Direct Writing of Nanodevices: A Sustainable Route to Nanofabrication

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Materials


The ability to write structures at the nanoscale using lithography underpins modern society. The electronic devices we take for granted contain integrated circuits (ICs), and the key component of those circuits are field-effect transistors (FETs). They have reduced in size by a factor of two every two years for over forty years, following "Moore's Law". The roadmap for the electronics industry now assumes that this constant reduction of size will continue - at least until the mid-2020s. At the end of 2019, Extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) began to be used to manufacture FinFETs (i.e. FETs that resemble a Fin) as part of ICs at the 7 nm node. Unfortunately, EUVL has an astronomical cost, where each tool costs > $100 M dollars with similarly costs for maintenance. It is evident that this is a colossal investment for larger' semiconductor manufacturers i.e. Intel, TSMC, Samsung, Global Foundries, Infineon, LG. The cost is not sustainable which has led the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) to declare that it will no longer be economically feasible to decrease FET device dimensions past the 5 nm node. This has led to significant uncertainty in the future direction of the semiconductor industry, especially for smaller manufacturers that risk being priced out of the market. Additionally, lithography is a subtractive process and very energy demanding. Layers are added in manufacture that are then largely etched away during fabrication. This is wasteful and more sustainable processes are needed moving forward. Equally, plasma etching for the step where the lithographed structure is transferred into the substrate (silicon or compound semiconductor) uses a large amount of energy. If we could directly write structures we would use less precursor, produce less waste and reduce energy consumption and potentially make the process sustainable as well as accessible for smaller manufacturers.

In this proposal, we will demonstrate a new sustainable and relatively inexpensive manufacturing process that will allow less waste and reduce energy consumption and potentially make the process sustainable as well as accessible for smaller manufacturers in the UK and beyond. This new manufacturing technique is based on the decomposition of molecular precursor molecules in ion beams. As these precursors have preformed metal-chalcogen bonds they decompose in the ion beam directly to useful semiconductors such as metal oxides and metal sulfides, with written pattern resolutions beyond the 7 nm node, at a fraction of the time and processing cost compared to extant processes in the semiconductor industry. We will demonstrate that a number of useful nanoscale devices for (i) thermoelectric energy generation (ii) single photon detection above 77K and (iii) logic circuits for 16 bit memory can be prepared in this way, written at resolutions beyond what is currently possible to most small semiconductor businesses in the UK.

This work is nationally important and extremely timely; approximately 13 sextillion (10e22) transistors have been made by lithography. For example, there are 8.5 billion FETs in a new smartphone and around 3.5 billion smartphones on the planet. For the UK to compete in the next generation of devices at the 7 nm node we need innovative and sustainable approaches; we do not have companies large enough to invest in EUV writing tools (for example: we do not have an equivalent to Global Foundries, Samsung, TSMC, or Intel) to lead UK activity in this area, and to not address this deficiency in a key technological underpinning tool would mean the UK falling behind significantly in emerging technologies. By funding this proposal the UK can begin to address this deficit in its manufacturing capability.


10 25 50
Description Henry Royce Institute: Industrial Collaboration Programme (ICP): Additive Manufacturing of InP Nanostructures for Advanced Photonics
Amount £93,053 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X527257/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 03/2024
Description UoM Internal Capital Equipment Fund
Amount £230,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Manchester 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2024 
End 07/2024
Description NPL Collaboration 
Organisation National Physical Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution - Expertise in development of THz scattering near-field optical microscopy (THz-SNOM) systems, analysis and interpretation of results - Contribution to development of metrology for SNOM techniques - Access to ultrafast laser facility in Photon Science Institute at University of Manchester - Access to CUSTOM facility (EP/T01914X/1) - room-temperature and cryogenic SNOM systems with preliminary measurements on topological insulator nanowires
Collaborator Contribution - Access to microscopy systems within NPL, including room-temperature SNOM systems with variety of sources (QCL and broadband), Kerr microscopy and TERS - Expertise in metrology of microscopy techniques - Expertise topological systems, graphene and 2D materials
Impact - Two joint PhD studentships between NPL, UCL and Manchester, funded through EPSRC-funded CDT working on terahertz microscopy of low-dimensional materials: the first started in October 2021 and is co-supervised by Dr Olga Kazakova; the 2nd starts in October 2022 and is co-supervised by Dr Mira Naftaly. - University of Manchester hosting NPL equipment alongside CUSTOM facility to provide expertise in its installation and operation. - Visiting research positions in progress for Dr Olga Kazakova and Dr Jess Boland
Start Year 2019
Description Oxford Collaboration (Topological Insulator Materials and Terahertz Characterisation) 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have characterised the provided materials using ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy, providing access to ultrafast laser facilities and the recently-funded CUSTOM facility (EP/T01914X/1) within the Photon Science Institute at University of Manchester to conduct these measurements.
Collaborator Contribution One research group in Oxford (Prof Thorsten Hesjedal) have provided topological insulator and Dirac semi-metal nanowire samples for optoelectronic characterisation. Another research group (Prof. Michael Johnston) have provided access to terahertz characterisation facilities and expertise in terahertz spectroscopy.
Impact - Oral presentation at IRMMW-THz 2020 on experimental results on these materials (DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz46771.2020.9370806) - Manuscript submission to Nature Communications
Start Year 2019
Description Warwick Collaboration 
Organisation University of Warwick
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The terahertz group in Warwick have provided pump-prime funded access to their ultrafast spectroscopy facility and expertise in terahertz and ultrafast optoelectronic characterisation.
Collaborator Contribution We are providing access to the CUSTOM facility for proof-of-concept measurements and expertise in nanoscale terahertz and ultrafast optoelectronic characterisation.
Impact - Currently have 2 PhD students working together on GeSn project. - Publication generated from use of Warwick facility (DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00922B (Paper) Mater. Adv., 2022, 3, 1295-1303). - Members from Warwick have also joined annual meetings for UK Network on THz microscopy and quantum materials. - Worked on invited section on roadmap article together (J Lloyd-Hughes et al 2021 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 353001).
Start Year 2020
Description ESPRC - DFG joint workshop on terahertz communications 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a joint workshop organised by EPSRC and DFG to showcase work in terahertz communciations in UK and start collaborations to apply for joint funding between DFG and EPSRC. I presented research results from current grants (including direct writing of nanostructures) and showcased the CUSTOM facility. The event was attended by ~50 people and there was some collaborations that came out from the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Invited Talk - Keele University - January 2024 (Professor DJ Lewis) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A presentation on latest work in the Lewis research group - SusNanoFab was included as part of the Future work section of the talk.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Invited talk at UK workshop on near-field microscopy (Sheffield) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited talk on 'Non-destructive nanoscale material characterisation via terahertz and midinfrared scattering-type near field optical microscopy (THz s-SNOM)' at UK workshop on near-field microscopy. This was attended by 50 people from UK and abroad (experts in the field) to disseminate our research and also advertise the CUSTOM facility at Manchester.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Material for Quantum Networking Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Roadmapping event with materials for quantum network on challenges for government, industry and academia associated with developing quantum technologies. The event was attended by over 500 people and I contributed to the sensors, timing and imaging roadmapping session. The aim was to create recommendations to feed into government and policy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024