Sandpit: Digital Sensoria : Design through digital perceptual experience

Lead Research Organisation: Brunel University London
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Design


The sensorial experience of products in the digital environment is a much neglected area. Consumers' perceptions and attitudes towards products are formed and changed daily through interaction and experience with goods and services. A new language to communicate sensory stimuli has the potential to enable consumers to capture digitally their perceptions of products and use them to create value. With changes in consumer demand - namely that it is more complex and diffuse; with consumers demanding products that provide scope for greater personalisation, and that fulfil emotional needs - comes a need to gain a better understanding of consumer sensory preferences on levels hitherto unseen. Such a sensory or perceptual language would add value to a number of applications: A way to capture new types of market intelligence to help identify gaps in the market and areas for improvement and innovation; more effective communication of the attributes of products in e-retail. This level of knowledge would also support the communication between consumers and designers, perhaps leading to new transactional relationships between them.To do this we need new methods. Through this project we are proposing to give developers and consumers a means to articulate what is difficult to articulate: people's sensory perceptions of the different textiles commonly used in clothing products, thereby connecting the body to the digital world. Furthermore, we are proposing to explore this unique design space using a set of techniques that are established, but will be synthesised in a way hitherto unseen. Using design as a generative tool we will endeavour to mobilise people's tacit knowledge about, and new understandings around, sensory perceptions of textiles. We will use physiological sensing technology to obtain physiological responses to sensory materials, obtain self-report from people on those perceptions using generative co-design techniques to produce perceptual labels, and produce rich media representations of those same perceptions to provide the basic elements of our perceptual language.This digital perceptual language will be used as a method to communicate more effectively richer perceptual presentations of products, and to develop semantic tags which people can use to self-organise themselves around in social network web environments. Through these applications we aim to gain insight into: The effectiveness of the perceptual language as a way for brands to communicate rich sensory information about a product online, and therefore, a new method to add value; whether consumers are better able to make more informed choices due to better quality of information about a product, and whether they are better able to articulate what they want. Using semantic and social networking tools we also aim to gain insight into whether there is potential for new transactional and co-design relationships between users and developers/designers (thereby challenging the designer/user hierarchy) leading to new business models, e.g., market research through crowd-sourcing, and collaborative social design; and by extension whether new social and design community paradigms will emerge.


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Description Digital capture of sensory perceptions: An experimental design framework was used to create a complete picture of the perceptual space in which tactile properties of textiles are experienced by different parties (trained Designer, un-trained Consumer and Machine).
EEG measure of hedonic tactile experience was used to measure people's subjective responses to tactile perception of fabrics. The results showed the possibility of dissociating a mere response to the physical touch of a fabric from the hedonic experience its touch produces. We also found a beta-band response in the right-hemisphere that correlated well with the subjective valence of tactile caressing. These results point to the possibility of building brain-computer interfaces that could be used to measure consumers' subjective tactile experiences.

Crowdsoursing tactile subjective experience: Using a purpose built website ( ) that combines and cross references multi-modal descriptive media, including representations of physiological states, we investigated the use of crowdsourcing mechanisms to engage consumers in providing and sharing enriched descriptions of their tactile experiences of garments. The results showed that a combination of modalities provide consumers with a greater understanding of, and engagement with, clothes online, and a desire of consumers to better understand themselves and others in relation to clothes.

Digitally representing sensory perceptions: Design and evaluation of tools to digitally represent textiles in a multi-touch screen environment: (1) Design and evaluation of a gestural language for digitally handling fabrics, (2) Development and evaluation of design methods to create digital fabrics that better convey fabric properties (choreography of manipulations of textiles and development of filming techniques to film these manipulations for the multi-touch tablet environment), (3) Design and evaluation of the quality of digital sound produced by the digital fabric. The experiments resulted in the design by the consortium of a tool (i-Shoogle) to handle digital fabrics.
The development of the digital tool which allows inexpert users to use their browser to upload short film clips and turn these into interactive objects for use on smartphone, desktop or tablet computers. Currently the tool has more than 2000 interactive objects stored in its database. The objects have been viewed over 250,000 times by over 40,000 unique visitors from around 5,000 cities in over 150 countries. This tool has been further adapted to investigate the effect of sound on users' perceptions of these digital objects.
A new multi-gesture, multi-touch application for tablet computers (i-Shoogle) has been developed. This uses the same database and in-browser film-clip processing infrastructure, but exploits multi-touch gesture recognition to allow users to 'pinch', 'stroke' and 'scrunch' digital objects. The result being that extremely engaging interactive media can be quickly produced by non-experts that react photorealistically to users' multiple gestures. These 'interactive objects' are particularly suited to communicating the properties of deformable materials.

Communication and processing of perceptions on the web: Developed design Visual Understanding Environment (which is a file-based software application, which enables collaborative design by a team or community of individuals interested in developing a product idea. The results of designVUE evaluation have shown that participants were able to use the tool to explore a brief, capture alternative solutions through text and visual representations, and elicit their perceptions of them. The files generated through designVUE enabled the creation of shared mental models of the design task, and supported the planning and execution of the project. The software has had approximately 750 downloads in the period from 01 Dec 2011 to 26 Oct 2012.
Exploitation Route The Shoogle-it Iplayer could be adopted by online retail.
Sectors Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Description Science without Borders
Amount £137,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 202410/2011-0 
Organisation National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) 
Sector Public
Country Brazil
Start 09/2012 
End 06/2016
Title The Tactile Triangle Framework 
Description The Tactile Triangle is a framework to facilitate systematic analysis and comparison of tactile experiences. It is organised in three levels that reflect different aspects of tactile experience with textiles and possible methods to capture them: physical properties, in which human senses or objective testing measure fabric properties; the perceptual space level in which triadic comparisons reveal combinations of various dimensions which capture and describe tactile experiences; and finally the communication level, in which design games elicit languages communicating tactile perceptions. 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - human 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This framework has provided a basis to further research, which was deepened through Bruna Petreca's PhD project. 
Title The sCrIPT Toolkit: System for Collection (re)Interrogation, Projection and Transformation 
Description The sCrIPT Toolkit is a generative method comprised by a deck of cards with instructions that support designers in articulating feel in a self- directed manner, encouraging an experiential, full-body approach of inquiry when interacting with textile materials. This toolkit aspires to make us learn to feel fabrics once more, and to give significance to this feeling. Going beyond characterisation and definition only, and into experience. This toolkit shows how by generating experiential knowledge with textiles, designers open up the opportunity for objective measurements to be used in a meaningful way, grounded on their subjective understanding. 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - human 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This research tool is also now being used together with other materials experience research methods and tools, through the research group that Bruna Petreca is now member as a Postdoc researcher at TU Delft. More information through the website: 
Title Shoogleit Player 
Description Touch screen interactive player to simulate movement of textile materials. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2012 
Impact None