GCRF_NF516 Increasing resilience in fishing communities to impacts of COVID-19 in northern Peru

Lead Research Organisation: University of St Andrews
Department Name: Biology


Peru is one the world's worst COVID affected countries. Gaps in social welfare, poor infrastucture and living conditions and high levels of informal employment exacerbate the impact of this disease. Artisanal fisheries are an important and overlooked activity which provides employment and basic nutrition for some of the poorest in rural areas. Thousands of jobs in the seadood supply chain are affected by the pandemic. In the Piura region, the impact on fishing communities is expected to be higher due to the large number of people involved in fisheries-dependent activities and the lack of alternative economic opportunities. There has been no systematic effort to document the impact of COVID on these communities. The Regional Government has identified a need for this information in order to respond with appropiate social welfare measures and is leading an Inter-Agency Consortium (IAC) to re-establish artisanal fisheries activities. This project will support the IAC by collecting and disseminating data on the impact of COVID in fishing communities. It will assess key fisheries, rigorously estimate the impact of the pandemic througout the supply chain and look at the way that this has, or needs to adapt to become more resilient. Throught the timely provision of relevant socio-economic information through a virtual online platform, this project will support decision-making by fishers, government and society in general, By engaging stakeholders in affected communities the project will develop recommendations for a sustained re-activation of fishing and associated activities.


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Description The key findings in the Project are the estimation of the impacts of COVID on six artisanal Fisheries conducted in 12 different Coastal communities. Two stages were defined for the purpose of this study, a first stage, lasting lasting from March 16th 2020 to June 30th 2020, where a compulsory national lockdown was imposed and enforced by the Peruvian Government. The second stage lasted from July 1st 2020 to August 30th 2021, characterized by a relaxation of the self-isolation measures to reactivate the economy. We estimate that during these two stages, 200,000 tonnes of fish were not landed, the gross income of fishers decreased by at least ~120 million US dollars and that ~4800 jobs across the six value chains were negatively impacted during this period. The value chains were heavily re-structured during the initial phase of the pandemic, but in most fisheries, the value chain resembled the pre-covid value chain after the initial lockdown stage. The value chain systems were highly resilient, the amount of produce that flowed through the chains was rapidly recovered, however, even 18 months after the initial shock, the numbers of jobs had not been fully recovered. A myriad of coping strategies were registered for fishers during the pandemic to withstand the impacts of COVID, these varied markedly between the different coastal communities. However, a common trait was that most strategies to cope were related to the social and human capital, which stresses the importance of fostering social and human capital in communities to increase their resilience to shocks (increasing networks and capabilities). Our findings also revealed the need to develop specific and rapidly accessible funds to support small-scale fisheries by government, considering the socio-economic differences among fleets, their levels of formalisation and the amounts of credit most suitable to them.
Exploitation Route This project has explored adaptive behaviours in response to COVID. Similar large scale societal and economic impacts such as those that occur during El Nino events could benefit from the understanding of supply and value chain responses documented by this project and by harnacing the capacity of local populations to adapt if provided with the necessary support.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy


Democracy and Justice

Description The Project has been successful in showcasing how one can build local capacity for data collection using novel approaches with involvement of local women that facilitated communication with fishers and supply chain actors. These skills may have legacy value if this decision support system spawns similar initiatives in the face of El Nino events in Northern Peru, which affect communications, isolates communities due to flooding events and fundamentally disrupts supply chains and the economy.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Organisation Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)
Country Italy 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of St Andrews (USTAN) is developing novel technologies and approaches to spatio-temporal analyses of Small Scale Fisheries (SSF,) using advanced statistical methods. I co-ordinate the project with the assistance of Dr Tania Mendo. Dr Mendo deals with the day-to-day aspects of managing the project and is in regular contact with the team in Peru. Mr Paddy McCann has developed the App that is now in the process of being deployed to 15 fishers in Peru to allow them to record track, catch and by-catch data that is transmitted directly to USTAN servers for analysis. Dr Rene Swift has constucted a prototypic solar powered tracking device which is also now being deployed on vessels in Peru with a view to the autonomous collection of vessel track data. I made my first field visit to Peru 16/7/19 - 27/7/19 to participate in project meetings, take part in field work on-board fishing vessels and to test equipment.
Collaborator Contribution The Marine Alliance for Science and Teshnology for Scotland (MASTS) is using its networks to promote the project. The Fisher's association (APACC) has facilitated access to vessels, fishing information, gear knowledge, and contribute to co-management plan guidance. REDES has experience facilitating discussions with artisanal fishers and is helping with workshop coordination. DIREPRO is the governmental body responsible for formulation, approval and administration of fisheries plans and policies. This body acts as the project's main interface with Government. They have participated in initial meetings and will be invited to attend workshops. They have also been apporached to authorise fisher field trials. The FAO have experience in mitigating bycatch and assessing the role of bycatch in food security. Two FAO experts have supervised net construction and fisher training and will continue to advise on modifications to the net subject to the results of on-goining sea trials.
Impact Month 1-3 Workshop 1-Stakeholder orientation meeting, presentation of App & database, design sampling programme Gear expert training session with fishers On-board observers and PDRA trained App adapted to prawn fishery 20 skippers recruited to use App Month 4-6 Monthly meetings with fishers initiated Results presented to fishers 20 skippers equipped with App linked to database On-board observers continue with field trips Prototypic nets constructed Interim report Multidisciplinary aspects: App development - to collect catch, by-catch and track data from artisanal fishing vessels Fisheries management - development of a co-management framework Fishing net design and manufacture Biological sampling for the purposes of assessing impacts on biodiversity Statistical modeling
Start Year 2019
Organisation Institute of the Sea of Peru
Country Peru 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of St Andrews (USTAN) is developing novel technologies and approaches to spatio-temporal analyses of Small Scale Fisheries (SSF,) using advanced statistical methods. I co-ordinate the project with the assistance of Dr Tania Mendo. Dr Mendo deals with the day-to-day aspects of managing the project and is in regular contact with the team in Peru. Mr Paddy McCann has developed the App that is now in the process of being deployed to 15 fishers in Peru to allow them to record track, catch and by-catch data that is transmitted directly to USTAN servers for analysis. Dr Rene Swift has constucted a prototypic solar powered tracking device which is also now being deployed on vessels in Peru with a view to the autonomous collection of vessel track data. I made my first field visit to Peru 16/7/19 - 27/7/19 to participate in project meetings, take part in field work on-board fishing vessels and to test equipment.
Collaborator Contribution The Marine Alliance for Science and Teshnology for Scotland (MASTS) is using its networks to promote the project. The Fisher's association (APACC) has facilitated access to vessels, fishing information, gear knowledge, and contribute to co-management plan guidance. REDES has experience facilitating discussions with artisanal fishers and is helping with workshop coordination. DIREPRO is the governmental body responsible for formulation, approval and administration of fisheries plans and policies. This body acts as the project's main interface with Government. They have participated in initial meetings and will be invited to attend workshops. They have also been apporached to authorise fisher field trials. The FAO have experience in mitigating bycatch and assessing the role of bycatch in food security. Two FAO experts have supervised net construction and fisher training and will continue to advise on modifications to the net subject to the results of on-goining sea trials.
Impact Month 1-3 Workshop 1-Stakeholder orientation meeting, presentation of App & database, design sampling programme Gear expert training session with fishers On-board observers and PDRA trained App adapted to prawn fishery 20 skippers recruited to use App Month 4-6 Monthly meetings with fishers initiated Results presented to fishers 20 skippers equipped with App linked to database On-board observers continue with field trips Prototypic nets constructed Interim report Multidisciplinary aspects: App development - to collect catch, by-catch and track data from artisanal fishing vessels Fisheries management - development of a co-management framework Fishing net design and manufacture Biological sampling for the purposes of assessing impacts on biodiversity Statistical modeling
Start Year 2019
Organisation National Agrarian University
Country Peru 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of St Andrews (USTAN) is developing novel technologies and approaches to spatio-temporal analyses of Small Scale Fisheries (SSF,) using advanced statistical methods. I co-ordinate the project with the assistance of Dr Tania Mendo. Dr Mendo deals with the day-to-day aspects of managing the project and is in regular contact with the team in Peru. Mr Paddy McCann has developed the App that is now in the process of being deployed to 15 fishers in Peru to allow them to record track, catch and by-catch data that is transmitted directly to USTAN servers for analysis. Dr Rene Swift has constucted a prototypic solar powered tracking device which is also now being deployed on vessels in Peru with a view to the autonomous collection of vessel track data. I made my first field visit to Peru 16/7/19 - 27/7/19 to participate in project meetings, take part in field work on-board fishing vessels and to test equipment.
Collaborator Contribution The Marine Alliance for Science and Teshnology for Scotland (MASTS) is using its networks to promote the project. The Fisher's association (APACC) has facilitated access to vessels, fishing information, gear knowledge, and contribute to co-management plan guidance. REDES has experience facilitating discussions with artisanal fishers and is helping with workshop coordination. DIREPRO is the governmental body responsible for formulation, approval and administration of fisheries plans and policies. This body acts as the project's main interface with Government. They have participated in initial meetings and will be invited to attend workshops. They have also been apporached to authorise fisher field trials. The FAO have experience in mitigating bycatch and assessing the role of bycatch in food security. Two FAO experts have supervised net construction and fisher training and will continue to advise on modifications to the net subject to the results of on-goining sea trials.
Impact Month 1-3 Workshop 1-Stakeholder orientation meeting, presentation of App & database, design sampling programme Gear expert training session with fishers On-board observers and PDRA trained App adapted to prawn fishery 20 skippers recruited to use App Month 4-6 Monthly meetings with fishers initiated Results presented to fishers 20 skippers equipped with App linked to database On-board observers continue with field trips Prototypic nets constructed Interim report Multidisciplinary aspects: App development - to collect catch, by-catch and track data from artisanal fishing vessels Fisheries management - development of a co-management framework Fishing net design and manufacture Biological sampling for the purposes of assessing impacts on biodiversity Statistical modeling
Start Year 2019
Description Analysis of value chains workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This workshop was held to allow undergraduate students to present preliminary results of their thesis work, as part of the project's training activities. After each presentation, all attendees discussed the results and gave feedback to improve the analyses. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation provided support from 2 value chain experts which joined the event to provide advice to students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description FAO Value Chain Analysis Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact FAO led workshop to train participants on FISH4ACP methods for value chain analysis. This event was run over two days and included theoretical and practical training.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://redes.pe/aplicando-el-enfoque-del-fish4acp-para-hacer-frente-a-los-impactos-del-covid-19-en-...
Description Impact indicators website presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The website that hosts the analysis of socio-economic and production indicators and how they have changed during the COVID pandemic was presented to representatives of the Sechura Municipality, Regional government, other researchers, NGO's and University students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://fb.watch/bjiUINWLzo/
Description Learning net for artisanal fisheries in Peru 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In the framework of the III Meeting of the Learning Network for Artisanal Fishing Peru in Piura, Sara Tume and Keren Mendoza, community monitors from Cabo Blanco and Puerto Rico of the Project 'Increase resilience in artisanal fishing communities to the impacts of COVID 19 in northern Peru' shared their experiences on their work and the challenges they have faced.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://fb.watch/bjjbZ7nE_6/
Description Training community monitors 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Two different training sessions provided for project monitors to train them in online techniques for data collection. These monitors will be collecting data for socio-economic, production and health and welfare indices in their local communities. Specifically they have been trained in the use of computer tablets, completing Qualtrics surveys and using online communication channels such as Zoom.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Word and Mendeley Training 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Students currently undertaking their research theses as part of the project were trained in use of Word and Mendeley.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021