Improving Research Translation In Image Guided Surgery

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Medical Physics and Biomedical Eng


The key aim of research in Image Guided Surgery (IGS) is to bring new technologies to the clinic, providing targeted, less invasive and more successful treatment for patients. In turn, this can improve recovery times; reduce cost and time pressures on the NHS and ease the workload of clinical teams.

In an increasingly data-driven field, innovation in the medical devices field has shifted towards AI, augmented reality, decision assistance etc., all of which are underpinned by software development, and there is an urgent need for dedicated expertise in this area.

I will provide a core programme of software engineering, delivering simulation software for researchers working on AI applications in Image Guided Surgery, alongside a cloud platform to ease deployment of new technolgoies in the operating theatre and collaborate with research/clinical teams to provide bespoke support for IGS projects.

Over the course of the fellowship,this will increase the UK's capability in healthcare technology, contribute to wider availability of minimally invasive, cost effective, surgical interventions; and increase the productivity of research and clinical teams by removing challenges associated with translating new techniques.


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Dowrick T (2023) Evaluation of a calibration rig for stereo laparoscopes. in Medical physics

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Dowrick T (2022) Large scale simulation of labeled intraoperative scenes in unity. in International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery

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Ghani A (2023) OSPEN: an open source platform for emulating neuromorphic hardware in International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)

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Ramalhinho J (2023) Fan-Slicer: A Pycuda Package for Fast Reslicing of Ultrasound Shaped Planes in Journal of Open Research Software

Title WEISS Laparoscope Calibration Study Dataset 
Description Laparoscope calibration data used in paper 'Evaluation of a calibration rig for stereo laparoscopes'. The dataset comprises 60 separate data collections, using a Viking 3D laparoscope and NDI optical tracker, where each one contains 10 stereo image pairs, alongside tracking data for the laparoscope and calibration target. Data was collected using a calibration rig, and in 'freehand' mode, for two calibration targets (ChAruCo markers and dot grid). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  