Adaptive software for high-fidelity simulations of multi-phase turbulent reacting flows
Lead Research Organisation:
Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Engineering
This project focuses on the development, validation and documentation of a next-generation fully parallelised computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) code called HAMISH based on adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) which will enable high-fidelity Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of advanced turbulent reacting flows such as flame-wall interaction, localised ignition, and droplet combustion including atomisation processes. Such simulations cannot be achieved at present without limiting simplifications due to their prohibitive computational cost. AMR for large-scale highly-parallel simulations of compressible turbulent reacting flows is a significant new functionality which will offer major benefits in terms of computational economy for problems involving thin fluid-mechanical structures, e.g. resolution of both the flame and the boundary layer in flame-wall interaction, droplet surfaces in atomisation in spray combustion, shock waves in localised forced ignition, etc. Such structures have either been ignored or simplified severely in previous work due to the prohibitive computational cost of fixed global meshes, thus limiting the usefulness of the simulations. Hence AMR will offer a step-change in capability for the computational analysis of turbulent reacting flows, and will provide data with the degree of detailed physical information which is not currently available from simulations using existing CFD codes. The proposed software will be validated with respect to the results obtained from the well-proven uniform-mesh DNS code SENGA2, which has already been ported to ARCHER and is currently widely used by members of the UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows (UKCTRF). The newly developed code, HAMISH, will not only be ported to ARCHER, but also be prepared for architectures supporting accelerators thanks to OpenMP 4.5, which will support OpenACC, targeting a POWER8 cluster. As a part of this project, a detailed user guide will be produced at each new release of the code. This user guide will be made available on a website for public download along with the open-source version of the code and the associated documentation on code validation and user tutorials.
Planned Impact
(i)Development of fundamental understanding and modelling of turbulent reacting flows: The design-cycle of modern combustors and fire-safe engineering structures depends heavily on the predictive capability of advanced CFD calculations. The adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) based CFD software developed during the course of this project will make it possible to carry out advanced turbulent reacting flow simulations (e.g. FWI, ignition with shock wave formation, and spray combustion with atomisation etc.), which were hitherto either impossible or extremely expensive to conduct. Furthermore, the newly developed CFD software HAMISH will not only utilise the current High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities but also will be made compatible for the next generation UK National computer, including hybrid MPI+OpenMP & MPI+OpenACC for GPUs, and other accelerators. The DNS simulations, to be carried out based on HAMISH, will yield important fundamental physical insights, which in turn can be used for the development of high-fidelity models for turbulent reacting flows. This exercise will offer maxi-mum benefit for manufacturers of new generation Internal Combustion (IC) engines and gas turbines, who are engaged in developing new low-pollution and high efficiency engines. In the UK, Renuda, Rolls-Royce and Siemens are involved in the Impact Advisory Panel (IAP) of UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows (UKCTRF) who will be interested in the outcome of this work, though the benefits are not limited to the UK as important findings will be disseminated through leading peer-reviewed journals (Journal of Computational Physics, Computers and Fluids, Combustion and Flame, Combustion Theory and Modelling, Physics of Fluids etc.) and international conference (Parallel CFD, PARENG, International Combustion Symposium, European Combustion Meeting, SIAM Numerical Combustion Conference etc.) publications.
(ii) Engagement with industry: In order to maximise the impact of the project, the PI, CIs and RAs will work actively to publicise the results by attending reputed international conferences and important UK combustion meetings organised by the British Combustion Institute and Institute of Physics and UKCTRF. The outcomes of the project will be widely disseminated to the members of UKCTRF and industrial IAP members by utilising the UKCTRF meetings and hosting a website linked with UKCTRF website.The website will be maintained during the course of this project to promote and disseminate the newly developed code HAMISH. On the website, links will be provided for easy access to the source code, information regarding code validation, user manual and tutorials for potential users. This website will be particularly important for commercial CFD companies who will have cutting-edge information on the subject, and can implement the models in industrial CFD codes.
(iii) Manpower development: The proposed project is based on the collaboration between three different turbulent reacting flow research groups in the UK, which will ensure an extensive knowledge exchange. This project will not only broaden the expertise of the investigators but also be highly valuable for the RAs for their academic and career development. The RAs will receive extensive training on a variety of topics such as advanced CFD techniques (e.g. AMR), thermo-fluid mechanics, turbulence, and combustion physics. They will also learn advanced techniques for for high performance computing, which will improve their analytical and mathematical skills. This project lays substantial emphasis on on the development of both technical and transferable skills of the RAs, which, in turn, increases the chances of their employability. As a result of this, this project has high impacts in terms of developing highly skilled UK based workforce and this benefit will be felt in 3-5 years' time-scale.
(ii) Engagement with industry: In order to maximise the impact of the project, the PI, CIs and RAs will work actively to publicise the results by attending reputed international conferences and important UK combustion meetings organised by the British Combustion Institute and Institute of Physics and UKCTRF. The outcomes of the project will be widely disseminated to the members of UKCTRF and industrial IAP members by utilising the UKCTRF meetings and hosting a website linked with UKCTRF website.The website will be maintained during the course of this project to promote and disseminate the newly developed code HAMISH. On the website, links will be provided for easy access to the source code, information regarding code validation, user manual and tutorials for potential users. This website will be particularly important for commercial CFD companies who will have cutting-edge information on the subject, and can implement the models in industrial CFD codes.
(iii) Manpower development: The proposed project is based on the collaboration between three different turbulent reacting flow research groups in the UK, which will ensure an extensive knowledge exchange. This project will not only broaden the expertise of the investigators but also be highly valuable for the RAs for their academic and career development. The RAs will receive extensive training on a variety of topics such as advanced CFD techniques (e.g. AMR), thermo-fluid mechanics, turbulence, and combustion physics. They will also learn advanced techniques for for high performance computing, which will improve their analytical and mathematical skills. This project lays substantial emphasis on on the development of both technical and transferable skills of the RAs, which, in turn, increases the chances of their employability. As a result of this, this project has high impacts in terms of developing highly skilled UK based workforce and this benefit will be felt in 3-5 years' time-scale.

Ahmed P
Three dimensional measurements of surface areas and burning velocities of turbulent spherical flames
in Combustion and Flame

Ahmed U
Multiscale analysis of head-on quenching premixed turbulent flames
in Physics of Fluids

Ahmed U
Influence of Flow Configuration and Thermal Wall Boundary Conditions on Turbulence During Premixed Flame-Wall Interaction within Low Reynolds Number Boundary Layers
in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion

Ahmed U
Insights into the Bending Effect in Premixed Turbulent Combustion Using the Flame Surface Density Transport
in Combustion Science and Technology

Ahmed U
Influence of thermal wall boundary condition on scalar statistics during flame-wall interaction of premixed combustion in turbulent boundary layers
in International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

Ahmed U
Flame self interaction during turbulent boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion
in Physical Review Fluids

Ahmed U
Statistics of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction gradients of a pulverised coal jet flame using Direct Numerical Simulation data
in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Description | Flow physics and mesh refinement Developing an AMR code raises challenges in the programming methodology and software management. Mesh refinement and de-refinement are strongly case dependent, and the mesh has to change dynamically and rapidly depending on the local flow physics. The flow physics has to be well understood in the development and optimisation of the AMR trigging strategy, especially for complex flows in combustion, where multi-phase flow, droplets, chemical reaction, wall turbulence and shock-waves are all involved. Parallelisation of the code In-depth parallelisation is another challenge for complex AMR code. In addition to conventional parallelisation based on MPI, vectorisation of the code would improve the performance of the code on accelerators, improving data locality of the AMR code. To further boost the performance on modern HPC architectures, it is intended to implement the hybrid MPI-OpenMP model, with OpenMP 4.5 from OpenACC on accelerators. Multi-phase capability To capture atomisation and evaporation of droplets in combustion, a combined multi-phase reacting flow solver has to be developed. It will rely on Volume-of-fluid (VOF) method. However, the conventional VOF method is not accurate enough to capture the surface geometry of droplets and to compute the surface tension, which is critical in the evaporation process. Although AMR will help in refining the mesh around the droplets and improving the accuracy, it is still a key issue and a challenge to develop a high-accuracy front-tracking VOF method to integrate it into a parallel AMR-based code, with adequate performance. Data analysis tools Post-processing methods based on adaptive unstructured meshes are required so that volume-rendering based visualisation and the extraction of flow structures can be done with ease. |
Exploitation Route | This project is funded by the EPSRC (EP/P022286/1). The project focuses on the development, validation and documentation of a next-generation fully parallelised computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code called HAMISH. This code is based on adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) which will enable high-fidelity Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of advanced turbulent reacting flows such as flame-wall interaction, localised ignition, and droplet combustion including atomisation processes. Such simulations cannot be achieved at present without limiting simplifications due to their prohibitive computational cost. AMR for large-scale highly-parallel simulations of compressible turbulent reacting flows is a significant new functionality which will offer major benefits in terms of computational economy for problems involving thin fluid-mechanical structures, e.g. resolution of both the flame and the boundary layer in flame-wall interaction, droplet surfaces in atomisation in spray combustion, shock waves in localised forced ignition, etc. Such structures have either been ignored or simplified severely in previous work due to the prohibitive computational cost of fixed global meshes, thus limiting the usefulness of the simulations. Hence AMR will offer a step-change in capability for the computational analysis of turbulent reacting flows, and will provide data with the degree of detailed physical information which is not currently available from simulations using existing CFD codes. The proposed software will be validated with respect to the results obtained from the well-proven uniform-mesh DNS code SENGA2, which has already been ported to ARCHER and is currently widely used by members of the UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows (UKCTRF). The newly developed code, HAMISH, will not only be ported to ARCHER, but also be prepared for architectures supporting accelerators thanks to OpenMP 4.5, which will support OpenACC, targeting a POWER8 cluster. As a part of this project, a detailed user guide will be produced at each new release of the code. This user guide will be made available on a website for public download along with the open-source version of the code and the associated documentation on code validation and user tutorials. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Energy Environment Other |
URL | |
Description | The vision of this software development is closely aligned with UKCTRF's aim to address the global and UK challenges of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, which is consistent with 'Energy' research theme and resilient nation delivery plan of EPSRC. Development of specialised software for challenging aspects of turbulent reacting flows will extend the scope and fidelity of DNS simulations of turbulent reacting flows by utilising the latest developments of HPC. This offered benefits in terms of availability of advanced tools for analysis and improved physical understanding for development of high-fidelity models to the world-leading UK based industries (e.g. Rolls Royce, Shell and Siemens etc.) who are engaged in developing new concepts for low-pollution and high efficiency IC engines and gas turbines. The technological advancements enabled by the development of HAMISH also helped in designing energy-efficient and environment-friendly combustors especially for UK based industries, which will bring a long-term benefit (in a time scale of 10-20 years) for society (consistent with Resilient Nation of the EPSRC's delivery plan). Finally, the CFD software community, who use state-of-the-art codes to yield high-fidelity predictions, are interested in this work and this benefit will be realised in 5 -10 years' time-scale. This project laid substantial emphasis on developing a highly skilled UK-based workforce in the form of Research Associates who eventually carried the expertise gained in the course of the project in their future roles and obtained permanent academic roles. Finally, the project website containing the code, user manual and tutorial problems are not only be beneficial for the UKCTRF community but also for the whole turbulent reacting flow research community. |
First Year Of Impact | 2017 |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Energy,Environment,Transport,Other |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |