Lagrangians from Algebra and Combinatorics

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Mathematics


Mirror symmetry is a connection between three seemingly unrelated kinds of geometry.
This link, first observed by physicists in string theory, has led to an flurry of surprising predictions, powerful tools, and fascinating questions for geometers.

The first kind of geometry, algebraic geometry, studies rigid objects defined by equations such as lines, circles, and ellipses. Geometers have studied enumeration problems in algebraic geometry since antiquity. Starting at common knowledge (e.g., how many points do two lines intersect at), questions in enumerative geometry rapidly approach the limits of our mathematical capability.
Symplectic geometry is defined by the laws of motion, like the trajectory of a planet around the sun. While historically used to calculate the mechanics of constrained systems, such as a pendulum attached to a metal rod, the language of symplectic geometry has become the natural setting for mathematical physics as a whole.
The third kind of geometry --- called tropical geometry for its historical connection to Brazil --- studies optimization and maximization. Shapes here describe the problems in linear optimization, such as efficiently assigning workers to jobs in a factory.

On a small scale, algebraic and symplectic geometry look incredibly different: algebraic geometry seems very orderly, while symplectic geometry frequently handles chaotic scenarios such as a table full of billiard balls.
However, when one zooms out to view the large-scale behaviour, both geometries can be approximated by tropical geometry. If an algebraic space and symplectic space tropically look the same, they are called ``mirror spaces''.

In the last two decades, the study of ``Complex to Tropical correspondences'' has produced exciting results by viewing problems in algebra through the lens of tropical geometry.
This proposal will look at recently developed ``Tropical to Lagrangian correspondences,'' where symplectic structures (Lagrangians) are built from tropical data.
The research agenda within the scope of mirror symmetry includes finding new mirror spaces, developing new computational methods in symplectic geometry, and investigating exciting applications of symplectic geometry in tropical curves. The project will also look at interfaces outside of geometry, specifically to dimer models (a description of domino tilings) and mutations (a modification process occurring in symplectic geometry, cluster algebras, and triangulated categories).


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Description Homological Mirror Symmetry for Batyrev Mirrors 
Organisation Dartmouth College
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In this project I am bringing expertise in my knowledge of constructions of Lagrangian submanifolds and mirror symmetry for toric varities.
Collaborator Contribution The researchers in this collaboration are: Nick Sheridan (University of Edinburgh), who brings in expert knowledge on homological mirror symmetry and relative Fukaya categories Sheel Ganatra (USC) who is an expert in symplectic cohomology and wrapped Fukaya categories Daniel Pomerleano (UMB) who is an expert in symplectic cohomology and noncommutative Hodge theory Andrew Hanlon (Dartmouth College) who is an expert in mirror symmetry for toric varities.
Impact Our collaboration has produced one preprint "Integrality of mirror maps and arithmetic homological mirror symmetry for Greene--Plesser mirrors" where we employ our improved versality arguments to the already known case of HMS for Greene-Plesser mirrors. As a consequence, we obtain that the mirror map can be written with integer coefficients.
Start Year 2022
Description Homological Mirror Symmetry for Batyrev Mirrors 
Organisation University of Massachusetts Boston
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In this project I am bringing expertise in my knowledge of constructions of Lagrangian submanifolds and mirror symmetry for toric varities.
Collaborator Contribution The researchers in this collaboration are: Nick Sheridan (University of Edinburgh), who brings in expert knowledge on homological mirror symmetry and relative Fukaya categories Sheel Ganatra (USC) who is an expert in symplectic cohomology and wrapped Fukaya categories Daniel Pomerleano (UMB) who is an expert in symplectic cohomology and noncommutative Hodge theory Andrew Hanlon (Dartmouth College) who is an expert in mirror symmetry for toric varities.
Impact Our collaboration has produced one preprint "Integrality of mirror maps and arithmetic homological mirror symmetry for Greene--Plesser mirrors" where we employ our improved versality arguments to the already known case of HMS for Greene-Plesser mirrors. As a consequence, we obtain that the mirror map can be written with integer coefficients.
Start Year 2022
Description Homological Mirror Symmetry for Batyrev Mirrors 
Organisation University of Southern California
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In this project I am bringing expertise in my knowledge of constructions of Lagrangian submanifolds and mirror symmetry for toric varities.
Collaborator Contribution The researchers in this collaboration are: Nick Sheridan (University of Edinburgh), who brings in expert knowledge on homological mirror symmetry and relative Fukaya categories Sheel Ganatra (USC) who is an expert in symplectic cohomology and wrapped Fukaya categories Daniel Pomerleano (UMB) who is an expert in symplectic cohomology and noncommutative Hodge theory Andrew Hanlon (Dartmouth College) who is an expert in mirror symmetry for toric varities.
Impact Our collaboration has produced one preprint "Integrality of mirror maps and arithmetic homological mirror symmetry for Greene--Plesser mirrors" where we employ our improved versality arguments to the already known case of HMS for Greene-Plesser mirrors. As a consequence, we obtain that the mirror map can be written with integer coefficients.
Start Year 2022
Description Project on Rouquier Dimensions of Categories via Lagrangian Cobordisms 
Organisation Dartmouth College
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Andrew Hanlon, Oleg Lazarev and I are studying applications of Lagrangian cobordisms and other techniques in symplectic geometry to obtain bounds for the Rouquier dimension of the Fukaya category. An immediate mathematical application is to study the Rouquier dimension of a toric variety. My contribution to the project has been to handle some of the combinatorial manipulations that bound the Rouquier dimension, and to understand how Lagrangian cobordisms enter the bound.
Collaborator Contribution Professor Oleg Lazarev is an expert in partially wrapped Fukaya categories and Weinstein domains. He has suggested a strategy for understanding the more general setting of cotangent bundles of a manifold via studying the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. Dr. Andrew Hanlon is a frequent collaborator who brings expertise on homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties. In particular, he has related several of the constructions we've discussed to the toric map of Frobenius, which answers a conjecture of Bondal.
Impact Our collaboration has produced three preprints, "Resolutions of toric subvarieties by lines bundles and applications (2023)" "Relating categorical dimensions in topology and symplectic geometry (2023)" "A short computation of the Rouquier dimension for a cycle of projective lines (2023)" Hanlon, Lazarev, and I have given several conference talks on our approach to this problem.
Start Year 2022
Description Project on Rouquier Dimensions of Categories via Lagrangian Cobordisms 
Organisation University of Massachusetts Boston
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Andrew Hanlon, Oleg Lazarev and I are studying applications of Lagrangian cobordisms and other techniques in symplectic geometry to obtain bounds for the Rouquier dimension of the Fukaya category. An immediate mathematical application is to study the Rouquier dimension of a toric variety. My contribution to the project has been to handle some of the combinatorial manipulations that bound the Rouquier dimension, and to understand how Lagrangian cobordisms enter the bound.
Collaborator Contribution Professor Oleg Lazarev is an expert in partially wrapped Fukaya categories and Weinstein domains. He has suggested a strategy for understanding the more general setting of cotangent bundles of a manifold via studying the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. Dr. Andrew Hanlon is a frequent collaborator who brings expertise on homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties. In particular, he has related several of the constructions we've discussed to the toric map of Frobenius, which answers a conjecture of Bondal.
Impact Our collaboration has produced three preprints, "Resolutions of toric subvarieties by lines bundles and applications (2023)" "Relating categorical dimensions in topology and symplectic geometry (2023)" "A short computation of the Rouquier dimension for a cycle of projective lines (2023)" Hanlon, Lazarev, and I have given several conference talks on our approach to this problem.
Start Year 2022