Supporting Oral Language Development

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Education


Children with a small vocabulary are at a disadvantage for all aspects of learning. Unless there is targeted support, children who start slow will continue to fall behind their language-rich peers. A powerful way to ensure all children are ready for learning, particularly in school, is to offer high quality oral language education early in a child's life. The power of early language intervention is supported by a large body of evidence showing a combined foundation of strong spoken language and listening comprehension cascading to reading and writing skills. However, little is known about the efficacy of oral language interventions in low- and middle-income countries where communities are often multilingual. We aim to address this gap in the literature through a mixed-methods study with children ages of 3-to-6 living in India and the Philippines. The study will examine oral language development under the particular complexities of multilingual urban poor settings. Research in these settings is of importance as there is reason to believe resources that spontaneously support children's language development may be under strain for the urban poor (e.g. reduced social networks, a new school language), making them a particularly vulnerable group for school failure.

A co-developed project

The proposed project was co-developed by multiple agencies. Government partners shared that a pressing systemic concern was the low literacy rates in primary schools. Community partners stressed the need for evidence on quality programs that will work in local schools and university partners echoed the need for a comprehensive program of research. We therefore propose to understand children's language development in-context and will test an intervention that could potentially better prepare children for primary school. The research sites will be Udupi district in India and Quezon City in the Philippines. Defining characteristics of these sites include the multiple languages around the child and a policy commitment to either mother-tongue or multilingual education. Hence, these contexts offer an opportunity to research a topic that is understudied in not just DAC countries but also internationally: children's oral language development and oral language intervention in a multilingual setting.

Objectives and Outputs

The primary objective of this research is to provide descriptive and causal evidence on quality (in early childhood development and pre-primary education) and readiness (for primary education) through three studies that aim to a) map opportunities and barriers to oral language development, b) validate assessments to track children's developing oral language and c) examine a targeted intervention delivered by teachers one year before entry into primary school. We will map opportunities and barriers by following thirty children over one day to record their language experiences, examining language knowledge of their conversation partners, and conducting an ethnographic inquiry of classes they attend. We will finetune fifteen assessments by analyzing 3000 data points on each test and, in a study with 800 children, evaluate a language intervention designed with teachers that draws upon folk tales and local narratives.

This inter-disciplinary project will provide an approach to reach the Sustainable Development Goal of effective learning outcomes for all children by focusing on the language bedrock of early childhood learning. Outputs include evidence briefs for policy makers and open access toolkits for educators. Multiple bodies of data for the research community will expand the evidence-base in these contexts. These include a word bank, an archive of child language, a rich description of talk in the classroom, performance data and outcomes data. Taken together, the proposed research could potentially act as a catalyst for informed early childhood education in India, the Philippines, and other DAC countries.

Planned Impact

One outcome of a quality early childhood education (ECE) program is children ready for formal learning when they enter school. The proposed research project will examine 'readiness' in language and literacy learning and the layered and complex idea of 'quality'. The research sites are in India and the Philippines. In both locations multiple languages co-exist, quality is a policy priority, and there is agreement that readiness programs in local schools need research attention. The proposed research will map children's language experiences, find ways to assess developing skills, develop a program using local folk tales and narratives and examine the feasibility of running the program in public pre-schools.

Beneficiaries of the project are 3-6-year old children from vulnerable groups (urban poor, may not know the school language), ECE teachers, officials who train, mentor and administer ECE programs, policy reviewers, and policy makers. The project is inter-disciplinary and as such will benefit academics across disciplines (e.g., education, psychology). The global community will benefit from a fresh, locally relevant perspective on quality and readiness, concepts at the core of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals for all children everywhere.

Children who receive the oral language intervention will directly benefit from instruction that is tailor-made to provide firm foundations for literacy learning in school. Teachers will benefit from opportunities for professional development. A direct benefit for the education system is the proof of concept for a supplementary oral language program. For the research community, benefit would accrue from added knowledge and tools, with particular relevance to these local communities.

A multi-tiered plan has been developed following in-country meetings and drawing upon the considerable policy, community and research networks of the research team. This includes a series of in-country meetings and interviews with key government officials, NGO representatives, teachers and academics. The key concern in both contexts is the low attainments of children in primary schools and the need to intervene early to prevent failure. The potential impact of the proposed research is considerable because it directly examines the felt need of how to strengthen foundation skills such that literacy attainments are improved. Acceptance and ownership will be enhanced because the intervention will be co-produced with teachers and local experts, drawing on local oral narratives and building on teachers' prior knowledge.

For the policy maker, an evidence brief will interpret findings from this research against policy priorities in each country. We will also make sound links with ongoing initiatives. For example, Nag (PI on the research team) is anchor for the ongoing language and emergent literacy curriculum reform in India. This role presents a potential pathway to impact at a critical period in the policy cycle. Similar opportunities are now available in the Philippines, where Ocampo and Padilla (Co-Is) have actively engaged with the K-12 language curriculum. The aim is to inform policy makers in both countries that the intervention is sustainable and sensitive to systemic realities (based on classroom ethnography, co-production process document, preliminary trends available from 2021) and is effective (based on evidence from the feasibility study, available by mid-2022).

Government, community, and in-country academic partners will retain intellectual property of materials developed in the project, ensuring that the use, adaptation, and benefits of materials developed will continue after the project period. Dissemination activities will also cover wider Asia and other contexts with similar challenges in providing quality early childhood education.
Title A Story A Day 
Description This is a set of 14 stories scripted to support rich oral language exposure for five and six year olds in two languages, Kannada and Hindi. The intended users of the story pack are pre- and primary school teacher, librarians, educators in third sector organisations and family members who read and tell stories to the child. The stories are developed from materials in the creative commons and will be released back into the creative commons by end of 2023. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact Initial use of the stories in India suggests the material is attractive, covering complex language in an interesting story narrative. 
Title Appu ne paani peenaa seekha. Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'Appu learns to drink water' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: ; Original in Hindi:] 
Title Appu ne paani pina seekha - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact The strips have been well-received by the participants (teachers and children) in intervention sites in India who have found them to be attractive and the format has supported easy reproduction to maximise usage and impact. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English:] 
Title Assessing speaking and listening: What do we expect from good tests? 
Description Fourth in a four part self-learning film series anchored by Sonali Nag (PI), with Margaret Snowling (co-I) and Joshua McGrane (co-I). This episode is on developing assessments for speaking and listening. Theoretically sound and with a focus on language development, test construction and the purposes of assessment. Accompanying user packs are available on the TalkTogether website to support self-learning or planning group workshops. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Alongside launching these videos on YouTube User Packs were developed to support the usage of these videos as a tool and were shared with 5-10 teacher educators and assessment app developers through a study on the film series. User Packs were met with positive feedback from recipients which included representatives from organisations such as UNICEF (Nepal), Onebillion (UK), Zeraki (Kenya), EIDU (Germany) alongside an education consultant from Nigeria. 
Title Assessing speaking and listening: What is important? 
Description First in a four part self-learning film series anchored by Sonali Nag (PI), with Margaret Snowling (co-I) and Joshua McGrane (co-I). This episode is on developing assessments for speaking and listening. Theoretically sound and with a focus on language development, test construction and the purposes of assessment. Accompanying user packs are available on the TalkTogether website to support self-learning or planning group workshops. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Alongside launching these videos on YouTube User Packs were developed to support the usage of these videos as a tool and were shared with 5-10 teacher educators and assessment app developers through a study on the film series. User Packs were met with positive feedback from recipients which included representatives from organisations such as UNICEF (Nepal), Onebillion (UK), Zeraki (Kenya), EIDU (Germany) alongside an education consultant from Nigeria. 
Title Assessing speaking and listening: What to check statistically about a test? 
Description Third in a four part self-learning film series anchored by Sonali Nag (PI), with Margaret Snowling (co-I) and Joshua McGrane (co-I). This episode is on developing assessments for speaking and listening. Theoretically sound and with a focus on language development, test construction and the purposes of assessment. Accompanying user packs are available on the TalkTogether website to support self-learning or planning group workshops. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Alongside launching these videos on YouTube User Packs were developed to support the usage of these videos as a tool and were shared with 5-10 teacher educators and assessment app developers through a study on the film series. User Packs were met with positive feedback from recipients which included representatives from organisations such as UNICEF (Nepal), Onebillion (UK), Zeraki (Kenya), EIDU (Germany) alongside an education consultant from Nigeria. 
Title Assessing speaking and listening: Where will the material come from? 
Description Second in a four part self-learning film series anchored by Sonali Nag (PI), with Margaret Snowling (co-I) and Joshua McGrane (co-I). This episode is on developing assessments for speaking and listening. Theoretically sound and with a focus on language development, test construction and the purposes of assessment. Accompanying user packs are available on the TalkTogether website to support self-learning or planning group workshops. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Alongside launching these videos on YouTube User Packs were developed to support the usage of these videos as a tool and were shared with 5-10 teacher educators and assessment app developers through a study on the film series. User Packs were met with positive feedback from recipients which included representatives from organisations such as UNICEF (Nepal), Onebillion (UK), Zeraki (Kenya), EIDU (Germany) alongside an education consultant from Nigeria. 
Title Gusse Mei Akku - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact The strips have been well-received by the participants (teachers and children) in intervention sites in India who have found them to be attractive and the format has supported easy reproduction to maximise usage and impact. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. . [Link to original story in English: Angry Akku; original in Kannada: ??????? ?????,; link to original in Hindi below: ????? ??? ??????:] 
Title Gusse mei Akku. Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'Angry Akku' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour-coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: Angry Akku,; original in Kannada: ??????? ?????, ; original in Hindi: ????? ??? ??????,] 
Title Haathi Chaacha - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: The Bee and the Elephant below] 
Title Haathi Chaachaa - Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'Uncle Elephant' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour-coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: The Bee and the Elephant,; original in Kannada: ????? ???? ????? ???,; original in Hindi: ???????? ?? ????,] 
Title Hiltha Dultha Daanth - Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'The very wiggly tooth' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour-coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: The Very Wiggly Tooth,; original in Kannada: ??????, ???? ? ?????!,; original in Hindi: ????? ????? ????,] 
Title Hiltha Dultha Daanth - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact The strips have been well-received by the participants (teachers and children) in intervention sites in India who have found them to be attractive and the format has supported easy reproduction to maximise usage and impact. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original story in English: The Very Wiggly Tooth -] 
Title Laal Barsathi - Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'Red Raincoat' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour-coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: The Red raincoat,; original in Kannada: ????? ?????????,; original in Hindi: ??? ??????,] 
Title Laal Barsathi - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact The strips have been well-received by the participants (teachers and children) in intervention sites in India who have found them to be attractive and the format has supported easy reproduction to maximise usage and impact. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original story in English: The Red Raincoat -; Link to story in Kannada: ????? ?????????,' Link to Hindi version below: ??? ??????] 
Title Naani ki Ainak - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Not yet field trialed. [Link to original in English: Grandma Glasses-] 
Title Pareshaan Bheem. Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'Worried Bheem' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour-coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: Bheema, the Sleepyhead,; original in Kannada: ???????? ???,; original in Hindi: ???? ???,] 
Title Pareshaan Bheema - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact The strips have been well-received by the participants (teachers and children) in intervention sites in India who have found them to be attractive and the format has supported easy reproduction to maximise usage and impact. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in English: Bheema, the Sleepyhead,] 
Title Timi aur Pepe - Story strip 
Description A six-panel multi-coloured picture sequence depicting a problem-attempt-resolution story line. Story images integrated on paper strip to allow for easy and cost-effective production of stories to be passed to classrooms and children to facilitate re-telling of stories. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact The strips have been well-received by the participants (teachers and children) in intervention sites in India who have found them to be attractive and the format has supported easy reproduction to maximise usage and impact. In 20 schools the Strips have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers distributed up to 10 copies of the story strip during a lesson (class sizes ranged from 6 to 40). Strips were reported to facilitate re-telling of stories a) solo by one child, b) through turn taking within small groups, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class and in school events. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the Story Strip activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased opportunity for child-led expressive language, considered essential to support oral language development. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to Original story in Hindi and English:] 
Title Timi aur Pepe. Book re-levelled from original 
Description Book entitled 'Timmy and pepe' taken from creative commons and re-levelled with embedded rich language for usage in the Sirsa intervention study. Books also include colour-coded questions with green to signal role modelling of language and red to signal that all voices in class must be supported. Associated poems and physical activities are included. Together, the book is a resource a) as a picture book for story telling b) a scripted story for rich language inputs and c) teacher support for dialogic reading and language modelling. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact In 20 schools the books have been used during whole class 'maukhik baashaa' sessions (oral language classes). Here, teachers conducted three rounds of story telling, gradually increasing dialogic content, role modelling language for some questions, and supporting open ended discussions on other questions. Classroom observations and teacher reports during a focus group discussion suggests that this shared book reading resource has support a) settling down activities, b) questioning with a focus on key story elements and to draw out children's personal experiences, and c) as a prop for storytelling to the whole class. Field observations suggest ease of class management during the activity, enhanced child engagement, and increased turn taking between teachers and children, but there is considerable variability across teachers. Statistical analysis of child performance data and advanced thematic analysis of classroom observation data are awaited to assess this proof-of-concept intervention. [Link to original in Hindi and English:] 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - An introduction and overview (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - Unit on Language Diversity (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - Unit on Language Exposure (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - Unit on Language Prestige (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - Unit on Language Transfer (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: Focus on school-wide initiatives (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: Collaborations necessary for every child to achieve (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: Focus on quality marking and language-sensitive assessment (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: Language audit to judge school culture for multilingualism (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: about collaborations necessary for every child to achieve (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: focus on quality marking and language-sensitive assessment (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: focus on school-wide initiatives (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on School culture for multilingualism: language audit to judge school culture for multilingualism (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: Focus on language encounters and role models (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: Focus on prior knowledge and children's language at school entry (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: Focus on the quality and quantity of language use (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: Language learning and becoming attentive to language (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: focus on language encounters and role models (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: focus on language learning and becoming attentive to language (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: focus on prior knowledge and children's language at school entry (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual child: focus on the quality and quantity of language use (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: Language assessment and seeing errors as opportunities for learning (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: Activities for deepening understanding (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: Code-switching as an intentional teaching strategy (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: The way children use languages and how adults around think about language (English) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: about activities for deepening understanding (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: about code-switching as an intentional teaching strategy (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: about language assessment and seeing errors as opportunities for learning (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on The multilingual class: the way children use languages and how adults around think about language (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on What is multilingualism? About language diversity and multilingual places (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on What is multilingualism? About language identity and prestige (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on What is multilingualism? Introduction to ideas of language exposure and code switching (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Title Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations - unit on what is multilingualism? About language transfer and how language systems are interconnected (Hindi) 
Description This is a short film for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact An early release of the short film produced in India as a result of collaboration across project partners to facilitate training of pre- and primary school teachers on supporting oral language development in a multilingual environment. 
Description The TalkTogether team continues to work in parallel on several research strands to better understand how best to support children's language development. One area of work is to understand what makes the language in children's books an exciting teaching resource. We also want to know what tests work well to understand children's speaking and listening skills, what are the building blocks to learning the alphabet, what are teachers' thoughts about different ways of supporting children's language development, and how well do story-based oral language programmes work to raise children's language skills.

In 2023, our focus was on eight strands of the project developing academic outputs for peer review: a) Kannada and Filipino age of acquisition: understanding rater and word level characteristics, b) Kannada morphosyntax mapped to book levels: focus on inflectional diversity and characteristics of a morphologically rich language, c) Lexical diversity in child language following a story a day and a story a week interventions, d) Use of complex syntax in child retelling following an intervention with scripted lessons on a problem-resolution plot line, e) teacher perspectives and practices for supporting oral language development, e) patterns of word generation in multilingual children: focus on the semantic fluency task, f) school work at home - harnessing culturally embedded practices to support emergent literacy and oral language development, g) the connections between children's language production and book language: insights from an agglutinative language, and h) visual processing and emergent literacy using a visual search game. Work also began to characterize the features of the language domain; it's dimensionality and the relations between sub-components of vocabulary, grammar, phonology and discourse.

Earlier in 2022, we delivered a story programme called 'A Story A Day', and launched an animated video series for teachers on multilingualism. We also added another language to our programme of research, Hindi. To achieve all of this, we visited schools across north and south India to work with close to 1500 five- and six-year-olds and 120 teachers. Assessment studies titled learning levels surveys and intervention studies focused on a story-based approach were based on work completed over 2020-21, when we had developed a list of words with estimates of when each word is first understood. For example, in Kannada, bisilu (sunlight), biigavu (lock) and bhuupaTavu (map) are estimated to be first understood between 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7 years respectively, while in Filipino bulaklak (flower), bayabas (guava), and barakuda (barracuda fish) are typically learnt one after the other as children grow older. We wanted to estimate the age at which a word is first learned because this allows us to judge if some children are taking longer than average to expand their vocabulary. Such children require teaching support. One consequence of the slow expansion of vocabulary is that children's talk will remain limited in the words they use. We can also now see the kinds of words that are acquired later. In parallel, we have expanded our understanding of the language that children see in books or hear during story reading. We have found that words appearing in books for older children are usually longer and packed with more units of meaning (like chirp vs chirp+ing). We also now know that action words (verbs like splashing and swaying) are estimated to be learnt later than many of the nouns on our lists. These insights are important when designing learning programmes to foster oral language. Our 'A Story A Day' programme and the 'Sanjhe Bol' (Talk Together in Hindi, Haryanvi, Wagri and Punjabi) programme with a story a week, run on these principles. We have completed one study and are in the final stages of the second. An initial examination of the intervention titled 'A Story A Day' shows that children learn some story elements and aspects of the story scripts more quickly. For example, children mention the setting of a story in their retelling and in time also explain in more detail how a problem is resolved in a story. We are now examining if they use more complicated sentence constructions to explain the connections between events, and more ambitious words by the end of the interventions, and whether changes remain or slip away weeks and months after the end of the intervention. Understanding children's learning journeys in more than one language (a cross-linguistic evidence base) will allow us to develop more targeted interventions to support oral language development across language groups.

Synthesizing the findings thus far, we recommend that researchers in under-studied languages construct a little corpus of child-directed print as a tool to inform the design of teaching programmes and language research. A child-directed print corpus is a collection of text from children's books. A thorough evaluation of the different TalkTogether little corpora against corpora approximately fifteen times larger showed that the little corpus mirrors well the richness and variety of language in children's books. We had used a systematic rule of picking every tenth sentence from children's books to make the little corpus. The usefulness of the little corpus is a major finding from our Kannada, Filipino and Hindi work, showing for the first time that a well-constructed little corpus is a good representation of the book-language children encounter. It is possible for the TalkTogether project to take many new directions based on our corpus work. Since so many words, and units within words, change meaning depending on the context (called polysemous words and polysemous affixes), it will be important to investigate how children gain mastery over this dimension of a language. We have not yet explored this intriguing aspect of language development but now that the TalkTogether Word Lists are freely available, we hope colleagues will pick up this research question. We have also made open access our workflow protocols so, like the work described for the three Asian languages, research can be undertaken in other understudied languages in the Global South. Our work with assessment tools has shown that using language from children's books is also a good source for high quality assessment materials. We have developed vocabulary tests, grammar tests, sound games, book handling tasks, listening comprehension passages and picture cards to prompt children to express what they see. We are now taking this learning to colleagues researching other languages and will make research templates for item selection and analysis of item behaviour open access. In addition, data preparation of qualitative interview data from our teacher study is now close to complete. We used word pictures (vignettes) and a first look at teachers' thoughts on the vignettes suggests that we have a good resource to draw upon to develop more meaningful teacher training materials. Finally, two of our video series are now available in the public domain. These professional development packs for teachers, curriculum developers and education assessment app developers introduce multiple aspects of language learning, language teaching and language assessment. We are delighted at the interest these film series have received from governments and teacher training groups! This and other resources developed within our collaborative international project continue to exceed the original activities proposed in the project.
Exploitation Route Protocols and courses developed within the project are released publicly. These can be used by researchers, teachers, and stakeholders from any country (but most especially from low- and middle-income countries). The outputs may be used to develop research workflows in other understudied languages (e.g., to create a new corpus to support the design of learning programmes) and build capacity among researchers (e.g., to empower them with research ethics training) and teachers (e.g., to better understand the multilingual child).
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Description Impact activities from the project can be categorized based on research findings and other research-informed outputs. Impact of research findings: a) A fundamental challenge in language and cognitive science is the absence of high quality research infrastructure in many of the world's languages, making it difficult to develop well-informed theoretical models of child language acquisition. Relatedly, it becomes difficult to identify what are the active ingredients of a responsive oral language programme, and how best to track children's language learning. A breakthrough from the project is the development of a protocol that promises to support under-studied languages to develop the requisite foundational infrastructure to inform local research and practice. The finding is that the project's Nonsequential Sampling Protocol for Small Corpora Development (NSP-SC), is robust [Nag, S., John, S. & Agrawal, A. NSP-SCD: A corpus construction protocol for child-directed print in understudied languages. Behaviour Research Method (2024). ]. Within academia, the protocol has begun to appear in bids for within-country and international funding calls, to rapidly set up local language research infrastructure (e.g. in Khmer, Malay, Tigrinya, Arabic), b) Non-academic audiences have begun to notice and adopt the findings from our corpus analysis. For example, lexical diversity analyses in Hindi and Kannada are being considered for local radio programming for families in multiple Indian states, for new children's dictionaries, and for language programmes through public libraries. The discussions are ongoing and we are using visualisations of the rich language in children's reading materials to discuss what these and other state-sponsored public programmes can prioritise. These discussions are being held with third sector and voluntary sector organisations, who in turn have strong links with multi-lateral aid agencies and already hold memoranda of understanding with local governments. c) The TalkTogether Book Levelling tool was first made public in 2021. Since then, our findings confirm further the usefulness of the tool. First, the tool has been found to grade children's reading materials with a high degree of reliability because, for example, words tracked by the book level when they first appear in (their print age) show a high correlation with subjective ratings by parents, teachers and child language experts of when children first understand the words (their age of acquisition). Second, books analysed for the richness of the words they carry show a steady increase by book level, confirming that the tool is accurate in tagging books with a more diverse (and hence more difficult) language, to a higher book level. The tool is now available in multiple languages. Early adopters are third sector organisations in, for example, Pakistan, India, Türkiye, and Cambodia. A challenge to overcome was to clearly explain that the book levelling is aspirational and not against the reality of children in poverty or low-stimulation settings. Practitioner briefs developed to accompany the tool was co-produced through a workshop with representatives of civil society, multi-lateral aid agencies, think tanks, and independent researchers on the sidelines of the World Literacy Summit, 2023. Impact of other research-informed outputs: Several outputs reported in the main report (sections on Artistic and Creative Products, Research Tools and Methods, and Research Datasets, Databases and Models), have begun to reach non-academic audiences within governments and third sector organisations such as NGOs, community groups and charities. A common thread for the different stakeholders who engage with our tools, products and resources is the ready availability of accessible User Packs. Strategic partnerships also have helped to raise interest. Early adopters have almost always been third sector actors; since many already had strong links with government partners, discussions for local adoption were almost always led by them. Notable partners in this endeavour are Room to Read and the Alif Laila Book Bus Society. There is, however as yet no data on the impact of adoption, depending on the product, on teacher practice, child learning outcome, policy uptake and curriculum development. This is an essential next step and best implemented in collaboration with adopting partners or a third party evaluation. Adoption has matured for a 16-part series on multilingualism, the multilingual child and the multilingual classroom in multiple states across India (Roque-Gutierrez et al, 2023. Talk titled Films for teachers: Supporting language and literacy (pre-) school pedagogy in India. Adoption is spreading for the TalkTogether Book Levelling Tool (e.g., a national government-owned multilingual publishing house and a book writing group for the languages of two tribal groups in India, a voluntary organisation in Pakistan with a book-access programme). Finally, first interest has been received for the story books and story strips developed for an oral language programme that fits into school timetables widely adopted in India and looks promising for local mandates in Malaysia and Eritrea. Adoption of the intervention at-scale is under discussion with first strategies emerging through multi-partner meetings led by local academic partners and a TalkTogether Research Affiliate.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Education,Other
Impact Types Cultural



Description Advisor to the ECD Mission (Meghalaya, India)
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Impacts are too early to state; however, there are requests for further participation or involvement in a community-level, home- and center-based ECE programme to go alongside a health and nutrition programme for 0 to 3 year olds.
Description Advisor to the Working Group on ECD (Karnataka)
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Dr Sonali Nag conducted an evidence briefing for State-level decision makers for ECD on Nov 2020. The purpose of the meeting was to develop priorities and the state-wide budget for ECD to reflect India's new national education policy (NEP, 2020) for 3 to 8 year olds. Impacts are too early to state; however, there are plans made for future related activity.
Description Briefing for implementation of National Education Plan 2020 for the state of Karnataka
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact On Dec 2020, Dr Sonali Nag made a presentation entitled "Multilingualism, Language Development and Emergent Literacy: Starting early is good but with what?" to a formal working group & expert panel composed primarily of policy makers. The purpose was to develop the state-wide curriculum to reflect India's new education policy for 3 to 8 year olds. The state will consider using Nag's research to plan curricular content and progression of content across grades.
Description Learning to Interview: the TalkTogether Qualitative Interviewing Course for Research Associates
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact One batch of based in India researchers have taken this course to date. Excerpts from participant feedback on the course: a) 'What are new or surprising things that you learned from this course? Please tell us a bit more about what you learned. All concepts were entirely new to me. Right from the ethics course to the scenario discussions, I learnt all about the ethical practices necessary to be implemented during the research, the process of conducting the vignette and classroom studies as well as the scenario discussions regarding potential situations that could take place on the field. All these courses have given me a deeper insight into conducting a qualitative study.'; b) 'It was not my first course on ethics and research integrity and have gone through the process of applying for ethics approval for testing children twice. So I already knew quite a few things. However, I had not considered in depth the factor "LMIC". So, there are ethical considerations that come into play when researching such a context I was not fully aware of and am glad that this course has helped me broaden my vision to this end.'; c) 'I think some aspects of ethics dumping were new/surprising to me. I am referring to the part where we clear all ethics-related requirements in a country like UK (for a field-site in the global south) and take requisite permissions from school-boards in India, but we may still be 'dumping ethics' if we don't set up a local advisory board for advice or get clearance from local community leaders. I always felt that countries like the UK had much higher standards for ethics and that clearing those was enough - at least for individual/student assignments. A lot of food for thought on that front, thanks for that.; d) 'Also new to me - were things like pre-registration of research etc. I hadn't heard of it during my ethics training in UK a decade ago. Very important and interesting approach.'; d) 'Research Ethics. By understanding I am part of the larger scientific community, I feel it's my moral duty to adhere to Ethics and also to report about unethical practice.' Excerpts from the Post-course Reflection Document of the Course Facilitators (7th June, 2022): Participants participated a lot. Everyone wanted to participate! [The impact of the course appears to have been because the course allows for] a centering of the participants' voices and contexts and knowledge exchange between participants.
Description Multilingual education-use of children's home languages in the classroom brochure
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The distribution of this material amongst teachers in India supported understanding of methods to enable them to better incorporate the practice in their day to day teaching.
Description Research Integrity & Ethics for Child Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The course has been rolled out to multiple batches of researchers in the TalkTogether project across the UK, India and the Philippines. These teams have thoughtfully executed multiple research activities. The course will be made available for researchers who work in LMIC countries and who do not otherwise have access to research ethics training via their local institutions or other course providers. The course also supported Research Officers within the project teaching and planning time and with this to gain advanced certification for in the Advancing Teaching and Learning (ATL) programme of the University of Oxford. PI Nag supported staff through mentoring and providing the Authentication of Professional Practice Statement, gauged against Descriptor 1 of the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education.
Description Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations (English and Hindi)
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Offered at scale across states in India to early years teachers for continuous professional development [e.g.]
Description Dr TMA Pai Scholarship Scheme
Amount ₹864,000 (INR)
Funding ID 107200691 
Organisation Manipal University 
Sector Academic/University
Country India
Start 05/2021 
End 12/2024
Description GNCA (GCRF and Newton Fund Consolidation Account)
Amount £101,075 (GBP)
Organisation University of Oxford 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 03/2023
Description Tiwari, S (PI) A cross-linguistic investigation exploring the mechanisms associated with sub-lexical dyslexia in two alphasyllabic orthographies. Funding body: Department of Science and Technology, Cognitive Science Research Initiative, Government of Indi
Amount ₹2,763,920 (INR)
Organisation Government of India 
Sector Public
Country India
Title ALFA automatised linguistic frequency analyzer technical report 
Description It is an open-source based Graphical User Interface (GUI) to estimate the lingual properties of an Akshara language - Kannada. For a given text corpus, it can be used to estimate the following corpus statistics: Word length, phoneme length, word frequency, Akshara frequency, sub-word statistics, number of unique words, and also to search for a word or string 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact To develop any assessment tool, we need to estimate the lingual statistics of text read by children.These statistics will help us make data-driven decisions while designing tests and develop materials to provide targeted intervention. However, the existing frequency analyzers are primarily developed for Latin script and cannot be extended to Akshara based languages. Thus, our proposed tool ALFA will help researchers to extract key statistics of Akshara based text corpus. 
Title Age of acquisition study protocol 
Description The protocol outlines detailed steps for the design, implementation, quality assurance, and analysis of an age of acquisition study for Kannada and Filipino. This common protocol is publicly archived and can be used as reference material for a researcher of any language (especially from underresourced and understudied languages in low- and middle-income countries) to use. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The establishment of this protocol has prompted the establishment of clear recruitment and implementation protocols that maintain a high standard of quality among the country teams, including those involving junior/trainee researchers (e.g., research assistants). The level of detail in the document will be a useful guide for researchers who have not previously conducted an age of acquisition study in a particular language, and is seen as an open-access resource that will aid in capacity building especially among researchers in LMICs. The protocol has supported the work of a MSc. Dissertation by Lychhing Ho to develop age of acquisition norms for Khmer, a key language of Cambodia. The team have also offered to supported the work of academics in Malaysia and Eritrea who are separately using this protocol as the basis for in-country funding bids that plan to replicate this work; undertaking an age of acquisition studies for Malay and at least two Eritrean languages. 
Title Assessment Protocols (Hindi) 
Description Battery of 10 tests to assess multiple foundation skills including vocabulary, listening comprehension, phonological processing, narrative expression, emergent literacy, visual processing, visuo-motor skills and executive functions. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact No notable impact of these tools as yet. When ready, a battery of tests will become available for use in intervention trials to capture the pattern of gains in children's oral language development in Hindi. Parts of the test battery may be used at scale to monitor school systems. Most importantly, a teacher tool kit will be an output from the effort. All outputs are expected by 2024. At the anecdotal level, several parents in India who have engaged with the tests have reported to the research team that children enjoyed the tasks and parents have asked if they could initiate activities similar to our tasks to stimulate the child's growing interest in the language. This is a notable impact on child participants and families because it has the potential to translate into spontaneous language interactions that would independently support children's oral language development in Hindi. Researchers from two ODA countries have named the protocol in bids for international grants to replicate TalkTogether assessment tools in their local languages, with a stated aim to use psycholinguistically informed item selection following TalkTogether's localization protocols and Rasch analysis protocols. 
Title Assessment Protocols (Kannada) 
Description Battery of 20+ tests to assess multiple foundation skills including vocabulary, listening comprehension, phonological processing, narrative expression, emergent literacy, visual processing, visuo-motor skills and executive functions. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact No notable impact of the tools as yet. When ready, a battery of tests will become available for use in intervention trials to capture the pattern of gains in children's oral language development. Parts of the test battery may be used at scale to monitor school systems. Most importantly, a teacher tool kit will be an output from the effort.All outputs are expected by 2023. At the anecdotal level, several parents have reported to the research team that children enjoyed the tasks and parents have asked if they could initiate activities similar to our tasks to stimulate the child's growing interest in the language. This is a notable impact on child participants and families because it has the potential to translate into spontaneous language interactions that would independently support children's oral language development. Researchers from two ODA countries have named the protocol in bids for international grants to replicate TalkTogether assessment tools in their local languages, with a stated aim to use psycholinguistically informed item selection following TalkTogether's localization protocols and Rasch analysis protocols. 
Title Child Language Narratives and Utterance Segmentation Protocol 
Description A technical summary of how to transcribe and mark utterance segmentation in child language narratives. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact No notable impact of the protocol as yet although researchers from two ODA countries have named the protocol in bids for international grants to replicate TalkTogether micro-studies in their context, with a stated aim to influence at scale the quality of programmes for early childhood and early grades in local languages. 
Title Child-directed print corpus creation protocol 
Description A protocol for curating, creating, and annotating a child-directed print corpus for Kannada and Filipino has been developed. The protocol includes guidelines on book selection criteria, encoding, cleaning, sentence extraction, parts-of-speech tagging, and word selection for research and materials development. This type of workflow will be archived publicly for use by any researcher who is interested to develop a corpus in their own language. This resource is envisioned as an improvement to research infrastructure for those studying understudied and underresourced languages spoken in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The specifics of the protocol are provided in Nag, S., Dulay, K., Arulmani, G. & Ocampo, D. (2021). Technical Report No. 1: The TalkTogether Kannada and Filipino child-directed print corpora: Process document. Internal report: University of Oxford, The Promise Foundation (India) and the University of the Philippines (Diliman). A rigorous report of the protocol is available in Nag, S., John, S. & Agrawal, A. NSP-SCD: A corpus construction protocol for child-directed print in understudied languages. Behav Res (2024). Researchers from two ODA countries have named the protocol in bids for international grants to replicate TalkTogether micro-studies in their context, with a stated aim to influence at-scale the quality of programmes for early childhood and early grades in local languages. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The development of this protocol has helped researchers in India and the Philippines develop a common protocol for the development of new child-directed print corpora in two languages (Kannada & Filipino). This has prompted the team to engage with external academics (e.g., linguists) and developers of tools for corpus analysis (e.g., DLSU for the Stanford POS tagger; Aakash Agrawal for ALFA). The team have supported the work of academics in Malaysia and Eritrea who are separately using this protocol as the basis for in-country funding bids that plan to replicate this work, creating child-directed print corpuses for Malay and at least two Eritrean languages. In addition the protocol has supported the work of a MSc. Dissertation by Lychhing Ho to develop an exploratory print corpus in Khmer, a key language of Cambodia. The protocol has also been used as the basis work undertaken by PhD students working with Research Affiliates at Manipal Academy of Higher Education. The work of one PhD student Megha Nakshthri has resulted in a successful bid to the Indian Council of Social Science Research to undertake a project focused on developing and archiving a digitized corpus of child spoken samples in Kannada. When the protocol is disseminated publicly, researchers in other LMICs may use this document for their own corpus development initiatives similar to those which are already starting to move forward as outlined above. 
Title Child-directed print corpus technical report in Filipino 
Description Workflow templates and analysis plans were created a manual morphological analysis of words from a Kannada sentence corpus. Parameters of analysis include Parts-of-Speech (PoS) tags, and the syllables and inflections in words. ALFA (the project's Graphical Unser Interface) was used to compute letter and phoneme counts. The template also requires the word meanings to be given in English as per the sentential context provided by a selected sentence in the child-print corpus. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These psycholinguistic analyses will be of interest to researchers of Filipino language and also languages that are similarly morphologically rich. A Public Release Document is under internal review and will be made open access within 2022. A companion document will allow curriculum developers and teachers to use the material to plan lessons and make developmentally appropriate teaching-learning materials. 
Title Child-directed print corpus technical report in Kannada 
Description Workflow templates and analysis plans were created a manual morphological analysis of words from a Kannada sentence corpus. Parameters of analysis include Parts-of-Speech (PoS) tags, and the syllables and inflections in words. ALFA (the project's Graphical Unser Interface) was used to compute akshara and phoneme counts. The template also requires the word meanings to be given in English as per the sentential context provided by a selected sentence in the child-print corpus. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These psycholinguistic analyses will be of interest to researchers not only of Kannada but also other Dravidian languages and languages that are morphologically rich. A Public Release Document is under internal review and will be made open access within 2022. A companion document will allow curriculum developers and teachers to use the material to plan lessons and developmentally appropriate materials for children. 
Title CoPI Log 
Description The Collaboration, Co-Production and Impact (CoPI) Log is an online form that the TalkTogether team uses to log activities that aim to maximize the impact of the project. This includes co-production, knowledge exchange, public/stakeholder engagement, communication, and research dissemination activities that have begun or have been completed. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The CoPI Log aids not only transparency and follow-up within the project but also aids in the evaluation of project members' activities/achievements vis-a-vis our commitments to the UKRI-GCRF project goals. In future, this tool may be adopted by other research projects, especially those involving multiple organizations in Global North-South partnerships. 
Title Curation Protocol for Oral Language Heritage Materials 
Description The curation protocol for oral language heritage materials includes material identifiers such as does the story originate in popular culture, is it passed on by word of mouth, is it a very local story, does it have a tune, is it recited, and does it appear first in print before becoming an oral tale, song or rhyme. The language in the material is assessed for age level of words and sentences used, the appropriateness of this language such as whether there are words that are hurtful or promote stereotypes or normalise abusive behaviour. The plot, character, length, unit and coherence in the narrative are also examined. The language usage of the material checks for uniqueness of the material and if mainly known only to the contributor or a closed circle of people such as family members or a community member, if generally, not available written/as literature, and if mainly transmitted orally across generations. The material is tagged for thematic content with focus on People, Professions, Animals, Plants, and Non-living things; and for settings with focus on Neighbourhood, Nature, the Solar System, Play settings and Other (e.g. goatherds out in the open, baby getting an oil message). The final section of the protocol codes for potential for use in the classroom with a focus on activities that promote language development (new word learning, rhymes and alliterations, idioms and proverbs), and socioemotional learning (labelling of character emotions, describing how characters feel, Uses words like 'thinks', 'imagines', 'reflects', 'introspects'). The protocol also checks for recording quality of the audio. This protocol has been trialled with 165 audio files with material from three languages. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The protocol provides a transparent workflow for researchers and curators who want to build their own library of collections of oral traditions in their respective languages and cultures. There can be many impacts resulting from the resulting heritage libraries. For example, the resulting audio library in India will be used towards the development of a culturally-sensitive oral language intervention programme for Kannada-speaking children. The protocol is scheduled for public release in October 2024. 
Title Expert Evaluation of the Age Suitability of Children's Books 
Description The book levelling protocol is a template for expert raters to classify children's books into 4 age bands: 3-5, 6-8, 9-10, and 11+ based on content, organization of ideas, language, and illustrations. This is an improvement to existing research infrastructure as it serves to provide a replicable workflow and enable interrater reliability discussions of age ratings in children's books in any language. The protocol was co-developed by members of the TalkTogether research team to provide a consistent set of ratings across publishing years and publication houses. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This is an open access tool available to practitioners and researchers globally. Capacity-building and sensitization sessions for teachers in using this tool were conducted by the University of Philippines Team. Project partners 'Room to Read' are developing a handbook to support the tool which is to be published by the National Book Trust in India and will be translated into multiple Indian languages. India's leading publishing house, the National Book Trust (NBT), has a large reach [Excerpt from NBT website: '(NBT), India is an apex body established by the Government of India (Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development) in the year 1957. The objectives of the NBT are to produce and encourage the production of good literature in English, Hindi and other Indian languages and to make such literature available at moderate prices to the public and to bring out book catalogues, arrange book fairs/exhibitions and seminars and take all necessary steps to make the people book minded.' ]. The TalkTogether team have undertaken awareness raising activities around the book levelling tool, including hosting a side event to the 2023 World Literacy Summit which was attended by 7 representatives from organisations based in DAC countries. This led to further discussion regarding the tool with the Alif Laaila Book Bus Company in Pakistan around use of this tool for Urdu, these conversations are on-going looking to address queries relating to contextualizing this tool for use with Urdu. Conversations were also held with representatives of the Karnataka Public Libraries Network in India and the USAID activity in Nigeria 'Leveraging Educational Assistance Resources in Nigeria (LEARN) to Read'. The team continue to engage with these conversations to support potential implementation. 
Title Filipino Age-of-Acquisition Word List 
Description The Filipino Age-of-Acquisition Word List can be used to design measures that may represent a range of skill levels between 0 to 10 years, thus improving their sensitivity. Several quality monitoring protocols were implemented to assess data quality. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact A Filipino teacher can design a language lesson using words that children are expected to know by a certain age; or conversely, select items with higher Age-of-Acquisition ratings to make the lesson activity more challenging. 
Title Home Survey Protocol 
Description The home survey covers areas related to home language and literacy environment including number and language profiles of key conversation partners of the child. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This protocol will be useful for assessing home language and literacy environments in multilingual contexts. A Public Release Document is under internal review and will be made open access in 2023. 
Title Kannada Age-of-Acquisition Word List 
Description The Kannada Age-of-Acquisition Word List can be used to design measures that may represent a range of skill levels between 0 to 10 years, thus improving their sensitivity. Several quality monitoring protocols were implemented to assess data quality. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact A Kannada teacher can design a language lesson using words that children are expected to know by a certain age; or conversely, select items with higher Age-of-Acquisition ratings to make the lesson activity more challenging. 
Title Morpho-syntax technical report 
Description An affix-mapping analysis of selected Filipino words was conducted to understand the characteristics of words found in the Filipino Child-Directed Print Corpus. The analysis aims to find the nature and productivity of affixes and identify the functions of each affix found in the corpus. It also aims to describe the morphological characteristics of these words by looking into the morphological processes involved in their formation. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The corpus-based affix map was formed in order to get a clearer, albeit very large picture of the level of lexical sophistication and morphological competence in relation to the affixes found in a child-directed corpus. These psycholinguistic analyses will be of interest to researchers not only of Filipino but also other languages of the Philipines and languages elsewhere that are morphologically intricate. 
Title The Psychometric Properties of Language and Emergent Literacy Tests: Learning Level Survey (Kannada) 
Description A technical summary of seven tasks that test oral language and emergent literacy skills including vocabulary, listening comprehension, phonological processing, and emergent literacy. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact No notable impact of the tools as yet. When ready will be made open access. 
Title Automatic Linguistic Frequency Analyser (ALFA) 
Description To study the properties of written language, we need to first understand how printed symbols (letters, akshara) combine to form increasingly complex linguistic units such as morphemes, words, phrases and sentences. ALFA uses the capabilities of data processors to analyse linguistic data. A first step for this is to take relevant language information (e.g., audio files, visual images) and derive its digital counterpart, following which algorithms may be applied for summary statistics of target characteristics of the said database. Initiatives for such analytics of linguistic data is a rapidly growing field. However, a lot of text information that is readily available online is generated for/from adult users, and the printed books that children read are not yet widely digitised. This is especially true for Indic languages. Hence the tasks within ALFA spanned from acquiring a searchable digital database to applying algorithms for variables of interest. A manual approach to develop a print corpus requires data entry of sentences from books into a text file followed by manual count of the occurrence of target units (e.g. letters/akshara, sound units like syllable and phonemes, larger units such as akshara sequences). Other processes based on the intended analyses also may be executed within the manual approach such as using a dictionary to identify the parts of speech and identification of compound words, loan words and dialect words in the corpus. This manual intervention is not only tedious but also not efficient to scale to a large text corpus. Further, it is, arguably, more prone to human errors compared to an automated algorithm that has reached a high accuracy rate in pilot trials. Here, we aimed to improve the efficiency of collating and analysing a child-directed print corpus by, first, benefitting from advances in open access tools and machine learning tools and second, developing indigenous rule-based algorithms. Linked to the first, we replaced the task of manual data-entry of entire books with the task of photographing pages of a book and using open access tools. The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature of Google Translate, a free app available online, is highly accurate in recognizing the printed text present in an image. This is what we used. Once, the corpus was converted into digital format, we developed algorithms using python - an open-source programming language - for several tasks. Algorithms ready over 2020 include automatised linguistic frequency analysis for 1) symbol occurrence (for all types of Akshara in the target language: Consonants (C), Vowels (V), CV, CCV, CC structures), and sound lengths of words (how many phonemes within each word). Some aspects of automatised analysis remains under discussion. For example, currently available automated tools to tag the Parts-of-Speech have not been satisfactory. While, the performance of tools we used was not satisfactory (80-90% accurate) with Kannada - an agglutinative script, we assume that it can be easily deployed for other languages. For Kannada, we have continued with manual tagging and are finetuning the approach separately. Despite these manual processes, ALFA has helped to streamline the process of collation and analysis of the child-directed print corpus with a tool that is not only based on open-source platforms but can also be readily extended to other linguistic corpora that are driven by similar writing system rules. Over 2023-2024 the ALFA team is exploring algorithms for capturing lexical diversity (range of vocabulary) in children's oral language productions during story-telling and re-telling. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The development of these tools and algorithms has reduced the data curation time by 90%, which will help researchers to focus on addressing scientific questions. The tools and algorithms have been tried in a limited way with the TalkTogether project's Filipino child-directed print corpus with high accuracy rate. 
Description Multilingual Self Learning Package Development 
Organisation Room to Read India
Country India 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Prof Sonali Nag & her research team at University of Oxford and The Promise Foundation developed a four-part online course for teachers and teacher trainers covering socio-linguistics of multilingualism, the multilingual child, the multilingual classroom and a school-wide plan to celebrate multilingualism with partners Room to Read India, UNICEF India and USAID.
Collaborator Contribution Several partners in North India are reviewing the Hindi film series for use in in-service professional development activities. Room to Read in collaboration with government partners have initiated a Telugu and Marathi version of the course. Room to Read and, independently, the TalkTogether teams at Oxford and The Promise Foundation are developing coaching sessions and interactive workbooks liked to the film series. Earlier, in advance of writing the course, the TalkTogether team conducted a teacher survey in collaboration with Room to Read India, and the Teacher Quality Project at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. UNICEF India and Room to Read India helped with vetting the course through feedback from field workers
Impact Insights from the teacher survey identified where teachers felt most and least prepared, supported, and effective in teaching and professional development in a multilingual context. The collaboration resulted in a four-part course. The course was developed for teachers and education officials with a view to better equip them to address multilingual situations in the classroom. Includes a combination of online and offline resources including handouts, articles, and audio-visual material. The collaboration is considered multidisciplinary; covering the following fields: sociolinguistics, developmental psychology, education, and school management. Over 2021 a film series titled Tumhari Meri Batein has been developed in English and in Hindi and a series of launch activities began from November 2022. Over 2023, multiple governments have added the films to their online platform for continuous professional development or primary school and early childhood teachers. Also over 2023, further translations of the film series have been initiated, overseen by Room to Read (India).
Start Year 2020
Description Multilingual Self Learning Package Development 
Organisation The Promise Foundation
Country India 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Prof Sonali Nag & her research team at University of Oxford and The Promise Foundation developed a four-part online course for teachers and teacher trainers covering socio-linguistics of multilingualism, the multilingual child, the multilingual classroom and a school-wide plan to celebrate multilingualism with partners Room to Read India, UNICEF India and USAID.
Collaborator Contribution Several partners in North India are reviewing the Hindi film series for use in in-service professional development activities. Room to Read in collaboration with government partners have initiated a Telugu and Marathi version of the course. Room to Read and, independently, the TalkTogether teams at Oxford and The Promise Foundation are developing coaching sessions and interactive workbooks liked to the film series. Earlier, in advance of writing the course, the TalkTogether team conducted a teacher survey in collaboration with Room to Read India, and the Teacher Quality Project at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. UNICEF India and Room to Read India helped with vetting the course through feedback from field workers
Impact Insights from the teacher survey identified where teachers felt most and least prepared, supported, and effective in teaching and professional development in a multilingual context. The collaboration resulted in a four-part course. The course was developed for teachers and education officials with a view to better equip them to address multilingual situations in the classroom. Includes a combination of online and offline resources including handouts, articles, and audio-visual material. The collaboration is considered multidisciplinary; covering the following fields: sociolinguistics, developmental psychology, education, and school management. Over 2021 a film series titled Tumhari Meri Batein has been developed in English and in Hindi and a series of launch activities began from November 2022. Over 2023, multiple governments have added the films to their online platform for continuous professional development or primary school and early childhood teachers. Also over 2023, further translations of the film series have been initiated, overseen by Room to Read (India).
Start Year 2020
Description Multilingual Self Learning Package Development 
Organisation UNICEF
Department UNICEF India
Country India 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Prof Sonali Nag & her research team at University of Oxford and The Promise Foundation developed a four-part online course for teachers and teacher trainers covering socio-linguistics of multilingualism, the multilingual child, the multilingual classroom and a school-wide plan to celebrate multilingualism with partners Room to Read India, UNICEF India and USAID.
Collaborator Contribution Several partners in North India are reviewing the Hindi film series for use in in-service professional development activities. Room to Read in collaboration with government partners have initiated a Telugu and Marathi version of the course. Room to Read and, independently, the TalkTogether teams at Oxford and The Promise Foundation are developing coaching sessions and interactive workbooks liked to the film series. Earlier, in advance of writing the course, the TalkTogether team conducted a teacher survey in collaboration with Room to Read India, and the Teacher Quality Project at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. UNICEF India and Room to Read India helped with vetting the course through feedback from field workers
Impact Insights from the teacher survey identified where teachers felt most and least prepared, supported, and effective in teaching and professional development in a multilingual context. The collaboration resulted in a four-part course. The course was developed for teachers and education officials with a view to better equip them to address multilingual situations in the classroom. Includes a combination of online and offline resources including handouts, articles, and audio-visual material. The collaboration is considered multidisciplinary; covering the following fields: sociolinguistics, developmental psychology, education, and school management. Over 2021 a film series titled Tumhari Meri Batein has been developed in English and in Hindi and a series of launch activities began from November 2022. Over 2023, multiple governments have added the films to their online platform for continuous professional development or primary school and early childhood teachers. Also over 2023, further translations of the film series have been initiated, overseen by Room to Read (India).
Start Year 2020
Description Multilingual Self Learning Package Development 
Organisation United States Agency for International Development
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Prof Sonali Nag & her research team at University of Oxford and The Promise Foundation developed a four-part online course for teachers and teacher trainers covering socio-linguistics of multilingualism, the multilingual child, the multilingual classroom and a school-wide plan to celebrate multilingualism with partners Room to Read India, UNICEF India and USAID.
Collaborator Contribution Several partners in North India are reviewing the Hindi film series for use in in-service professional development activities. Room to Read in collaboration with government partners have initiated a Telugu and Marathi version of the course. Room to Read and, independently, the TalkTogether teams at Oxford and The Promise Foundation are developing coaching sessions and interactive workbooks liked to the film series. Earlier, in advance of writing the course, the TalkTogether team conducted a teacher survey in collaboration with Room to Read India, and the Teacher Quality Project at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. UNICEF India and Room to Read India helped with vetting the course through feedback from field workers
Impact Insights from the teacher survey identified where teachers felt most and least prepared, supported, and effective in teaching and professional development in a multilingual context. The collaboration resulted in a four-part course. The course was developed for teachers and education officials with a view to better equip them to address multilingual situations in the classroom. Includes a combination of online and offline resources including handouts, articles, and audio-visual material. The collaboration is considered multidisciplinary; covering the following fields: sociolinguistics, developmental psychology, education, and school management. Over 2021 a film series titled Tumhari Meri Batein has been developed in English and in Hindi and a series of launch activities began from November 2022. Over 2023, multiple governments have added the films to their online platform for continuous professional development or primary school and early childhood teachers. Also over 2023, further translations of the film series have been initiated, overseen by Room to Read (India).
Start Year 2020
Description Multilingual Self Learning Package Development 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Education
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Prof Sonali Nag & her research team at University of Oxford and The Promise Foundation developed a four-part online course for teachers and teacher trainers covering socio-linguistics of multilingualism, the multilingual child, the multilingual classroom and a school-wide plan to celebrate multilingualism with partners Room to Read India, UNICEF India and USAID.
Collaborator Contribution Several partners in North India are reviewing the Hindi film series for use in in-service professional development activities. Room to Read in collaboration with government partners have initiated a Telugu and Marathi version of the course. Room to Read and, independently, the TalkTogether teams at Oxford and The Promise Foundation are developing coaching sessions and interactive workbooks liked to the film series. Earlier, in advance of writing the course, the TalkTogether team conducted a teacher survey in collaboration with Room to Read India, and the Teacher Quality Project at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. UNICEF India and Room to Read India helped with vetting the course through feedback from field workers
Impact Insights from the teacher survey identified where teachers felt most and least prepared, supported, and effective in teaching and professional development in a multilingual context. The collaboration resulted in a four-part course. The course was developed for teachers and education officials with a view to better equip them to address multilingual situations in the classroom. Includes a combination of online and offline resources including handouts, articles, and audio-visual material. The collaboration is considered multidisciplinary; covering the following fields: sociolinguistics, developmental psychology, education, and school management. Over 2021 a film series titled Tumhari Meri Batein has been developed in English and in Hindi and a series of launch activities began from November 2022. Over 2023, multiple governments have added the films to their online platform for continuous professional development or primary school and early childhood teachers. Also over 2023, further translations of the film series have been initiated, overseen by Room to Read (India).
Start Year 2020
Description Office of the Vice President of the Philippines 
Organisation Government of the Philippines
Country Philippines 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The UP College of Education, including co-investigators Dina Ocampo and Portia Padilla, worked with the Office of the Vice President to develop an online video series for parents and teachers about coping with home-based learning. This is to provide education support to families and children during the lockdown/pandemic. Teams of faculty members wrote scripts and collaborated with the creative teams for the video production.
Collaborator Contribution The Office of the Vice President gathered the volunteers for the project through their vast network and provided the logistics for the projects. Volunteers included film directors, artists, and advertising agencies on the production of these videos. NGOs helped to identify the topics for the videos by consulting with their networks.
Impact As of Mar 2022, there are 23 videos uploaded on the Bayanihan E-skwela YouTube channel, which has 8.85K subscribers. The Bayanihan E-skwela Facebook page has 7.04K followers. The project had been featured in major national newspapers. The partnership is still active. Co-investigator Ocampo continues to review and comment on the development of video content.
Start Year 2020
Description Oral language development in multilingual settings in North India (NC) 
Organisation Language and Learning Foundation
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Oxford team is the UK-based research organisation for this partnership. The Oxford team anchors the international network of the TalkTogether collaboration and has collaborated with partner organisations on project decision-making, research design, capacity-building at all levels of the research from tool development to quality assurance to data analysis and archiving.
Collaborator Contribution Language and Learning Foundation partnered with the TalkTogether team of research assistants and affiliates to conduct the Hindi teacher study, Hindi child learning levels study, co-production of an Hindi oral language intervention and preparations for a controlled trial of the thus developed oral language intervention. Language and Learning Foundation gave access to school networks, teacher mentors and skilled associates associated with the Foundation, and material from the oral language curriculum will inform the co-produced intervention.
Impact Too early in collaboration
Start Year 2022
Description TalkTogether in the Philippines 
Organisation University of the Philippines Diliman
Country Philippines 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Oxford team is the UK-based research organisation for this partnership. The Oxford team anchors the international network of the TalkTogether collaboration and has collaborated with partner organisations on project decision-making, research design, capacity-building at all levels of the research from tool development to quality assurance to data analysis and archiving.
Collaborator Contribution The College of Education of the University of the Philippines Diliman brought in partners and collaborators from the Philippines through their own networks, including DepEd Quezon City, ICLiP (Interactive Children's Literacy Program), and colleagues from the Education Research Program and UP Department of Linguistics. These networks have enabled the collation of children's books for a Filipino corpus, the manual validation of the Stanford POS tagger for Filipino, and a Filipino age of acquisition study. Research Tools produced from this collaboration include a book levelling protocol, and an open access Filipino word list with extimates of the age of acquisition of words and other information useful for curriculum writers, teachers, test developers and researchers such as word length details and the earliest age band when the word appears in children's books. Technical Reports on this work is also available open access for use in the Philippines and internationally. A template for mapping the unqiue morpho-syntax of the morphologically rich languages in the project was led by collaborators from the UP Department of Linguistics. Dissemination activities were led by the Education Research Program and PI in the annual meeting of the Reading Association of the Philippines Annual Conference. How to conduct ethically sensitive research using online tools was presented by the UP research team. The collaboration also led to a successful virtual round table with an international panel on child-directed print corpora.
Impact "Outputs (listed in other parts of the form): [1] Conference presentation headed by the UP Team: [2] Conference presentation using data from the UP Team: [3] Access to the assessment batteries housed in the Education Research Program [4] Access to the Stanford POS Tagger in Filipino [5] Release of a book levelling protocol [6] Writing of the child-directed print corpus, token corpus, and technical report in Filipino in preparation for public release [7] Preliminary analysis of the age of acquisition study data, technical report, and public word list [8] COVID-19 Dictionary in 6 languages for Filipino children [9] Educational video series with the Office of the Vice President of the Philippines; [10] Corpus roundtable; [11] Child-directed corpus-based Filipino affix map
Start Year 2020
Description The Promise Foundation 
Organisation The Promise Foundation
Country India 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Oxford team is the UK-based research organisation for this partnership. The Oxford team anchors the international network of the TalkTogether collaboration and has collaborated with partner organisations on project decision-making, research design, capacity-building at all levels of the research from tool development to quality assurance to data analysis and archiving.
Collaborator Contribution The Promise Foundation led its team of research assistants and affiliates towards the creation of a Kannada and Hindi child-directed print corpus, connected with TalkTogether research affiliates and senior linguists to manually tag sentences from the corpus, design and conduct the Kannada age of acquisition study, the Hindi and Kannada child learning levels study, a home language and literacy environments survey, a teacher study in Hindi and Kannada, and two pilot intervention studies in Kannada with first, second and third language learners. The Promise Foundation gave access to the literacy acquisition assessment batteries housed in the Foundation, designed a multilingualism course, two pilot interventions and approximately 15 child language assessments with project partners, curated a new audio library of oral language heritage materials, developed an Automatized Linguistic Frequency Analyser (ALFA) and contributed to conference presentation in national and international scholarly events, and with blog pieces and web content for digital engagement. The Foundation has made open access a Kannada and Hindi word list with estimates of the age of acquisition of words and other information useful for curriculum writers, teachers, test developers and researchers (such as word length details and the earliest age band when the word appears in children's books). A Technical Report on this work is also available open access for use in India and internationally. In response to the lockdown and the urgent need for a formal learning infrastructure at home, the Foundation developed a Home Learning Corner. This is a kit for media use to connect remotely with teachers, and supports the photographing and filming of child work done at home for sharing back with teachers. The Foundation supports all TalkTogether replicable workflow protocols including a) developing child-directed print corpora for other Indian languages, b) taking the 16-set teacher course on multilingualism into other Indian languages, c) use of the print corpora for experimental and survey research in the Indian languages, d) use of the book levelling tool in Indian languages and e) use of select TalkTogether Child Language Assessment Tools in Indian Languages. In 2023, The Promise Foundation supported start of a second research site and language focus (North India, Hindi language in multilingual north Indian settings), expanding the core team to cover child language analysis in multiple local languages including Haryanvi, Bihari, Punjabi, and Wagri. In parallel, the Foundation has continued to provide critical insights into all datasets collated since 2021, but especially child language data and parent/guardian/teacher interview data from the 2022-23 studies.
Impact "Outputs (listed in other parts of the form): [1] A 16-unit self-learning course for teachers on the Multilingualism, the Multilingual Child, the Multilingual Class, and a School Culture that supports Multilingualism. [2] Conference presentation headed by the Promise team: [3] Access to the Library of Congress, Washington [4] Access to the Home Science College Library Bangalore [5] Blog piece for Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN): [6] Creation of the child-directed print corpus creation protocol and first independent use of protocol for a second under-studied language [7] Creation of the age of acquisition study protocol [8] Creation of a curation protocol for Oral Language Heritage Materials [9] Design of the TalkTogether logo, masthead, and website [10] Creation of Content for the TalkTogether website, blog, Twitter: [11] Creation of the Automatized Linguistic Frequency Analyser (ALFA) [12] Creation of a book levelling protocol: Expert Evaluation of the Age Suitability of Children's Books. This is a multidisciplinary collaboration which involves psychology, education, social work, linguistics, engineering, computer science and third sector organisations." This is a multidisciplinary collaboration which involves psychology, education, social work, linguistics, engineering, computer science and third sector organisations. Creation of story books and accompanying story strips for language-rich interventions in two Indian languages (Kannada and Hindi); creation of the TalkTogether Assessment App; support for Language Film Series. Over 2023, the Foundation's research associates have joined in the development of peer reviewed publications on the following themes: a) Kannada age of acquisition, b) Kannada morphosyntax mapped to book levels, c) Lexical diversity in child retelling following a story a day intervention in Kannada, d) complex syntax in child retelling following a story a day intervention in Kannada e) teacher perspectives and practices for supporting oral language development, e) patterns of word generation in multilingual children, f) school work at home - harnessing culturally embedded practices to support oral language development, and g) the connections between children's language production and book language: insights from Kannada, h) visual processing and emergent literacy using a visual search game. Several conference presentations; creative and artistic outputs, research tools - listed under other outputs.
Start Year 2020
Description Usap Tayo 
Organisation University of the Philippines Diliman
Country Philippines 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Oxford team will work with members of the TalkTogether team in the Phillipines who remain interested in classroom ethnography ,oral language assessment and oral language interventions.
Collaborator Contribution This partnership is in a very early phase.
Impact Too early in the partnership.
Start Year 2021
Title The TalkTogether Assessment App for Android Phones 
Description This assessment app works on android phones after the freely downloadable Kobo Collect app has been installed via Google Play. The app was developed following pilot testing with five and six year olds in two languages. Data may be collected via pre-set tests accessible through a QR code, or customized tests set up manually by a user such as a class teacher or a local researcher of child outcomes. Tests piloted using the app used pictures (essential for child language testing), local scripts (essential for countries with Asian scripts), and simple layouts (essential for clarity on small phone screens). Use of the Kobo Connect Platform allows upload of data after the assessor reaches a place with stable internet connectivity. The user manual for use of this app was developed following cognitive interviews with teachers similar to the group the app aims to support. The Manual mainly uses screen shots and simple flow diagrams to help navigate the system from download to assessment to upload of test data and its first interpretation. A section on Frequently Asked Questions is based on the pilot and cognitive interviews. The app is for lay users including teachers, librarians and volunteers working with 3- to 9-year-olds in low- and middle-income country contexts to assess oral language ability. Child researchers may also use the app. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2023 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact We are yet to see notable impacts from the application as we are looking at usage of this application in a trial over the coming year. 
Description Aakash Agrawal, (2022). Compositionality of letter shape in word recognition. @ IEEE Computer Society, IIT Kharagpur, 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This engagement is part of an activity led by the student forum of the Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur). External speakers are invited every other month. The intended audience is the under-graduate, post-graduate and doctoral-level students, with attendance sometimes from the wider pool of research associates and faculty. A total of approximately 80 participants attended this online presentation. The presentation helped spark interest in the study of emergent literacy and visual processing that underpins learning to become a fluent reader. Examples of questions from the audience include "How are multiple languages represented in our brain?" and "What is the contribution of context when reading jumbled words (also called the Cambridge University Effect)?"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description About the TalkTogether book levelling protocol 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact TalkTogether co-investigator Dr Portia Padilla (College of Education, University of the Philippines) delivered the presentation titled "Of heights and limits: A children's book levelling experience" on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description About the TalkTogether child-directed Kannada and Filipino word corpora 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact TalkTogether research affiliate Dr Sunila John (Department of Speech & Hearing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education) delivered the presentation titled "Cross-linguistic lexical properties of child-directed print corpus: Implications for Filipino and Kannada assessments" on Day 1 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Agrawal, A., Nag, S., Hari, K. V., & Arun, S. P. (2022) article based on 'Letter processing in upright bigrams predicts reading fluency variations in children' journal publication 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Publication of article in Deccan Herald in India as a result of the following Journal publication -Agrawal, A., Nag, S., Hari, K. V., & Arun, S. P. (2022). Letter processing in upright bigrams predicts reading fluency variations in children. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Are oral and written language really different? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Elena Lieven, Emeritus Professor at the Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing, University of Manchester, offered a critique of talks delivered on Day 2 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021. The theme for Day 2 was "Child Language Print Corpora and Experimental Research". Roundtable panelists Prof Maryellen MacDonald (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Prof Kate Nation (University of Oxford) respond.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Asfaha, Y. M (2023) paper presented at conference on 'Scientific contributions to realizing African Union's Agenda 2063' organized by Humboldt Foundation and Ethiopian Humboldt Fellowship Alumni Association in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Paper presented entitled 'Developing minority languages for inclusive development in Africa' at a conference on 'Scientific contributions to realizing African Union's Agenda 2063'. Generated interest and discussion with attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Blog for Universities Policy Engagement Network 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A blog piece entitled "Change needs everyone to learn something new: a view from India's classrooms" was released in 2020. The blog piece was featured in tweets by Universities Policy Engagement Network and TalkTogether and received attention from global audiences, including academics and policy officers from the UK, the Philippines, and India.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Child-directed text corpora and beyond: Picture book reading as a complex activity 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Jessica Montag from the Department of Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign delivered the panel presentation "Child-directed text corpora: A great start" on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Complex syntax in English reading and writing 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Yaling Hsiao from the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford delivered the presentation titled "The development of complex syntax in children's reading and writing" on Day 2 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Department of Education, University of Oxford Poster Conference (2023) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation of poster at Departmental poster conference for the purpose of awareness raising amongst the academic community (researchers, academics and students) within the Dept. The poster discussed the following four areas of activity from the project:
Schoolwork at Home during Covid-19
Implicit learning of macrostructure elements in a small group intervention study
Teaching and learning through play
A story based programme to support foundational learning at school entry
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Developing a folk-inspired Kannada intervention using the Promise audio corpus 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Shriya Kuchibhotla and Dr Gideon Arulmani from The Promise Foundation, a key collaborating organisation for the TalkTogether project, delivered the presentation titled "Folk-Inspired Kannada Intervention: The Promise Audio Corpus" on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Dhir Jhingran (2023) presented at CIES Washington DC February 2023. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Two presentations delivered on following topics to broad range of stakeholders and CIES conference, generating interest and discussion with attendees:
• Towards learning Equity: What should (and shouldn't) be scaled up? 21st Feb 2023
• Non-state actors and their roles in supporting the government in South Asia
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Dhir Jhingran, (2023), International Mother Languages Day: Importance of taking a multilingual approach to improve learning among students- Published in Hindustan Times Online on 21st February 2024 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Awareness raising of importance of multilingual classrooms and learning through article in Hindustan Times focussing this issue and the importance of a multilingual approach to improve learning among students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Dhir Jhingran, (2023), Language Mapping: An instrument for adopting multilingual education strategies presentation at 7th International Conference on Language and Education held in Bangkok, Thailand 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Conference presentation on Language Mapping as an instrument for adopting multilingual education strategies at the 7th International Conference on Language and Education held in Bangkok, Thailand. This was an awareness-raising activity around multilingual education strategies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description English morphological complexity and the Oxford Children's Corpus 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Nicola Dawson from the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford delivered the panel presentation "Morphology and the development of orthography-meaning links: A large scale corpus study of children's books" on Day 1 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description How do Filipino children process morphosyntax? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Rowena Garcia from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen delivered the presentation titled "Children's acquisition of symmetrical voice language: Evidence from comprehension and production experiments in Tagalog" on Day 2 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description How do production goals influence language? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Maryellen MacDonald from the Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison delivered the panel presentation "Writing vs. Speaking: How production goals influence language, with implications for corpus analysis" on Day 2 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description How does reading support emotion recognition? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Steven Schwering from the Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison delivered the presentation titled "Reading the mind: Fiction reading supports emotion recognition" on Day 2 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Implications of morphological awareness for Filipino Language and literacy assessment 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact University of the Philippines faculty members Mary Ann Bacolod, Jem Javier, and Portia Padilla from the TalkTogether team delivered the presentation titled "Implications of morphological awareness for Filipino Language and literacy assessment" on Day 1 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description India Working Group Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The first working group meeting was convened in November 2020, with TalkTogether team members and teachers in attendance. The teachers were experienced in curriculum and textbook development (e.g., Nali Kali) for preschool and primary school levels. The working group discussed plans for developing modules related to emergent literacy as well as the Promise audio library. The working group will continue to meet to develop the modules.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Introducing an emerging framework for text complexity assessment 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact University of the Philippines faculty and staff Leonor Diaz, Margaret Mary Rosary Carmel Fua, and Kathrina Lucasan from the TalkTogether team delivered the presentation titled "Readers and text complexity: an emerging framework for assessment" on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Introducing the Malay Language Word Corpus (MyBaca) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Hui Min Low from the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia delivered the panel presentation "Research and applications of Malay Language Word Corpus" on Day 1 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description John, S (2023) A panel discussion on "Understanding Government-Private collaborations to bring literature into literacy classrooms" at NationaNational Summit on sharing learnings from Scaling Up Early Reading Intervention (SERI) Project 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A panel discussion on "Understanding Government-Private collaborations to bring literature into literacy classrooms" with government representatives from different Indian States regarding the TalkTogether Book Levelling tool
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description John, S (2023) Sensitization session - Children's literature and its impact on language-literacy development 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Session on "Children's Literature in Oral Language Development: Perspectives from Indian Context" with doctoral students of Reading Education class (Seminar in Children's Literature Across Cultures)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description John, S. (2023). The TalkTogether Print Corpus. Invited Panelist in the discussion on Understanding Private-Public Collaborations to bring Literature in the Classroom. Panel Discussion held in the National Summit on Foundation Literacy at Scale organised by USAID, RTI International, Center for Global Development and Room to Read in New Delhi, India. 2nd and 3rd March, 2023. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Approximately 60 people attended from around 10 states across India and the panel discussion sparked interest in the TalkTogether Book Levelling Tool. This tool was distributed to all participants with an offer to translate in local languages and run an orientation session to organisations interested to use the tool. The print corpus work done in the project was used to demonstrate why children's books are a rich source of language leading to several agencies showing an interest in how to use the print corpus for their intervention work.

Based on discussions following this panel presentation, the TalkTogether Book Levelling Tool will appear in a Good Practices Handbook published by India's leading publishing house, the National Book Trust (NBT). Excerpt from NBT website: '(NBT), India is an apex body established by the Government of India (Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development) in the year 1957. The objectives of the NBT are to produce and encourage the production of good literature in English, Hindi and other Indian languages and to make such literature available at moderate prices to the public and to bring out book catalogues, arrange book fairs/exhibitions and seminars and take all necessary steps to make the people book minded.' []
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Ma, Siyu, Nag, S., Pandith, P., Miranda, R., & Arulmani, G.(2023) - World Literacy Summit presentation on 'Schoolwork at home during COVID-19' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation delivered at summit entitled 'Schoolwork at home during COVID-19: Harnessing the unique features of the home for culturally-embedded literacy programmes'. It was the first exploration of the Home Surveys data, investigating whether schoolwork at home during COVID could be part of children's home language and literacy environment (HLLE), how parental education predicts HLLE, and which components of HLLE could predict children's Akshara recognition and concepts about print.
The goal was to raise awareness with audience around how the homes were engaging with literacy resources at home during COVID; also to know about our recommendations for culturally-embedded literacy programmes. The presentation discussed the ways in which a variety of print at home across multiple languages could be helpful in literacy development.
The president of Reading & Literacy Association (ReLA) in Brunei, Dr Malai Zeiti Sheikh Abdul Hamid approached the presenter following the presentation, and expressed interest in further collaboration and the team are investigating potential for further engagement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Magic Pot 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On September 2020, Dr John published an article entitled "Let's make reading fun and exciting!" in Magic Pot. This article focused on sensitizing parents about how to use story book reading at home as a fun filled activity. It also provides strategies for parents while reading books to children.

Magic Pot is an English-language magazine targeted for nursery/primary schoolers that presents an evidence-based approach to child development in an engaging way. Magic Pot reports its circulation at 150000 and readership at 90000, and has also positioned itself as an outlet that reaches decision-makers and professionals in India.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Mirkovic, J (2023), Always look at the big picture. Talk presented at the Seidenberg-MacDonald Festschrift, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Jelena Mirkovic (project Research Affiliate) delivered talk entitled 'Always look at the big picture' at the Seidenberg-MacDonald Festschrift, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Providing opportunity to raise profile of academic team and to present the work of the project and raise awareness amongst the academic community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description More on "place", going beyond words, and collaborating with teachers 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Scholars at the roundtable reflected about "place", extending beyond verbal interactions, and projects that engage teachers as research collaborators on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Nag, S (2023) - Nun Foundation Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Participation in conference organised by Nun Foundation, Participants: approximately 500 academics from Turkish universities, teachers and policy maker. Speakers included Yusuf Tekin (minister of education). In the panel alongside Sonali Nag were Celile Eren Okten (deputy minister of education), Ahment Auhan Citil (senior academic) and Ipek Coskun Armagan (moderator, from Institute Social). Esra Albayrak (founder and chairperson of both Nun Foundation and Institute Social) and Jean Twenge (San Diego State University).

The conference also involved a teacher co-production workshop led by Sonali Nag organised by Institute Social Turkey with participants from public schools, private schools, government bureaucracy.
Outputs from the co-production workshop were as follows: i) 10 drafts for one TalkTogether Story Panel (appu learns to drink), and exposure to a second TalkTogether Story Panel (red raincoat) to show question types and lesson planning for a week. ii) Turkish names for Ambitious Words: Uzay Gemisi Kelimeler, iddiale kelimeler, sihirli leimeler, derinbsen kelimeler, koklis leimeler, buzdage kelimeler, siradan kelimeler iii) Turkish names for story elements: karakter, yer, zaman imelcan, oray ne?, problem durumu, problem nasel guzuluyor, ana filar, ana duygu.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Nag, S (2023) - Presentation at Departmental theme meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation around Home language and literacy environments, Child direct print corpora and A story based programme at school entry delivered to research theme (language, cognition and development) meeting within the Department of Education, University of Oxford to disseminate and raise awareness of activity within the Oxford academic community and to receive peer review and feedback.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Nag, S. (2023). Looking at children's books to fill gaps in the science of reading 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited talk in the Psychonomic Society Symposium, Cognition in the "real-world": How, Why and What next?. Experimental Psychology Society (EPS), London Meeting, 6th January 2023 which generated questions and discussion amongst Society members.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Nag, S. (2023). Tumhari Meri Batein: A learning resource for teacher. Invited Keynote at the launch of the Hindi Tumari Meri Batein Film Series at the National Summit on Foundation Literacy at Scale organised by USAID, RTI International, Center for Global Development and Room to Read in New Delhi, India. 2nd and 3rd March, 2023. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A video series of short films for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Feedback on the video training content from government and civil society organisations has been positive, including the Telangana State Council for Education, Research and Training taking it upon themselves to translate it into Telugu with the support of Room to Read (India). There is also interest to integrate this resource in other states across North India but it is too early to understand uptake and outcomes.

Here is an excerpt from a key stake holder from the National Summit: 'Your talk was highly informative and provided valuable insights into the course material, the importance of multilingualism in the classroom, and its relevance to diverse stakeholders We value your emphasis on consultation and collaboration with stakeholders to make Tumhari Meri Baatein course meaningful and effective. In addition, your suggestions to plug this course into the state's teacher professional development schedule are commendable and will help in reaching to a wider audience. Your commitment to sensitizing and educating the system in this crucial area is truly inspiring.'
Here is an excerpt from the Key take-away document from the National Summit:

"Multilingualism in Indian classrooms is a factor to reckon with. All major policies acknowledge the complexities and suggest greater flexibility for children to be taught in the home language in the early years.

Teachers need to consider Multilingual Education (MLE) in classrooms as an enabler During the summit, a self-learning video series called "Tumhari Meri Baatein", conceptualized by Dr. Sonali Nag (Professor of Psychology and Education, Oxford University) and jointly created with Room to Read, covering specific themes related to multilingualism was launched. This needs to be followed up with government stakeholders to develop a pool of MLE experts who can train teachers and develop children's literature in local languages."

Inclusion of the film series for continuous professional development in multiple states across India. []
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Nag, S. (2023). Written in books: hidden stories in what children read. HCR Blurbs. Brasenose College, University of Oxford. 23rd February, 2023. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation for approximately 30 academics and students by Prof. Sonali Nag at Brasenose College, University of Oxford HCR entitled 'Written in books: hidden stories in what children read' to generate interest in the project and subject of oral language development in LMIC within the Oxford University academic community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Ntalli, A (2023) - Syntax blog series 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Blog series published on TalkTogether blog written by Research Officer Athina Ntalli written for teachers and parents interested in children's acquisition of syntax considering multiple approaches to language acquisition research. The ambition was to inform these audiences on these themes in a format which is accessible and to disseminate the TalkTogether approach to these questions.
The blog series featured the following three blogs:
The acquisition of syntax by children
The production of complex sentences by children
How can we assist the development of complex syntax
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Ntalli, A, Mirkovic, J., Pydah, A., Shetty, A., Pandith, P., Usha, M. N., Nagendra, S., Kala, B., Chandana, S., Arulmani, G. and Nag, S. (2023) - Poster presentation of the A story a day study at the EARLI conference held in Thessaloniki. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Poster presentation of the A story a day study at the EARLI conference held in Thessaloniki; poster entitled 'Implicit learning of macrostructure elements in a small group intervention study'. A five minute presentation was followed by a Q&A session, raising awareness of the study across the international research community on teacher education.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Ntalli, A. Mirkovic, J , Shetty, A. , Pandith, P., M. N. Usha , Nagendra, S., B. Kala , S. Chandana, Crasta, R., Prabhu, D., Arulmani, G., Nag, S (2023) - Poster presentation at Many Paths to Language Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Poster entitled 'Improving children's spoken language via implicit learning of syntactic and narrative structures' presented at Many Paths to Language Conference 2023 (online).

Strong spoken language skills are fundamental for literacy development when children start school, and for later academic achievement and life outcomes (Adolf & Hogan, 2019). In the current study we implement theoretical frameworks and findings from child language research to assess the extent to which structured language input can enhance children's language in a multilingual setting. We examine this question in children speaking Kannada, an understudied morphologically rich agglutinating language of South India, used by 70 million speakers.

We build on the research that has established a strong role for implicit learning mechanisms and language production in learning syntactic structures (e.g., Chang et al., 2006; Hopman & MacDonald, 2018; Kidd, 2012), and we extend it to the learning of narrative structure (story grammar). We designed a story-based spoken language intervention with a primary aim to examine the role of repeated exposure to structured narratives and targeted syntactic structures in enhancing their use in a diverse sample of multilingual children where the target language (Kannada) was a first or an additional language. Our secondary aim was to assess the feasibility of a story-based psycholinguistically-informed spoken language intervention.

The intervention was implemented over ten consecutive daily sessions run in small groups of four to eight children in four urban settings in South India. The participants were 87 5-6-year old Kannada-speaking children. Each session comprised a story exposure phase followed by a question-asking phase. A different story was presented in each session. Each story included six common story-grammar elements presented in the same order (setting, characters, initiating event, problem, attempt, resolution). All stories included 15-17 sentences that included an early-acquired (in a first-language context; Hesketh et al., 2006) temporal subordinate clause (e.g., When Toto saw Avi cutting her hair, he laughed heartily.). The stories were presented as a shared book reading activity. A question-asking activity followed the exposure phase. It included 10 questions eliciting either the story-grammar elements (e.g., What problem did Toto and Avi have?) or the target sentence structures (e.g, What did Avi and Toto do after Mom and Dad left for work?). In half of the sessions the questions focused on the sentence structures, and in the other half on the story elements. The order of the sessions (sentence-structure, story-element) was counterbalanced across groups.

The effect of the intervention was assessed using a story retelling task using a previously unseen story run immediately before the intervention (T1), mid-way through (T2), immediately after (T3), and a month after the intervention (T4). This allows us to assess the overall effect of the intervention on the child's language immediately after the intervention (T3 vs T1) and after a delay (T4 vs T3), and additionally any specific effects of the focus during the question-asking phase (T2 vs T1, for groups receiving the story-grammar questions vs the sentence-structure questions). The stories were rotated across the ten intervention and four testing sessions, such that each story occurred across all sessions. The key outcome measures were the use of the story grammar elements and the target sentence structures.

Data transcription and coding are ongoing. The completed data analyses demonstrate a 10% increase in the use of the story grammar elements immediately after the intervention (T3 vs T1, using linear mixed-effects models with time point as a fixed effect, and child and story as random effects). Further planned analyses will examine the effects of the intervention on the use of the target sentence structures and the story grammar elements at different time points, and whether these effects are moderated by the child's language environment at home and in school, and their pre-exisiting Kannada language skills.

Impact - Dissemination of work through conference presentation and feedback from academics in a related field.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description On building theoretical models beyond English 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Rauno Parrila from the School of Education, Macquarie University offered valuable insights from talks delivered on Day 1 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021. The theme for Day 1 was "Child Language Print Corpora and Child Language Assessment".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description On emotion language, lexical quality, and the modality of text experience 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Scholars at the roundtable addressed questions from the audience on Day 2 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021. Prof Maryellen MacDonald and Prof Kate Nation consider how emotion language goes beyond emotion labels, as well as implications on instruction. Prof Kate Nation addresses a question about how the variability of word forms affect lexical quality, followed by suggestions from Prof Elena Lieven. Prof Kate Nation considers the modality of text-based input and compares audiobooks and podcasts in terms of language experience. Dr Jelena Mirkovic closes with a final comment about the reality of book access and engagement in low- and middle-income countries.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Oxford Department of Education Annual Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Oxford Department of Education Annual Report 2020/21 featured the TalkTogether project under its Major Projects section. The Annual Report was released to Department of Education staff, those who have given consent to receive news and information from the Department of Education, and key contacts in the University of Oxford.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Oxford Research Map 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The TalkTogether project is featured in the Oxford Global Research map. This map was featured prominently on the University of Oxford webpage and had reached an international audience. Our presence on the map resulted in the query from the Oxford China office with discussions about potential networks in the region.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Reading Between the Lines: What Books Can Teach Children About Emotion 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Part of the TalkTogether blog, Aneyn M. O'Grady, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, reflects on how children's books can be a research resource for exploring how children encounter language.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Reading in social context and the notion of "place" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Shelley Stagg Peterson from the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the University of Toronto observed a common theme of "place" across talks on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021. She also presented on her own work on the NOW Play Project in rural and indigeous classrooms in Canada.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Resource Person for a Home Reading Webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A free webinar series on August 12, 19, & 26, 2020 was organized by the UP Open University Pahinungod Office for Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers from partner public schools of UP Open University Pahinungod Office and UP Manila. The webinar was entitled "At Home sa Pagbasa" (At Home with Reading). Co-investigator Portia Padilla was a resource person for the webinar. Around 52 kindergarten and grade 1 teachers and 55 grade 2 and grade 3 teachers attended the sessions. According to the UPOU Pahinungod director, the program received good feedback and there were requests for more.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Roque-Gutierrez, E (2023) - Presentation on 16-film series 'Tumhari meri Bhatein' on multilingualism as part of early grade teachers' professional development 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Quick-fire presentation developed with Indian project partners Room to Read on our 16-film series focusing on multilingualism as part of early grade teachers' professional development. The presentation covered the theory underpinning the development of the field, the timeliness given the education policy shift in India, and the early adoption of the films in five Indian states.
The presentation was one of three that were part of the Rights, Equity and Inclusion session. The audience included mostly members of education NGOs working in the Global South and England and international development and education academics from universities in the UK and the presentation facilitated awareness raising of the films within these audiences.

Some of these organisations - based on audience members who stated their affiliation when they asked questions during the Q&A - include Education Development Trust, Sightsavers, World Vision University of Glasgow, The Open University. Their work takes place mostly in DAC list countries Malawi, Zimbabwe, Ghana, India, and Nepal.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Roque-Gutierrez, E., Singh, S. K., Simmons, H., George, E. E., Sharxhi, E., Arulmani, G., Sen, S. and Nag, S.(2023) - Films for Teachers: Supporting language and literacy (pre-) school pedagogy in India blog 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Blog written to support presentation at UKFIET conference focussed on how to support teachers asked to teach children who speak a home language that differs from the school language with ambition of raising awareness of the films.
Blog developed in collaboration between the Oxford and Promise Foundation research teams and Room to Read India: Ernesto Roque Gutierrez, Shashi Kant Singh, Hannah Simmons, Eliza Elizabeth George, Enxhi Sharxhi, Gideon Arulmani, Saktibrata Sen and Sonali Nag
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Simmons, H (2023) - Play blog series 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Blog series written by Hannah Simmons (Research Affiliate) focussed on perspectives on play and how play can be used to support oral language development and assessment, including commentary around how this has been done as part of the TalkTogether project. The purpose of the series was to share and inform around the ways in which play can be incorporated in teaching, learning and assessment and the TalkTogether project approach to these themes.
The following four blogs formed the series:
Perspectives on play
Play and oral language development
Leveraging play for child assessment; and.
Using play to support children's language development at home

Shared with Ministry colleagues in multiple countries where play-based methodologies and focused teacher education on the topic are being initiated in the early childhood sector.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Simmons, H and Nag, S (2023) - Right to Play Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Prof. Sonali Nag and Hannah Simmons presentation entitled 'Teaching and Learning through play' to symposium for the Right to Play at the Bonavero Human Rights Institute in Oxford.
Attendees were organisations and individuals engaged in human rights, play, schools, youth engagement; campaigners; academics. Raised awareness of the role of play in teaching and learning and the TalkTogether project and its approach to teacher-directed and guided play activities to promote multilingualism and the project Story a Day study and its use of a puppet and playful techniques to solicit children's answers in support of assessment approaches. The presentation also raised awareness of other project outputs such as the Tumhari Meri Batein teacher professional development video series.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description TalkTogether Twitter/X 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The TalkTogether Twitter account was launched as a platform for the team to post updates about the project, feature articles involving members of the team, and also highlight thought pieces through Twitter campaigns led by a member of the core team. The Twitter posts led to blog pieces hosted on the TalkTogether website. The Twitter account has attracted a following from literacy, child language, and linguistics researchers around the world and NGOs such as Room to Read India. As of Mar 2024, the TalkTogether Twitter account has 225 followers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021,2022,2023,2024
Description TalkTogether Website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The TalkTogether website was launched as a platform for the team to post updates about the project, feature articles involving members of the team, and host blog pieces by independent contributors. Our web presence has directly and indirectly led to inquiries about our work or about individual members of the project team and potential for further partnerships and collaborations with researchers from Asia and the US. As of Mar 2024, 17 blogs have been posted on the blog section of the TalkTogether website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021,2022,2023,2024
Description TalkTogether YouTube 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The TalkTogether YouTube was launched as a platform for the team to post updates about the project, feature videos involving members of the team, and also virtually stream and archive videos of TalkTogether events. As of Mar 2022, there are 34 videos uploaded on the TalkTogether YouTube channel with over 1000 views.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021,2022
Description The Spontaneous Spoken Language of Filipino Preschool Children 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Jocelyn Marzan from the Department of Speech Pathology, University of the Philippines delivered the panel presentation "The Spontaneous Spoken Language of Filipino Preschool Children" on Day 3 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description The approximation of what children know and what TalkTogether will do next 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Roundtable co-chair and TalkTogether Principal Investigator Prof Sonali Nag gave her closing remarks about the roundtable and TalkTogether's commitment to develop public access materials for scholars studying Kannada, Filipino, and other languages around the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations (English) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A video series of short films for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner.

Offered at scale across states in India to early years teachers for continuous professional development [e.g.]
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description Tumhari Meri Batein: Our Conversations (Hindi) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A video series of short films for self-paced professional development. The intended audience is the pre- and primary school teacher. The resource may be used by teacher trainers, teacher mentors and supervisory staff in education departments to promote children's oral language development. Initial viewing of the film suggests the material is simple, covering complex ideas in a clear and friendly manner.

Offered at scale across states in India to early years teachers for continuous professional development [e.g.]
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description Tyagi, A., Kapoor, N., Mathur, S. & Nag, S. (2023) Teacher training delivered for project intervention in Sirsa, Haryana 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 34 training workshops delivered to 41 teachers in 39 schools taking part in story intervention in Sirsa Haryana in order to provide them with the necessary skills to deliver the story intervention in the classroom and understanding of the goals of the intervention. This was supported by approximately 40 observation sessions which included teacher feedback. Discussion is on-going with local government players in India around potential next steps in order to deliver longer term impact.

Awareness of the courseware has led to multiple request to streamline the courseware for consideration by state governments and NGO partners for teacher education courses.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Under the Lens of a Bookworm: A Dissection of Children's Materials 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Part of the TalkTogether blog, Donna Pamella Gonzales, Senior Research Associate of the Education Research Program (ERP) of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies, reflects on her experience studying and analyzing children's books in the Philippines.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Validity Checks in Language Testing 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Part of the TalkTogether blog, Mehar Kahlon, Masters student at the Department of Education, University of Oxford and Research Assistant for The Promise Foundation, discusses important considerations when validating language tests in low-and middle-income countries.
Cited in dissertations by MSc. And PhD students (2023-2024).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Virtual Roundtable on Child Directed Word Corpora 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The TalkTogether team hosted a 3-day virtual roundtable event, co-chaired by Prof Sonali Nag (University of Oxford), Dr Jelena Mirkovic (York St John University), and Prof Dina Ocampo (University of the Philippines), which aimed to understand the promise of child-directed print corpora for child language assessment, experimental research, and the development of children's materials. It also aimed to understand how corpora can support theorizing on child language acquisition. The event brought together a diverse set of researchers from the fields of psychology, education, linguistics, and speech-language pathology, who each had created or utilized print and audio corpora in Filipino, Kannada and other Indic languages, English, and Malay, and had introduced their work to fellow academics, teachers, NGO workers, curriculum developers, and government officials. The event was a significant knowledge exchange activity among participants, who had been exposed to research methods, topics, and languages within and outside of their niche.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description What can the TalkTogether print corpus tell us about Kannada morphology? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact TalkTogether research affiliate Dr Shivani Tiwari (Department of Speech & Hearing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education) delivered the presentation titled "Structural properties of child-directed print corpus in Kannada: Implications for child language assessments" on Day 1 of the Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource Virtual Roundtable from 30th June to 2nd July 2021.

This work has informed a Doctoral thesis (Nakshathri, M., 2022-ongoing) and a book chapter (Nag, S. Literacy and its acquisition in Kannada; Oxford Handbook of Dravidian Linguistics, under review). Over 2023, this work was an important resource to help fine-tune interpretation of multiple papers-in-development across the project including understanding findings on age-of acquisition (Dulay, K., Mirkovic, J., Fua, MMR, Prabhu, D. and Nag, S) and children's sentence repetition (Tiwari, S., Nakshathri, M., Ntalli, A., Nagendra, S. & Nag, S.).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description World Literacy Summit Side Event on Contextualisation of Assessment 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The research team facilitated a co-production session focused on identifying how assessment tools (e.g., TalkTogether's Books Inside Out and Book-levelling tool) can be adapted and translated for use in different contexts.
Participants were from Zambia, Pakistan, Nepal, Ghana, Kenya/Somalia and India
Organisations engaged in the activity included:
Inspired Evolution (Zambia); Alif Laaila Book Bus Society (Pakistan); UNICEF (Nepal); BRAC International; African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (Ghana); M-Lugha (Kenya/Somalia); Mindspark-Regional Languages (India)
There were 7 participants all from DAC list countries
Stakeholders engaged were practitioners and representatives of third sector organisations
This event supported building a network of engaged practitioners, some of whom have continued to collaborate with the project: The Alif Laila Book Bus Society, Pakistan liaised with the TalkTogether team around the use of the Book Leveling Toolkit for Urdu and in in on-going discussion with the team around how they may use these project tools effectively in context.

The TalkTogether Book Levelling Tool and the TalkTogether Books Inside Out Tool for assessing emergent literacy supported understanding of methods to enable country partners better incorporate evidence-informed tools in day to day teaching and programme monitoring.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023