imProve Offshore infraStructurE resIlience against geohazarDs tOwards a chaNging climate

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Civil and Environmental Engineering


POSEIDON brings together an interdisciplinary and intersectoral team to deliver 10 professionally trained next-generation Early-Career Researchers to develop a step change in our capacity to identify, map, assess and predict offshore geohazards and in turn produce ground-breaking methods to prevent, mitigate and boost the resilience of current offshore infrastructure under a changing climate. The consortium is formed by experts across 7 EU countries with 7 universities, 2 research institutions, 4 industry partners and 1 government body to cover a full training programme on scientific and transferable skills. The programme will undertake critical research across scales (from micro to macro) for seeking the inner links and differences, with an eventual aim to ascertain the pathways and grow our capacity for the enhancement of the existing and the robust development of new offshore infrastructure in the frame of safety and resiliency. In addition to the informed design and implementation of the novel physical/numerical modelling and lab studies, our approach is unique in the solid integration and utilisation of state-of-the-art data science technologies (e.g. data mining, machine learning, etc.) to their full potential. Only through this systematic approach, we can achieve the objectives of understanding the impact of offshore geohazards on our offshore critical infrastructures and developing novel models, tools and designs for future OCIs, such as, wind turbines, pipelines and cables. The ESRs will enjoy a highly integrated, interdisciplinary and intersector training environment, enriched through secondments with the network of non-academics. POSEIDON enables critical learning across all training aspects to ensure that comprehensive, robust and implementable solutions are obtained and validated to face the OCIs climate-resilient building.


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