Supergen Bioenergy Impact Hub 2023

Lead Research Organisation: Aston University
Department Name: College of Engineering and Physical Sci


The Supergen Bioenergy Hub will bring together academic, industrial an policy stakeholders to focus on sustaianable bioenergy systems. It will adopt an interdisciplinary approach focused on key innovation stages. Research at UK universities will generate new knowledge and insights in sustainable bioenergy, while incubating UK science to deliver its commerical potential and working with researchers to ensure their knowledge is diffused across the innovation community for wider benefit.
This will deliver impact with policy makers via our well-established policy connections and a focused policy-makers only forum to address their key concerns. It will deliver impact with industrialists via an industry forum that will connect innovators with UK scientists and engineers who can support them. It will deliver impact with the wider sustainable energy and product community by establishing a professional forum which will support training of commercial professionals and key knowledge transfer in new knowledge areas.
Above all it will foster stronger connections between the academic, industrial and policy sectors in a way that supports advancement of sustainable bioenergy in the U.K.


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