Complementing Managerial Capital with Business Information: A Field Experiment on International Consulting for Entrepreneurs in Uganda and Rwanda.

Lead Research Organisation: London School of Economics and Political Science
Department Name: Management Department


This research seeks to address a significant constraint to growth among businesses in developing countries: managerial capital. Managerial capital refers to the capabilities and confidence associated with managing cash, customers, competition, capital and constraints within businesses (cf. Bruhn, Karlan and Schoar 2012). Improvements in managerial capital offer the possibility of improved growth and prosperity. However, there exists substantial evidence that it is not abundant among micro and small businesses. In this research, we examine how managerial capital might help entrepreneurs in developing countries to transform their businesses: from micro- to small-sized enterprises and from small- to medium-sized enterprises. Despite the importance of this transformation for economic growth, few researchers so far have examined this phenomenon empirically.

The limited empirical work that has used experimental interventions to improve managerial capital has been inconclusive as to whether such interventions have an impact on firm growth, job creation or poverty alleviation. One potential issue is that existing studies typically involve offering business skills programs to a broad mix of entrepreneurs, the majority of whom are self-employed out of necessity and would prefer jobs in the formal sector. Greater selectivity in the recruitment of candidates for managerial capital programs might offer greater potential for impact. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, no study has delivered a consulting program to micro sized enterprises or one in which the participants concentrate on a single business function (e.g. finance or marketing). Prior interventions have also tended to focus on improving finance/accounting practices (e.g. book keeping) or efficiencies in operations (e.g. quality control), either of which can lead to improvements in bottom-line profits. Little emphasis has been placed on the enhancement of marketing and sales practices, which have the potential to increase top-line revenues and, in turn, stimulate firm growth and job creation. Further, researchers have not yet examined the impact of complementing managerial capital with access to business intelligence to improve productivity.

We seek to answer these research questions, and address the limitations of prior work, by implementing a randomized-controlled trial (RCT) that focuses on a more homogeneous group of firms, uses a more intense intervention, provides consulting programs that focus on only one dimension of managerial capital per project, and improves access to business information. In part 1, a screening tool will be implemented to identify a homogenous sample of 900 'high growth potential' micro and small enterprises in four urban areas across Uganda and Rwanda. Next, in part 2, participants will be exposed to a high quality Consulting Program provided by GROW Movement ( This managerial capital intervention represents a novel model for delivering free, high quality business advice to the world's poorest entrepreneurs via emails, mobile phone calls, and Skype video conferencing. Participants will be randomly assigned into one of three consulting groups: 300 participants will get a consultant who focuses on a "Marketing/Sales growth project". 300 participants will get a consultant who focuses on a "Finance/Accounting growth project". 300 participants will be assigned to a control group that does not receive any intervention. In part 3, within one week of beginning the GROW program, all 'treated' participants (n = 600) will receive an additional business information tool that complements their consulting service and allows them to track and analyze key business metrics. After completing the GROW program, all 900 participants will have their business practices and performance outcomes measured using post-intervention surveys conducted at months 6 and 12.

Planned Impact

This project will inform policy in multiple ways. For each stakeholder group below we outline specific outputs against which the success of the project can be assessed for impact.


Implement all elements of the proposed research project within the timelines prescribed. Some key deliverables include:

(1) Sample: identify a sample of 900 potentially transformational entrepreneurs across two countries (i.e. entrepreneurs who qualify and are interested in participating in the project).

(2) Program for Evaluation: offer the consulting program and information technology tool to these 900 entrepreneurs.

(3) Compliance: achieve a compliance rate of 65% (i.e. 400 of 600 'treated' entrepreneurs complete their consulting program and implement the ICT tool in their business).


Make theoretical and methodological contributions that create new knowledge and make advancements in the relevant academic fields. Outputs will include:

(1) Conduct a mixed method data collection approach (as outlined in this proposal) that includes:
-3 qualitative interview rounds.
-6 quantitative survey rounds.

(2) Construct a harmonized dataset (across two countries) that can be:
-Analyzed for writing academic and policy papers.
-Made publicly available via the ESRC and IPA websites.

(3) Publish three journal articles, each focused on a different area of contribution:
-Theoretical (e.g. develop a new conceptual framework for understanding the antecedents and outcomes of managerial capital, including which dimensions of managerial capital are more closely linked to certain economic and social outcomes).
-Substantive (e.g. provide insights on how to design and offer training/technology programs that can help developing country entrepreneurs to build business capabilities, overcome constraints to growth, and enhance enterprise development).
-Methodological (e.g. outline the electronic survey tools and interview techniques that can be used when working with micro and small businesses in developing countries, including how to locate business owners, motivate them, track them over time, overcome recall bias, minimize demand effects, and improve the accuracy and precision of measuring firm outcome variables).


While completing rigorous and innovative research is in itself important, this project also aims to enhance firm productivity and stimulate growth. This can be measured in multiple ways; however, we will start with the following outcomes:

(1) Improve the economic outcomes of 900 entrepreneurs by:
-Increasing business sales by 20% per month on average.
-Increasing business profits by 30% per month on average.
-Creating 1 decent job on average per business (900 total jobs created).

(2) Improve the social outcomes of 900 entrepreneurs (and their families) by:
-Increasing household spending by 20% per month on average (e.g. food, health, education).
-Enhancing economic empowerment and responsibility in financial decision-making (particularly for female entrepreneurs).
-Increasing perceptions of happiness and overall wellbeing.

(3) Improve the lives of at least 13,500 people across the two developing countries involved in this project:
-900 entrepreneurs participating in the project (i.e. direct beneficiaries).
-1,800 employees in the participating firms (i.e. direct beneficiaries: each firm will have 1 employee on average at the beginning on the project; and we expect to create 1 decent job on average per business by the end of the project).
-10,800 household members (of entrepreneurs or employees) whose lives are enhanced by the economic and social improvements realized by the 2,700 direct beneficiaries (i.e. indirect beneficiaries: the typical household size could be very large, but we assume it to be 5 with 1 entrepreneur/employee who directly benefits and 4 family members who indirectly benefit).


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Description The first follow-up survey in Uganda was completed in autumn 2016, roughly fifteen months after the baseline survey was conducted. The preliminary results show that remote coaching seems to have affected the strategic focus of the business. The data show that those who worked with a coach implemented significantly more business pivots, on average, than those in the control group. The term "pivot" was first popularised by Eric Ries (2011) describing a business model innovation within a start-up setting (i.e. a "structured course correction of a business model"). Through this research, we have expanded the definition of a pivot and developed the concept to clarify what it is (and is not). For the purposes of our analysis, we define a pivot as a deliberate shift in how the business model components are designed to create and deliver value for customers (Anderson, Chintagunta and Vilcassim 2017). According to data from our first follow-up data, 214 entrepreneurs in the treatment group implemented at least one business pivot following the intervention, compared to 117 in the control group.

Our preliminary results on the final follow-up shows that there is significance change in firms' sales and profit for those firms which received a couch. This is mainly advanced by the fact that treatment firms had more pivots their business. Data analysis is ongoing and hoping to have paper by 3rd quarter of 2019

We rule out that the intervention was driving the development of business skills by measuring business practices. The preliminary results show little difference

The results also show little differences in the business practices of entrepreneurs who received the coaching (as compared to those who didn't), including practices related to marketing (e.g. market research, marketing tactics and sales tactics), finance (e.g. financial tracking, -analysis and -planning), and operations (e.g. managing people, physical resources and processes). However, coaching does seem to have affected the strategic focus of the business. The data show that those who worked with a coach implemented significantly more business pivots, on average, than those in the control group.

The results from the study address our proposed hypotheses and provide insights on three novel research questions: (1) What is the effect of remote business coaching on firm sales? (2) What is the mechanism through which this effect occurs; specifically, does remote coaching stimulate changes in marketing strategies (pivots)? (3) Do entrepreneurs benefit more from remote coaching when they are less strategic in their decision-making? We implement an RCFE with 930 Ugandan entrepreneurs to identify the causal impact of remote business coaching on firm performance. The analysis finds that treated firms significantly increase monthly sales by 1.29 million Ugandan Shillings ($352 USD) - which represents a 27.6% improvement over the two-year study period. These effects are robust to multiple model specifications, attrition, different measures of the dependent variable, measurement error, and alternative compliance cut-offs. And considering 36% of Ugandan adults (in a population of 42 million) are involved in entrepreneurial activities such as running or setting up a new business (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2012), our intervention has the potential to influence a substantial portion of the country's economy. In addition, entrepreneurs who receive remote coaching are 63.3% more likely (than control firms) to have pivoted or shifted their marketing strategy (e.g., 3Cs) - but did not implement more business practices (e.g., 4Ps). The mechanism evidence further suggests that firms in the treatment group not only implement a higher quantity and quality of pivots (compared to control firms), but also make strategic marketing changes that result in greater value creation for customers. Lastly, the analysis shows that entrepreneurs who receive remote coaching tend to do better when they (ex ante) lack strategic focus. These types of 'less strategic' entrepreneurs achieve a 55.3% increase in monthly sales when exposed to the coaching intervention, whereas entrepreneurs who are already more strategic do not. The results of this study have important implications for marketing practitioners and researchers.
Exploitation Route In many cases, small business development programmes focus on teaching entrepreneur's different business practices-for example, record-keeping, budgeting, market research, etc.-as a means of improving their business performance. While these business practices are important, they are often only implemented for the duration of the intervention, or, at best, for a few months afterwards.

A pivot, on the other hand, requires a much more fundamental change to how the business is run and delivers value to customers. As such, it requires a bigger commitment on the part of the entrepreneur, who either pivots or doesn't pivot. The change is structural (rather than in addition to business-as-usual activities), and therefore we expect the changes in business performance to be more sustained over time.

With results proving it works, business pivots can be taught and encouraged by small business development practitioners as a means to stimulate firm growth. Prior to that, however, further research needs to be done to better understand the dynamics and potential impacts of pivots and innovation in small, developing country firms. We therefore hope that our findings, once finalized and published, can be used and built upon by other academics and researchers exploring entrepreneurship in developing countries.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Description --The partner NGO involved in the study, GROW Movement, have used the findings from the study to 'validate' their mission of improving the human capital and business performance of the micro-entrepreneurs and to use that in their fundraising form potential donors (Question: does this claim have to be validated by GROW?) -- Used by LBS in developing a project-based MBA elective course whereby by student groups working with GROW Movement provide coaching to micro-entrepreneurs to improve their business performance -- Used by the Booth School of Business to get their alumni to volunteer as business coaches and thereby contribute to the CSR activities of their employers -- Used by the Department of Management at LSE as a students project in the GMiM MSc program
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Retail,Transport,Other
Impact Types Societal


Description The GROW movement
Geographic Reach Africa 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The research has also helped GROW Movement, the external partner in our study, to convince its donors of the validity of its model of helping micro-entrepreneurs in emerging markets.
Description The Rustandy Centre for Social Sector Innovation at the University of Chicago have applied this model of remote volunteer coaching.
Geographic Reach North America 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The model has been used in MSc / MBA programs at LSE and LBS as projects for students to work on and gain first-hand, real-world, experiences to enhance their leaning from the degree programs.
Description LSE Department of Management Research Fund
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2019 
End 07/2020
Description LSE Research Investment fund
Amount $12,000 (USD)
Organisation London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
Description Polsky Centre, University of Chicago
Amount $10,000 (USD)
Organisation University of Chicago 
Sector Academic/University
Country United States
Start 12/2020 
End 11/2021
Description Private Enterprise in Low-Income Countries (PEDL)
Amount £33,162 (GBP)
Funding ID 4019 
Organisation Centre for Economic Policy Research 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2016 
End 10/2017
Description Stanford King Center on Global Development
Amount $24,720 (USD)
Organisation Stanford University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United States
Start 12/2019 
End 06/2020
Description Professor of Pradeep Chintagunta, joint work 
Organisation Stanford University
Department Graduate School of Business
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This paper studies the impact of Skype-aided remote business coaching on the strategies and sales of emerging market entrepreneurs. It sheds light on three novel research questions: (1) What is the effect of remote business coaching on firm sales? (2) What is the mechanism through which this effect occurs; specifically, does remote coaching stimulate changes in marketing strategies (pivots)? (3) Do entrepreneurs benefit more from remote coaching when they are less strategic in their decision-making? We conducted a randomized controlled field experiment with 930 entrepreneurs in Uganda to examine the impact of a remote coaching intervention that connects management professionals in primarily advanced markets and entrepreneurs in emerging markets with the aim of improving business performance. The analysis finds a positive and significant main effect on firm sales - treated entrepreneurs increase monthly sales by 27.6% on average. In addition, entrepreneurs who receive remote coaching are 63.3% more likely to have "pivoted" or shifted their marketing strategy in a new direction. And consistent with this mechanism of inducing strategic business changes, the results show that entrepreneurs who receive remote coaching tend to do better when they (ex ante) lack strategic focus. These results have important implications for the development of marketing strategies by entrepreneurs and multinational managers, as well as for organizations interested in improving the performance of small firms in emerging markets and beyond.
Collaborator Contribution Helped with the execution of the randomised contol trial and in data analysis, and in writing the working paper.
Impact Stimulating Marketing Strategy Innovation with Entrepreneurs in Uganda: Examining the Impact of Skype-aided Business Coaching on Firm Sales (working paper)
Start Year 2017
Description 15th Annual Bass FORMS Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Frank M. Bass - UT Dallas Frontiers of Research in Marketing Science (UTD FORMS) Conference is a marketing conference that intends to foster high-quality research in quantitative approaches to marketing and provide a forum for a stimulating exchange of ideas.

The 15th Bass FORMS Conference took place online between February 25 at 9:30 a.m. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST) and 2:00 p.m. CST on February 27, 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description 2021 INFORMS Marketing Science Virtual Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) Marketing Science Conference is an annual event that brings together leading marketing scholars, practitioners, and policy makers with a shared interest in rigorous scientific research on marketing problems.

Online conference: Thursday, June 3, 2021 - Saturday, June 5, 2021
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description 3 Research Seminars: "Impact of Marketing Analytics On Entrepreneur and Firm Performance: Field Experiment Evidence from Small Firms in Rwanda" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Research presentation at 3 US-based Business Schools:
University of Chicago, Booth School of Business : May 26, 2020
Harvard Business School of Business: May 26, 2020
Stanford Graduate School of Business Marketing Seminar - 25th January 2021
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Research Seminar Title: "Stimulating Marketing Strategy Innovation with Entrepreneurs in Uganda: Examining the Impact of Skype-aided Business Coaching on Firm Sales" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Research Seminar Title: "Stimulating Marketing Strategy Innovation with Entrepreneurs in Uganda: Examining the Impact of Skype-aided Business Coaching on Firm Sales" presented at LSE Marshall Institute for Social innovation on November 15, 2020.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Various online research seminar presentations, including an executive seminar to LSE MSc students. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Research project was presented in a series of sessions with LSE's MSc students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021