Strategic Network: New National Planning for Sustainable Development in the Global South

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Environment, Education and Development


This initiative addresses a key challenge faced by developing country governments as they seek to achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals agreed in September 2015. Many of these countries are seeking to guide their own development through a set of processes, policies and practices that can usefully be termed the 'new national planning'. Following an era of often ritualistic national planning, the 1980s and 1990s saw the very idea of producing national development plans as discredited. This was partly due to a lack of local ownership and commitment to plans produced, but also due to donors and international financial institutions promoting more market and less state centred ways of achieving development goals. While the 2000s saw the return of something approaching a comprehensive policy framework for development in the form of national Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), there is now evidence that national development planning has firmly come back into vogue. Our initial research shows that over 100 countries, a majority of them in the global south (including many of the largest and fastest growing), have a national development plan or similar document. These are usually very different from the formalistic national development plans of the 1960s and 1970s and involve much greater use of measurement, evidence and modelling. This is a renewed interest and belief in National Planning albeit in a very different globalised context characterised by unpredictability and complexity. The Sustainable Development Goals will be implemented through locally driven plans that take into account this global complexity and uncertainty and yet reflect the priorities and contexts of individual UN member states. Planning approaches cannot therefore be the same as before and indeed our preliminary dataset is showing the emergence of new ways of planning that strive to cope with uncertainty and complexity.

This new national planning has attracted little research interest, yet there is growing evidence that it has implications for how countries respond to the global and local challenges confronting them. Little systematic mapping of national planning processes and outcomes has been done and there is limited understanding of the processes shaping the new national planning at the national or global level. Neither the World Bank nor the UN, for example, have assembled comparative studies or datasets. More importantly, some crucial questions are emerging not least related to whether this new national planning produces better national ownership, accountability and ultimately better development outcomes than did either the PRSPs or the previous generations of planning (or non-planning). Our partnership will investigate this topic through a cross-disciplinary research/practitioner network and will strengthen capability for research and innovation across seven ODA recipient countries. We will establish a multi-disciplinary network of scholars, practitioners and policy makers who will analyse and better understand this re-emergence of national development planning in the global south. This strategic network on the 'new national planning' will create a new research and knowledge community that understands how national planning helps governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in an era of complexity and uncertainty brought on by combined effects of forces of globalisation and climate change. The network will analyse development plans and create: an analytical framework for comparing plans; a detailed database of this new generation of plans; (at least) seven detailed case studies of the new national planning in ODA countries: and, a comparative analysis of National Planning in the 21st Century. The network will bring together policy makers, researchers and other development actors to identify key areas for future research and actively seek funding to establish a major applied research programme.

Planned Impact

The Strategic Network's research activities will benefit multiple stakeholders. These include:
1. Policy makers and technical analysts within national development planning ministries. Through the detailed case study work we have enlisted the support and co-operation of nine government departments responsible for producing national development plans who will benefit from the Network activities. By using causal process tracing which maximises interaction, the network will co-produce actionable ideas with those most likely to use them.
2. By involving co-investigators from seven of the nine developing country partners, the network will promote local capacity development. Including early career researchers (including graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) as part of country teams, the network will encourage the development of new in-country 'knowledge networks' that bring together government policy makers and local researchers. These can be useful resources in promoting continuous learning among policy makers. Access to external resources (PhD scholarships, post-doctoral awards, philanthropic grants) gives S3NP the ability to promote capacity development well beyond a GCRF financial base.
3. Global institutions (World Bank; UNDP); Donor agencies (DfID; Global Affairs Canada; EU) have all begun to engage with the new national planning at country level. This network will give them a critical sounding board for these new ways of planning with complexity.
4. The Strategic Network consists of academics and practitioners working in Universities, research institutions and government departments. Its activities will influence the way elements of 'planning with complexity' are conceptualised, taught and practised in these institutions. The network's substantial experience of impacting on 'public understanding' of complex development issues/global challenges (especially Hulme) ensures that S3NP's findings will be policy relevant and publicly accessible.
5. The S3NP Network will form an epistemic community that will develop a research agenda based on this initial work. It will actively encourage teaching and research within the academic community.Ultimately the impact of this network pivots on its ability to influence the 'art and science' of making plans that can cope with complexity.

Specific work packages built into the network activities create pathways to impact. The inception network event in Manchester is designed to encourage early engagement by policy makers and planners with the network and to gain their inputs into the core network programme activities. It impacts at both the international and national levels. Establishing a publicly available and searchable database of post-2012 plans from over 100 countries creates a global repository that will stimulate 'no-cost-to-funder' future academic and professional research on this important topic. In country causal process tracing work in seven DAC-aid recipient countries will nurture capacity development in academic and professional communities. The S3NP workshop in Ottawa in October 2017 continues this work, but deepens it by comparing the preliminary results of the case studies. The Ottawa workshop also begins to sharpen messages for future research activity based on these preliminary findings. Given the presence of Anglophone and Francophone countries in the project, the participation of the University of Ottawa, the world's largest bilingual university, is expected to be a major asset to the project overcoming major barriers to comparative analysis.


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Description We have discovered how widespread national development planning has become- 134 countries representing nearly 80% of the world's population now have a national development plan up from 60 in 2006. Through this grant we have created a rich data base of plans from 120 countries analysed through 10 themes and 92 variables. We also have carried out detailed research in 10 case study countries that include planning experiences from Bangladesh, Benin, Ghana, Indonesia, Peru, Tunisia, Togo, Uganda, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Through this grant we have developed a research network and built capacity to do research in this area across disciplines that range from economics, planning, political science, geography and sociology. We are also in the process of creating a new community of knowledge and practice around new national planning based on the existing strategic network. Our research findings show that national development planning is being used by countries as a way to manage the effects of economic globalisation as well as plan for the attainment of sustainable development goals. We have identified four types of plans that range from those that are transformative to some that are mundane and have developed a typology used to characterise the plans. Our analysis suggests that while many countries demonstrate an ability to better analyse, plan and monitor future activity the least convincing area is how the plans will be financed.
Exploitation Route For the policy audience we have held in country workshops that have created new communities of practice in the case study countries as platforms for continuing dialogue over our findings. - see reports on website We have also taken our findings to the World Bank where we held a successful seminar (see and there is follow up dialogue on collaborative research with a focus on disruptive technologies. We have begun to communicate our findings to an academic audience and have presented findings at 2 conferences so far (DSA; CASID) and have 2 more presentations coming up (7th April at the ISA in San Francisco ( and also at the ACUNAS in Italy July 2018 ( A journal paper is under review at the World Development Journal and a special edition of the Canadian Journal of International Development Studies. The huge data base we have created is being cleaned and we plan to make this a publicly available resource. A proposal for a major research centre is currently being prepared for submission under an ESRC call.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy


Democracy and Justice

Description S3NP findings have been used to enhance effectiveness of public policy in participating countries. Dissemination workshops held in Benin, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ghana, Peru have created new country level communities of knowledge and practice that bring together local S3NP researchers and policy makers. We have used our findings to shape intellectual debate on the role of national planning. We have engaged with fellow academics at the CASID Conference (31 May -2 June 2017) in Toronto and the DSA Conference in Bradford (6-8 September 2017) where we had successful panels. We have written a paper that will appear in a special edition on Sustainable Development Goals of the World Development Journal. The findings have also been used to review practices and think about how best to plan for the SDGs. Policy engagement during the Ottawa workshop (8-12 January 2018) with officials from Global Affairs Canada shared ways to support country level development planning initiatives especially in countries where GAC work. A very successful seminar at the World Bank in Washington (16 January 2018) see has seen ongoing policy engagement and initiatives for collaborative research. Our findings have also been used to generate new ideas for research and a major global centre to investigate New National Planning for SDGs at the University of Manchester is being proposed. The findings from the study continue to be recognised and in 2019 the S3NP members were invited to high level meetings at the OECD and at the World Bank Community of Practice in South Asia event. Expertise built by the S3NP continues to be sought by expert panels. In April 2020, Dr Admos Chimhowu represented the network at the UN-DESA high level experts meeting in New York looking at ways to align national development plans to SDGs. Dr Sam Maimbo participated in writing a highly influential United Nations report using some of the findings of the S3NP study. In 2020 the work generated by this project was again in demand as both Dr Chimhowu and Dr Munro were invited by UN-DESA to join a panel looking at how countries could respond to the Covid-19 pandemic through the national development planning process. Dr Munro was invited to present to the OECD annual board meeting while Dr Chimhowu was invited to present to African Union's African Peer Review Mechanism Network looking at how African plans responded to the Covid-19 Pandemic.Dr Chimhowu was invited as an expert resaercher to discuss the ways in which countries are adapting their National Plans to include SDGs at the join UN-DESA/APRM regional conference in Cape Town in Novemeber 2021. The S3NP work continues to be of practical relevance to all countries attempting to integrate SDGs into their plans. Dr Lauchlan Munro was invited by the UNDESA to present an analysis of the gendered dimemensions of the nNational Development Plans in August 2021. Dr Admos Chimhowu was invited by the UN-DESA to join a panel of experts looking at how countries have begun to re-think their plans for achieving SDGs in the context of the Covid-19 disruptions. Dr Chimhowu has addressed global audiences in New York and provided specialist inputs to UN events held in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Education,Environment,Financial Services, and Management Consultancy,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Description Ghana National Planning Commision
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Following on the National Workshop held as part of the S3NP Network, Prof Peter Quartey a co-investigator has continued to provide policy support to the Ghana National Planning Commission as an advisor. The work done internally has also created a community of practice that brings together academics, policy makers and practitioners in dialogue over National Plans
Description Mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals through National Development Plans: Analysis of 42 City Region Plans and Voluntary National Review Reports from Africa
Amount £35,512 (GBP)
Funding ID R128331. 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2022 
End 03/2023
Description Science, technology and innovation policies in the new national planning"
Amount $57,581 (CAD)
Funding ID Agency Reference Number 430-2020-00090 
Organisation Government of Canada 
Department SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Sector Public
Country Canada
Start 05/2020 
End 06/2022
Description University of Ottawa's Faculty of Social Sciences
Amount $18,285 (CAD)
Organisation University of Ottawa 
Sector Academic/University
Country Canada
Start 03/2019 
End 04/2020
Title Data Base on National Plans from 120 countries 
Description We have created a repository that now has plans from 120 different countries. The National plans are in their original languages. We have also created a huge data base on these countries consisting of 92 variables organised under 10 themes. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We have been able to analyse the data and produce preliminary findings. We also have had requests from our World Bank Partners to begin working with them in mining these data. 
Description African Union -APRM Collaboration 
Organisation African Union Commission
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have made available our data base and have managed to update this based on the access to the APRM we now have
Collaborator Contribution Access to a network of planning professional and an ability to attend meetings and talk to planning professionals
Impact A Working Paper and technical report that is still being edited and finalised
Start Year 2020
Description Collaboration with the Academic Council of the United Nations System 
Organisation United Nations (UN)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I contributed a paper on National Development Planning for Sustainable Development Goals based on the data that was generated by the S3NP Strategic Network.
Collaborator Contribution Partner convened a panel of experts to deliberate on the approaches to monitoring sustainable development goals during the UCUNS conference in Rome in July 2018
Impact Academic paper on Planning for Sustainable Goals Conference Panel
Start Year 2018
Description OECD Development Centre 
Organisation Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution After an invitation to present a keynote speech to the Governing Board, by Dr Admos Chimhowu, collaborative activities we have begun to collaborate with the development centre of the OECD starting starting with work to create a community of practice as a joint activity. We are also in the process of exploring further research activities. The collaboration with be anchored on the expertise built under the S3NP Network and the Data base that we hold.
Collaborator Contribution Helping to build a "community of practice on national development strategies (or NDSs) " bringing together academia and policy makers in charge of designing and implementing these strategies.The partner has convening power as they work with 57 member countries. We are also in the process of building with them a strategy for fundraising to make the COP possible by adding the OECD's branding.
Impact Policy engagement with 57 member countries of the Development Centre Governing Board.
Start Year 2019
Description United Nations Development Finance 
Organisation United Nations (UN)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Dr Sam Maimbo contributed to the highly acclaimed report on Development Financing and used data generated by the S3NP in providing some of the input that shaped the report.
Collaborator Contribution The United Nations played a major role in bringing together the panel of experts that included one of the S3NP Co-I Dr Sam Maimbo
Start Year 2018
Description 2. UNDESA New York; Expert Panel on SGDs and National Development Plans and Post Covid Recovery 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact I was invited to join a United National panel of experts that were looking at the ways in which the Covid-19 pandemic affected implementation of plans for the achievement of SDGs. The purpose of this high level meeting was to formulate strategies for getting countries back on track with the SDGs after the disruptions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description DSA Conference Panel 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Admos Chimhowu convened a four paper panel at the Development Studies Association Panel on Planning for sustainable development goals: new thinking and emerging practices. Preliminary results of the S3NP project where presented. He was joined on the panel by Dr Binart Sarwar from the ODI; Dr Sanna Ojanpera (University of Oxford) Dr Dani Merlaba(IDE, Germany)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Global Affairs Canada 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A Special panel was convened in Ottawa to present some of the emerging findings of the research by the S3NP Network to officials from Global Affairs Canada
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description National Dialogue Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact On 7 August 2017 the French Institute for Agrarian Research (INRA) held an Inception Stakeholder Workshop for the New National Planning for Sustainable Development in the Global South Project in Lima, Peru. The workshop was held in association with the Economics Department of the Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and sponsored by the National Centre of Strategic Planning from the Peruvian Government (CEPLAN). The event was coordinated by Leonth Hinojosa (INRA and Aix-Marseille University) and Jose Carlos Orihuela (PUCP) and was assisted by Alejandra Zuniga and CEPLAN's secretarial team. The workshop took place in CEPLAN's Conference Centre, Lima and was attended by government officials, civil society representatives and academics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description National Stakeholder Workshop Ghana 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The workshop was led by Professor Peter Quartey from the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research at The University of Ghana with assistance from Dr Priscilla Twumasi Baffour. The event was opened by Dr Baffour with an introduction of the participants followed by a presentation from Professor Peter Quartey and Dr Nii Thompson, Director General of the National Planning Commission (NDPC) in Ghana.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Panel at CASID Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Lauchlan Munro convened a panel on the S3NP project at the CASID Conference in Toronto where five academic papers were presented by Dr Admos Chimhowu, Dr Lauchlan Munro, Prof David Hulme, Mr Begench Yazlyev and Ms Sarah Tal
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Policy engagement with southeast-asia-planning-community-of-practice 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Prof Lauchlan Munro attended The World Bank-sponsored Southeast Asia Community of Practice on National Planning to make a presentation on the GCRF project's findings at its meeting in October 2019. This was ongoing policy dialogue with a major policy actor in the South East Asia Region. The presentation sought to share findings and learn from the experiences of this community of practice. It also created opportunities for Networking and discussions on Future Research Funding.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation to the OECD Governing Board (GB) Members at the 3rd session of the GB in 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact On 17 October 2019 Dr Admos Chimhowu was invited to give the Keynote Speech to the OECD Governing Board (GB) Members at the 3rd session of the GB in Paris. This was a keynote intervention reflecting on the historical perspective of national development planning, including the reasons behind the recent increase in the number of national development plans, and the key features of the so called "new development plans" and their potential to support countries fulfil the SGDs. This keynote intervention included interventions from selected countries with a focus on the process of building national development strategies - and plans- and their role in defining increasingly relevant international cooperation partnerships to advance inclusive economic development. Governing Board Members where invited to share their reflections on the questions proposed in this note based on their own experiences and lessons.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description World Bank BBL 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The S3NP lead team was invited to come and present emerging findings at the World Bank in Washington DC on the 16th of January 2018
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018