Advancing Location Accuracy via Collimated Nuclear Assay for Decommissioning Robotic Applications (ALACANDRA)
Lead Research Organisation:
Lancaster University
Department Name: Engineering
Radioactivity is all around us but it is usually dispersed such that it poses little risk to human health. However, past industrial activities associated with nuclear weapons production, the manufacture of fuel for nuclear power stations and the management of radioactive waste from these activities have resulted in a significant number of highly contaminated facilities. The level of contamination can be so great that people cannot enter because the radiation level is too high. Further, because we do not understand the long-term risks associated with low-level radiation exposures, entry to place contaminated less is often discouraged to minimise any risk that there might be. Matters are complicated further because difficulty getting inside complicates our ability to understand exactly what needs to be done to make these places safe.
Some of these facilities are not safe because they are old and were not designed to last this long. It is important to make them safe now to ensure radioactivity does not get out, and because the longer this takes the more difficult and expensive it becomes as new problems arise. However, this will take a long time to complete: at Sellafield, the time needed to complete this is forecast to be 120 years. This means that if they are not dealt with effectively now, these problems will fall to future generations; hence, from an ethical standpoint, the imperative is to prevent this by action now.
One way to understand these radiological hazards is to send in a robot. Great advances have been made in this regard as a result of recent research, done in part by the people leading this proposal. However, simply transporting a radiation detector into a place and trying to determine where it detects the most radiation does not work for two important reasons: Firstly, radioactivity in these places is often dispersed, meaning that it is not concentrated in one place that might be dealt with easily and quickly. Instead, contamination arises from leaks, splashes, tide marks in vessels and it migrates into porous materials, yielding a 3D distribution in space. Radiation detector systems and imagers have difficulty with this because they often provide an assessment from a particular perspective that may not tell us everything we need to know. Secondly, contaminated places are often cluttered with process equipment, detritus and construction materials. These can cause the radiation to scatter and also absorb it. This influences the 'picture' and can influence how much radioactivity is thought to be present.
With a human 'in the loop' - in the space with the contamination - they could improvise by moving to different vantage points, moving debris out of the way and by inferring what is involved from what they see. This not being possible, the use of a commercial robotic platform constitutes a way by which this might be replicated. For example, by assessments from a number of complementary vantage points and fusing the data obtained from this variety of perspectives. However, it is important to maintain human oversight of these operations by driving the robot rather than affording it full autonomy in case difficulties arise in recovering it etc. This raises the question: How can we interpret robot-derived information from a variety of perspectives, from a cluttered space contaminated with dispersed radioactivity, to help us understand what hazards may exist, quickly and effectively? Our research appeals directly to this requirement: we suspect that a detector's response is related to a relatively simple combination of sub-responses, as if the contamination were comprised of pixels of contamination. By advancing our interpretation of the combined influence of these on a radiation detector system configured by a robot, we hope to connect what we observe with nature of the radioactivity that is present, hence enabling robots to assist in the clean-up of these spaces more efficiently.
Some of these facilities are not safe because they are old and were not designed to last this long. It is important to make them safe now to ensure radioactivity does not get out, and because the longer this takes the more difficult and expensive it becomes as new problems arise. However, this will take a long time to complete: at Sellafield, the time needed to complete this is forecast to be 120 years. This means that if they are not dealt with effectively now, these problems will fall to future generations; hence, from an ethical standpoint, the imperative is to prevent this by action now.
One way to understand these radiological hazards is to send in a robot. Great advances have been made in this regard as a result of recent research, done in part by the people leading this proposal. However, simply transporting a radiation detector into a place and trying to determine where it detects the most radiation does not work for two important reasons: Firstly, radioactivity in these places is often dispersed, meaning that it is not concentrated in one place that might be dealt with easily and quickly. Instead, contamination arises from leaks, splashes, tide marks in vessels and it migrates into porous materials, yielding a 3D distribution in space. Radiation detector systems and imagers have difficulty with this because they often provide an assessment from a particular perspective that may not tell us everything we need to know. Secondly, contaminated places are often cluttered with process equipment, detritus and construction materials. These can cause the radiation to scatter and also absorb it. This influences the 'picture' and can influence how much radioactivity is thought to be present.
With a human 'in the loop' - in the space with the contamination - they could improvise by moving to different vantage points, moving debris out of the way and by inferring what is involved from what they see. This not being possible, the use of a commercial robotic platform constitutes a way by which this might be replicated. For example, by assessments from a number of complementary vantage points and fusing the data obtained from this variety of perspectives. However, it is important to maintain human oversight of these operations by driving the robot rather than affording it full autonomy in case difficulties arise in recovering it etc. This raises the question: How can we interpret robot-derived information from a variety of perspectives, from a cluttered space contaminated with dispersed radioactivity, to help us understand what hazards may exist, quickly and effectively? Our research appeals directly to this requirement: we suspect that a detector's response is related to a relatively simple combination of sub-responses, as if the contamination were comprised of pixels of contamination. By advancing our interpretation of the combined influence of these on a radiation detector system configured by a robot, we hope to connect what we observe with nature of the radioactivity that is present, hence enabling robots to assist in the clean-up of these spaces more efficiently.

Hunt WJ
A GPS-enabled seabed sediment sampler: Recovery efficiency and efficacy.
in The Review of scientific instruments

Ioannis Tsitsimpelis
Improving radiation localization via energy-resolved angular photon responses

Joyce M
Wireless information transfer with fast neutrons
in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Mitchell D
Lessons learned: Symbiotic autonomous robot ecosystem for nuclear environments
in IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics

Nouri Rahmat Abadi B
CARMA II: A ground vehicle for autonomous surveying of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
in Frontiers in robotics and AI

Tsitsimpelis I
Improved localization of radioactivity with a normalized sinc transform
in Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering

Tsitsimpelis I
Localising and identifying radionuclides via energy-resolved angular photon responses
in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

West A
Use of Gaussian process regression for radiation mapping of a nuclear reactor with a mobile robot.
in Scientific reports
Description | We have been able to image and discriminate radioactivity on the basis of not only space but also the energy of the radiation. |
Exploitation Route | We are looking to ways in which this will be commercialised. |
Sectors | Energy Environment |
Title | Transform-based image processing of radioactivity |
Description | We have demonstrated a means for improving imaging radioactivity based on the use of optimised since transforms. |
Type Of Material | Technology assay or reagent |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | None yet |
Title | CARMA II Alpha Contamination Avoidance Results |
Description | Four files consisting of datasets from Alpha contamination avoidance experiments conducted at RAICo1, Cumbria using the CARMA II UGV platform. The UGV is instructed to follow a path consisting of concentric polygons, with each vertex as a navigation waypoint. If avoidance behaviours are enabled, the UGV will not traverse over an area where Alpha contamination has been detected via a front mounted sensor. All files are txt, human readable, tab delimited, derived from larger ROS bag files recorded during the experimental campaign. All files contain a header row with descriptions of each column. Timestamps are in Unix Epoch time (as is standard for the Robot Operating System), positions in metres are given with a captial X, Y, Z for each cartesian axis respectively. The Z value are not necessary for this work, therefore their actual value may not correspond to realworld values, these should be ignored. Quaternion representations of orientation are given by x, y, z, w. Finally, any Alpha radiation intensity values are given as counts/sec. Any position data has been referenced to the first waypoint in the follower path. Data was originally collected in November 2022 (in ROS bag format), which was interrogated to provide the data in these .txt files. The position of the Alpha source was located at approximately: X = 2.0 m | Y = -0.4 m "AlphaOnly_Travelpath.txt" represents the waypoint positions the UGV should try to match. "AlphaOnly_NoAvoidancePath.txt" represents the reference frame of the robot chassis and it's position in space as estimated by SLAM, whilst no avoidance behaviours are enabled. "AlphaOnly_WithAvoidancePath.txt" represents the reference frame of the robot chassis and it's position in space as estimated by SLAM, whilst avoidance behaviours are enabled and enacted when Alpha contamination is detected. "AlphaOnly_WithAvoidanceAlphaCounts.txt" represents the postion of the radiation detector and the measured counts during the experiment. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | CARMA II Gamma Avoidance Results |
Description | Five files consisting of datasets from Gamma only avoidance experiments conducted at RAICo1, Cumbria using the CARMA II UGV platform. The UGV is instructed to follow a path consisting of concentric polygons, with each vertex as a navigation waypoint. If avoidance behaviours are enabled, the UGV will take a longer path to avoid excessive dose, when elevated Gamma intensity is recorded by a front mounted sensor. All files are txt, human readable, tab delimited, derived from larger ROS bag files recorded during the experimental campaign. All files contain a header row with descriptions of each column. Timestamps are in Unix Epoch time (as is standard for the Robot Operating System), positions in metres are given with a captial X, Y, Z for each cartesian axis respectively. The Z value are not necessary for this work, therefore their actual value may not correspond to realworld values, these should be ignored. Quaternion representations of orientation are given by x, y, z, w. Finally, any Gamma radiation intensity values are given as counts/sec. Any position data has been referenced to the first waypoint in the follower path. Data was originally collected in November 2022 (in ROS bag format), which was interrogated to provide the data in these .txt files. The position of the Gamma source was located at approximately: X = 0.9 m | Y = -1.4 m "GammaOnly_Travelpath.txt" represents the waypoint positions the UGV should try to match. "GammaOnly_NoAvoidancePath.txt" represents the reference frame of the robot chassis and it's position in space as estimated by SLAM, whilst no avoidance behaviours are enabled. "GammaOnly_WithAvoidancePath.txt" represents the reference frame of the robot chassis and it's position in space as estimated by SLAM, whilst avoidance behaviours are enabled and enacted when elevated Gamma radiation is detected. "GammaOnly_NoAvoidanceGammaCounts.txt" represents the postion of the radiation detector and the measured counts during the experiment where the robot has no Gamma radiation awareness. "GammaOnly_WithAvoidanceGammaCounts.txt" represents the postion of the radiation detector and the measured counts during the experiment where Gamma avoidance is enabled. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | CARMA II Joint Alpha and Gamma Radiation Avoidance Results |
Description | Six files consisting of datasets from joint Alpha nd Gamma avoidance experiments (i.e. both sources are present simultaneously) conducted at RAICo1, Cumbria using the CARMA II UGV platform. The UGV is instructed to follow a path consisting of concentric polygons, with each vertex as a navigation waypoint. If avoidance behaviours are enabled, the UGV will take a longer path to avoid excessive dose, when elevated Gamma intensity is recorded by a front mounted sensor. For Alpha contamination, the robot will take a more explicit response and not traverse through an area where Alpha radiation has beend detected, also using a front mounted sensor. All files are txt, human readable, tab delimited, derived from larger ROS bag files recorded during the experimental campaign. All files contain a header row with descriptions of each column. Timestamps are in Unix Epoch time (as is standard for the Robot Operating System), positions in metres are given with a captial X, Y, Z for each cartesian axis respectively. The Z value are not necessary for this work, therefore their actual value may not correspond to realworld values, these should be ignored. Quaternion representations of orientation are given by x, y, z, w. Finally, any Alpha or Gamma radiation intensity values are given as counts/sec. Any position data has been referenced to the first waypoint in the follower path. Data was originally collected in November 2022 (in ROS bag format), which was interrogated to provide the data in these .txt files. The position of the Alpha source was located at approximately: X = 0.7 m | Y = -0.4 m The position of the Gamma source was located at approximately: X = 0.5 m | Y = 0.9 m "AlphaGamma_Travelpath.txt" represents the waypoint positions the UGV should try to match. "AlphaGamma_NoAvoidancePath.txt" represents the reference frame of the robot chassis and it's position in space as estimated by SLAM, whilst no avoidance behaviours are enabled. "AlphaGamma_WithAvoidancePath.txt" represents the reference frame of the robot chassis and it's position in space as estimated by SLAM, whilst avoidance behaviours are enabled and enacted when elevated Gamma radiation is detected. "AlphaGamma_NoAvoidanceGammaCounts.txt" represents the postion of the radiation detector and the measured counts during the experiment where the robot has no Gamma radiation awareness. "AlphaGamma_WithAvoidanceGammaCounts.txt" represents the postion of the radiation detector and the measured counts during the experiment where Gamma avoidance is enabled. "AlphaGamma_WithAvoidanceAlphaCounts.txt" represents the position and response of the Alpha detector when avoidance is enabled. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Description | Collaboration with Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia |
Organisation | Institute Josef Stefan |
Country | Slovenia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are collaborating with the Josef Stefan Institute to carry out measurements on this project. |
Collaborator Contribution | We have applied and will continue to collaborate on the the ALACANDRA technique at the Reactor Centre at the Josef Stefan Institute. |
Impact | None as yet |
Start Year | 2023 |
Description | Manchester ALACANDRA collaboration |
Organisation | Dounreay Site Restoration Limited |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Exchange of insight, ideas, information and priorities, including samples' analysis for analysis. |
Collaborator Contribution | Supply of samples, description of problem space, highlighting policy needs. |
Impact | Multidisciplinary |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Sellafield |
Organisation | Sellafield Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Information on source imaging and capabilities. |
Collaborator Contribution | Information on requirements, context and application needs. |
Impact | None |
Start Year | 2021 |
Title | 3D Simulation Assets for Nuclear Environments [Gazebo Format] |
Description | IntroductionThese assets were generated as part of supporting work to simulate realistic nuclear environments in Gazebo (used in conjunction with the Robot Operating System [ROS]), therefore enabling robot development in otherwise prohibitive and hazardous scenarios.MotivationDeploying robots in nuclear environments for testing is not always possible, furthermore, these opportunities are usually incredibly limited and does not lend itself to incremental development of new systems. Therefore, much of this development must be performed in simulation.This work provides industrially realistic environments, with various physical hazards for a robot to avoid.The DatasetsThe dataset consists of individual assets (3D models of objects), and entire environments which may contain copies of individual assets.Individual Assets:500L DrumThe 500 Litre drum is a standard storage solution for hazardous waste. It has set dimensions, protocols as well as stillage for storage and transport. Please see this document. More information on nuclear material storage can be found here, particularly here.BarrelThe Barrel is the typical 200 Litre storage drum for lower activity materials. Historically, materials have been stored in these containers.Intermediate Bulk ContainerThe Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) is a standardised container for materials (liquids and solids). More general information can be found on Wikipedia.CrateThe crate is a "Eurocrate"/"EuroBoxes"/"Plastic Euro Container"/"Stacking Euro Container". More about the standard can be found on Wikipedia.Barrier | Fire Extinguisher | Pallet | Pallet TrolleyThese are generic assets which might be found in an industrial environment. The Barrier is a typical zinc coated metal crowd control barrier. The Fire Extinguisher is a typical red hand held unit. The Pallet is wooden, with an accompanying Pallet Trolley.Room/Building Scale Environments:Drum StoreThis is a generic single room, with flat floor and some various clutter (pallets, pallet trolley). The barrels are stacked 2x2, in two layers inspired by the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Drum Store (see an image here). This can be used for mock routine inspection missions.500 L Drum StoreIn the same format as the Drum Store, but replaced with 500 L flasks. The room is identical, however, the additional clutter of pallets and pallet trolley has been removed. The flasks are stored in a suitable stillage, rather than on pallets.Industrial EnvironmentThis environment is a complete, full scale environment, with many objects and opportunities for inspection tasks, such as dials and gauges. Further to this, there is an appropriate amount of clutter, as well as other challenges, including drops, stairs, intermittent barriers, overhangs etc. There is also a specific "stress test" room on the ground floor, containing ramps, debris, trenches and partial gratings over trenches.FormatAll assets and environments are written as .sdf files and accompanying textures and meshes for Gazebo. An example launch file and world file is given in the accompanying dataset to this one. They are simple to include, and are written to be compatible with Gazebo or Gazebo Classic.How to Include in a SimulationThis is dependant on the use of Gazebo or Gazebo Classic. Further documentation can be found here. The approach in both cases is to include models in the world file, and launch Gazebo to use that world file. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | 3D Simulation Assets for Nuclear Environments [Gazebo Format] |
Description | IntroductionThese assets were generated as part of supporting work to simulate realistic nuclear environments in Gazebo (used in conjunction with the Robot Operating System [ROS]), therefore enabling robot development in otherwise prohibitive and hazardous scenarios.MotivationDeploying robots in nuclear environments for testing is not always possible, furthermore, these opportunities are usually incredibly limited and does not lend itself to incremental development of new systems. Therefore, much of this development must be performed in simulation.This work provides industrially realistic environments, with various physical hazards for a robot to avoid.The DatasetsThe dataset consists of individual assets (3D models of objects), and entire environments which may contain copies of individual assets.Individual Assets:500L DrumThe 500 Litre drum is a standard storage solution for hazardous waste. It has set dimensions, protocols as well as stillage for storage and transport. Please see this document. More information on nuclear material storage can be found here, particularly here.BarrelThe Barrel is the typical 200 Litre storage drum for lower activity materials. Historically, materials have been stored in these containers.Intermediate Bulk ContainerThe Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) is a standardised container for materials (liquids and solids). More general information can be found on Wikipedia.CrateThe crate is a "Eurocrate"/"EuroBoxes"/"Plastic Euro Container"/"Stacking Euro Container". More about the standard can be found on Wikipedia.Barrier | Fire Extinguisher | Pallet | Pallet TrolleyThese are generic assets which might be found in an industrial environment. The Barrier is a typical zinc coated metal crowd control barrier. The Fire Extinguisher is a typical red hand held unit. The Pallet is wooden, with an accompanying Pallet Trolley.Room/Building Scale Environments:Drum StoreThis is a generic single room, with flat floor and some various clutter (pallets, pallet trolley). The barrels are stacked 2x2, in two layers inspired by the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Drum Store (see an image here). This can be used for mock routine inspection missions.500 L Drum StoreIn the same format as the Drum Store, but replaced with 500 L flasks. The room is identical, however, the additional clutter of pallets and pallet trolley has been removed. The flasks are stored in a suitable stillage, rather than on pallets.Industrial EnvironmentThis environment is a complete, full scale environment, with many objects and opportunities for inspection tasks, such as dials and gauges. Further to this, there is an appropriate amount of clutter, as well as other challenges, including drops, stairs, intermittent barriers, overhangs etc. There is also a specific "stress test" room on the ground floor, containing ramps, debris, trenches and partial gratings over trenches.FormatAll assets and environments are written as .sdf files and accompanying textures and meshes for Gazebo. An example launch file and world file is given in the accompanying dataset to this one. They are simple to include, and are written to be compatible with Gazebo or Gazebo Classic.How to Include in a SimulationThis is dependant on the use of Gazebo or Gazebo Classic. Further documentation can be found here. The approach in both cases is to include models in the world file, and launch Gazebo to use that world file. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
URL | |