New Norms and Forms of Development: Brokerage in Maternal and Child Health Service Development and Delivery in Nepal and Malawi

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Social and Political Science


Donors and international organizations involved in dispersing foreign aid now routinely employ contracts with service providers, both for-profit and non-profit, to carry out functions relating to international health service development and delivery. This outsourcing of foreign aid via contractual arrangements and partnerships is linked to a discourse on public sector reform in order to secure value for money, enhance aid efficiency and achieve the most impact with limited resources. These intermediaries include non-profits, private contractors, management consultancies, advocacy groups, research organizations, think tanks and educational institutions among others. They employ tens of thousands of expert professionals, operating within the state apparatus or as outside technical support, and advise, consult and serve in various official capacities and contribute to health service development and to the delivery of projects. They occupy and link the space between the funders and beneficiaries/target groups translating the meanings and processes of development.

Sceptics have argued that much of foreign development aid is actually a giveaway to large contractors and sub-contractors. However, these intermediaries are the key actors whose function is critical in bringing together innovation, expertise, resources and political networks from different institutions to contribute to global development objectives such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Through its focus on the role and functions of different types of institutions and professionals who broker health sector development projects and programmes, the research aims to understand the nature of mediation and translation involved in that process and the difference these actors make in meeting the global health development objectives.

In this research we explore this phenomena for Maternal and Child Health, comparing the processes in the countries of Malawi and Nepal. Both of these countries have achieved strides towards achieving their goals for MDG 5 (focused on Improving Maternal Health by reducing by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio, and achieving universal access to reproductive health), and have been the focus of sustained resource input from both USAID and UKaid for these aims. To do this, first we will map the institutional terrain around this, and then explore - using ethnographic techniques and semi-structured interviews with those involved in the delivery of the MCH programmes - to compare and contrast this developmental landscape. A key aim is to use the research to inform policy makers in the donor community, and the respective governments, of the best institutional relations for this; in short, what works best, and what less well. To do this, we have brought together a team of researchers and in country research partners with significant expertise and experience in carrying out research and public engagement in the health sector development in Nepal and Malawi. Central to this research, we will run inception workshops in both countries to inform the aims of the research, and define the research direction. Continued engagement with the key stakeholders will culminate in dissemination workshops designed to inform policy and future direction in the arena of MCH.

Planned Impact

The impacts that we are seeking to make with this research are of several kinds, and are emergent from the extensive
networks that the research team already have in Nepal and Malawi, and will further develop during the course of the
research. The PI has already run several workshops and conferences in Nepal, and with twenty years of programmatic and
research experience has contacts there that are extensive, with both UKaid and USAID, and numerous health sector
development organisations. Both Jeevan Sharma and Radha Adhikari also have extensive networks in the health and
development sector, having links with all nursing organisations, the Ministry of Health, National Planning Commission,
USAID, and other non-governmental organisations. The partner organisation, Social Science Baha, is also a well respected
and networked organisation, and the inception and dissemination workshops - which are central to the way the research is
conceptualised, and to involve key stakeholders in defining and refining the questions - will be run in conjunction with them.
In Malawi, Pam Smith has contacts with a range of institutions (both private not for profit and public) health
care professional training institutions, the Ministry of Health, and Nursing and Midwifery Council through the Scotland-
Malawi Partnership funded e-learning project, and doctoral studentships. Experience of running workshops with these
networks will be invaluable during the inception process, the research itself and dissemination.

Specifically the impacts will be of the following kinds:

1. First is for the donors to better relate to and work with these intermediaries and brokers. The increased knowledge and
perceptions around these organisations held by the governments in Malawi and Nepal (be this negative, or positive), and
on how these brokers work, will better inform UKaid, USAID and other donors on how best to interact with them in the future.

2. Our findings will bring a sociological perspective that will allow the intermediary organisations to reflect on their own
practice, and consider their impact and relations with government and donors differently.

3. Through a programme of targeted dissemination, information and knowledge will be used to improve public awareness
on the role and functions of these intermediaries beyond their negative media representations. For example, we will utilise
the websites and mailing lists of the national medical schools, nursing schools and related networks associated with the
Malawi e-learning project. The budget includes publication materials (in the form of policy briefs), and for the development
of an independent website. We will make our findings widely available for discussion and debate in various country level
forums such as donor coordination meetings in order to improve the understanding of the issues that arise in working with
intermediaries in setting up projects, mobilizing resources, monitoring and evaluating them.

4. The inception and dissemination workshops will include capacity building for the Nepal and Malawi partners, to undertake operational and qualitative research, and develop writing skills for policy briefs and research findings.

In addition, impact will be achieved by articles written for local journals, both local medical oriented journals (like The Nepal
Medical Journal, and the Malawi Medical Journal) and local academic humanities journals such as the Malawi Journal of
Social Science, and Studies in Nepali History and Society, and para-academic journals such as Himal, and locally widely
distributed newspapers such as the Kathmandu Post and Kantipur.
Description Our research has tracked and explored the shifting institutional relations embedded in development programmes in Nepal and Malawi, specifically through the lens of Maternal Child Health (MCH) interventions. Through scoping mapping exercises in both countries we have documented the range of organisations involved in MCH programmes. Specifically, we have data from eight case studies on different modalities of external assistance, four in Nepal and four in Malawi, and the organizational relationships formed through and involved in conducting these programmes.
First, our mapping of the social and political organization of external development assistance reveals a complex assemblage of actors, institutional arrangements and activities informed by the norms: 'outsourcing', 'value for money' and 'measurable results'. The preoccupation with data generation places constraints on staff and programmes and can reduce the capacity to deliver programmes.
Second, we found that for development assistance to function effectively it is not just about the flow of financial resources to a project and programme but also about networks and key personal and institutional relationships.
Third, we found that there is increasing political pressure to show that the disbursement of resources is linked to performance of measurable results. However, such norms and forms allow little institutional space for embedding political economy or socio-cultural evidence into the design, implementation and evaluation of projects. We conclude by presenting the implications of these new institutional modalities and norms for health outcomes and State capacity to deliver effective MCH services.
The comparison between Nepal and Malawi, has led to a deeper understanding of how national and local political and cultural considerations are important in understanding these relationships. Critical events - like the 'cashgate' scandal in Malawi, and the constitution writing process, and ongoing political struggles in Nepal - have impacted government and civil society organizational relationships in specific ways. These relationships are fluid and responsive to changing resource flows, international and national development agendas, available expertise and personal networks.
Our approach is allowing us to develop methodological guidance for the mapping of networks in development work.
Exploitation Route Our findings feed into debate on international assistance through an understanding of what organisations actually do in practice. The research inform public debate on foreign aid in both Nepal and Malawi, and internationally. Team members engaged directly with DfID, USAID and other bilateral organisations both with our empirical findings and through the debate on evidence based policy and practice. In Malawi, in particular, team members were called to brief the Ministry of Health on the implications of the research findings.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Democracy and Justice

Description The methodological design of the project has fed into the 25 year USAID Nepal Health Programme Review Assistance. This was a direct consequence of USAID's participation in the Nepal inception workshop and further iterative engagement through the research itself. Through the participation of Jeevan Sharma, findings from the research have fed informally into this Review. The writing of the review report was also informed by our research. Further impact is anticipated through dissemination workshops in the summer.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Policy & public services

Title Interview data from 'new norms and forms of development' 
Description This data contains findings of the study on outsourcing of external development assistance in maternal and child health (MCH) in Malawi and Nepal. It outlines the institutional modalities and norms guiding the financing and delivery of MCH projects and programmes. First, our study of external development assistance reveals a messy assemblage of actors, institutional arrangements and activities informed by the norms: 'value for money' and 'measurable results'. Second, we found that for development assistance to function effectively it is not just about the flow of financial resources to a project or a programme but also about networks and key personal and institutional relationships. Third, we found that there is increasing political pressure to show that the disbursement of resources are linked to the achievement of measurable results. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Conference co-convened at Edinburgh University on "Evidence and Organisations in Development". Team members presented three papers at this conference. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a conference co-convened with the Centre for African Studies under the auspices of the "Spaces of Evidence" network. We presented three papers derived from the research, and this sparked questions and discussions on the relationship between evidence and policy within the realm of development work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Dissemination event in Edinburgh 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We brought together academics and practitioners with an interest in Maternal and Child Health in Scotland, presented our methods and key findings and implications for practice. Our research briefs and working papers were made available for the participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Dissemination workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was the formal dissemination of the research activities in Nepal, and targeted government agencies, policy makers, bilateral aid agencies, academia and NGOs/INGOs. The event was reported in the local media (Swastyakharbar: ). Participants suggested that too often academics and researchers, and policy makers, shy away from the more difficult conversations about the politics of aid that was highlighted in this research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Malawi dissemination 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This dissemination event for our research was chaired by the Secretary of the Treasury, in the Finance Ministry in Malawi. All the key bilateral health donors active in Malawi attended (including representatives of the World Bank, DfID, USAID, GiZ etc.). It generated a lot of interest including a request from the Director of Planning at the Ministry of Health to give a presentation to his office, to which he invited the key donors in the health sector. This presentation was made by our Malawian Co-investigator.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Panel at the 2016 Social Science Baha Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal: "New Norms and Forms of Development:Following technical and financial assistance in the health sector in Nepal" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact We organised a panel bringing together three cross disciplinary papers at Nepal's major annual social science conference (And presented one of the outputs from the research: Adhikari, R., & O. Chand "Foreign aid and institutional arrangements in implementing in implementing MCH project in Nepal"), bringing together NGOs, academics, media to discuss external assistance and its politics in the health sector in Nepal.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016