Hysteresis of two-phase flows in porous and fractured media: From micro-scale Haines jumps to macro-scale pressure-saturation curves

Lead Research Organisation: Coventry University
Department Name: Ctr for Fluid and Complex Systems


A wine stain spreading on a tablecloth or oil percolating through a fractured rock are examples of a fluid displacing another in porous and fractured materials. Fluid displacement plays a key role in a wide range of applications, including agriculture and hydrology, biology, energy and environmental engineering, and industrial processes such as printing and curing of cement and foods. Many of these processes are driven in cycles, alternating between displacement of the less wetting fluid by the more wetting one (called "imbibition"), and vice versa ("drainage"); for example rain and evaporation cycles in soils, and flow reversal after CO2 injection stops in carbon geosequestration (CGS). Remarkably, these cycles exhibit significant hysteresis or path-dependency. This is evident in the pressure-saturation (PS) relationship, where the pressure required to achieve a given saturation (relative amount of one fluid) in drainage differs from that in imbibition. Hysteresis and the associated multivaluedness and history dependence make prediction and control of CGS, as well as enhanced oil recovery and soil remediation, highly challenging.

A fascinating scientific problem of huge practical importance, wetting hysteresis has been intensely studied for almost a century by physicists, geoscientists and engineers. Nonetheless, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms remains partial. The main source of this knowledge gap is that large-scale hysteresis is the result of interactions between microscopic capillary instabilities (intermittent pinning and "jumps" of the fluid-fluid interface). Consequently, existing models are either heuristic--use tunable, non-physical parameters, or intractable--requiring details which are practically unattainable experimentally or even numerically; both extremities are of limited usefulness, and can produce significant errors. The role wetting hysteresis plays in some of the environmental challenges we face today, makes formulation of a physically-sound, predictive model highly timely.

The proposed project addresses the aforementioned shortcomings, by formulating the first rigorous model of wetting hysteresis, which, in contrast to existing models, is based only on clear, identifiable physical parameters. We achieve this by blending numerical, experimental and theoretical approaches from various disciplines--statistical physics, fluid mechanics, hydrology and geophysics, and exploiting recent computational and experimental advancements. The model will be used to quantitatively explain how the microscopic capillary instabilities (jumps) contribute to hysteresis at larger (continuum) scales, of huge benefit to the greater porous media scientific community (engineers, physicists and geoscientists). The model will also be used to assess the implications of hysteresis for engineering practice at the field scale through reservoir simulations--the standard tool for modelling subsurface flow in energy and environmental applications--in which PS relationships appear as a constitutive equation. Together with our project partners in the British Geological Survey we will conduct reservoir simulations using physically-sound PS relationships generated by our model, aiming to improve CGS operations which are of enormous economic potential to the UK.
Description Multiphase flow in responsive media: Hydrate formation in Carbon Geosequestration 
Organisation British Geological Survey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Joint project with the British Geological Survey (BGS)--which are PP in the current EPSRC-funded project, and Nottingham Trent U. This project, currently at the level of jointly supervised PhD, has been developed further and is now being reviewed for UKRI Cross Research Council Responsive Mode (CRCRM) joint project. Funding for time of BGS PIs will be supported by external funding we have been awarded by STFC (BUFI program).
Collaborator Contribution Partners provide cutting-edge experimental facilities and techniques to assess the interplay between fluid dynamics and a suite of reactive transport phenomena, including hydrate formation and carbonate precipitation at CCS-representative conditions (high pressure and temperature, unique specialised lab).
Impact Multidisciplinary: physics, fluid mechanics, geosciences
Start Year 2023
Description Multiphase flow in responsive media: Hydrate formation in Carbon Geosequestration 
Organisation Nottingham Trent University
Department School of Science and Technology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Joint project with the British Geological Survey (BGS)--which are PP in the current EPSRC-funded project, and Nottingham Trent U. This project, currently at the level of jointly supervised PhD, has been developed further and is now being reviewed for UKRI Cross Research Council Responsive Mode (CRCRM) joint project. Funding for time of BGS PIs will be supported by external funding we have been awarded by STFC (BUFI program).
Collaborator Contribution Partners provide cutting-edge experimental facilities and techniques to assess the interplay between fluid dynamics and a suite of reactive transport phenomena, including hydrate formation and carbonate precipitation at CCS-representative conditions (high pressure and temperature, unique specialised lab).
Impact Multidisciplinary: physics, fluid mechanics, geosciences
Start Year 2023
Title Drainage and imbibition Simulator 
Description The first model based solely on physical parameters, without any fitting. This provides the first rigorous link between microscopic instabilities, collective capillary rearrangements of the interface (Haines jumps) and the large- scale behaviour including hysteresis and memory. Our model predicts pressure-saturation hysteresis and the associated energy dissipation using physically-meaningful parameters only, an important step towards an improved continuum modelling of multiphase flow 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact So far mostly academic -- improved predictive capabilities.