SBE-RCUK Lead Agency: Sequential Bargaining with Externalities

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Economics



This proposal studies sequential contributions to public goods and joint projects in environments with
transactional frictions. The proposed research has three components. The first component focuses on the
presence of a principal as a source of coordination for the completion of a single public good or collective
agreement. Motivating examples for this component include bankruptcy restructuring, lobbying/vote
buying, technology adoption with network externalities, and corporate takeovers. The researchers
consider the effect on outcomes and welfare of strengthening agents' formal bargaining power relative to
the principal. The second component studies sequential contributions to competing public goods in a fully
decentralized environment (without a principal). Prominent applications include donations to alternative
organizations, and collective effort in flexible environments, as in open source programming. The
researchers study efficiency, delay, and the optimal organization of tasks and teamwork in this context.
The third component reintroduces principals in the multiple joint projects environment. Motivating
examples for this component are a congressional party leader leading the party's agenda over diverse
issues, a university's development office seeking contributions, and donations with large donors. The
researchers study how principals actively manage the intertemporal externalities generated by multiple

Intellectual Merit:

This proposal is related to the literature on contracting with externalities, delay in bargaining models with
complete information, and private contributions to public goods. It complements these works by studying
contributions to multiple projects and the role of principals in dynamic environments with frictions. To do
this, the PIs develop a family of closely related models of multilateral bargaining in the presence of
externalities, where tasks and contracting are not undertaken by all agents simultaneously. Focusing on
sequential bargaining highlights previously unexplored incentives for free riding and their implications
for delay and efficiency, while the existence of multiple joint projects generates new incentives for
coordination across projects. A key step in this proposal is to obtain a general tractable model to uncover
common forces behind sequential contributions to multiple public goods in different setups. The proposed
model is flexible, and the techniques developed can be used by future researchers concerned with
incentives in organizations, charities, etc.

Broader Impacts:

This research encompasses a variety of applications, ranging from fundraising and donations, to team
production and legislative bargaining. The results from this proposal will help to better organize these
activities in both government and the private sector. In terms of fundraising, for example, this proposal
will provide guidance about how to optimally bundle different public causes when there are multiple
small donors and how to organize fundraising in the presence of large donors. In terms of effort in teams,
it will shed light on how to organize team cooperation with multiple active projects. Results will also be
applicable to optimal organization for modern R&D companies, and open source software communities.
The third component, for example, is particular relevant for the design of the institutions regulating
bankruptcy reorganizations. The project will be carried out by two researchers based in the UK and US.
Since this proposal involves two different universities in two different continents, it will benefit from two
different institutional dissemination efforts in order to reach non-academic audiences and the general
public. Students will also be involved to discuss related literature, explore results of simplified models
under alternative assumptions, and aid in numerical computations.

Planned Impact

This research encompasses a variety of applications, ranging from fundraising and donations, to team
production and legislative bargaining. The results from this proposal will help to better organize these
activities in both government and the private sector. In terms of fundraising, for example, this proposal
will provide guidance about how to optimally bundle different public causes when there are multiple
small donors and how to organize fundraising in the presence of large donors. In terms of effort in teams,
it will shed light on how to organize team cooperation with multiple active projects. Results will also be
applicable to optimal organization for modern R&D companies, and open source software communities.
The third component, for example, is particular relevant for the design of the institutions regulating
bankruptcy reorganizations. The project will be carried out by two researchers based in the UK and US.
Since this proposal involves two different universities in two different continents, it will benefit from two
different institutional dissemination efforts in order to reach non-academic audiences and the general
public. Students will also be involved to discuss related literature, explore results of simplified models
under alternative assumptions, and aid in numerical computations.


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publication icon
Antler Yair (2023) Sequential Learning in American Economic Journal- Microeconomics

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Iaryczower M (2023) Collective Hold-Up in Theoretical Economics

Description Gradualism in collaborative projects is a norm more than a rare event and it is inevitable to see procrastination and delay. We have also found that miscommunication may be necessary for good outcomes.
Exploitation Route Other people have started working in understanding how the composition of the working teams affect the observed delay and gradualism
Sectors Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Financial Services

and Management Consultancy


Democracy and Justice

Description Sequential Learning 
Organisation Tel Aviv University
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As part of a regular presentation of ework related to this project I started working with two researchers from Tel Aviv (Yair Antler and Danile Bird) and we have produced one paper forthcoming in Maerican Ecvonomic Journal-Microeconomics, and we are currently working on a new project. They have applied with the joint project to the Israel National Science Foundation for a grant that they have obtained but we could not used the fudns due to Covid
Collaborator Contribution We have jointly work in one paper and we have eqaully provided creative and technical work.
Impact 1- Sequential Learning, fortchoming, AEJ-Micro. 2- Warmonger, ongoing work, no draft available.
Start Year 2019
Description Invited Conference Presentations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Presentations in multiple schools and multiple invited workshops for specialists with large audience and diverse backgrounds.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021