EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2022/23

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


This proposal is for funding to support the purchase of Core Equipment across the University of Southampton. Following an internal shortlisting process, items were identified as being either key underpinning items for areas of national importance, opportunities to invest to save, or core equipment for the benefit of early career researchers.

We will:

1. Procure a laser diffraction system to analyse wet dispersed samples and of dry dispersed particles;

2. Procure a Hall-effect measurement system to enable research in advanced materials such as biomaterials, functional ceramics and inorganics, graphene and carbon;

3. Procure an ambient photoemission spectroscopy tool to improve the performance of light absorbing and emitting devices, such as solar cells, photodetectors and light emitting devices (LEDs);

4. Procure a high resolution 3D digital microscope in the Imaging and Microscopy Centre to accelerate the development of the serial crystallography technique.

Collectively these items align to the call objectives of procuring underpinning equipment (1-4) and core equipment to benefit Early Career Researchers (1-4). The research enabled by these investment aligns to EPSRC priority areas within Physical Sciences, Engineering, Energy and ICT, and national priorities including Infrastructure, Climate Change and Advanced Materials.


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