ReproHum: Investigating Reproducibility of Human Evaluations in Natural Language Processing

Lead Research Organisation: University of Aberdeen
Department Name: Computing Science


Over the past few months, we have laid the groundwork for the ReproHum project (summarised in the 'pre-project' column in the Work Plan document) with (i) a study of 20 years of human evaluation in NLG which reviewed and labelled 171 papers in detail, (ii) the development of a classification system for NLP evaluations, (iii) a proposal for a shared task for reproducibility of human evaluation in NLG, and (iv) a proposal for a workshop on human evaluation in NLP. We have built an international network of 20 research teams currently working on human evaluation who will actively contribute to this project (see Track Record section), making combined contributions in kind of over £80,000. This pre-project activity has created an advantageous starting position for the proposed work, and means we can 'hit the ground running' with the scientifically interesting core of the work.

In this foundational project, our key goals are the development of a methodological framework for testing the reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP, and of a multi-lab paradigm for carrying out such tests in practice, carrying out the first study of this kind in NLP. We will (i) systematically diagnose the extent of the human evaluation reproducibility problem in NLP and survey related current work to address it (WP1); (ii) develop the theoretical and methodological underpinnings for reproducibility testing in NLP (WP2); (iii) test the suitability of the shared-task paradigm (uniformly popular across NLP fields) for reproducibility testing (WP3); (iv) create a design for multi-test reproducibility studies, and run the ReproHum study, an international large-scale multi-lab effort conducting 50+ individual, coordinated reproduction attempts on human evaluations in NLP from the past 10 years (WP4); and (v) nurture and build international consensus regarding how to address the reproducibility crisis, via technical meetings and growing our international network of researchers (WP5).


Description The ReproHum project set out to address the following challenges in the field of NLP:
1. We do not currently have any other way of testing the validity of human evaluations;
2. Human evaluations play a central role in NLP, and are widely assumed to yield 'true' estimates of quality [10]: new automatic evaluation metrics are routinely meta-evaluated through correlation with human evaluation results, yet the latter are not themselves subject to validation in any form;
3. We do not currently have a solid basis for meta-evaluation or reproducibility testing: the most fundamental prerequisite for these is to determine whether two evaluations are comparable in the sense that they assess the same aspect of quality; in fact we have found plenty of evidence that evaluations that use the same term (e.g. Fluency) often do not in fact measure the same thing [1, 3];
4. The validity of large swathes of conclusions in NLP, because drawn on assumptions of comparability, is unknown: Given (b) and (c) above, any conclusion that is based on an assumption that a set of evaluations are comparable, without providing evidence for this assumption, is subject to doubt.

The ReproHum project was designed to address the above challenges head on.

The project's targeted outcomes and their state of completion are as follows:
A. A formal system for assessing the comparability of any two human evaluations: Quantitative Reproducibility Assessment, or QRA, and its extension QRA++; STATUS: complete;
B. Experimental design and reporting templates for enhancing the reproducibility of individual evaluation experiments: HEDS datasheet and ReproNLP extension; STATUS: complete;
C. A theoretical and methodological framework for carrying out (i) individual reproducibility assessments, and (ii) multi-test studies, of human evaluation results in NLP, both validated through a shared task on reproducibility of human evaluations and a large-scale multi-lab study of reproducibility of human evaluations: Common Approach to Reproduction in NLP, Design of ReproHum Multi-lab Multi-test (MLMT) Study, ReproNLP Shared Task 2021-2024; STATUS: MLMT Study is ongoing, otherwise complete.

Apart from completing and reporting the MLMT Study, we have thus achieved the ambitious overall goal of the ReproHum projec: to find workable solutions that comprehensively address the reproducibility crisis in human evaluation in NLP.
Exploitation Route We have created a number of reusable resources for reproducibility (The ReproHum Reproducibility Toolbox):
HEDS Human Evaluation Datasheet
Common Approach to Reproduction
Quantitative Reproducibility Assessment
Repository of annotated papers with full details about experiments carried out and completed HEDS sheets
Benchmark datasets/tasks
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Bielefeld University
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Bocconi University
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Charles University
Country Czech Republic 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Edinburgh Napier University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Georgia Institute of Technology
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Google
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Heriot-Watt University
Department School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation McGill University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Peking University
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Pompeu Fabra University
Department Department of Information and Communication Technologies
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Technological University Dublin
Country Ireland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Trivago NV
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation University of Chicago
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation University of Groningen
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation University of Santiago de Compostela
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation University of Tilburg
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Utrecht University
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration on ReproHum MLMT Study 
Organisation Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ReproHum project team coordinate the work of 20 partner labs on this multi-lab multi-test study of factors affecting reproducibility of human evaluations in NLP.
Collaborator Contribution Each partner lab carry out between one and three individual reproduction experiments.
Impact Internal progress reports on MLMT study. Lab reports and overall results report to be published at HumEval 2023 Workshop.
Start Year 2022