x64 is the memory block size we intend to use for graph database and cognitive database applications to begin with). This has allowed a student in our group (Christos Giotis) to start looking at the opportunities for commercial exploitation (seeking early-stage, equity-free seed funding) and the PI to start working with Neo4j (a UK-based commercial graph database provider) for potential support for a follow-up project (UKRI responsive mode) seeking to explicity bring the ASOCA series chips to: a) low technological nodes (28nm CMOS or lower) and b) production-level system scale (e.g. supporting a database with 1M entries). 2) Allowed the PI to present a strong case for further funding of the technology underlying the ASOCA series to DSTL with a view to further funding via defence R&D budgets. 3) Currently being consolidated for patenting. 
Title "ASOCA 2" chip design 
Description ASOCA 2 is a major technical upgrade and upscale from ASOCA 1. ASOCA 2 consists of 8x cores of ASOCA 1, bundled together with a fabric that allows them to collectively store data in the form of knowledge graphs with great energy and speed efficiency. ASOCA 2 completes all deliverables of the grant, albeit in a slightly different form that initially envisaged (originally the idea was to have separate memory and computation, but now we have opted fo near-memory compute instead). The chip has been sent out for manufacture in December 2023 and will be back for testing in March/April 2024. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact ASOCA 2 is a very significant part of what we hope will become the "minimum viable product" of an eventual start-up company that we call "Atlas". This is the same Atlas as appears in the Scottish Enterprise funding elsewhere within this submission. ASOCA 2 will contain 2/3 main IP blocks developed throughout project ANAGRAM and is intended to be a demonstrator for attracting venture funding. Work performed on ASOCA 2 was -in my view- a mjore contributing factor to the success in obtaining funding from Scottish Enterprise. 
Title ASOCA 2 
Description This is a microchip that takes ASOCA1 and places 8x of them in a specific configuration that allows a previousy "application agnostic" memory cell to perform very specifically graph operation acceleration. This allows ASOCA 2 to act as the basic cell for a graph database accelerator -a potential product that we are currently seeking to raise funding for-, and develop more advanced symbolic AI -which is part of hybrid AI; a relatively immatue field still (when compared to standard ML). ASOCA2 seeks to place 16 such ASOCA1 "clusters of 8x" and test the graph database acceleration mechanism and performance. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Nothing yet. The chip is in its final stages of design. The actual design submission has been scheduled for the 17th of March. --- NOTE: If this being slightly in the future doesn't count, please feel free to ignore this entry for this year's submission. 
Description Student Research Preview at the ISSCC conference --- see URL below. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The ISSCC is one of the most significant electronics conferences in the world. It attracts the "SSC" i.e. Solid-State Circuits community which includes industry. It is the conference where industries such as AMD, IBM and Toshiba unveil their new technologies. This year they ran a special workshop that allows specifically PhD students to present their work, especially if at very early stage, and network. This much is quoted on their call (see URL below). It is a huge opportnity to: a) Understand how industry thinks, including what their technological concerns are and how much traction the presented idea has with them for potential commercialisation. b) Reconnoiter the latest industrial research landscape. This is a great early call for potential competition, direct or indirect. c) Network with industry and further the reach of our group. In summary: "see, be seen and become friends". Despite being in the final stages of designing a microchip the decision was made for the student in question (Yihan Pan) to take the opportunity and go for the full duration of the conference. --- The overall result was a confirmation that ANAGRAM's chosen area has still not been assaulted by industrial competition, industrial competitors working on less "blue-skies-innovative variants" of the memory being developed within ANAGRAM (they don't develop capacitive versions but opt for more established technologies still), whilst also focussing on machine learning rather than database accelerators. Given our strong belief that databases will play a key role in future "hybrid AI" we believe that this represents an opportunity that is not only still open, but where the UK now has a serious horse in the race that boasts protected IP (see section on intellectual property outcomes).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023