Investor Behaviour in the Age of Fintech: Crowdfunding, Copy Trading and Robo-Advisors

Lead Research Organisation: University of Essex
Department Name: Economics


Fintech (financial technology) describes a fairly recent phenomenon, where technological innovation is used to provide or improve financial services such as banking, retail investment, or borrowing. While Fintech can make the provision of financial services more efficient than before, it can also allow for new possibilities that were infeasible or too costly before. This project will focus on three forms of Fintech: crowdfunding, social trading, and robo-advising.

Crowdfunding is the provision of funds by a large number of individuals to other individuals, groups, organisations or firms via the internet, typically by providing loans or selling shares of a business. For the past few years, the volume of crowdfunding grew by more than 100% annually (Massolution 2015). In the start-up sector, it is already seen by some as the most important external funding source. What is puzzling is that crowdfunding is a new investment opportunity, but arguably conventional investments are at least as good in terms of risk and return profile. For example, stocks tend to provide a higher expected return, government bonds can be cashed in more easily, and bank deposits are safer. Yet the crowdfunding growth rates indicate that it gives savers something that they do not get from conventional investments. Projects 1 and 2 will investigate the motivations of crowdfunders: Why do they invest in crowdfunding, and what in their view is the advantage over conventional investments? Project 2 investigates a specific motivation, whether having a positive social or environmental impact by crowdfunding projects plays a role, or whether only financial risk and return considerations play a role as suggested by conventional finance theory.

Another focus of our research projects is to understand how decisions and outcomes differ because of these Fintech innovations; project 3 investigates whether investors suffer from a consumption-preference investment bias, where they invest in firms whose products they like but not necessarily those whose products are liked by the majority of consumers. If this is the case, then crowdfunding, where many investors decide independently which firms to fund, might provide a better capital allocation than e.g. venture capital financing, where only a few large investors decide. Hence, crowdfunding might democratise start-up funding decisions and improve welfare because investments go into the right firms, but there is no empirical evidence about this hypothesis yet.

Projects 4 and 5 investigate copy trading, where some investors can copy the trades of other (historically successful) traders. Previous research has shown that copy trading leads to more risky investment choices, but it is not clear why people choose to copy others; project 4 addresses this question. Project 5 asks whether the knowledge of being copied, or the rewards given for it, changes the investment behaviour of those being copied, and why. If this is the case, then copy trading might reduce welfare among copy traders because they risk their savings to a greater degree than they otherwise would. Thus, our research has implications for regulators who want to protect consumers, and for trading platforms who might want to protect their customers in order to retain them.

Finally, project 6 investigates robo-advising, which are algorithms that recommend investments and portfolios based on investor preferences. Historically, a similar purpose was served by wealth managers, who, however, would only offer their services to relatively wealthy clients, whereas robo-advisers can reduce costs and are therefore more easily accessible. The main questions are which characteristics of robo-advisers lead to them being accepted/adopted, and which kind of retail investors adopt them. A major welfare question is whether robo-advising leads to better investment decisions (e.g., more diversification, fewer investment biases).

Planned Impact

There are three sets of direct beneficiaries from our research project: policy makers, such as central banks and regulatory bodies, Fintech firms and consumer advocacy groups. Potential impact includes changes in understanding of consumer engagement with Fintech and changes in regulatory practices by policy makers, changes in how Fintech platforms operate, and novel guidance for potential users of Fintech platforms given by consumer advocacy groups. We hope that these changes will indirectly lead to improvements in welfare of potential users of Fintech platforms.

Several central banks such as the Bank of England (BoE) or the European Central Bank express interest in better understanding the implications of Fintech for users and financial systems and are themselves pursuing research programmes in this area. For instance, the BoE takes "a keen interest in exploring how innovation and developments in Fintech might support its mission to promote the good of the people of the UK by maintaining monetary and financial stability". Similarly, the European Banking Authority "seeks to foster consumer protection in financial services across the EU by identifying and addressing detriment consumers may experience, or are at risk of experiencing, in their dealings with financial firms." In addition, regulatory and supervisory institutions such as the Financial Conduct Authority, the Competition and Markets Authority, and the Prudential Regulation Authority in the UK or the EU's "Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union" stand to benefit from the findings of this research project. Some institutions have set up dedicated Fintech policy platforms such as the BoEs Fintech Hub or the EU FinTech Lab. There are at least two topics of interest for this group of potential users: Firstly, our project seeks to understand how investors engage with certain Fintech platforms and whether behavior is different to more traditional forms of investment. Secondly, our project aims to be a first step towards a better understanding of the consequences of Fintech platforms for societies at large. These questions are highly relevant to policy makers and our evidence based approach will help policy makers to guide their optimal regulatory approach towards Fintech platforms and to fine tune it to the particular features of this sector.

The second group of potential beneficiaries encompasses Fintech firms active in the fields of social trading and crowdfunding. Understanding how customers engage with Fintech will potentially allow them to hone their business model and alter their platforms to integrate these findings. Recently, Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) has become a guiding principle for many Fintech firms. As consumer protection, i.e. having the best interest of consumers in mind, has become an integral of ESG, it is of great interest for Fintech firms to learn about any potential negative implications of certain trading mechanisms and develop tools to mitigate these. Since negative experiences are usually associated with users leaving Fintech platforms, embracing ESG from a consumer protection perspective will also have positive implications for the profitability and long-term survival of Fintech firms.

Consumer Advocacy Groups such as "Citizens Advice" and "Which?" and international umbrella organizations such as the European Consumer Organization BEUC constitute the third group of beneficiaries. These groups provide advice and guidance to potential consumers of products and services, including financial services, and advocate for policies enhancing consumer welfare. Such groups have a natural interest to understand the advantages and pitfalls of Fintech platforms in comparison to more traditional investment vehicles. Accordingly, our project will allow Consumer Advocacy Groups to understand the particular problems users of Fintech platforms may face and give appropriate advice.
Title A field experiment on attracting crowdfunders 
Description This folder contains the final dataset (datasetfinal.dta), as well as Stata code ( to replicate the statistical analysis of the following paper: Hornuf & Siemroth (2023): "A field experiment on attracting crowdfunders", Economics Letters, 222, 110928. Abstract: In a field experiment, we tracked whether crowdfunders clicked on a newsletter link to a new project and whether they invested. In terms of clicks, we find that crowdfunders overall respond most to an environmental framing, while older crowdfunders respond more to a financial framing than younger ones, and men respond less to a financial framing than women. There were no significant differences in terms of investments. The paper is obtainable for free via open access at: This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council [grant number ES/T015357/1] and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research [grant number 031B0781A]. ***************************** 1 TERMS OF USE ***************************** Feel free to use the data or the Stata code in any way you see fit, provided you give credit in any output by citing: Hornuf & Siemroth (2023): "A field experiment on attracting crowdfunders", Economics Letters, 222, 110928. ***************************** 2 CONTENTS ***************************** The folder contains the final dataset "datasetfinal.dta" in the Stata format, which is used to replicate the statistical analyses using the code in The PDF of the paper is in the docs subfolder. These contain details about the experimental design. ***************************** 3 HOW TO USE ***************************** - Unpack the folder somewhere locally - open "" contained therein in Stata. Tested in Stata 17.0, but will likely work in other versions - IMPORTANT: At the top of the do-file, change the line cd "C:\Users\cs16004\Desktop\Hornuf & Siemroth 2023 data" to cd "YOURPATH" where YOURPATH is the path to the local directory you unpacked the folder to. This needs to be correct for the do-file to find the data - now run the do-file in Stata (ctrl+d), which runs the statistical analyses and creates the tables from the paper - "" might some user-written Stata commands. If not installed, these will cause an error. Fix this by installing the user-written commands via ssc or similar - note: table layouts may not look exactly like the published versions, as the journal changed layouts - note: tables will be written in latex format into the "tables" subfolder 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Publication in Economics Letters. 
Title Why Do Retail Investors Pick Green Investments? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment With Crowdfunders, 2021 
Description The files contain all raw data and Stata codes to reproduce the findings of the following published paper: Siemroth & Hornuf (2023): "Why Do Retail Investors Pick Green Investments? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment with Crowdfunders", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 209, 74-90. 399 investors participated in a decision experiment to choose between higher returns or more positive environmental impact (via a donation to carbon offsetting or to Greenpeace), or to choose between higher returns and more positive social impact (via a donation to the Red Cross). We link this experimental data to the investors field investments and explain whether their propensity to invest in green projects can be explained by (i) return expectations of green projects, (ii) how important positive environmental impact is to them, (iii) how important positive social impact is to them. The data also includes demographic data such as age and information on financial and economic background, as well as other survey answers. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Publication: Siemroth & Hornuf (2023): "Why Do Retail Investors Pick Green Investments? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment with Crowdfunders", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 209, 74-90. 
Description Research collaboration 
Organisation University of Bremen
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Research collaboration with one research paper finished so far, see publications. We did the research together. I did a large part of the research (planning, design, implementation, analysis, writing).
Collaborator Contribution We did the research jointly together. They also made contact with the fintech firm Rocket, who run the crowdfunding platforms Green Rocket and Home Rocket, which we studied in our research. They got them to sign up. We needed the cooperation of that firm to get their users to participate in the experimental research, so this was very important.
Impact Siemroth C, Hornuf L, (2021). Do Retail Investors Value Environmental Impact? A Lab-in-The-Field Experiment with Crowdfunders. SSRN Electronic Journal,
Start Year 2020
Description Meeting for Discussions on Setting up Essex Centre for AI and Digital Economy 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Meeting for Discussions on Setting up Essex Centre for AI and Digital Economy. Formalized ideas for setting up a centre for AI and Digital Economy at the University of Essex to bring fintech research and practitioners together.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Meeting with Merle van den Akker, Behavioural Scientist, Commonwealth Bank, Sydney. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Meeting with Merle van den Akker (Behavioural Scientist, Commonwealth Bank, Sydney) to discuss the scope of robo-advice and fintech innovations for banks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Presentation at large Sustainable Finance Symposium with practioners and academics 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Symposium involving researchers in the field of sustainable finance and practioners (such as finance professionals). I presented the findings from two research studies resulting from this grant. Knowledge exchange. Many discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Research covered in major German newspaper FAZ 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Newspaper article mentions our major findings from the paper that was published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, namely that a majority of retail investors is willing to forego some financial return if the investment has a positive environmental impact. Quote from the newspaper article in German: "65 Prozent der Anleger von Crowdinvesting sind sogar bereit, auf ein bisschen Rendite zu verzichten, wenn ihre Anlage einen großen positiven Einfluss auf die Umwelt hat. Das zeigt eine Studie von Lars Hornuf und Christoph Siemroth."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Research seminar presentation at ESCP Business School Berlin 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Research seminar, where I presented my findings to the faculty of ESCP business school. Since the talk was online, faculty members from different campuses of ESCP joined (Berlin, London, etc.) The audience was very engaged, with questions about the research and suggestions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description SEET workshop in Valencia 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Presented work on robo-advising to a mainly academic audience. Paractitioners and post graduate students were present too. Followed by discussion and questions afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description research covered by fintech news site 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Research featured on an industry news portal
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021